What has to be done about regressive leftists? Are these dumb blue-haired cartoonist bitches really on our side?
What has to be done about regressive leftists? Are these dumb blue-haired cartoonist bitches really on our side?
Debate them and stop treating it like a weird fucking meritocracy, talk and debate.
I do but they just call me a bigoted Trump supporter
Why is being against this shit automatically associated with Trump
I don't see any problem with that comic
Then talk with different people obviously. I don't know what you expected, by treating them like a roach infestation you're feeding the political volatility that defines this time we're living in.
I would stop using the term, which has been successfully co-opted by Zionists and other apologists for American & Israeli imperialism who demonize Muslims.
But that's your call.
Liberals are not leftist.
I often wonder why there are so many threads about "courting" the farthest right on the internet, and not liberals or center right neighbors who you could probably convert far easier.
I don't even say anything inflammatory
People on neogaf will call you a Nazi just for questioning whether Islam is a feminist ideology
For starters they need to look at the real world
I have no idea what the fuck is going on in that comic because I don't hang around dipshits all day. That or it was drawn in the 50s.
I don't think there's much reason for me to believe anyone here preaches feminist values. On top of that, Salafism and Wahhabism are probably the religious circumstances you oppose in Islam.
I oppose the Quran, personally.
All religion has a violent past in one way or another.
I really don't think its the responsibility of democracy to deal with cultural issues in a sort of "melting pot", because it's a cosmopolitan understanding of issues. The Islam you hate is the Islam America and Europe has always supported, Saudi Arabia would be nowhere without this.
Difference between most religions and islam is that islamists still behave as if they're in the 7th century
Regardless of who's "fault" it is that Islam is still around, why should we tolerate Islam or its defenders
Well it's always regardless or besides the point when the West is to blame, when it's otherwise it's very very important.
You have basically a liberal understanding of Middle Eastern issues, issues of the entire fucking regio.
Found your problem.
The Islamic world has been a shithole since the fall of the Ottoman empire and for a long time before the Ottoman empire. At some point you have to accept that most of the blame lies with them.
But that's where the blue-haired lesbian feminists congregate
It's only come to a head because the fuckwits in the security services have been funding and arming jihadis for decades. This problem is new and not muh ottoman hordes.
This. Everyone in the region just sucks.
Fuck the Kurds etc. Support Assad' etc etc etc
Have you tried not being a fucking autist.
We all know you type, you might as well be a different flavor of Holla Forumstard.
I think we're getting a little far off-base
Their *ability* to spread their fascistic religion is not the problem. The problem is their fascistic religion.
Christianity has had no shortage of weaponry throughout its entire existence up to and including today, but for some reason only Islamists still behave like mongrels when given the ability to fight.
Neat, we have our own CTR memes now.
Yeah you're right this is a little off base. Why are there now three threads discussing this instead of what is written in the OP?
Damn, this thread attracted both Hoochie and Milo. All we need now is n1x and AW to have a shot at making the most cancerous thread in the history of the board.
Cosmopolitan whites in cities who think they have a grasp on culture outside of their own. You people manage to stop condescending to the white working class in Appalachia but anywhere else it's Fascistic.
Acting like an expert when in reality you have no idea how history has shifted since the Gulf War and before, and how the Cold War shaped it. How we continue to shape it.
You're the problem more than any rando Muslim. At least they can tell the difference between Salafism and Wahhabism
I'm helping by telling everyone how annoyed I am
You can't reason with the unreasonable.
Damn nice joke Nazbol.
I love how these faggots, like Holla Forums, think that we are all upset about Trump and Brexit as if bourgeois elections matter.
They are late to the party, but we knew that they would get here eventually.
wtf is with this idpol shit that pervades this board nowadays
No dumbass, someone's race does not prevent them from understanding a situation in a different geographical location from where they personally grew up.
Explain how Sharia decreeing that the testimony of a woman is worth half of a man's was shaped by western imperialism
Little do they know you cannot insult leftypol with katanas. Katanas are badass and normies have to learn to accept this.
*teleports behind hill dawg*
You mean the period right before the Islamic Golden Age?
The joke is on Holla Forums and the alt-right, as embracing Trump so wholeheartedly has wrecked much of their credibility.
Which abruptly ended in the 12th century when Islamic scholars decided that math was satanic, and they all went right back to being in the 7th century.
It doesn't, but to say you're educated on the issues of the entire region when you fail to understand how they got there, is the problem I'm talking about.
It's generalization along similar lines you think I'm "accusing you of", or whatever.
Also this thread itself is idpol, it has no material analysis to it whatsoever.
The last century defined the middle east today more than the past 10.
What the fuck is this trying to say? The first two "whipped" don't even raise an eyebrow, the first is just something couples with different tastes do and the second is a natural reaction to having food around. The third seems to have been inserted to play on "cuck cuck cuck" faggots.
I think it's a deliberate escalation in pettiness and absurdity.
It's possible to recognize more than one cause of a problem. Western imperialism in the middle east doesn't excuse the backwards religion of the area that still exists today as a fascistic belief system that gets endlessly defended by liberals like you
This board is worlds better when you filter the tripfags.
It's also possible to see what's not there based on ideological tinkering from a distance than actual material analysis of why shit is the way shit is.
It's what you're doing, because it's a more simple answer to an extremely complex situation of forever war and geopoliticing that's been going on since before even the Cold War, but the Cold War is where it really began.
It's the cosmopolitan European way of explaining the refugee problem, not unlike America's response to 9/11.
Large parts of the middle were moving towards more secularization until it got fucked by foreign invaders, not just US but Israel and USSR as well. Extreme islam needs to be purged, but US intervention seems to only strengthen it. Also ignore the tripfags, they are all retards with a huge ass ego.
When did reddit start doing greentext?
I'm still waiting for the reason we must accept fascistic religious nutjobs and endlessly declare that they are a religion of peace.
Honestly I don;t care if the guy who breaks into my house with a gun is only doing so because he had a rough childhood and has been in and out of jail four times and can;t get a job. He's threatening my family with a gun, so he's getting buckshot between the eyes.
Hoochie, you're literally defending incest and pedophilia.
The incest normalized in the Quran has had more of an impact than the West could ever dream of having.
You're defending it by defending the very region that supports it.
In other words, you have no idea what on Earth is going on.
Start making an argument any fucking time you mouthbreather
This is the same shit liberals do with Appalachia. Reduce an entire region that's in poverty due to a variety of reasons the past century into "HYUCK HYUCK I'M A RED NECK I FUCK MY COUSIN HYUCK HYUCK HYUCK"
It's cosmopolitan bullshit with no material to it at all
tbh I would rather the West (and Russia) stayed out of the Middle East and developed their own independent energy industries
Don't play oh so knowledgeable with me Hoochie, it's really egoistic and unbecomming
isn't that built into progressivism? ever since the Enlightenment and French revolution, liberals lost sight of "the good" the "moral" and "beautiful" and simply aimed towards platitudes like "equality/fraternity/liberty"
and their definition of liberty was basically just hedonism, and their idea of equality was relativistic and basically arbitrary, so ya, isn't regressivism inherent to the left? properly understood.
I didn't say anything about Assad, I'm talking about Saudi Arabia. You're proving my point.
Everything you just said is wrong, read a book.
How on Earth could you reasonably assume that I support the Saudi Arabia regime.
Hoochie BTFO out tbh, read Hegel you ingrate mongol rape babey
"Regressive left" is just an alt-right buzzword
By supporting the nations that support it, you support it.
You want to defend the West, and yet the West is the very reason why shit is the way it is currently, from the Cold War to the Gulf War to the Iraq War to now.
It isn't getting better
And now you freak out about refugees from it
It's entirely nonsensical and isn't based in any sort of material analysis of a situation, despite your claims to the contrary
For someone claiming that others don't understand the complexities that are inherent in the MENA you sure are ignorant of Not Socialists and Fascists.
It's funny though because we agree on so much already, we're basically opposite sides of the coin.
If you want to make the argument that I benefit from Western Colonialism too, then you do too. If you're really a turd worldist you benefit from things like fertilizer which comes directly from oppressing MENA.
Material conditions are just one facet of the great order of the World, read Hegel.
Freudian error, I meant Not Socialists ;)
omfg haha
I read Hegel and you're not impressing me by citing him as a source randomly for why the Middle East is the way it is.
In fact its a non sequitor
There's some logic to it. The far right has already accepted that the current system is flawed beyond repair. Many of the things they complain about are in fact the product of capitalism. A fascist stripped of their nationalist spooks would become a communist.
Liberals on the other hand believe that the current model still works and that we just need to shill for black CEOs hard enough for everything to be okay.
No you don't.
I explained my views quite succinctly. Material conditions are only one part of the issue that is the middle east. You're ignoring critical parts and blaming Islam's regressive nature on Saudis Arabia when it has always been the case that it was regressive.
Not that there is anything wrong with being regressive, if it works it works ;)
You just happen to be wrong.
Pithy, yet a blatant lack of nuance. It's kind of bothersome when these things have to compete in the real world?
I can grab a thesaurus too should I, because you're speaking like a dumbass trying to sound smart.
Opposing idpol means opposing racism, sexism, transphobia etc.
It just means opposing them with the goal of eliminating these distinctions instead of entrenching them. None of this "celebrate your blackness" bullshit that redraws battle lines along racial divides instead of class divides, encourages other (ie white) forms of racial identitarianism, and risks degenerating into racism itself (see New Black Panthers). Instead of celebrating all races equally we should eliminate race as a concept. The same goes for gender, nationality, etc. You can't do that while promoting identity.
Do it, see what you can pull out. While your at pick up books outside of the primary school reading list.
This is an unpopular opinion on this site, but these people are among the closest to becoming radicalized. If you can just show that capitalism is excellent, I swear they become comrades in the flip of the dime.
When shit goes down, I am not going to shit on the women's studies teacher to make myself feel better. I kind of see it like a religion that I disagree with. I am willing to work with christian commies, so I should also be able to work with SJW commies.
Can you work with someone who is diametrically opposed to you though? Could you work with a Fascist to smash international finance?
you are right, i think, but you gotta also take into account that a lot of these people just want capitalism with a human faeces and will reject everything else as totalitarianism, utopianism or shit like that. i think we can work side by side, but they have a cancerous kernel that we all are aware of and should keep our distance
what exactly are you assuming here
Be like Bernie, redirect every discussion to economics.
"I get what you're saying, but here's why we need to socialize medicine."
That's not compromise, that's being a retarded liberal.