You have 10 Seconds to prove you're not bourgeois

I have a feeling a lot of us on here are actually bourgeois and LARPing as le'gommunist. So here's my proof. I work on a small organic farm in Washington state. I don't get paid. I literally live to eat and eat to live. I really don't have any possessions. I'm trying this on the farm's shared computer right now. Alright, now tell me how non-bourgeois you are.

*typing this
not trying this

People do not work for me and I work for other people.

I don't own anything

Why are we being inundated with basic bitch posts like this? Shit isn't even entertaining.

is NEET non-bourgeois


I don't own any means of production.

yes it is, you mong


I hope you work the fields harder than your bait, OP.

I work in a racism factory and by night i coordinate online harrassment against women and minorities

look guys, we have a smarty pants here
he is smart because he calls other raterds and stuff

I don't have immobile property and my only income is a salary.

So OP, what made you decide to join a cult?

get out of yo mommas basement buddy

I've never employed anyone.


t. someone who thinks bourgeois means upper middle class or wealthy.

Read Marx my man.

a "cuck" is a tame insult for a pussy whipped faggot like you

I admit I'm not as much of a lifestylist as I could be. I don't even have dreads!

Any man who has not dreads at age 20 is no socialist
Any man who is still has dreads at age 40 owns no house.
-Winston S. Churchill

what's working on that farm like OP? Is it good?

Your argument sounded like picture related.

Polite sage.

It's pretty relaxing yet hard work at the same time. You have to be okay with physical labor, long periods of silence with nature, not always having a social life or things to do or places to go…. you really make the farm your home. It's humbling and beautiful, and it astonishes me that nearly everyone lived like this 200 years ago and for thousands of years before. Makes me feel more human in a way.

Brainwashed by modern living, I see.

I don't own the land or the farm itself, I'm just a laborer. Always thought of myself as somewhat proletarian because of that.

i own no means of production

im also a poor worker but that is irrelevant to the question of whether or not im bourgeois

learn what material relations actually mean, retard

I must sell labor in order to survive.

I'm not a lifestylist with a trust fund like dumpster divers who ask you to prove how proletarian you are.


I don't own any private property


I don't wear glasses

I just got back from my job at Walmart

If I was bourgeois I would be doing cool shit instead of wasting my life on the internet. I work for a living. Fuck off.

I haven't done cocaine or worn my lululemons for over a day.

Growing smaller quantities of food for higher prices isn't very socialist. There's no taste or nutritional difference and you end up with lower crop yield for no good reason.

Norman Borlaug is credited with saving a billion lives with his evolved plant crops. You can't feed the proletariat with organic food.

i work raising money for a charity door to door

I live on my own and make $15,000 a year. which puts me a hair above the federal poverty limit. And I read leftist literature. Believing in leftist literature alone qualifies you as a leftist.

I'm a environmental services tech at a hospital.

I clean and sanitize shit and take out the garbage (and bio-hazardous waste).

I ate a bowl of cereal this morning

Before going to my job and having my surplus value extracted from my labor by the boss in his morally corrupt quest for profits at the expense of our humanity

I don't own the kitchen I work at.

I do not own the means of production nor do I manage the exploitation of others on behalf of a bank.
I'm a Politics student with no intention of ever working trying to win myself over to the idea of suicide or find a way to get institutionalized for life. I hate the world, I want it to go away. I just want it all to go away. I'm not going to run just to stay in the same place. The world is a horrifying nightmare even before I have to comprehend the idea it might take effort just to not die.

Obvious clarification that I lack the optimism to actually be a socialist. I'm left-wing only based on my identification of the problems of the world.

I'm worried that when I finish my electrical engineering degree I turn into a bourgie making good money and that my possible future success in a company might get me promotions and shit and I inevitably forget where I came from and turn into a capitalist.

How do people deal with the possibility of becoming bosses and not wanting to become a boss while living a good, sustainable life? This is a real issue for me, I want to do good in life but I don't want to become an exploiter. Does anyone have advice? (besides killing myself, that's always under consideration)

I love mac and cheese with hotdogs

I'm not rich

that only seems like a problem if you're a stirnerkiddo paralyzed the morality spook or an ML that thinks any ethical engagement with society whatsoever is "bourgois"
i'm sure you can find engineering work that helps poor proles, maybe third worlders if you really want to do some good, selfless shit. sure, it won't solve systemic problems, but it'll keep you grounded in the struggle

I live a hair above the federal poverty limit and I rent. And I read leftist literature. What more could you ask for?

I don't even know what the fuck I am anymore, it seems like I change ideologies by the day, but I'll keep that in mind, thanks.