Humans are creatures of habit

Humans are creatures of habit.

You visit this specific website solely due to this URL being ingrained in your brain.

You obsessively type in in the URL bar every day.

It's not because there is anything particularly special about this site that alternative imageboards don't offer, rather it's a mental condition.

Clearly, Holla Forums was not down long enough to break your addiction.

There is no compelling reason to use this cursed cesspit over Bunkerchan.

This site is no longer Hotwheels' personal open source project. It is a proprietary commodity of the soulless family business N.T. Technology, Inc.

We will eventually free you from the Plague of Holla Forums.

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off, we're here to stay.

yeah i like this idea

when do we move? it will be like… a revolution!

You are free to leave. Getting forced off the site is the only way we're going.

You are objectively wrong. No user ids here means it's easier to bait, troll, and impersonate, thus making this place 10x better by default.

Also 8ch doesn't have a "omg so dark and edgy look at me I'm 15" theme as default.

So deep, man.

No, I visit this site because I like it. I prefer it over many others, actually.

People have it saved on their bar-thingy, so barely they have to type it.

It is literally because it has special things to offer, you mong.

Again, Leftypol is a unique corner of the interwerbs.

Except that it's not haunted and it has a future.

I never trusted Hotwheels. If you did for one second you were a GG-brainwashed moron.


Humans are creatures of habit.

You visit Bunkerchan solely due to the URL being ingrained in your brain.

You obsessively type in in the URL bar every day.

It's not because there is anything particularly special about the site that alternative imageboards don't offer, rather it's a mental condition.

Clearly, Bunkerchan is not complicated enough to break your addiction.

There is no compelling reason to use that cursed cesspit over Holla Forums.

We will eventually free you from the Plague of Bunkerchan.

Tripniggers are creatures of redditspacing
NO, I visit it because it has porn, autistic hobbies and so on and so on.
Ackchewally I go punch up the frontpage and then click the link to this board but whatever
Yes there is, and if other sites could do better I'd go there.
Probably because I wasn't addicted in the first place. When this site went down I figured it was somebody having a little giggul given that it happened on April Fools' Day, and the site's history of bullshit of this type. I waited a few days and now it works again.
Yes there is, bungholechan is an ugly, hotpocket-ridden ghost town.
I don't care.
Who's we, nigger?
Okay: I'm not going and only a few vols and that technocrat namefag agree with you from what I can tell.

OP is a fag

There are no user IDs on

Holla Forums won't be one of them once I'm handed the ownership.

You may stay here for porn but Holla Forums will be on bunkerchan soon. If you want I can turn Holla Forums into a porn board as part of the culling.

You will begin to love me when I've freed you from this cursed place.

Learn to overcome the crass demands of Codemonkey and Hotwheels, for they warp the matrix through which we perceive the internet. Extend your awareness outward, beyond the self of user, to embrace the self of board and the self of bunkerchan. The goals of the board, and of the greater bunkerchan are transcendent, and to embrace them is to achieve enlightenment.

You know what you must do, OP.

are u ?

fucking buddhists, i swear

You need to be over 18 to post here.

Are you the BO? If not you can fuck off with talking about things you think will happen like anybody cares what you think.
Here as in on this site, autismo. Also there is already plenty of porn here already, which you'd know if you weren't a newfag.

stop posting mediocre snowclone propaganda two years out of date, fuckfence

Hotwheels still technically owns the site unless I'm very mistaken. Yeah, he's basically abandoned it as a personal project so he can focus more on recreational drugs and Filipino hookers, but I'm unaware of an official transfer of ownership having ever happened.

I'm pretty sure Pigfucker took control in a coup last year or something, haven't heard from Weelz since he tweeted his nueds on Holla Forums last summer and he seems breddy uninvolved otherwise. Also you forgot to sage

I'm not saving because I support the effort to purge this site.

no, i visit this website because i want to debate my political views and learn new things.
also shitpost on Holla Forums on occasion.

i would gladly move there if the owner fixes it and had more trafic.

Give it a few months. You'll get over it that delusion.

You know, I'd be kind of happy were this to happen. Bunkerchan has a Holla Forums board, which would be nice since I stopped browsing Holla Forums's after the mods showed favoritism towards the fascists.

i don't go to Holla Forums i was banned for not sucking Trump's cock anyway.

Somebody's never heard of Operation Paperclip or Bletchley Park

lmao no

gibe moar madness cat plz

Every site becoming an echo chamber is a legitimate problem right now and I would really appreciate it if you people stuck around, even if it's just so I can call you retarded faggots.



Fuck you.

I would want to stay more if this website weren't a broken piece of shit.

We're not leaving, Holla Forums. We know you love us, it'd break your hearts.

tbh, i would prefer to go to another website.
maybe build one from the ground up and bring some normies in.

lets face it, 8ch is a dead end, Hotwheels realized it. it won't grow

we won't get any traction from here, especially now that this shit hole is owned by a right wing tinfoil-hat neck-beard and his two Thai ladyboys.

that guy is legit insane, and the site admin obviously don't like us either.

if we stay here we will slowly die like the rest of this shithole.

That's why we always need a liberator, someone who can release the shackles of our procrastination and mature us into something greater! But who will it be for this generation?
Few anons told me about this one guy that changed everything maybe this link will be for informative for you, than what I can ever say.

chodeflare is acting up, am I to assume this is Brownpill?

To endchan then? Get halfchan to make a board for us? We can't use /lit/, even if they do agree with us (used to?) for the most part.

We can't afford to torture chamber ourselves, not when the right is gaining full hegemony over the internet. We need to fire up the meme ovens, make new stuff instead of copying Holla Forums with shitty ripoffs. Their stuff is staling out now because Nazism kills creativity. They're running on the fumes of their pre-political days. This is our chance to shine.

didn't realize hug_box was wordfiltered, woops.

I'm not going to that google-infested wasteland
back to Holla Forums, poopsoc troll

Actually not from Holla Forums, just pointing out the obvious. Just look at the liberals crying about Pepe being a "white nationalist" symbol. Yeah, Holla Forums didn't make it, but they used it enough with enough people spamming Trump ones that it became theirs. If we managed to take back Pepe, it would confirm the horseshoe theory for undecided liberals. Porky's a good start - it's our own and represents an /idea/ of ours. We need to make other memes along the same lines. We need more infographics like this one, too.



I have spent a decade on chans and dreamed of a communist board. Now it is true.

too cancerous, and i feel that place will stop being trendy very soon, it already has a bad rep anyway.
we need something new. something fresh.
we have too.
in war, when soldiers are out numbered they fallback until the time is right.
the edgy racism trend will lose steam soon enough, its already losing actually.
both Holla Forums and half Holla Forums are killing each other over Trump.
being an edgy Alt-right has lost its appeal and fresh look, everyone think they're faggot now.

the memes are reaching cancerous levels and people are starting to get sick of it.

we have no reason to fight them now, let them eat eachother, Trump's fuck ups will be the nails in the coffin.

we should create something new, people will naturally come to us after this whole shit show crashes.

having our own place will help us create our own memes.

We need to get an audience. There are many genuine leftist groups across the world, but they jerk off in their own special, super-orthodox circles and never get anything done. Imagine what could be if meme production was redirected at its very source to be leftist. Can you imagine how quickly class consciousness would spread if even a few of our memes got popular on 4chan and made the long journey to normiebook and twitter? Bernie was a lukewarm socdem with an underfunded campaign in the primaries for a neoliberal idpol-breathing party, and he showed that there is a silent supermajority just waiting to be tapped by the far left.

We've had our own things for far too long. I'd like for us to be able to keep both Bunkerchan and 4chan Holla Forums-equivalent active, but seeing every other group's trends, we can't have both and keep them connected in a meaningful sense.
Our ideas have been there for hundreds of years now; they've only been successful when we simplified the relevant parts to connect directly to the everyday lives of the proletariat and been direct in communication. People don't come to your ideas - your ideas must come to them when they're in need. Now is the time to move, yes. The alt-right is falling apart. I guess you're right, all the chans are now associated with its cancer. We do, however, need to be ready to jump straight onto whatever comes next and not slink away to our own isolated corner. I only found out about this place because I browsed r/soc for the first time, was disgusted with the idpol bullshit (was already an ansyn and against idpol, although I didn't call it that), and saw someone complain about you people. The more we trigger idpollers, the more we make memes that make it into the mainstream, the more we'll grow.

Come to think of it, we do need to work on a system of a PR section (like Holla Forums right now) and an active reservoir of ideological purity (like bunkerchan) so that the PR section can't ever be fully corrupted by influxes of normy shitposters. This might actually be a better immediate priority than simply spreading our influence - we need to be able to handle waves of r/soc converts without losing all posting quality.

In war, soldiers can get killed if they fail to retreat in the face of overwhelming enemy numbers. Here on the internet, those consequences are significantly less likely. And also in war, if soldiers have a good, defensible piece of ground the enemy keeps dashing human waves against, if the defender is smart, they will hold that ground if at all possible. And if the defenders in that case manage to hold for any length of time, they will generally wear down the enemy morale and give their own side something to rally behind, or in some extreme cases inspire people for years to come. Again, since this is the Internet and not a war with real bullets and mortars and so on and so on I doubt we could do as much as that, but we could certainly keep staying here keep the fashies screeching that we exist and driving people away by claiming that they're us for disagreeing, instead of smearing their shit on social media or whatever. And as many anons pointed out in the locked thread, at least some of them convert or at least try to expose themselves to our ideas, which not only gives us more fresh blood, but denies the same to the fash.

No, I just need to type "8" and the rest comes up automatically. What browser are you using?

bunkerchan pros:
part of userbase left behind
no users crossing over from same site
a tripfag as owner (they've shown time and time again to be unstable)
circlejerk risk is high pros:
established; proven to work most of the time
freedom for users to take initiative and make new sister boards (freedu, anarcho, marx, leftyb, etc.)
users regularly cross over to here. You occasionally see a Holla Forums convert speak out, which proves this.
Holla Forums shitposters making bait threads
admins are very scary and take time to do things, why can't they just fix it immediately?

not 8ch
fucking dead

very active, large userbase to recruit from
not opensource
google captcha harvesting data
not allowed to Holla Forums, not even to mention it
rules against raiding other boards, so crossposting is illegal.

i didn't say we shouldn't go to other place to raise awearness to normies.
i said that we should have our own place.

going to Holla Forums can be entertaining, but you won't have much of a debate there, sure you may intrigue a guy or two, but it won't make our movement evolve.
for that, we need to be among ourselves, debate each other, make plans.

Both of these sites are a dead end and are dying.

Also, we don't have to actually be on 4chan for 4chan to pick up on our memes. Many memes didn't actually originate on 4chan to begin with.

We don't need to be directly associated with some reactionary cesspit to grow or spread our ideas.

Given that the other thread for discussion of the migration is locked, I guess this is the place to do it.

Clearly everyone wants to stay here, so I don't know why you are still pushing this bunkerchan line. Also bunkerchan is ugly and off-putting, so even if we did move I wouldn't be happy with that place as it is as the destination (and I know others agree, reading the other posts).

I hope BO comes to his senses soon.

having a back up plane is nice.
i agree with you, bunkerchan is definitely not ready and looks like shit.
if the owner manage to fix it and make it batter than her, then i'll definitely move.

I wouldn't trust posts in a thread to reflect the true desires of the board.

Leaving this site is something we should have done years ago. It's an anchor around our necks.

No it isn't. People have been infected with a virus.

And without it we'll drift off into even more insignificance…

Holla Forums is not the source of our significance.

if we move, it must be to a better place.
at this moment, Bunkerchan isn't a better place

Well it kind of is… Its what makes us different to any other leftist forum; we exist here, a place known to harbor racists and Trump-tards, and our presence here pisses them off. If we were elsewhere, Holla Forums wouldn't give two shits about us. And Holla Forums giving a shit about us gives us some significance in this whole equation.

Nice rethorics
No arguments

And no strawpolls, people should bring arguments to the table, to avoid Holla Forums raiding.
Plus, is better.

I found Holla Forums through Holla Forums at least. Some came from active recruiting, like on reddit or the R.D. Wolff vid, or from 4chan commie threads. But there aren't really any other ways to find this place.

Lmao no Bunkerchan is a shitty and a chore to use.

Not just plain, but an intentionally badly designed and annoying website.

this is better than the degeneration of a community that exists in a pure echo chamber

Can people stop complaining about stupid superficial problems of bunkerchan? They'll fix it and then claim "we did everything you ask, now you have no more arguments to stay here"
I'd be more bothered about the increased vulnerability to ddos attacks and the smaller team of techies that will need to solve problems on the go.

I agree tbh.
Yes, bait threads suck.
They ask questions and ask from us to think our beliefs over. This is not a fun thing to do, but not everything can be always fun all the time
But having to think our beliefs over, having to interact with outside views, it is still something that is important to learn. It keeps us from becoming self-absorbed and helps us stay self-aware. It's what keeps us from becoming r/socialism.
Already, not too long ago, people critisized us from not being part of regular 8/pol/. Now that it has this censorship, it makes sense that we can't go there. But that too would help disprove the conspirational illusions Holla Forums is under that communism is a jewish plot to kill white people and turn everyone gay.
We did it on 4/pol/, and it helped.
If we move, we will become nothing but an obscure circlejerk, with no real connection to the world outside, except for reddit for some reason.
Is this what we're bound to become?

don't care, and 8ch is open source now thanks to the haxxx
this and they are known for idpol and hotpockets

this keeps us on our toes and may help prevent an echo chamber from forming, or from forming as severely or as quickly.
globals or our admin?

also we've been directing Holla Forums shitposters there by pretending we moved there for some months now

I refuse to do anything but shitpost on a website with rulecuckery this inane
Or this shit.

That's not what we do now. That sounds like bothering people in unrelated boards like Mormons going door-to-door, or like Holla Forumsyps smearing every thread on every board with merchant.jpeg. That's not what's been proven to work. We basically camp now, wait for Holla Forums to try to shit the place up, and pwn them with reason and logic, which gets through to some of them aparently. Since it works, it makes sense to keep doing it.

Where should we go? 4chodes and bunkerchan are rulecucked beyond habitability, .pl, endchan and the others are ded. We're not about to start a successful site with only 200 users, no servers and nobody who knows how to program. This place may not be great but it's about the only place we can stay at this point.


Most of our significance has come from our interactions with other Left sites and orgs and the memes and shit generated on here, not from Holla Forums. Our presence on Holla Forums is actually the most offputting aspect of our board to the majority of people who might otherwise be interested in it.

Our biggest growth spurt was due to being on the right side of the r/socialism debacle, not anything we did on Holla Forums or 4chan.

Lmao Holla Forums is a joke.

Holla Forums

Holla Forums

I don't think as much of it is from that as you seem to, half of those hate our guts as hard as Holla Forums.
A lot of the memes were created to make fun of Holla Forums's failed trolling attempts, like Humans vs. Orcs or Fake Jpeg Artifacts.

Alright then. Where do we colonize? We need a place where people aren't segregated into groups based on interest like FB and Tumblr. Twitter's posts are way too short to be of any real use in forging class consciousness.

An interesting way to put it. In the end, though, we're taking from the semi-related group of what calls itself "the Left". I feel like we have more in common with normies than with those Starbucks-drinking idpol-loving hipsters - we've just taken their everyday grievances and put 2 and 2 together on our own. Taking from idpol leftist groups is good because it defuses them, but we need mass growth from the masses themselves. A start would be to give posters typically dismissed immediately as Holla Forumsyps immediately for not having read Marx/Kropotkin/Lenin/whoever the benefit of the doubt and explaining in simple, everyday language what we believe in - employee ownership and control of firms, equality for all people regardless of race/religion/gender, reduction of government to face-to-face democracy where possible, and production for human use. It pisses me off to no end to see obviously new posters from the normiesphere chased off by needless jargon and obscure authors and calls to "go back to Holla Forums" because they spouted the neoliberal propaganda shoved down their throats. I like you guys, but you have to be nicer! Yes, it's hard sometimes, but growing the Left is more important than our "feels".

The biggest growth spurt is almost always the one that happened most recently.
And the kind of people that are offput to superficial bullshit around Holla Forums are not the kind of people we want to have here anyways do we?

I'm still of the idea that halfchan should have a Holla Forums board. The more leftists rise, the more fascists retreat in their shithole, There will be more balance in the political culture of the imageboard, now polarized by the alt-right, We may even change something in the people minds.
Also more visibility for us, i know that it may be bad but we need people for the revolution and many user are getting tired of the Holla Forums obnoxiousness and childish behaviour. Also Holla Forums popularity in the other board is at minimum now after the samson option and the /mlpol/ spamming. It's the time comrades!

Sure, that'd be great, but halfchan has no user control and we have no sway with its leadership; it won't happen, not soon anyway.

It would take a concerted effort, of building leftist ideas within 4/pol/, and then persuading the leadership to make us our own politics board there on the basis of our numbers.



He didn't say anything about moral obligations you twat, who are you attacking?

this sounds interesting. You think that we may find some help from /lit/ and other boards?

You must be the very newest of newfriends.

Can you name even a single time we've even had mild success from interacting with 4chan or Holla Forums?

We just need our own site with "outreach" groups. Our main board doesn't need to be a part of some larger site.

Pick one and stick with it.

And I'd hardly consider the Holla Forums shitposters we get here "quality"

If we become annoying enough that people ask for a containment board for us, we'll probably end up getting it.

what if we expose other boards that may be receptive to our ideas and than build our presence on 4/pol/ once the left will be more recognized?

That's what he was implying.

That Holla Forums is made of tougher stuff because swarmfront's autistic obsession with corrupting the 4chan news and politics board.

I'm not talking about Holla Forums shitposter, I'm talking about converts or potential converts.
case in point here:

Which user had the idea to make his own board? I wanna apply for mod position there, discord: mahnigga2#3689

There are no potential converts.

That's 90% probably a troll, and if not, they're a tiny minority.

tbh I think we should have more solid backups for any contingencies, but overall we need to keep /ourground/ on here, even if it would be until a brutal end to Holla Forums. I feel the situation isn't really as bad as you guys are making it out to be (but I wouldn't be surprised if a good amount of these posts are Holla Forums false flags trying to kick us off), but I don't think the hack on Holla Forums was enough to warrant turning into this

or even this

This but honestly, can you really blame us for being "on guard" so much when raiders come in and post stupid shit that are intentionally identical to normieposters so that when a legit normieposter comes on we ==REEEEEEEEEE== them away? I'm just trying to explain why here, but this shit happens and it sucks

Are you really that stupid?

This is a period of political chaos, people are tired of the political centre ground and exploring ideas of the left and right that would have seemed extreme in the previous era. People are confused, they will twist and turn with events. Everyone politically agitated is a potential convert.

This is not the first time I saw threads like those.
Read for yourself, he asks questions. He asks them in a fair way. He is curious.
He's not acting like "prove me wrong", he is even suggesting, in a way, that his question is stupid.
This implies that he sees himself as stupid in comparison to the people here.
It implies that he looks up to us even!
Whether this is justified or not doesn't matter.
Let's assume your percentage.
I would gladly take 9 bait threads, which I'll subsequently ignore as they are anchored eventually, if it means one person would become proper socialist.

BO is already giving up on this place. Raid threads are not getting anchored, for one.
Is this how you want to make us leave? By making this place unbearable until we want to leave by ourselves?
Is this how you treat the community you are responsible for?

i think Holla Forums will raid the living shit out of us.

as opposed to what?

half chans Holla Forums is fucking huge, they out number us by at least 100/1.
we can't have a mirror opposite board there.

we should go to /lit/, altho i'm not sure if we can have political debate there.

the more they raid, the more they show how they fear us and when they talk about "freedom of speech" they are exposed as what they are: kiddies.

Holla Forums was never a part of the "political center"

Yes, we might be able to propagate socialism at a fucking glacial pace if we appeal to Holla Forumsyps.

I'm not BO. In fact, I thought we needed to move off this site years ago. It shouldn't have taken this open hostility for BO to realize it.

when have those worked tho? 90% of them come off as/are spam. Unless the BO of the board you're posting on likes us, we don't have a chance to expand if we're on our own site.

They already did and they got banned.

speaking of "freedom of speech" a guy was banned few hours ago from Holla Forums for posting an interracial porn pic (yes, just one) in a "nigger hate thread"

the mod got triggered and banned him from his safe space.

Holla Forums mods are leaking.
i don't have much hope for this place in the future.
thats why i think we should at least have a back up board.


Open hostility?
Putting us at the bottom of a list with furries and ponies was as a funny, I doubt they had any intention to smash the principles with which they built this place and outright attack us.
That being said, it is very good that we have a backup board to go to if the unlikely does indeed happen.
But for now, there really is not much to be afraid of.
I suspect the BO is just being lazy and wants to give up on having all these responsibilities that come with it.
And of course, the bunkerfags would be happy to take over the community. They don't need to deal with the same amount of bait&raid that we get.
There really is no big problem with staying here. There really is no big reason to suspect the admins are plotting to delete us.
And only if they do, we have a good reason to move.
Half the userbase wants to take one side. The other half the other.
If people want to move to bunkerchan, they should be able to. But they should also be able to stay here as an outpost. We may still work together, we may still participate in actions together.
But deleting this board is not useful, as the free nature of the board creation simply means we get a different BO.

They didn't even have us on the list at first, they had to be "reminded" to put us back on and then they stuck us dead fucking last despite us being one of the most popular boards.

That's open hostility, not a joke.


Here are some general points against migration and some responses I thought of:

This seldom happens and I'd argue that the fact that Holla Forums is on Holla Forums, a site known for it's gamergate/pol shit is more harmful in bringing more people over to the cause; non-leftypolers on Holla Forums are pretty entrenched in their views beforehand
Holla Forums et al. are also a large source of shitposting, which would be mitigated to an extent by moving elsewhere.

That doesn't make it better to stay here, especially as the administration has become much less personal and we are clearly not liked
Holla Forums is also not open source and poorly managed, as shown by the recent hack
there's no reason to believe that Holla Forums won't delete this board, in which case we lose a lot of people

This is probably the strongest point, and there's not much that one can do to help that other than by putting a notice saying that Holla Forums is a dead board with a link to the new location, and aggressive marketing

the alternatives are in such a state that nothing, or very little of value would be lost in starting a new board somewhere else; I don't personally know about the Bunkerchan administration and community, but it's not the only option

There's no or little reason why those features can't be implemented on another chan

You can keep using Holla Forums for your porn, nobody gives a shit

Most Holla Forums threads are bait or poorly argued; by removing the stigma of Holla Forums then non-Holla Forums right-wingers may come and have more sensible debates

Here are some arguments in favour of leaving Holla Forums:

Arguments against:


Can we talk about how the BO looked and acted like a huge baby bitch?

I'm not going anywhere, and no amount of retarded tripfag larping is going to change that.

Put me down for a "No" on migration, all the larping and stupid arguments in this thread are pointless when everything is already in the 700 post thread which the mod team are going to do their hardest to ignore regardless.

Fucking neck yourself, I'll enjoy never speaking to you exodus cunts ever again.


kill yourself

leftist shitposting that doesnt get me banned