This is what happens when you leftycucks come out to play

This is what happens when you leftycucks come out to play.

Get fucking murdered, dumb commies.


I dont see any antifa pissing themselves after they take a hit like yall do.

Pic related.


lmfao at Holla Forums taking pride in this raging manlet punching a girl who didn't hit anyone

you are so fucking pathetic lmao


"based" stickman xD


"Im an ancap xD"

well yeah, she didn't do anything but stand there during the protest. did she hit anyone? no she didn't

fucking pathetic



Sort of like how one of your literal shit eating "comrades" punched Richard Spencer for just standing and talking?

assaulting people for being fascists isn't the same as assaulting a small little girl for being against fascism


By punching and murdering socialists, I'm saving this world from another Mao or Stalin.

I'm saving millions of lives. Just doing my job.


Socialists aren't human.



The right will perish in the gulags

your ideology has to function first, then we can talk about gulags

really makes you think

The soviet union demonstrates that's clearly not the case

If you are referring to the lack of ideological and organizational constituency of antifa, I agree. It needs to be "chiseled" into a red army. The anarchist/sjws within it have to be molded and need discipline.

I am a Communist and I push this line as much as possible. Antifa must become the proletariats army or it will perish.

But your ideology is based on pseudoscience and lies. Any violence against you is justified. He could have raped her then lit her on fire and it would have been 100% justified.


Wait I thought that wasn't real communism?

Make up your fucking minds, people.

But your ideology is based on pseudoscience and lies.

citation needed

They stop being human when they stop understanding human nature.

We don't say it as a meme. If you actually sit down and talk to a leftist, you get this weird vibe from them that they're not even of this earth. You guys cannot grasp basic human qualities. As far as I can tell you're just an alien wearing human skin.

That it isn't real communism is the point: nonfunctional iterations of our ideology are totally capable of pulling off gulags, ergo our ideology does not have to function before we can talk about gulags.

why do you try to talk about things you don't understand?

I actually think she handled the punch way better than Spencer.

Wow it's almost if we're different people who think differently!



Read Kapital. Literal pseudoscience. Either Marx was a complete historically illiterate retard, or he was the biggest bullshitter out there. A society without hierarchy simply would not work. Killing babies to stop it is justified.

This is why communism is a meme. Not even commies know what communism is.

Where does that read into commies not understanding what communism is

I will fuck your mom bitch

Yes, humans actually have quirks and personality traits that can be found in 99% of us.

Strange thing, I know.

Well which is it, OP?

It's no more of a pseudoscince than economics

uhh what?

I wish a mod would delete my thread and ban me. It'll only prove how sissy cuckold they really are.

Economics isn't a science.

you sound like a sissy cuckold wishing to be deleted and banned

And that's beside the fact that your post has no arguments and is pure b8.

hence pseudoscience

this is too much


Antifa getting rektd is what I masturbate to.(wrong board son)

Not a hard science with a set of laws that set in stone, but it still has to be within the confines of other sciences, such as biology. The notion of a classless society is abhorrent.


If you really wanted to be banned posting on this board, why did you make this thread? Why not just avoid coming here in the first place?

I don't know, I've only read the first two volumes, but he doesn't really talk about what society would be in them.

t. Holla Forumsyp who does not even now the fundamental principles of marxism (which is dialectical materialism)

marxism does not deny human nature, it just correctly applies evolution to human societies and cultures unlike you who adhere to extremist race-essentialism (which has been disporven)




If you're smart enough to tie your own shoes and have read Marx's work you'd disagree with it. Society evolved from a classless cesspit into ordered hierarchy during the neolithic era. Returning to such a state would be crawling back into the sea. Sit down with someone with a tested intelligence quotient over 140 and they'll tell you all about it.
Get a bone marrow transplant from someone of a different race and enjoy the sensation of your new bone marrow being attacked by your immune system/



Where do you think profit comes from? Genuine question.

What are you chirping about classcuck?

Go back to Reddit.

The value of the product, which is determined by the market.

How is value increased? Who (or what) adds value to the raw materials?

I know you're trying to goad me into saying labor. The value is increased if demand for the product increases.


I'm interested in why you don't think it's the labor that adds value though. Demand for a product increases its exchange value, yes, but why do you reject the idea that labor creates value?

The fash can bash back, but I'll fuck their mothers

with every post you make you display your utter ignorance of marxist theory and that the people you are describing are actually SJW liberals.
I bet next you will tell me about le cultural marxist conspiracy

Socialists have tiny cocks



The only kind of value.

Make the case for this.

Your shit is only worth as much as the consumer is willing to pay.

Why would you pay for something that involves no labor to acquire or make?

Would you then say that a subsistence farmer creates no value when he feeds his family from the issue of his land?

Why would I care if I have a tiny cock, I'm mentally ill tranny anyways

Not on the market he isn't.

Holla Forums tries to spin a manlet incel punching small girl into a positive


really makes you think, doesn't it?

Marxism requires extreme mental gymnastics so they never lose in their minds. Remember when people on here were acting like they won in Sacramento even though their guys tried to stab tradyouth guys and instead got stabbed after tradyouth broker their arms and took their knives?

Let's work from your assumptions for a moment. I don't agree with them because to me there is clearly value created outside of the market, but for a moment I'll accept that only that which is traded on the market has value.

The market demands $50 for a pair of jeans. The raw materials per pair costs $5, transportation to market costs $0.50, and workers for a firm are paid $1.00 per pair of jeans. There are of course many more factors in play, so let's call the total outlay per pair of jeans $10.

The employer therefore makes $40 per pair of jeans. What do you call this if not corruption? Add another $5 cost for what is often referred to as risk and the profit is still $35. Do you agree that this rate of exploitation should be reduced? If not, why?

Yes, everyone who disagrees with us is so dishonest. Only we are capable of self-reflection and honesty.

I didn't know other people got this. Well worded my friend.

But what if the consumers didn't buy their jeans in the first place because they're overpriced? Would the price go down or up? Explain.


As long as purchasing the jeans is optional, there is no logical reason why this shouldn't be allowed.


Aborting retards is the zenith of empathy. Would you want to live as a retard who can't support himself?

That picture describes perfectly the Holla Forums mindset. Like for example how in Sacramento the Nazi's were forced to run for their lives despite bringing knives to a fistfight. Or how at least half a dozen trumplets got stomped the fuck out by antifa, but still claimed victory because a manlet managed to punch a woman.


Of course the price would go down, but only if there were other options (assuming clothing oneself is a necessity, which at a basic level it is). However this is not some fantasy. Consumers regularly pay over $100 for a pair of jeans. It's a worthy question you bring up, but it elides my question regarding exploitation. I'd like to hear your thoughts regarding that.

Many places have a real paucity of choice, either because of collusion to keep prices at a certain level or de facto monopolies.

So I take it you don't believe exploitation is a problem in production.

Fundamentally this is an ethical question, not one of strict logic; there's not an objectively correct answer. What is objective, I think, is the fact that a degree of exploitation is taking place. Do you agree that it exists?

This is the asocial logic of a psychopath, not a human being. Humans, like most mammals, are social, empathetic creatures. This is something you don't seem to comprehend.

Middle class, muh privileged antifa kid sprayed him with bear mace. You're proud of that?

But antifa brought the knives. Nazis broke their arms and took them. trust me.

Do you have any evidence that those who sprayed him were either middle class and muh privileged?

What changes if they are?

That would be the only thing a government should be involved in. Preventing monopolies and encouraging competition. Obviously people will try to fuck each other over but if you are competing for customers and employees it can only go so far.

He got clocked with a skateboard, it was hilarious

Why bother with that meme?

Not because they have to. There are many places to get jeans under $20. People buy expensive clothes to be fashionable. It's not like there's no alternative. This massive fuckup you just made disproves every point you've argued, and the ideologically you're trying to defend. Why don't you drop Marxism? I just provided factual proof that you should?

But several of your duded got chased down the street and beaten. You guys had more casualties. I've proven myself to be the smarter, more in line with the facts guy in this thread. So you need to listen to what I say.


Bear mace is not a weapon used by hood rats, sorry Charlie.

Bear maced, actually. See the water bottle being poured into his eyes?

The ample footage of the recent California antifa events have overwhelmingly shown that they have no ability to fight whatsoever, and the only time they've laid people out is with bear mace.

Stabbing you with your own knives is doing something.

Nice quads.

What about the question of exploitation? In my example I'm not arguing against consumers paying a higher price for what they view as fashion, consumer exploitation is a different discussion; I'm asking why the worker who made the jeans shouldn't share in that profit.

bro that was GSS, Trad Youth are fat useless pussies. Just look at Heimbach lol

Shag carpet lives in a neighborhood were the median house price is over 600k

Good dubs.

How far is too far for you?


They do. They get a wage in exchange for the small part they take in the manufacturing process. Anyone can operate a sewing machine, but not everyone can run a large bussiness.

I don't understand this post.

That's not evidence. And many (I would go as far as saying most) on the Trump side are middle class and p rivileged. And how is that germane?


Hairy bitch lives in a rich neighborhood.


The only casualties antifa took was when one guy got swarmed by about 20 fash and the girl who got punched by the manlet. There is video footage of several trump supporters getting the shit beaten out of them, including stickman, its not like this shit is just your word against mine, it was on camera, just accept it.

There's footage of several antifa members getting stomped into the pavement. You need to accept it. You lost.

I love the current year so much.

look, its okay to admit when you lose a fight, being able to acknowledge setbacks is an important quality.

But we won. You guys got routed and beaten. You lost in POZ capital. If you lost on your own turf how would you win anywhere else in the country?

Just accept that Antifa's only combat strength is the mob and that you guys get shattered very easily…

First step in fixing a problem is admiring it. Till then the evil white man will continue to lands freedom punches as you valiantly run the fuck away.

I just don't understand this mentality. Whats the point of pointing at a fight where we can all clearly see the fash getting stomped into the pavement and saying "look we won!" Circlejerking about how antifa are a bunch of pussies does you no good when clearly they can kick your ass any day.


because you ceded the ground and were driven from the field. Hard to spin that into a victory. You would be better served by putting mental effort into the next move rather than trying to spin watching your group break from multiple video sources.

not pathetic at all

Antifa we're driven up the street by the weight of the fash's superior numbers. Both sides moved at walking pace and only a handful of fash even tried to press their advantage by launching weak, badly aimed and badly timed kicks, inflicting no casualties. I'm assuming you haven't seen the webm of the fascist trying to kick an antifa and the antifa just catches his foot? Even when they were forced to retreat antifa were in no serious danger from the trumpcucks. Bearing in mind that at this point several trumpcucks had been beaten to a paste.

Not quite there yet.

Lefties are doomed tho, considering they can't even hold a university in Commiefornia.

Context of pic?

Yo bro. If you stop starring at those trees, you might see this forest.

What you are saying is like calling what happened to my grandpappy a win.

America. Fuck. Yea.

Moral of the story was that rather than staying put and insisting that they won the fight, the best tactic was to fall all the way back to Pusan until they were strong enough to fight back again.

Face facts. Antifa has to eat crow over this. Better luck next time. Till then is just salt.


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