What are some good Socialist countries?

What are some good Socialist countries?

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socialism has literally never existed
primitive socialism doesn't count

ded when the USA decides they're no longer useful.

No. There is currently no socialism and there has not been socialism yet – it can only, like capitalism, truly exist on a global scale. Commodity production since the dawn of capitalism has prevailed until now.

Anthropologists, Marxist or otherwise (but most importantly the Marxist ones), don't really believe primitive communism is really comparable to the socialism/communism Marx described. Early humans had to partake in primitive communism in order to not starve and to reproduce, and they had the added advantage of being "blissfully ignorant", i.e. they had no notion of commodities or capital, and they didn't experience alienation. There was also a division of labor along gender lines which every early human society had, but again, this was necessary in order for humans to survive in the harsh conditions of the plains and grasslands which they inhabited, and it was unlike the division of labor in modern capitalism.

Germany, 1933.

I used to hate you guys but most posts you make seriously impress me, and I recently found out about communization theory. Leftcom-Ancom axis when?

north korea

Good luck with that


None because it fails all the time.

Since you mention communisation it essentially incorporates a lot of anarchism in it already. Have you checked out Endnotes?

At least Tito supported Esperanto. But I think it was mostly to piss of Stalin.

Should I?

Pick one.

burkina faso was heading in a good direction under sankara until he was assassinated because muh imperialism



Yugo was actually good, although the socialist and country parts are debatable.

You should all go to hell.

I swear to god if some tankie dipshit takes this bait…

this is how low the level of discourse Holla Forumstards are capable of is. it's so aggressively anti-intellectual its borderline retardation and actually laughter inducing


Sweden, Norway, United Kingdom, Germany, Canada

America has libraries too!

Soviet Union, German Democratic Republic, Cuba, Yugoslavia

and this is a GOOD example of flag shitposting

user please
