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I dint watched the news for like 2 days
1488 year Drumpfenreich
I doubt it will last, the situation is not going to escalate because trump or at least his advisers know it would be political suicide, and soon crucial issues like deporting spics and tranny bathrooms will overshadow all this.
It's time to stop.
what happened?
But it says 'Blumpf'
who are we based commies supposed to support again? I swear I'm a commie I just forgot ahhhhhhhhhhh
Based Trump helping Jihadists. I hope more refugees come to rape my wife tbh
All I know is I haven't laughed so much in a long time. Everyone on both the left and right reacted to this like complete fucking morons. People I thought were controlled, people I thought were not controlled, people I had no respect for, people I had some respect for, people I hate, people I love, people that I thought were idiots, people I thought were intelligent… they all have reacted to this like utter mouth breathing sycophants.
If I wasn't already such a jaded cynical bastard I'd be upset that everyone is such a complete fucking retard, but I'm just laughing at them, along with all the shills who think that this is some sort of way for them to actually accomplish something. You can smell the sweat of desperation through the screen. Poor fuckers don't realize how impotent they are forever doomed to be.
Commies never had a horse in this race.
It was about who would make the biggest shitshow and discredit American political system in the eyes of the masses.
You gotta admit Trump deliver fairly well on this point.
what the fuck were you idiots thinking
I fell for the antiestablishment meme
well who else was I gonna vote for, dude aleppo lmao?
if i would american, i would probably vote for trump too. first for the memes second because i think having trump in power may swing the US towards people more radical that bernie sandas
Let's face it. This is still better than Shillary. The minute they fucked Bernie over, this was how it had to be. This is divine punishment.
You shouldn't have voted at all besides down ballot measures.
Wot wot?
Leave President Blank>Write-In Jeb>Write-In Harambe>Stein>Aleppo>>>>>>>>>Clinton>Trump
Last two are debatable and kys tier either way
There has only ever been one right choice for president.
How is a billionaire real-estate mogul that rubbed shoulders with the Clintons anti-establishment?
3.75 more years this is going to be a hell of a ride mateys.
Brave words from someone posting a literal aristocrat.
Do you get a "class traitor" vibe from Trump?
I don't get it from Lenin.
That's it, this is the most retarded thing I'll read this week
Nice meme.
Don't be too hard on them no ones born a leftist. I supported Obama for fucks sake which is at least as bad.
I know people disagree with a lot of what Lenin did but he was the epitome of a class traitor. He had really intense hatred for the bourgeoisie and aristocracy.
Fun fact, 64D chess to us as a single square which is simultaneously white and black (not gray, it is an important and eye-burning distinction). However, to entities capable of perceiving it properly, 64D chess is a single line of chess squares, identical to 1D chess, and then the cycle starts again.
Falling for heavily manicured, well-executed propaganda is not as bad as falling for super lazy propaganda tbh.
I don't think that's true. I recall Trump's campaign/Mercers paying millions to some british marketing company to do demographic study on the people who ended up voting for Trump.
Isn't that after the fact? Surely if they knew why it worked so confidently they would already have marketing companies with the answers ahead of time.
I disagree with the notion that Trump is a genius playing 4D chess and tricking the media/liberals/red necks/whatever. It's the people in charge of the campaign that were playing 4D chess. You know, Bannon and the Mercer family.
I think they really saw an exploitable demographic and pumped funds into taking advantage of them. I'm honestly impressed by them.
Sadly it's only Monday for me.
So much that he installed the bourgeois in a new government apparatus. Yeah, Lenin was no class traitor.
/polk/ is run by the same shill group as Holla Forums and Holla Forums
the BO of /polk/ behaves EXACTLY THE SAME WAY AS Holla Forums BO and mods. (the archives above are a great example) they delete all the same exact things, and give the same shitty excuses. I would not be surprised if /polk/ is run by exactly the same people as Holla Forums.
in fact, Holla Forums /polk/ and Holla Forums moderation, volunteers, mods, board owners all exhibit the same exact behaviors. do not be surprised if they are all the same group of people all working together to manipulate everyone and disrupt the spread of the truth.
after some serious critical thinking about the events taking place in the present, and seemingly unrelated experiences in the past we have uncovered the extremely strong possibility that /a/ and Holla Forums to a moderate but slightly lesser extent were shill testing grounds for the disruption and culture molding tactics to be later used on Holla Forums, Holla Forums, and /polk/, only moving on when the community had been permanently ruined. they needed alot of training because /a/ didn't have the willpower and the meme magic that Holla Forums
shit going on at with the mods literally being shills and stopping redpills from becoming common knowledge
The moderators are banning people who out them.
The moderators are banning people who do nothing more than link to threads on the /sudo/ board.
The moderators are banning people who QUOTE POSTS from the /sudo/ board.
The moderators are REGULARLY banning groups of 70,000's of IP addresses (in explicit violation of the site rules against doing so).
The moderators make a point of banning people who explicitly violate No BOARD rules, SITE rules, or US LAW, while also EXPLICITLY leaving up content that violates rules.
Who /naztrot/ here?
/polk/ is shit tbh and full of jerrycucks smh
Switch Clinton and Trump and you're talking.
What the fuck does that even means?
Nazbol but with Trotsky instead of Stalin, I guess
i'll become one if you have more memes of cute chinese cartoons
polk are the people who got banned for being too daft for Holla Forums
Holla Forums now hands out permabans for saying "I dont like Trump". Not an exaggeration, literal. I know because I tested it on a public network.
Please tell me you are unironically a NatTrot.
I feel bad for Holla Forums. I can see how they fell for the memes, but you cant vote yourself out of a corrupt capitalist oligarchy.
the us launched like 50 missiles at syria and only around 20 hit the base and those that did hit hardly did any damage compared to the 1 million dollars that the missiles costed
2 million each, fragments recovered showed that they were new missiles, built in 2015
How can burgers even compare?