What ideologies are your parents/grandparents/siblings?

I don't know anything else about my other grandparents/siblings. My dads side is all bourgeois idpol liberals now.

Other urls found in this thread:


anarchist parents
weird rightist grandpa

Christian centrist
Christian leftist, usually votes the socdem party, also voted for a right-populist once
Hardcore conservative Calvinists.

Is that why you became a nazbol?

Former lifestylist in the punk scene, joined the army and became a centre-nationalist(calls himself patriotic). He flip from party to party.
Liberal hippie.
IDPol socdem
traditionalist liberals
corporate liberal

intelligent conservative, voted for sanders
christian pacifist
heroine addict
cnn liberal

Labour Aristocrat muh small guberment cappie

doesn't like econ or politics, nice enough to be a naive utopian soc if pressed

left-liberal with some anti-idpol


anti-cappie too young to have a fully fleshed out ideology

No idea

(actual) conservative and anti-imperialist

anti-imperialist, probably a socdem

One grandfather was conservative, the other Black Nationalist.

My granny is a Democrat and I have no clue what my other grandma used to be like, prolly a social conservative if my mom is any indication.

My mom is social conservative(due to being Super Catholic, mostly) with socdem tendencies, but she barely cares about politics.

I feel like my dad used to care about politics, which is why he tends to lean socdem, but he's given up completely and just wants our family to get rich quick.

I'm probably the furthest left one in my entire family. I think Leftcoms are probably right.

I've managed to pull my sister leftwards enough that she supported Bernie and then Jill Stein, but she's a theorylet.

My brother is a mess, though. He liked Trump probably just because he was the meme candidate and everyone in my house was very cynical about Hillary. Though he liked Bernie back when he was still running, so maybe there's hope still.

working class lolbert

bourge i think, she jetted when i was young

pretty cool socialists

more bourge

afro-centrist w/socialist tendencies

So idpol

well he used to be a lolbert so at least he's generally on our side now.



My father is pretty much Holla Forums without the memes, my mother is an idpol liberal, my grandparents on my dad's side are dead so I have no idea, and my grandparents on my mom's side are Christian dominionist.

They've got the whole damn trashcan between them.

Old labour/Corbynist


No clear politics, somewhere on the left. Good tier feminist

Mostly trash, a lot of loose religious conservatism.

Old Labour in the Michael Foot mould

hard centrist
both were hard union socdems
don't really know, both were american irish 50's-era housewives, but married to union guys so probably socdem as well

Most of my family are right-wing nationalist Viets with the exception of several members who joined the North instead.

Whoops, forgot to take off my shitposting flag.


really rubs my almonds.

Politically non-committal, intelligent and informed enough to realize democracy is a sham and shits fucked, but to comfy with upper middle class lifestyle to do anything about it.
Liberal also pretty intelligent but naive and uninformed. Partisan defender of Canada's liberal party which infuriates me.
Politically illiterate with a vague fuck the system attitude
More interested in politics, hardcore anti-idpol bordering on reactionary. I worry he's being radicalized online by the other side.

apolitical centrist



catholic reactionaries

ded but southern baptist racist reactionaries

Rabid protestant rightist

Run of the mill center-right

apolitical protestant

But i went from center right to nazi to Catholic monarchist to ML so yeah weird

Cuba, China, Vietnam…you got plenty of countries who do not focus explicitly on immigration but still hate commies and the like.

Don't know
Don't know
National Socialist


Catholic monarchist is the only ideology tbh

Family is bourgeois

me - social democrat/communist

mom - social democrat/communist
dad - conservative

grandpa - socialist/communist
grandma - unpolitical/conservative

grandpa - very conservative
grandma - social democrat/communist

further back on dad's side there are more socdems and commies. the worker's movement in my state used to be one of the strongest in whole germany, infact the social democratic party was founded here, so leftism was/is strong in my family as well :-D


Mom is left-liberal but she hates gays etc

Father is liberal capitalist, he even owned some business two decades ago

Paternal grandfather was just soviet citizen I guess but I have never seen him because he died young

Paternal grandmother is kinda liberal capitalist too, I guess she could be a businesswomen if she wasn't born in USSR. She always successfully invested in different banks so she increased her savings repeatedly. Post-soviet banks were very unstable so it was difficult not to lose everything while inmvesting.

Maternal grandfather is kinda socialist but he hates bolsheviks, Trotsky and jews. Sometimes he praises Russian Empire and says that Hitler was right killing jews. And he likes Stalin for iron discipline but sometimes scolds him too.

Maternal grandmother was just a usual soviet citizen, firsty the villager and kolkhoz worker then she moved to the city

Maternal grand grandmother was the best part of my family maybe. She were the red partisan and fought nazis. Then became usual kolkhoz worker. She also had a famous red partisan as her husband but he had pretty shitty character so they divorced

Why? Is she a christfag?


Dad is a "Carter should've gotten a 2nd term instead of Reagan",

wrong thread, fag

Yes. Not even a usual christian but she belives in some mix from orthodox christianity, oriental teachings and different pseudoscientific shit. Btw most of people in post-soviet countries hate gays or just anti-LGBT. As for me, I'm kinda indifferent to sex minorities until they don't try to piss everyone out with their idpol and pride parades, I'm anti-idpol at all

Christian left-Liberal
Christian center-right-Conservative
Fox news conservative, sympathetic to alt-right, thinks BLM is a "hate group" and that the police should be allowed to use live rounds on them, thinks Jews control everything, but weirdly is obsessed with Mexicans and, I shit you not, almost identified as a transracial Mexican, the rest of the family had to talk him down from it
apolitical, but fondly remembers former fascist dictatorship in our country because "people were better behaved back then"
never talked politics, just Christian I guess

Oh boy here we go. My family runs pretty much the entire gamut of burger politics and most of them are intolerable.

>sister is "I'm not a feminist" "I'm not a tumblr feminist" "I'm not a tumblr feminist" "tumblr is a beautiful place."

It's like I was born into a sitcom or something and it's fucking awful, and none of this is exaggerated AT ALL. If anything it's understated.

Oh shit I forgot on my dad's side there's a broken half of a family I never met but from what I understand they're a bunch of lumpenproles.

My grandparents have a shrine to Reagen in their garage.

Your brother sound utterly batshit insane.

No way this is real, Jesus Christ the US is a fucked up place.

Was it bourgeois brainwashing?

Mom is annoying lazy hippie. Aunt is a annoying christian conservative with some liberal tendencies. My uncle is also a christian conservative but he is a bit hard to pin down as he has expressed legitimate sentiments about helping people and doesn't seem beholden to capitalism in particular, as he wants to follow a Christian lifestyle very strictly in the sense of providing welfare for others and not just himself. Could probably be converted to a Christian Commie.

Now imagine living in that state of disbelief all the time.

Centre right classical liberal
Centre right wing classical liberals who are also National party supporters
Strong National party supporters but they are considering to vote for NZF in this year's election (mostly due to the 'promises' of welfare to the elderly)
No idea
Roman Catholic Conservative from the Netherlands
National Communist with a libertarian and militarist undertone

right wing libertarian


unironic ukip supporters


political discussions with my family are interesting to say the least

I wish I had a family like this, keks would ensue every day


Don't you like the Khmer Rouge?


Even 2D kawaii Khmer Rouge? Why don't we have Democratic Kampuchea flag on leftypol?


the few times politics is brought up in a dinner situation it's usually my brother trying to relate back to an issue of race or Jewish influence and me trying to relate to an issue of class

Old fogies do.

we do silly

Socdem democrat Bernie type, doesn't know much outside of mainstream politics

Same as mother except add some conspiracy theory things about 911 and the Bush administration. Generally more educated in politics and philosophy than my mother.

Christian socdem, agreed with some socialist positions when i last talked to her but still think Marxism advocates for big gumbermit that owns everything. Agreed much more with Bernie in election yet voted for Hillary in primary. Very cucked in anti-communist propaganda, recommended me to read solzhenitsyn multiple times and always talked shit on Tito for some reason.

Dont really know for sure, died too young and was manic bipolar with some schizo tendencies. Thought aliens were visit Earth and im pretty sure was Randian type libertarian.

Dont know atall really, died before i was born, probably run of the mill conservative

Also died before i was born but she was a staunch irish Catholic, send hundreds of dollars a month to the IRA during the troubles.

But they did visit and still are.

grandmother on mothers side died before I was born so idk

Parents: Mother is a liberal, father is almost definitely Marxist but hasn't really discovered it (grew up during the Cold War, was in training for Vietnam)
Grandparents: Grandfather on mothers side was apparently a leftist, never got to meet him before he died, grandmother on mothers side is definitely progressive (women had just gained rights when she was growing up when she was growing up/a ton men in her generation died in WWII), making her strongly anti-war and pro-equality. No idea about grandfather on fathers side, but grandmother on fathers side is liberal
Sibling: Basically a hippie

Also should add that Great grandfathers brother was a Jew in Poland on the border of the USSR, and joined the Soviet partisans

idk, socdem or something? He's actually read Marx (unlike me) though.
Liberal, caught up in IDEOLOGY. Consistent Democratic voter for the last 2 decades+.
Liberal, also pretty deep in IDEOLOGY. Has been a consistent Dem voter for even longer than Mom.
Hardline right-wing Baptists
Pretty generic old conservatives, don't talk about politics much

You can pull back little brother #2. I was on a high-speed collision course towards being a race realist alt-reich. Just call them out on their radicalizing ideas (accidental racism for me).

mother is librul succdem
I dont know exactly what dads politics are, he seems like an edgy anarkid except in his 40s and on methodone instead of heroin. but its not like concrete belief in anarchism, just severe anti-authoritarianism and extremely critical of corporations and the government, etc.

Dad: Centrist

Everyone else: Doesn't care

Though both of my parents voted for Hillary and I'm pretty sure all of my family abroad supports the MQM/PPP

liberal idpol scum.
some sort of nostalgic left-nationalist that regularly spouts about armed class struggle.
killed and disappeared by Pinochet's regime. Was member of the Central Committee of a soc-dem party.
Badass syndicalist and leftist militant. Was tortured during Pinochet's time but generally eluded it.
normies without much regard for politics.

Clearly I'm far more proud of my grandfathers' legacy than of anyone else's, at least within my own family.

my father hates jews. i have never heard my mother express an ideological opinion about anything.
t. Polish

what stopped you? race IS real, after all.

This entire post accurately describes my entire familial situation all too well.

And to think there's whole generations of kids in this very situation.

You have an obligation to euthanize him.

ugh, they're all a bunch of fascists only my aunt is at least a democrat

my bf is Jewish though and hes got a proper political family you can have discussions with

Both parry are protestant christians.

I have no siblings


take your homophobia elsewhere

I mean in 1938 a law was passed making it obligatory for all German youths to join the Hitler Youth, so that doesn't necessarily mean anything

Holy fuck. Can you get a picture of those heads, this is hilarious. I'm so SO sorry for you.

I know. He was less racist than my grandma is. Although, she's not exactly Holla Forums tier, just "don't mix".



You have it lucky.


Generic liberal, secular but sometimes vulnerable to woo/idpol, unionized.

Radical hippie and technologist, hard atheist anti-idpol, unionized.

Hard-left but ideologically uncommitted, hard atheist anti-idpol, unionized.

Gen-X nihilists lapsed into virtue-signaling shitlibs, but not to an annoying degree

Foreign 3rd-world porky dynasty, they have a plantation with mansion, tenant farmers, and everything

Generic liberals, mild Jews, all of them are literally docters/lawyers/shop owners

Paleocons, mild methodists, unionized.

Generic Reagan neocon, he & Dad always disliked each other

Damn! It's strange to think of places barely a generation away from civil war shitposting shoulder to shoulder.


He doesn't like to put a label on his political beliefs, I think he's closest to a libertarian, he did end up voting for Trump tho. He says that he used to be a socialist when he was a teenager.
No real ideology here. When I talk about socialism and all the bullshit that porky has been pulling, she seems to agree with me more often than not though. Also, she's kind of a Luddite.
Apolitical. He couldn't care less.
Full on "Socialism and evolution are the devil!" southern baptist.
Fuck if I know, I hardly see him anymore. I don't ever remember talking politics with him either.
I would call her a socialist even though she wouldn't. She's a second generation Russian immigrant. My Great Grandfather deserted the Russian army during the Revolution of 1905 and came to the states. After his first wife died, he went back to the Soviet Union to find a new wife, and got my Great Grandmother out of there two weeks before the Nazis invaded.

I consider myself a "practical Socialist" in that I have no problem with the idea of working with most Leftist ideologies so long as they are anti-idpol, etc etc., but in the end I lean towards AnCom (Breadboi Kropotkin certainly has a way with words)
We never really get political but when you listen to the little things they all may as well be lumpens. All of them
Classic Fox news conservative, but with some odd twists like being pro-porn and being at least agnostic. He also unironically believes Socialism=Nazism
Some weird mish-mash of Christian conservatism and social-liberalism, some mild hippy aesthetics and a mild sprinkling of H.P.-Lovecraft-degree racism (the "'please don't hurt me, dark man!' after walking past a black guy" kind); She's that one type of Christian that considers homosexuality to "be a sin but homosexuals are people, too!"
Berniecrat that has sympathies towards social-liberalism/SJWs. I once sperged out at him once a few months ago when my dad said "you know Franco was Socialist?" which turned into me trying to argue about what Socialism actually is, the Marxist view of Capitalism and the different modes of production where he basically tried to use Marx's analysis to argue "Socialism is when the government does stuff". I can't recall much of the details because I was tired at the time, so my memory of it is fuzzy now, but I remember it personally redpilled me into realizing that Marxism isn't actually taught in universities, in spite of what rightists want us to believe.
Way too young to have any political opinions

BONUS - Friends:
Bi-Gay right-leaning centrist liberal/Sargonist who has mostly favorable views towards Milo Yabbadabbadoo. He now sees Muslims in Europe as invaders that migrate only to antagonize and destroy the West and looked down on AntiFa when Richard Spencer got punched. I'm just waiting for him to finally go full fascist, even if he doesn't personally realize it
Browses 4/pol/ for the memes and is the embodiment of "choose the side that causes the most butthurt"
History enthusiast like myself and a Romeaboo. Appears to be a genuine fascist. Even yesterday a conversation on messenger led itself in such a way that he whipped out a white-black I-Q graph and he's brought up Oswald Mosley before, as well as talking about British heritage during the whole recent Gibraltar debacle. He's got a ball torture/femdom kink
Bisexual with guro kinks who was once a "no rulez" Anarkiddie. Now an anti-idpol social-liberal at best, but he seems to be well into the process of shifting more to friend a's position as more idpol-induced bullshit/terrorism keeps happening, as well as generally being exposed to friends a, b and c
Anti-idpol social-liberal. He's really the only one who has been willing to sit down with me and learn about actual leftism (at least the most that I know of. Despite having a good amount of material/books now, I'm still a theorylet) but he's one of those "there's truth to every side, but the real truth is somewhere in the middle" Liberals. At most I'd see him be something like Jimmy Dore if he ever moves beyond that

So yeah overall life is fun

Conservative liberal who values hard work, has worked the same factory job all of his life. Doesn't like immigrants/muslims 50% of the time.
Open to socialist ideas, but still a reformist at best. Has had the same job at a small business (100> employees) and gets fucked over a lot, which usually sparks my autistic screeching about "you don't need the boss the boss needs you". She doesn't like racism, probably from talking to immigrant parents at my majority immigrant primary school.
No clue, died before I was born.
Worked on the sewer system and farmed on the side. Voted communist most of the times according to my mum. Hated the church. His brother was in the resistance and got fired from his factory job after the war for being a commie.
Died when I was young so no clue. Probably apolitical.

I have a copy of a Bertrand Russell book from his old collection. Shit's even signed by him.


why are all the mothers generic libtards

He is. I moved out almost literally just to get away from him, now he lives in our parents basement and is basically like a stereotypical alt-right caricature, neurotic, paranoid, thinks every black person is secretly out to get him, and he's a tiny manlet with a huge inferiority complex (five feet, four inches)

They should have let him do it, tbh

He's also the reason I find it so hilarious when I see alt-right guys act like internet tough guys and talk about giving us "helicopter rides", because I know well over half of them are the same type of pathetic beta manlet that he is. He actually tried to join the military twice, the first time was the airforce, but he pussied out when it got too real, the second time he tried to join the army, apparently he couldn't pass the psych evaluation.

that's pathetic

interesting, when I was a light fash (casually browsed 4pol) I also had a femdom fetish.
Now that I've drifted to the left my kink has diminished greatly, though I like like the idea of girls being vocally dom and pro-active

A "fuck the government" le anonymose anarchist but with some quite in depth views such as coming up with geolibertarian ideas. He is also really interested in direct democracy and Rojava. Plus he's a very skilled agricultural and plants expert so I'm reading through Bookchin so I can interest him with some ideas of social ecology and Communalism. So we really agree on almost everything.
Largely apolitical for most of her life other than being a humanist hippie with clear influences from her parents. Recently had been more interested in politics though she lacks the self-confidence to make any of her own declarations or statements. However, she is more than able to tell right from wrong and always agrees with socialist and anarchist ideas.
Has vague anti-establishment ideas and likes the idea of direct democracy. No clear views on economics though hates the pompousness of the British aristocracy. Decently well read on philosophy and especially on Ancient Greek philosophy.
Into new age Indian woo (thinks geometry is sacred or some shit) and probably left-liberal. Member of the local Palestine solidarity group.
AnCom and a big time SJW and gender-queer. One of the main socialist organisers at Goldsmiths uni, personal friend of Bahar Mustafa. Member of the London antifa and even got socked in the face once by some racist. Get on well with him but in secret I think his idpol is dumb. He's also thinking of moving to Rojava to go civilian work.
Bourgie "farmer" that hires massive amounts of people to work on his farms. He owns lots of land too. Also is really spooked by religion as well and glad we got out of the EU. So a regular conservative land owner but doesn't give a shit about our family's politics.
Like my mum; a largely apolitical humanitarian. However she was very poor prole who taught my mum to get by with very little. Once got shamed out of a shopping centre for looking too poor. Despite being poor she still gave quite a lot of money to Amnesty International.
Complete badass. A anti-war socialist who loved booze. In order to escape national service he robbed a jewellery shop (which he sold to get a boat ticket) in order to escape Britain. He also once took part in a anti-G8 riot despite having a severe heart condition. Unfortunately I never got to meet him as he died when I was very young.
Anti-sectarian anarcho-syndicalist.

It'd also be nice to know in which country people are from to get some sort of context of local politics.


Kinda left conservative. He is not really progressive, but votes for communists.
He worked in the intelligence during USSR, so that's it.
not really political, dunno, centrist maybe
moderate left I guess, votes for commies too

Go away Holla Forums stop data mining these idiots.

Most of my family is moderate or don't care. My parents vote for Labour every election so the conservatives can go. My uncle is an idpol moderate/socdem. my Granddad thinks Corbyn is too radical .

Women are generally very apolitical in my experience. Most Women I know with strong political beliefs are just liberals/socdems but feminists above all else(and almost none have read actual feminist theory but are just feminist by way or pop-culture and buzzfeed.)

Many times Women have excited me by saying they are socialist before they start saying shit like "socialism is spreading the wealth around," "socialism is good communism is bad." This is at least true in North America, I know some Women from France who are real leftists but their culture is generally much more politicized.

Idk what causes this and I don't want to sound sexist but the vast majority of girls I met seem to have no interesting in following politics or reading political theory. This is also true for most men, but Women especially don't seem comfortable taking strong political positions.

Is this the person that said white men must die or whatever.

Yeah she said "#KillAllWhiteMen" as a joke on twitter and anti-SJWs on YouTube flipped their shit.

you're making me into a robot, user.


Injun nationalist, likes Ho Chi Minh

the sweetest little old nazi you will ever meet, can't stand to say unkind things about people but still wants them all dead

old Roosevelt democrat, hated Japs

union worker, old democrat who died before the sell-out was complete

French Canadian whose family was expelled from Canada for participating in Riel's Rebellion

Eisenhower fan, was his bodyguard during the war

displaced Prussian minor aristocrat, considered Hitler a "Bavarian peasant"

Social democrat
Burnt out druggie not capable of forming coherent opinions

apolitical but votes blue, voted for bernie
1776 patriotic liberal switches parties
idpol liberal
former conservative, now idpol liberal
idpol liberal but also too young to really know
apolitical conservative
former hippie, now idpol liberal
savage marxist professor
bluedog democrat

How young are we talking here? It might be soon enough not to let her fall into the bourg trap.

how did that happen?

too young to care about politics, about 13. when the time comes I'll turn her against porky

Votes republican solely for abortion
Leans somewhat to the right but this is more do to her peers/colleagues than anything else.
Doesn't know anything about politics, somewhat conservative mindset though
Never cared about politics till Trump, likes him and calls him a "good man"

So communist?


Social democrat, but with Christian leaning. Generally isn't that informed about politics. Some conservative tendencies.

Hard to define, probably closest to social liberal. If he knew the word for it, he would definitely call himself anti-idpol. Very educated.

Does One Direction count as political affiliation? (In all seriousness, she doesn't give a fuck.)

Never met her. She was an uneducated housewife that probably didn't have any political affiliation.

One of the few Porkies in our family. I never met him, but he was almost certainly a conservative. (I don't know what he did during the Nazi rule. Since nobody talks about it, he might have actually been involved somewhere.)

Liberal. Very Christian, some conservative values about issues like homosexuality.

Conservative, used to be very active in the politics of our village. Curiously, his father (my grand-grandfather) was in a concentration camp for being a member of the Communist Party during the Nazi rule.

Anti-Idpol Socdem



Centrist, supports state-atheism


Syndicalist, with state socialist tendencies

Left on economic issues, centre right on social issues.

old school socdem. protested for mandela back in the day, loved chavez, cares very much about anti-imperialism

economically center-left, actually reactionary with mossad conspiracy theories sprinkled in here and there

ultra-nationalist pan-turan semi-fascist grey wolve

center-left liberal capitalist with small-state-syndrome

sort of a "work hard!" type, doesn't care about capitalism, center-right conservative

chinese, sympathizes with mao and the party, doesn't know much theory, very nationalistic

I agree anti-sjw's overreacted but frankly the fact she didn't lose her position for making that type of "joke" is a bit outrageous. I know its not a legit threat but it pisses me off that its socially acceptable to say something like that.

It's a bit more than that. Among many other things, she imposed a segregatedsafe space on school grounds:

Some sort of undefined radical leftist. Claims people have to rise up and literally slaughter the bourgeoisie. She also doesn't like foreigners and is racist af. Always votes communist.

Skeptical tankie. Says marxism-leninism always leads to the dictatorship of the party, but hierarchy is inevitable, so it is always a matter of choosing between one dictatorship or another. So he chooses a tankie dictatorship because it is nicer to him: a poorly educated worker. Always votes communist.

Old school proletarian commie. Not very tankie but was still in support of the USSR. Always voted communist too.

Conservative catholic. Very anti-communist.


Not by the time the thread dies. I doubt I'll ever go back to the family reunions again. I get nothing out of it, I can't relate to any of those people nor vice versa. Imagine high ceilings (20+ feet) with the upper half of the walls covered in heads. These are species from all over the planet, some of which I believe he has said are extinct now. IIRC they're mostly even-toed ungulates so imagine more variations on deer, antelope, etc. than you knew were possible. There are lots of others too though.

Yeah exactly. He thinks the more government the worse, all the way down to zero government (but accepts it will never happen). He's happy to work for the government though. By "more honest" I was also talking about ancap's tendencies to "become" alt-right or nazi.

In a lot of ways that's true, sure.


I share my home with an unironic, bitter, Not Socialist, a rad-fem neo liberal, and a Stalinist from the UK that I met on steam.

This sounds like a sitcom pitch.


Don't know much about politics since they were fukin dead before I got to know them but grandma was probably a liberal and my grandfather was involved in labor unions before WWII so he might have been a socialist or KNEW socialists but I suspect him to have turned conservative

Similar situation but European I think. Or they could've just been both liberals idk

Typical European liberal, however she was mentally ill to the point where she couldn't raise me and is very easily swayed

Right wing militant capitalist and ex Cop who basically has agreed with every American war ever. Has sentiments about anti political elite yet somehow doesn't believe republicans are apart of elite. Was also my only parental figure in my life and as a result I get squeamish when talking about cops with other leftists because I basically was just raised by one cop parent and know most if them in my country would go with the bourgoise in a heartbeat.

By militant I meant war hawk fuk

Conservative centrist
don´t konw tbh
ultra conservative, but supports welfare and stuff
avarge conservative
same as paternal grandpa

Not really sure where I would put him. On the one hand, he's pretty socially libertarian in terms of his actions. He smokes weed and is bisexual. On the other hand, he has hardcore nostalgia for the DDR (he was born there) and he says fond things about various ML groups, especially the IRA because of my Mother. He's also super cynical and rants about how neoliberal capitalism is destroying the environment and humanity.

She died when I was very young, so most of what I know about her comes from my father. According to him, she was a super militant socialist and was a "die for the cause" kind of person. I once heard him compare me to her after I told him I wanted to go to Rojava a few years back.

She was also an Irish citizen that hated British people and blamed them (along with porky) for a lot of Ireland's problems. According to my father she wasn't ever a member of the IRA, but I'm not sure how true that is. One time when he was really high he told me that he thought she probably would have died performing a militant action if it weren't for the breast cancer that killed her.

Protestant conservatives that think Anschluss reunification was great for driving out the godless commies. I've never actually met them, but my father always just says that "he left Germany for a reason."

Was never a part of my Mother's life and died before I was born.

Mostly apolitical, but somewhat liberal on social issues. Is the kind of the person that votes based on who seems nice and upstanding.

Higher up within Exxon Mobil, and lives in Texas these days. He's basically a neo con and thinks George Bush did nothing wrong. I've only met him twice.

What do you think about women who regularly browse this board?

Given that imageboards are primarily male, I sometimes wonder if there's an equivalent community of Holla Forums's contrarianism against imageboard norms somewhere girls congregate online, like Tumblr or wherever.

None that I know of. I never really got that into Tumblr though, so I'm probably not the best person to ask about this.

Funny you mention that though. I've actually been considering checking out Tumblr more lately, if only to be around more women.