If Capitalism is an inherently 'bad' system:
Why has it stood the test of time better than any other system?
If Capitalism is an inherently 'bad' system:
Why has it stood the test of time better than any other system?
Because it pays people off so they fuck up anything else.
Because it is good at generating power, just not good at treating people well.
If slavery is an inherently bad system, then why has it existed for much longer than capitalism?
I think this is where a lot of people on the right believe that all of this really just boils down to "muh feels" especially when the core beliefs of the right tend to boil down to 'human nature' and 'natural inequality'.
Also I think that many people would argue that Capitalism has brought more people out of poverty than any other system we've ever tried. So there's that too
What does this mean? We can argue slavery won by this logic because it endured for thousands of years
If slave societies are an inherently bad system why has it stood the test of time better than any other system?
Because capitalism is the best system we have so far.
Capitalism is just another system of exploitation before we get to socialsim
Power of adaptation, use of violence, imperialism, cultural hegemony.
Fuck off cappie shilling faggot. Everyone knows besides you lol that feudalism is objectively the best system. It withstood all forces seeking to destroy it for thousand years.
I'm not very well-read when it comes to gommunizt literature but has anyone ever written about how they'll be able to create incentive for everyone to work together and do good deeds "for the good of society" ?
Especially with the weakening of religion and the destruction of "the community"?
If AIDS is an inherently bad condition, why did God make it so hard to remove?
You might have asked the same thing as a Roman about slavery, or a aristocratic lord about the feudal system.
Is socialism basically just an inevitability?
Yeah but people pretend a "revolution" is required to have an excuse to LARP
It hasn't.
Capitalism's only been around since about the mid-1700's, so a few decades shy of 300 years.
Mercantilism lasted for 250 years.
Japanese feudalism lasted for about 500 years.
European feudalism lasted for nearly 1,000 years.
Rome's slave-based economy lasted for about 1,000 years.
The Mayan economy lasted for about 2,500 years.
Hydraulic despotism lasted for about 2,500 years in Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt.
Primitive communism lasted for at least 5,000 years or so.
Capitalism has so far lasted for 200 years and it still has massive problems
I think it's a logical development of human society given the productive capacity developed within capitalism and the contradictions within it. I'm not sure it's an inevitability seeing as the bourgeoisie might crash this planet with no survivors.
No. Nothing is inevitable. Socialism is the negation of capitalism in favor of wage laborers, but it's hardly the only outcome. We could destroy the climate and collapse society, for instance. Or we could have a situation where labor is fully automated, but all the robots are privately owned; wage labor and capitalism would end, but it would lead to a new dystopia instead of socialism.
Why do you think the phrase "socialism or barbarism" was coined
Y'all kinda suck
Marx addressed that too. He admired the bourgeoisie for their unique ability to create mass wealth and expand production, but still predicted that this system would also create mass misery and, through its own internal contradictions, doom itself. There's nothing inherently bad about the bourgeoisie - in fact, they do a lot of good. But it's increasingly apparent that they've served their historical purpose, and that the only way to guarantee stability and prosperity for all is to stage a revolution and abolish them.
The serf pill is the hardest to swallow.
Capitalism has only been around for a few centuries. In the grand history of civilization that isn't very long at all. Many other systems have lasted much longer.
No Marxist would ever say capitalism was "inherently bad". That is fucking retarded.
Major crises every 5-10 years since the very start isnt "standing the test of time" at all.
You might as well say that a guy in irreversible coma being kept alive because the country he's in doesn't have euthanasia laws is standing the test of time better than a guy who had his plug pulled.
FDR saved capitalism from collapsing and America becoming full communist in the 30s with his Communism Light policies.
Feudalism lasted roughly 1000 years, give or take depending on definition and region
Capitalism has been around for 200-300 years, depending as above
We might not have communism for another 700 years. Who knows.
I'd rather not.
Transhumanist libertarian communism is the way forward.
Dude what the fuck? Capitalism is just 200 years. Cristian Feudalism was invented over 2000 years ago by a pagan greek and then it survived long enough to be implemented. AND then lasted 1000 years. Now that's an example of 'good' system. Capitalism/imperialism only works because of socialist turncoats and abuse of left's values.
wtf I hate communism now
whether something is god or not has nothing to do with how long it exists.