So in the unexpected season 3 premier episode of Rick and Morty that was launched on April Fool's Day, Rick escaped from the Galactic Federation's maximum security prison by constantly swapping consciousness with different bodies; first into the body of Gromflomite agent Cornvelious Daniel, then into the body of a Seal Team Rick, then into the body of the head commanding officer of the Council of Ricks' militia, then he teleports the entire Citadel of Ricks directly into the Federation prison he just escaped, resulting in the multiverse Ricks and the Federation prisoners ensuing in a wide-scale massacre. Rick then transfers his consciousness into one of the leading Council members to sabotage and eliminate the entire council, and then he takes Morty and Summer into one of the Federation's main system computers. He announces that he's going to destroy the Galactic Federation's entire government, and he does so simply by devaluing their centralized currency from equaling one of itself into zero of itself. This causes the entire Galactic Federation to crumble from within, its members turning on each other, even leading to them leaving Earth, which they had beforehand conquered, as a result.
Have we been going about this all wrong, comrades? Is Rick's way of destroying capitalism the right way to do it all this time?
He's definitely an anti-authoritarian of some kind, and the Galactic Federation seems to be some kind of totalitarian fascist government. At the very least he is some kind of individualist nihilist. He would probably be an egoist if he didn't hate himself so much.
Nicholas Collins
No. And your cartoon is shit.
(Not to mention the obvious idiocy of a currency having an exchange rate with itself)
Robert White
This is just slightly less retarded than unironically being an ancap
Bentley Hughes
I have a feeling he's an "an"cap and would have preferred if the alien guys used gold instead or something
Angel Harris
Cry some more. Rick and Morty is based AF and you know it.
Okay, granted, I know it's just a cartoon, and devaluing currency isn't as easy as just going to a government computer and changing a one to a zero. But you gotta admit, the idea of devaluing capital, the very backbone of capitalism itself, has some pretty solid merit to it. Without the accumulation of money, what do the porkies have to live for? Considering the fact that overthrowing porky in a violent revolution isn't nearly as possible now as it was 100 years ago, I think it's safe to say we should probably change up our approach to destroying capitalism in a more modern manner, wouldn't you say?
Dominic Miller
I didn't mention Reddit or memes.
I made the objective observation that Rick and Morty is shit. The "one to zero" bit being a very good example of how fucking stupid and lazy the show is while trying to pretend it is smart. A currency cannot have an exchange rate with itself.lus, when empires do fall apart, everybody doesn't just shrug their shoulders and go home, they set up local control structures (which is to say that Earth should be ruled by whichever bug came out on top in the local struggle).
Jason Powell
did NOT read
Andrew Gray
I think it's obvious that Rick has no ideology at the time of the show. He's a burnt out old terrorist who has seen too much blood and too little progress to have any faith left in whatever it was he used to believe in. He doesn't care about anything or anyone, not even himself. As to what his original cause was the only thing we know is that he opposed the Galactic Federation.
Luke Rodriguez
But what if it's the only currency in the galaxy?
Ayden White
Pretty sure they were making a joke with the "Worth one of itself" line.
Brandon Diaz
wew lad
Also, it was CENTRALIZED currency. The Galactic Federation's government all works the same way in its interplanetary system, meaning their currency would have total centralization to it. Think something along the lines of the Reichsmark system for the Nazis or some shit like that. THAT is why it has an exchange rate with itself. Maybe the show actually is smarter than you're giving it credit for… either that, or you're just a salty dumbshit with atrocious taste.
Luke Jackson
Bat'ko, is that you?
Robert Richardson
I wish I could sing as well has him tbh.
Luke Rogers
Then it doesn't have an exchange rate.
No. The writers have no goddamn idea what an exchange rate is and were counting on you to also hage no goddamn idea what an exchanhe rate is, and therefore you would be wowed by their shitty misunderstanding of basic concepts.
Just like their shitty misunderstanding of parallel universes, philosophy and everything else.
Christian Foster
Bentley Martinez
You have to go back.
Luis Sanchez
I actually really, really agree with this.
Maybe it's cos I'm a dumb NEET asshole who nobody will hire, but I'm super down with just voluntarily selling stuff for extremely cheap. Wait, no, that's the opposite thing. Fuck.
William Cox
Oh, you mean a completely theoretical concept that's more colorfully explored by science fiction, where basically any and all rules can and will apply, than actual astronomical science bothers to look into?
Julian Fisher
No you just don't get it, only Sliders did it right everyone else is wrong REEEEEEEEEEEE
Wyatt Parker
Rick is an egoist, I think I saw some dingus call him a libertarian/ancap somewhere, but I think thats far from the truth.
Regardless, its a fun show, I don't really care about its politics.
Oliver Baker
"Morty, stop bitching about the stupid morality of what we're doing! Morality is a spook, Morty! It's a fuckin' *BURP* spook, Morty! It's all in your head, what we're doing is totally justified!"
Jayden Clark
The Galactic Federation comes off more as a global Neo-Liberal system to me. What really hit me on it was the Rick and Morty teaser Fed Connect:
In the Federation, things seem to function similarly to how things work in well… our world. They have an allegory to Buzzfeed even. Like for other cultures in our world, Earth's diversity merely serves as an emerging market for the Federation to exploit and colonize. In the Federation, earth is pretty much treated like a third world nation is today when they join the UN or some other global organization.
I actually really wish they explored this aspect of the Federation more in the show… but they just decided to blow it up. That said, the Federation seems to be limited to a specific universe (with each universe having its own Federation), and the travel between the universes is limited by each Federation (considering the Mercantile nature of the Federation, they must implement protectionism vs other universes), so I think Rick only destroyed the universe in his (adopted) universe, so they might pop back up.
Christopher Allen
Oh, they're definitely going to be a returning presence. Don't you remember? The post-credits scene of S3E1 involved Tammy, who we found out in S2E10 is actually a deep-cover agent for the Galactic Federation, enters an experimentation room full of Gromflomites, to which they reveal a resurrected, cybernetic-augmented Birdperson, who declares himself as Phoenix Person, a name Tammy is displeased with at first, but decides she doesn't care as long as he serves his purpose as the Federation's newest weapon, to which she hops on his back as he spreads his cybernetic wings and takes to the sky with a feral battle cry.
Julian Barnes
If there are infinite universes, then there are an infinite number of federations with portal technology. In fact, there is infinite everything with portal technology.
Yet, only Rick has one becuz muh speshul snowflake genius wubbadubdubs DAE nihilism DAE nuffin matter.
It is shitty and inconsistent.
Levi Rogers
you write all this as if the writers themselves weren't aware of how stupid it is. Rick and morty is an incredibly self aware show
Isaac Reyes
Benjamin Ross
I think Rick is important because he invented a portal gun which is easily usable and portable. In the first episode when they run out of charge, they end up going to this huge facility where portal travel is heavily regulated and controlled by the Federation. It could be either that Rick invented a portal gun which is much more effective than the dimensional travel of the Federation, or that his portal gun simply is an affront to their power and control of their universe, or possibly both.
Also, Rick SAYS there is an infinite amount of everything, but I think that is simply his tag line to get away with shit, there seems to be a FINITE amount of universes for example that he can bail to like he did when Earth became cronenberged, and when 'evil rick' makes a spectrum of all the ricks, it is a discrete spectrum, not a continuous one. In reality there are likely rules and commonalities between universes that rick doesn't want to mention because it undermines his nihilist charade.
Rick is playing 4D chess motherfucker.
Colton Wright
Rick is a dark take on reddit liberalism. Nothing more.
Juan King
If that was the case then they would have switched its value back to one.
Matthew Price
I'm still mad about Samurai Jack not being shown that day
Jace Moore
only true answer
Logan Lee
We could have had Scotsman and an Aku battle three days ago.
Elijah Nelson
It really took a toll on me trying to explain that on halfchan Holla Forums, and I really have only myself to blame.
Like, nigger, hacking and activating all nukes would cause irreversible damage, but the currency thing is idiotic, shit would just go back ot normal. The stock market is not a value you can change (even if self-convertion for currencies even existed). Even if you modified literally all stock tables and databases, trade would go on as usual because people just buy and sell at the same price as yesterday (ok, it would have effects, but it has to do more with the fact that the hack occured than the numbers being erased). You can't just force people to trade with the values you want. The nukes would have been easier, the other is literally having to gain control of every transaction to collapse their economy.
Rick was writen as basically pulling a "360 no scope bb" but what actually happened was "look Morty, toppling an empire is much easier than you think, you just need to control literally all exchange of goods to effectively paralize trade and fuck thus up their economy!!1" Roiland should have put some effort into coming up with a witty method to topple a government. Lazy fucktard.
filename never more appropiate
Jaxson Walker
Let me expiatiate: Roiland could have done some thought provoking thing about the volatibility of capitalism or the economy, like for example showing how free market economies are volatile when too dependant on the individuals' judgement. Simple shit like falsely declaring a new tax coming out affecting all bank savings and money you have in stocks could create a rush of withdrawals, producing bankrupcies, paralizing investment, debt defaults, etc.
Blake Torres
I think the 0 to 1 thing was more of a joke, much like how described. So, as with a lot in this cartoon, since it doesn't care much about realism, we have to just interpret it as Rick finding whatever way to enter in the computer and mess with money values, thus making all jobs and exchange null, completely breaking society without actually having to touch it's physical resources. It exposes how detached the market system is from reality, where things like planned obsolescence can actually benefit society by "stimulating the economy". It is in the same note as with Jerry loving living in the simulation the aliens created, since there, his ego was satisfied, even though it was detached from reality. No wonder he was loving his new job on the new government, even though he had no idea what it was even for, but hey, he was moving ranks and getting stars!11! Much like the bullshit jobs we have in our system today.
Easton Richardson
No he couldn't, because he is an idiot. There is nothing wrong with being an idiot. Being an idiot doesn't even stop you from being clever, and R&M has the occasional good joke. But being an idiot does mean that as soon as you encounter a complex issue, you fall on the floor screaming and shitting yourself, and it also means that you don't realize how much of an idiot you are.
Jose Evans
You're telling me what Rick did couldn't happen today with, say, Bitcoins?
Nathan Russell
It couldn't happen with literally anything, because exchange rates don't work that way. Even countries with fixed exchange rates don't work that way.
Austin Richardson
Rick is pretty funny but only a liberal redditor could find any of his schemes or ideas relating to real world thing like government "intelligent."
Ryan Bennett
Rick's a dumb man's idea of a smart man.
Noah Collins
Justin Roiland is not an idiot. He's a mad, batshit insane genius of comedy. Seriously, he's probably the most fucked-up comic I know, and I love it. That's just where he chooses to focus his energy, not into other fields of genius. So yes, he may not be wholly educated on matters such as what you all speak of, but give him some credit where it's due, at least.
Robert Cook
Juan Ross
The value of fiat currency is not directly determined by the government. They can't just switch the value to zero.
Connor Bailey
On the bright side, the Samurai Jack ride will end one week later.
William Evans
Rick destroys the Council of Ricks and Galactic Federation because they're a personal inconvenience to him. Like the one Rick in the premiere says, he's the smartest thing in every conceivable reality. To paraphrase SJWs, for him the personal is political purely because he's so powerful.
Rick and Morty isn't based. It's got merits but it's a cartoon thrown together by a couple of lazy creatives. Dan Harmon is a latent radical leftist but all his friends are idpol liberals so peer pressure and personal weakness holds him back. Rick is written mostly as a reflection of Harmon's insecurities and perceived strengths. Morty is the potential Harmon sees in himself. Justin Roiland just wants to make cartoons with crazy shit happening. Not that there's anything wrong with that. His creative energy is valuable.
Rick and Morty rides a line between seriousness and stupidity. It's ironic that you miss this considering the picture you posted is from the episode where Rick has a petty rivalry with The Devil. Rick's destructin of the Galactic Federation is satire of fiat currency and consistent with Rick's disdain for money.
Gabriel Gray
Samurai Jack is a much better show overall, but Rick and Morty does have the occasional social commentary, like the episode about wage slavery with the car battery.
Ian Russell
I'd say Rick and Morty has its moments but it's by no means a 'smart show' - it's a show designed to make the viewer feel intelligent.
Carter Phillips
nah rick is just another edgy retarded anarkid
Lucas Butler
More accurately, it's designed to make Dan Harmon feel intelligent.
Jaxon Collins
he's pretty unspooked
Leo Cruz
Keep in mind that Rick is also the man who said this:
Noah Barnes
Yeah, and that self-awareness is sometikmes used to hide their insecurites. Admitedly. I know it was a joke, I just find it a very stupid joke for whatever reason. Nothing of this has to do with taking it too seriously or something like that. Why do people keep pointing that out (on Holla Forums too).
They do this a lot, predictable jokes. Jokes that you see from a mile away, and still they do it. The very moment I saw the "0 = 1" I facepalmed and thought "great, now a whole minute of seeing the bugs realize retardedly slowly that the economy is an abstraction based on expected value. Slowly panic building up, then chaos and some office fires or shit like that, people attacking each other for no good reason"
That might be it. Just so painfully predictable.
yeah, this really.
I cringed so much.
Camden Perry
There's probably going to be a reveal later on that something's amiss, there were too many inconsistencies in the episode and they normally don't miss anything.
Pretty sure he was taking the piss.
Easton Myers
It's that it's a show that works in a lot of assumptions about the userbase. Sci-fi shit needs not be explained, because at this point anyone +15 knows their pop-physics. Or has enough Sci-fi background to undestand the references, cliches, plots, etc. Even magic shit like the "ironic consequences creepy shop" of the Devil. All these things take almost no screen time to even mention, and this fluidity is what makes the show intersting, not stopping for spoonfeeding concepts
But they spend a minute on a predictable joke.
Kayden Jenkins
gonna turn out he's still in brain jail
Brody Baker
He's going to end up back with his wife and realise that the agent kept his word and he's been eased into the false reality.
Logan Gonzalez
Not sure why people here hate the show so much. I've always thought it was good fun. It's not meant to be a terribly intelligent show. Just an animated comedy with scifi shit. Y'all need to let me know what you're watching to have such high standards for western cartoons.
Ryder Sanchez
John Stewart
Maybe their entire system of currency is digital and that's why that worked?
But there is something that can. It makes sense that the federation in that world can, given, their entire control over the galaxy and its ECONOMY.
God why am I even on this board. Fuck this place. The foresight is below zero here.
Jordan James
People on Holla Forums will fucking shit on anything that normies like
Bentley Russell
Sometimes people have different opinions.
Dominic Butler
Bye. Fucking retard.
Jaxon Sanders
whatever you say, buddy. they're making science cool to the kiddies again, and it's not 100% pure regurgitated garbage. Not that I watch it though.
Aaron Diaz
I hate it when I'm watching Looney Tunes and all of the thoughtful, insightful social commentary is suddenly interrupted by the animator's poor understanding of physics. Chuck Jones is fucking hack, doesn't he realize that if an anvil were to really fall on a duck it would be smashed into a bloody pulp? WB seems to think it's okay to propagate the misinformation that ducks turn into accordions when crushed and I for one am sick and tired of it.
Yeah rick is a classic Nihilist Leftist, he's definitely /yourguy/
Daniel Johnson
you say this like rick & morty was all coherent and serious like a mr robot type serie, and not a comedic parodic fucked up scifi catoon show with bits of deepness spread around
Jayden Rodriguez
Aaron Rodriguez
this tbqh
Joseph Gonzalez
This thread is weird since threads on cuckchanc's Holla Forums has had a few threads saying that Rick was 'pointing out leftist nonsense' which always means spooky big gubbermand to anyone who isn't a lefist.
Logan Wilson
Should just explain to them why they're wrong. Especially considering it is written by a leftist.
Ryan Parker
Now it all makes sense
Oliver Fisher
Anime is degenerate
Austin Anderson
Anime is as pure as my soul
Owen White
so tainted and degenerate
Asher Scott
uh no you don't have one, as soon as you sieg heiled you lost it user
John Garcia
Animu and Mango are probably the worst cases of easily digestible commodities shat out by the culture industry to be sold to slant-eyed victims of what's one of the most mind-breaking and suicide-inducting combinations of capitalism and turbo-collectivist societal norms that put that island country on the very top of suicide rates and percentage of people who shut themselves in the rooms to the point of using pissbottles rather than going to the toilet. It doesn't stop said media from being enjoyable
Mason Turner
he literally says objective good and evil exists in the show(but that it is hard to measure), and mentions ethical implications multiple times. Most mathematical geniuses and visionary philosophers do not put much time into this post-modern woo.
Reality just is what it is - action reaction, talking about "universal meaning" is retarded, just do what you feel is responsible and your reward system will treat you well. As much as I love philosophy, it is fucking up a lot of kids, including myself. Science is just the way to go, since ethical systems are already included with in general logic, if you look at it from an evolutionary/biological standpoint. Nature has a bias towards altruism.
Xavier Torres
It's funny and sad how now instead of famous scientists saying cool shit we get famous science people saying petty shit.
Carter Cox
I didn't sign up for that give it back
Nicholas Bailey
lol that's why he's a nihilist and is an alcoholic. he reflects on good and evil (but they're hard to measure) and then doesn't abide by any standards of good and just does what he wants The writers of that show aren't mathematical geniuses or visionary philosophers they're faggot nerds who never got STEM degrees and decided to go into animation not an argument or even a statement worth dealing with no you just said that, that doesn't make it true or even remotely intelligent sounds like nihilism and hedonism being mixed together with a little pragmatism. so total shit, not even philosophy You sound dumb and like you would never be taught philosophy by a free society because it would be wasted on you NO they're not at all hahahahahahahahahahaha stick to STEM my dude your shits all fucked up and you sound stupid as hell
Easton Lee
renounce fascism, embrace eternity and become nothing. I can't do anything for you user, i'm not you
Luke Cox
Literally just ad hominems, with no arguments than "you sound dumb", "no they're not, because II said so" I'd hate to trigger someone, but for the sake of courtesy, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you actually have the ability to provide an argument. It's not about the show, what I am suggesting is that it makes sense to be responsible whether or not it is the objectively most rational thing to do, since we can't practically know anything for certain. Although I can only have this debate of we assume this practical now notion of no absolute truths.
Christopher Foster
wow u sound really smrt
Isaac Allen
The whole point is precisely that, nihilism is the ultimate liberation of thought, you can't apply meaning to the universe as it is limites to our own framw of reference and mere approximations.Of course if you believe in the concept absolute truths you will deduce that "the universe" is meaningI ss, as you can't provide a clear direction. Logic is inductive and based upon mathematical patterns. Einstein, while still an agnostic atheist, believed in the god of spinoza and had faith in reason/logical structures. We would not be brought about if it weren't for the fact that we we're selfless social organisms having a feed back loop of consciousness, where survival of the group became an important priority in order to move our species forward. A deterministic universe can still have probabilostic practical structures, even though things are much more complex in reality. Since I care more about spreading awareness and learning than some silly argumentation, I'd higly recommend checking out Sapiens, a brief history of mankind and latest resaerch in cognitive neuroscience. I promise you there is real beauty to this universe than the shallow lense of consumerist hedonistic capitalism. While I am critical of everything, there is a shimmer of hope left.
Joseph Ward
the guy who made it really is?
This may be the case generally but there are always exceptions to the rule.
Ian Brown
Grayson Cox
Not how infinity works. There's infinite numbers between 0 and 1. None of those numbers is 2. Just because there are infinite Galactic Federations seeking portal technology doesn't mean there are any that get it. Even if there are infinite realities where they get it, there are also infinite realities where they don't and the infinite versions that get it would have infinite other realities to invade and conquer. Rick has already made the point with his parallel universe goggles that when you start imposing filters on alternate realities they get narrowed down really fast. He cracks the joke in the love potion/cronenberg episode that they can only relocate their home reality a few times.
No, in the 301 they make it pretty clear it's the ability to travel between parallel realities. That's what the Federation is after and it's what the alternate Rick tells the flashback Rick is the breakthrough. The Federation already has teleportation, which is what Rick was working on in the flashback.
The Council of Ricks refers to "the central finite curve" which would mean there's a subset of parallel universes that is actually finite. That doesn't necessarily mean it's the only set that has Ricks or Galactic Federations though, just that's where the main Rick comes from. Maybe the weird variations come from elsewhere. The "finite" part of the central finite curve may also refer to some bound on N-dimensional space as opposed to the actual number of dimensions inside of it.
This. There's a reason the intro uses "3 + 3 = 6" as the math formula to indicate this is a sci-fi show.
Dylan Myers
I listened to all of Roiland's Grandma's Virginity Podcast, which I really miss, but listening to it you can tell he is definitely nowhere near leftist politics. He grew up in a rich family and a lot of his viewpoints make me think he is a lot more likely to be an ancap than he would ever be a leftist.
Justin Wood
Roiland's job is to come up with wacky ideas and do voices. Harmon's job is to write a coherent story. Dan Harmon is at least vaguely leftist; he's bitched about capitalism on Harmontown before and implied that leftists have given him shit. He's too deep into showbusiness culture (i.e. friends with tons of liberals) to ever be a true leftist but he definitely has shades of it. The car battery episode has Morty saying that taking surplus value of labor is slavery, and later Rick and another character repeating it.
Carson Evans
No its the worship of meaninglessness and apotheosis of blind will over higher purposes. Which is evil. No you're just saying that, you can still sense the higher truths with your limited faculties, I certainly don't feel like I'm too limited to feel them. This is nonsensical and you haven't argued for it (like 99% of what you've said already you come here and act as if it has a positive truth value, when it does not necessarily). Yes I can and its outward Logic is prior to mathematics and logic can be deductive or inductive depending on the user and purpose. I think anyone whose studied philosophy for more than 5 minutes knows that the Scientific Method is inductive and mathematical logic like in mathematical proofs, is deductive (inductive is a misnomer and if you'd studied philosophy you'd know that most logic proofs are deductive in nature). I don't care what the old Jew believed in at all, it doesn't mean anything to me. This is conjecture and you're mixing sociological/philosophical terminology with biological-ecological terminology in a way I don't think is scientific or intelligent. I also don't think that a Species that only cares about dominating its environment can be said to be altruistic in any way. Evolution makes little to no provisions for its many species and when one dominates it often kills all the others, or when one organism dominates it often chokes the life out of the others (for instance a Chief who kills the competing males and mates with all the woman and castrates the rest of the men) I don't necessarily believe the universe is deterministic and I think between advances in Quantum Mechanics and the study of consciousness within AI it will become apparent that its not fully deterministic. your cutesy but dangerous attitude of philosophy being unnecessary fluff is why you've repeatedly made key errors in both logic and rhetoric and you aren't capable of examining your own built in, propaganda induced philosophical presuppositions (i can tell you've never taken a class on formal logic, for instance, nor do you have training in epistemology for instance). I have Sapiens sitting in my book stack, I'll scan through it if I feel like it, I'm more than aware of chaos theory and neo-darwinian understandings of reality, I just reject them as unphilosophical and unscientific. Yeah I know that already that's why I'm not a nihilist materialist atheist abandon all hope, ye who enter this place
Adrian Rogers
not a counter argument, ad hominems aren't a legitimate logical fallacy. Your character and manner of speech reflects on the presuppositions that drive your arguments and create the premises of those arguments. You and the other posters haven't studied philosophy or formal logic and if you have you're doing a terrible job of being consistent. I suggest that you do before you start talking about the meaning of existence you arrogant fool. No that doesn't follow. If there is no meaning to life then any responsibility is illusory and meaningless and had no purpose, regardless if it elicits pleasure, as the pleasure was meaningless and so was the gesture that led to it. There is no reason for a character to not be a nihilistic hedonist who drinks alcohol all day and is abusive towards your intimate friends, because there is no meaning in your nihilism it has no purpose so why not? No i'm not going to assume something I don't know to facilitate a pernicious line of reasoning that tries to bait and switch basic axioms about reality for the sake of feel good, corporate-tech-culture industry sponsored nihilism. There's no reason to believe there aren't absolute truths and if there was then why are we developing science and mathematics, why are we still philosophizing in the philosophy of science and mind? To find ultimate truths, to reach the end, to know it all. Regardless of whether that yields a God or happiness we are headed into the deep with the purpose of bringing light, the light of truth and understanding. Eventually they will map the entire universe and the entire sequence of events that led to that point down to the sub-atomic level and up to the highest level, they will understand every universe and every dimension and every possible timeline and we will have become like God. Which is the purpose of Science and Philosophy to become as Gods.
This is why we started learning and applying ourselves, the technology is another means to this end, it is not an end to itself, human comfort is a means to an end, not an end to itself, all of the fruits of technology are to facilitate knowledge and understanding. The hedonistic nihilists want to bask in the means and ignore the ends, this is immoral and unethical. It can't ever be entertained or allowed to flourish or we risk falling back hundreds of steps away from our goal, which will take even longer to get back to than the first time.
Jaxon Walker
I wonder where user heard this word???
Josiah Ward
Actually, you did make a very good case for yourself and provided a good argumentation as to why you would be skeptical of another world view.
I think a lot of my points are not driven home as a result of my own confusion, english being my second language, mixing up some words. I think I also might have misrepresented your opinions, as a misconception of your standpoints. although, I wouldn't necessarily say I've learned anything new, in terms of actual philosophical thought, which is more of what I was looking for.
What disappointed me is that you at least for the most part just pointed about potential flaws in the logic(that for at least some of the times where me actually using the wrong words to the describe my position), in contrast to providing any direct alternative.
It does appear really from my side as if someone like you who is clearly more educate in philosophical history and jargon, in contrast to me who merely studied on my own, trying to think critically for myself, has actually a very similar would view to mine, even though clearly we do have a different way of describing it/defining it, which honestly is all I care about. perhaps not fully understanding one another, but coming to terms with our academical and experiential difference, perhaps even learning a thing or few.
Ryan Kelly
I assume this not the poster I just answered more politely. I am not arguing that there is no objective reality that goes beyond our subjective frame of reference, being thoughts and feelings, I am arguing for the radical notion that absolute truths cannot practically exist with our frame of reference due to probability. Even if it's 99.99% likely to be true, it's not absolute. But you know this already, it's basic elementary science, I think again this comes down to my limited vocabulary.
Hudson Roberts
Tbh, I am much more happier than accepting that I am intellectually inferior in some departments while recognizing two other people who are more intelligent, as far as brain power and education goes, to represent themselves as strict opponents towards hedonistic nihilism. That said, accepting that you're intellectually inferior is not an excuse for not learning more and challenging your intellect, which is something everyone should do, no matter how depressing you think life is. It is actually the most responsible thing you can do, I'd argue.
Andrew Scott
Julian White
I'm going to say Rick and Morty is anarchist Futurama
Ayden Harris
This thread has some of the most over-analyzing about any fictional cartoon or anime I've ever seen, and thats saying something.
Justin Edwards
It's straight up sperging. this feels like one of those simpson nerd convention gags.
Jose Wilson
You must be new here. Overanalyzing fiction is what we expert at.
Also, Rich is anarcho-egoist. Unity is much more our guy.
Elijah Cooper
Your belief in earth's imortance amuses me.
Grayson Ross
I think people are getting confused, and thinking this is one of those "haha everyone else is dumb except for me. i am above it all." shows, but it really doesn't go in that direction much. Some of the fanbase may be like that, but most of it is just decent normies.
Tyler Murphy
Jesus fuck, that makes way too much sense… Though more in terms of her ideals. Communism and leftism doesn't share any attributes to hive-minds, despite what right-wingers and Holla Forums would like to believe.