How and when did this site get compromised?
This is like reading some Holla Forumsyp propaganda.
How and when did this site get compromised?
This is like reading some Holla Forumsyp propaganda.
Other urls found in this thread:
I always thought it was a liberal site.
That's cute.
"This would become known as Leninism, a sort of forced Marxism on steroids"
"It is true that Lenin's ideas didn't really work, but though some reforms were suggested, Lenin and Trotsky killed most of those suggesting them. Then Lenin died."
Was this written by Karl Pilkington?
Remember "horseshoe theory"?
It's little more than excuse for liberals to endings in the most base forms of anti-communism, just flavored with "it was outmoded by the welfare state" rather than muh natural order bullshit.
It's a good reminder that hardline libs are no more our allies than fascists.
rationalwiki has always been a horrible site with very extreme bias towards an IDpol liberal viewpoint.
Are you stupid?
I too ran across Rational wiki one day.
They're definitely liberals, their pages on socialism and communism are massive temples to "great on paper, not in practice" lines of thinking.
they do have a good article that debunks the cultural marxism conspiracy
Wikipedia is liberal enough.
Liberals are right wingers. They share none of our goals. Please get over your American ideology that has instilled the insane notion into you that liberalism is left wing in any sense whatsoever.
Where in that post did I imply that libs are left-wing?
"rationalists" should be gassed and turned into fertiliser
Reminder that this is what "rational" people actually believe
Apologies, I meant this link
they're the most arrogant cunts around. the very word 'rationalist' implies that everyone else is irrational. plus they have significant overlap with "libertarian" ideology (penn jillette is one example) and ayn rand cultism
Aren't marxists with their "durr it's materialism so it's true" the ultimate rationalists, injecting their ideology into every facet of life -religion, music, love, art etc- in what they call materialist analysis?
But this is based off of reality, not ideological truism.
Materialism directly relates to the physical world - not nonsense like "right to private property"
Ah, stuff is real and marxism is about stuff so marxism is real too.
I have a tea cup on my table, please tell me how it speaks marxism.
Reminder that Engels was a big supporter of evolution and saw it as a form of dialectics in nature.
Tbh posting that image was more or less a knee jerk to you responding to with the implication that that you were defending the act of "injecting their ideology into every facet of life" which is essentially what Lysenko did. I'm aware it was a bit unfair of me, but I couldn't resist being a cheeky cunt.
perhaps. i'm not sure since i don't know much about marxism. coming from a fortean perspective, i've seen that so-called rationalists haughtily deny anything that doesn't conform to their ideology, and ruthlessly attack, denigrate and shame those they deem 'irrational' or 'cranks.' they're arrogant bullies who take pleasure in hurting and humiliating others, and portraying themselves as learned wisemen bravely defending "the truth™" from the superstitious, unwashed masses
just read a few articles on their wiki and you'll get a big whiff of the repulsive snark, scoff and arrogance that defines their movement
That's not how I know them, yes, they do make statements that make people with philosophical inclinations cringe, but the bitter, resentful, total hatred is limited to the SJW's who sometimes adopt the terminology of the rationalists.
I never read rationalist articles in which they mention every mannerism, piece of clothing, or other facets of appearance into a piece of total hatred for a person of group.
It's a liberal site. only good part is it debunks the "skeptic" community faggots and other shit
Their response to GG and Anita Sarkeesian is when I realized that they aren't rational at all.
Not a Marxist, but I'll bite. Who made that teacup? Where did they get the materials for it? Who picked the tea leaves? Who processed them, transported them, sold them? Who got the money underlying all this?
[smug face rises over horizon instead of sun]
hurr duhh
RationalWiki are some of the best Liberals the internet has to offer, they often put actual left analysis in there too, they just dislike Marxism.
They have a pretty decent page on objectivism too. While a little to liberal for my tastes the sites not all bad.
It's infested with liberal SJWs. It's great, because it shits on Christianity, but when it comes to wicca, it's all about the positive aspects in being a delusional retard that believes in shit that doesn't real but doesn't even have the excuse of being a widespread institution.
Pretty sure that Bill Nye quote was in response to Elon Musk's stupid Matrix fantasy
He's a lot better than those other cranks
t. anti-philosopher realist materialist dipshit
Rationalwiki is good for when you want to debunk religion or pseudoscience. Really top notch for that.
Sadly, they don't apply this to politics.
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha meme tier arguments against complex philosophical propositions and then defending monsanto and pfizer hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha this board is so fucking cucked by tech and the new atheism trend. Forreal fam stop being stupid
What Nye said was completely reasonable. He didn't even say it was impossible, just that he was skeptical, as anybody should be.
Also that website is dishonest and pathetic, full of people who do shit like and complain about BDSM's absence from the LGBT acronym.
Nothing within sense experience can convince you to reject all sense experience. Elon Musk's theory ought to be met with skeptical inquiry, in part because it's the kind of statement that could just as well be a publicity stunt.
Holla Forums hates new atheists more than Holla Forums.
Very few of us are luddites though, you got that right.
Also even if you philosophically disagree with evolved plant and eugenics or whatever it's a reality, it's super profitable and it's gotta be accounted for in your political views.
Wrong, this is a self referencing line of logic. Just like nothing from your mind can convince you to reject a mind-born reality. Total fucking loopy logic.
Especially since thought is vaguely independent of sensory experience and is something else unto itself. This is your brain on materialism and its autistic as hell
I'm not a luddite, levers and pulley systems don't send me into conniption fits. lol
philosophically disagree? Are you fucking kidding me? They deny that glyphosate is carcinogenic, they deny that anti-depressants have caused suicides, they deny that vaccines have paralyzed people, they are apologists for unhinged scientism and corporate abuse of technology. Of course its profitable, its also anti-life and inhuman technology that should be banned or dismantled ASAP. These people are sinister, they aren't people I would ever recommend any leftists learning from for any reason. The last thing you need is liberal scientism
Thought isn't a sensory experience, it deals with sensory experience, but it itself is not a sensory experience. You can think about mathematical objects that you created from scratch in your head using symbols you made up, and with no reference to human language or imagery. You can dream up impossible objects and experiences on acid or in deep meditative states that don't relate at all to any existing sensory experiences you are having or have ever had. I've seen designs and objects that in my head, but not with my eyes, are completely unique and have no reference point to anything i've ever seen. There are also experiences like intuition and pre-linguistic thoughts which are more primordial and archetypal and don't even form into words, or internal monolouges if you prefer and there are feelings which have nothing to do with sensory experience. Feelings are reflected in sensory experience but their mental existence is an experience about experience, its not a sensory phenomena itself. Meta cognition, which is thought about thought is also not a sensory experience, neither are dreams sensory experiences. No data has been collected from the outside, they're mind born, probably genetic (human racial memory), archetypal forms that the mind deals with. Maybe they stimulate regions of the brain associated with the senses, but they aren't sense data and they don't relate with the outside world and often preclude things like depth, duration, color, texture, smell, taste, position etc.
Then of course there's just the experience of subjectivity which is completely pre-linguistic and that's not at all subject to sense. Its not like I'm feeling a touch of myself, I'm not smelling the subject, I'm not tasting them or hearing them or watching them. But its there and its certainly the roots of my conscious experience.
Buddhists call this the 6th sense, because it collates the other 5. I don't like this definition because a sense implies a sensed (the object) which the mind can't really make of itself. but then again they have a 7th sense which makes an object of that sense (the collating sense). And then we reach the point where language and image don't convey the feeling anymore and we've left sensory experience behind and now we can't communicate anymore
but that's a fair point and rationalwiki is irredeemably shit
Materialism does real. Marxism =/= Materialism.
I can confirm this myself since I use to be a new atheist a few years back before becoming a leftist and I was a smug arrogant cunt. I remember every religion, any ideas like feminism things like that I use to dismiss with a smug look on my face and I would put people down for it. Now that I am a leftist I try to listen to others and I try not to put others down constantly when they have other points of view than mine. Sometimes it's hard and I sometimes still do it specifically to people like Holla Forumsacks who tbh are some of the most arrogant I've interacted with which is some what ironic since they don't like it when liberals like Jon Stewart, John Oliver, and Stephen Colbert do it, but it's okay when they do it. Hell I remember I would even look down upon moderate Christians and Muslims and say things about how they're enablers and they are letting people become violent just by believing. I even started agreeing with the views of Sam Harris and Christopher Hitchens when it came to foreign policy. I almost fell for the "cultural Marxism" meme that has spread on the Internet because of gamergate. The only reason I didn't end up a nationalist of some sort was because I found out about Catalonia. Now in all fairness I know that it was not perfect, but even after all the critiques some of which are true, some of which are false, some of which are some which are complex it's a pretty impressive example tbh. I realized that communism was not as unrealistic as I originally and then I started reading socialist literature and I learned about other examples socialism in practice and eventually I found myself where I am now with more knowledge and while not perfect I am definitely a better man than I was.
The moral of the story is don't be an absolute cunt and don't think you know everything because you don't none of us do. Arrogance and smugness is a bad road to go on and should be avoided as much as possible. And always seek knowledge when you can. Even if its against your views learning about others is not a bad idea.
No you didn't. This is the same story you hear at church about a guy who used to be a satanic priest and it's always bullshit.
new atheism and atheism aren't the same thing fam.
Most of Holla Forums still wants to burn mosques but we don't think Islam is the cause of all evil in the world or that "we should base our politics on science"
I don't think new atheists think that either. You're just strawmanning.
I don't see what is wrong with this. Marxism is science, after all. All these people are saying is that the solution to a problem should be informed by concrete evidence. All that means in practice is that problems like global warming would be worked on instead of politicized like they are now. This isn't something you can really implement, but it's a nice mindset to have. It's much easier to make ethical judgments if you actually know what is going on. Of course, the facts don't tell you what to do, but they can help you decide based on your own ethical criteria.
politics is human interaction, human systems of interaction are nearly infinitely complex and subject to SUBJECTIVITY and volition and are thus not reasonable, rational, orderly or subject to mathematical modeling. You can't mathematically model how exactly a person will react to a break-up or to being fired or to a bombing raid or the stove catching on fire or their house being destroyed in a tornado. I know that I've seen people completely defy my predictions of their behavior based on careful analysis that considered all their past behavior and the way they relate with others, they still surprised me and they will likely continue to do so. Humans are interesting, objects are less-so. Its just a unique pr1v1ledge that we are bequeathed with from evolution and fate.
I still am an atheist I'm just not a new atheist
I read your post twice just to make sure I wasn't being an asshole, but you didn't write anything. I didn't say that we should decide policy only based on empirical evidence, but that when we do have such evidence it should be considered above what we wish would be true. If you have a better way of doing things, I'd like to hear it, but I think being as informed as you can be when making policy is a sound thing to do.
They only attack tankies which is acceptable. Also their article on Cultural Marxism is god-tier.
tl;dr: Atheism+ happened
Rationalwiki was once the premier armory for the New Atheist movement, and largely ignored politics in favor of dumping all over religion, mysticism, pseudoscience, quackery, and other nonsense. Then Atheism+ happened, the SJWs moved in, heaps of political articles full of SJW doctrine were added, and existing articles were gradually contaminated. This perversion of older articles is incomplete, so the false impression of Rationalwiki being partly useful is produced, but this is merely an illusion from the remnants of the pre-SJW users.
If you enjoy poking at Atheism+ SJWs:
hello randi
By feminists
About a week after it opened. Like every other wiki.
"rationalist" get out
Maybe if you sacrifice a goat the spirits will intervene in your favor
you're only digging your grave deeper, randi
Read Sorel
It's true.
You trying to dismiss it by saying 'cute xD' won't change the facts.
Hi Holla Forums
t. Mao
everybody *is* irrational, though. the basic mechanisms of human cognition are. I'm pretty sure many/most "rationalists" would agree that they themselves are irrational too.
The site has always been garbage. It used to be new atheist garbage. Then there was a new atheist schism about social justice issues and the woke atheists took it over, so it managed to get even worse.
I knew this would cause endless infantile rage among leftypol the second I read it.
nah, it's a pretty old meme and anarkids and leftcoms have been calling the KKE and CPGB Stalinist LARPers for quite a long time now.
you seriously need to lurk more.
Nice infantile rage…