Is the concept of "Maturity" a bourgeois spook?
By maturity I mean as in "acting like an adult" and "being responsible"
Is the concept of "Maturity" a bourgeois spook?
By maturity I mean as in "acting like an adult" and "being responsible"
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No. Act like an adult you dumb fucker. Get a fucking job if you're a neet and if you're a college student fucking hang yourself immediately
Fuckers like you should not call themselves leftist
Currently phoneposting from my subway night shift btw
fuck off pedos
Get fucked, OP.
There is your proof op, it is indeed a bourgeois spook.
Okay I didn't mean it like that. I just saw it on the front page and it triggered me
You gotta understand, it's like a hungry homeless guy coming upon a diet group where they talk about how cake is actually really bad
Maybe it's true that cake is bad, but the homeless is not in position to have even the choice to eat cake or not
Don't attack your commrades for problems caused by the bourgeois. Neets are heros. Try to get on disability.
You're kidding right. I'm not young, you know. I have a kid and an ex that I'm partly responsible for. There wasn't ever a point in my life after high school that I could afford to be not mature, that's what I'm trying to say
Then you're already trapped. Why even linger on it at this point?
Because I wish things were better. I don't like my life
Yes and no. Yes, in thinking that to be a full person (i.e. an adult) you need to be a good hardworking, self-sufficient drone. No, in that you should do something with your life that doesn't involve engaging in the Spectacle and living without any ambitions or goals.
If capitalism had a motto…
In itself (being held accountable for your actions only after a certain age), no. In its current form (get a job, pay your taxes, support our troops, you hippy), definitely.
Even if you would like things to be different, it would be better to try and make the best of it. Making yourself miserable is pointless.
freudposter tells it like it is
So if a 12 year old kills somebody out of anger they shouldn't be accountable for thier actions? Honesty consider how fucking stupid your statement was.
In reality the concept of "childhood" was the spook all along. The humans that existed during our time as hunter gatherers where never children. By the time you could run you were aiding in the survival of you people. Civilization in turn has caused modern man to be stuck in a child like state his entire existence. Varg Vikerenes put it best when he compared dogs, and wolves. A Wolf matured quickly and isn't playful, but a domesticated dog remains playful its entire life.
You mean like putting him in a juvenile prison or something? Absolutely out of the question. The kid needs help and people responsible for him (e.g. the commune) must do everything to provide him a new environment, counseling, education, etc.
If you really want to frame infancy as a "get out of jail free card" it speaks volumes about you.
Are you stupid? Obviously they'd be accountable insofar that there will be pedagogical consequences, but because they're still not mature enough their parents would accountable.
t. Texan
Yes, you should always rely on others for your basic needs. Please let me be the middle man in this business.
So, we should send the 12 year old to the coal mine again?
I think any thinking person can spot the difference between an adult and a manchild in literally 5 minutes of interaction
why? i just want to learn to work more efficiently
If humans had a motto
Everyone suffers from grass is greener syndrome, wouldn't matter the economic system or ruling class.
You wouldn't say the same applies to a "mature" person?
a mature person knows that his actions have consequences, like in old times, if your brother or father was killed, you would have to kill their killer, the sentence for murder is murder. But a young person doesn't fully understand the consept of "consequence", thats why little kids want everything and do as they please and will continue to do so unless their parents or whoever looks after them teaches them about "consequences".
So if kids behave badly because they don't understand their actions have consequences, why do adults behave badly?
Is autism a spook too ?
Lust, greed, boredom, devil whispers (if you're religious) etc.
Either reading any rand seriously
or having autism
Children don't feel lust, greed, boredom nor listen to invisible people?
Only if they live in a capitalist society.
Thank you for the peek into the leftist mind
What is your point? that all children should be treated as adults as soon as they pop out of their mother's vaginas? also yes, children do feel it but as I said in , they don't fully understand the concept of consequences so they do what they please.
Assuming that's true it means no one living under capitalist society should be punished for acting on these emotions?
This is the most pathetic attempt at making egoism or nihilism an ideology of eschewing responsibility
Responsibility to your own ego tends to imply being responsible to all egos, it's selfish and an act of self perserverence
Clearly people who DO understand the consequences of their actions do as they please still.
And I'll tell you what, when I was a kid I was very well aware of when I had been "bad". Children do all sorts of shit to hide their mess. They know very well some things please daddy and mommy and some things don't.
Hoping they won't get caught.
Well now that you're grown up, imagine mommy and daddy are the government and police, or anyone in authority. Nothing much has changed has it?
So your point is children should be made to blindly respect any authority?
No, and neither should you. But authority and government were set up to order the mass and give everyone a fair shot at life.
Well, we all know no one is perfect, especially the government.
I thought the government was set up to serve the interest of the national bourgeoisie, but gee, maybe you're right.
also that
Maturity is a spook, embrace the >>>/abdl/ future.
Nobody cares about your fetish you boring fucking kid.
Something something fun
Workers and caiptalists have shared interests?
Please go back to Holla Forums, friendo.
Wrong pic :>
No but it's come to mean blind acceptance and resignation
You sound triggered.
Getting pretty tired of this double standard. Also getting pretty tired of "leftists" who subscribe to ageist hysteria. These fucking retards have destroyed the definition of rape by including sex with fully informed teens who've passed sex ed and thus know enough to consent. If that's rape, then literally everything is. Consent is based on knowledge, which many so-called "adults" obviously don't have. See: every Trump supporter. But honestly, it annoys me ten times as much when someone claiming to be progressive says this bigoted shit. I don't expect anything better out of MAGA-spewing idiots, but if you claim to be progressive you had goddamned well better exercise some critical thinking.
Maturity as an attitude is good, but really maturity is mostly seen as being a proper "classcuck".
Can this be a wagecuck thread now?
smelly dumb pedo scum
feminazi detected
Way to raise the level of discussion here.
True, it's embarrassing how reactionary Holla Forums is in this regard. You'd think they'd be a bit more open minded instead of devolving into pure ideology.
We have a wagecuck thread in the catalog. Please bump it actually, I really want it to become a regular thing here
(nice trips)
To be fair, it's not all of Holla Forums. There used to be a lot more reasoning and a lot less soccer mom bullshit here when it comes to this. I blame the Reddit newfags.
You're a retard, it's getting increasingly hard to get employment without some kind of qualification. This bullshit idea that only blue collar workers are proles needs to fucking die.
This user is a bourgeois spook
Yes and no, it's a biological development stage that brings out the survival instinct in people which then makes them compete with each other for resources needed for their survival and the survival of their offspring, thus creating this shitty world. But it's also a spook because people choose to follow it instead of fighting against it and because of particular social standards.
Pedos are disgusting but they at least aren't pure evil like adultist child oppressors like you.
Nope, it was the material conditions of the Neolithic Agrarian Revolution that allowed the human childhood period to be extended. Fuck your ultimate reactionary Paleolithic veneration.
A murder or rapist child should be killed just like a murder or rapist adult. His actions aren't to be held accountable to anyone but him, to do otherwise would be to punish the innocent in place of the guilty.
Children are completely capable of understanding that their actions have consequences and of distinguishing when their actions are 'good' or 'bad'. Here's proof:
Infants and toddlers =/= children
You've surpassed eating from the trashcan of ideology. At this point you're snorting coke off of the lid of said trashcan…
This position is only ever held to take the piss out of ancraps.
Starting to think the American left needs to be purged just as badly as the right does. Or maybe we can just get rid of namefags.
Feel free to make an argument, childhood traitor. Capitalist is a joke in comparison to adult oppression of children.
most adults don't act like fully matured organisms so when they say "adult" they mean some caricature of a mature organism
this is humanist and fascist retardation, you can't take responsibility for anything that isn't currently happening right now, anything which is over, an even in the past is not available to you for you to take responsibility for it. This is the same problem with rights, when you are given a right, you have a responsibility to come to the aid of some duty. Therefore rights are burdens and responsibilities are obligations AKA contracts AKA things designed to control your mental energy.
also if this was the basis and motivation for this thread you should consider going into the woods and letting the animals take you for food.
You're going the right way to get bitchslapped.
Souls don't exist and neither does free will. Humans are just chemical automatons whose behavior is entirely determined by some combination of the initial state of the universe and random dice rolls. It makes no more sense to punish a human for their actions than it does to punish "Mother Earth" for a landslide or hurricane.