BRAZIL//Latin America General
How are things going, anões? Is there any hope for us? We might be doomed after all
BRAZIL//Latin America General
How are things going, anões? Is there any hope for us? We might be doomed after all
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Lenin won ecuador, that's something
Only a revolution can save us.
For any other anão here: did you watch Muke's video (Xexizy) about PragerU's "How Socialism Ruined my Country (Brazil)"? He invited a fellow br huehue to speak/explain/critic
We are fucked
Let's embrace accelerationism now
Shit, at least Sartori can't go with his privatization plans unlike that faggot Marchezan.
There's always hope, but I wouldn't expect much. I'm pretty sure the bourgeois have some sort of suicide desire or are too fucking spooked by the free market meme to even care and the left is too focused with shitty infights to actually be effective.
first as tragedy then as farce
Cunha will "blow up the business world"
top kek
There were supposed to be a bunch of Bolsomito classcucks gathering at a square near I live yesterday and when I checked out to heckle them it was barely thirty middle class assholes carrying anti-communist banners in their fifties lol
This is what happens when you put your faith in succdem.
Why did everyone got fucked so bad and became US's bitch but Cuba?
Is it that colonial ideology is still so engraved in latam's psyche?
Nope, with the corruption scandals, the economical crisis and the actual political scenario its impossible in the short and medium term and in the long term the structure of the (growing) services sector and the deindustrialization, make the things very hard for the left.
If lula get arrested, he have big chance to win tbh.
Stop. Read Chico de Oliveira and Paulo Arantes. Drop the pseudo north-american sociology based on """psychology"".
Populism is not the same as Fascism. And it's funny because the Worker's Party went from "rejecting" anything related to Vargas to "upholding and defending" his """legacy""".
Daily reminder that Brizola organized a resistance movement against the '64 coup, on his state - giving arms, mobilizing soldiers and local battalions - while the Brazilian Communist Party fought the coup through "Democratic Struggles", rejecting any form of armed struggle, or direct resistance.
all hope is lost fam
please end our suffering
I miss both of them. We will never get them back. What a missed opportunity.
Tell me about the guy that just won the election in Ecuador.
His name is Lenin and he won on the same day Stalin became General secretary of the USSR
is AMLO /our guy/ ?
If fate wasn't a spook I'd say it was fate.
Welp, Chile is currently all about presidential elections and all the "left" candidates are succdem as fuck.
This Tuesday there was a student protest denouncing the neoliberal character of the educaction reform proposed by this (also succdem/left-lib) government. These have pretty much become rutinary since 2011. Just that day, the govt's reform proposal was rejected by the Education Committee of the Chamber of Deputies; if it is rejected by the Chamber itself as well, no proposal can be done again until 2018. That would probably be a victory for the student movement:
That's just student activism though; other than that the Chilean workers' movement is pretty much dead save for the odd isolated strike and shit.
khrushchevism ruined communism in brazil
/ourguy/ is a shitty Holla Forums meme, comr8
at least the maoists tried. they failed a bit, but they tried…
What is the Ecuador /Bolivia/Venezuela axis?
Also labor was strong in my country until maoists started killing proles.
thing is they chose to try and start a peasant movement in the countryside from scratch in an increasingly urbanized country, instead of joining the fight in the cities
they went full retard and got quashed for that
hi peru. Is support for shining path resurging there?
i've seen pro-gonzalo graffiti in my town (capital city of one of our agrarian states) and maoists here are all his fanboys
but they were peasant children killer scum and i sincerely hope their shit doesnt stick here
I'm not in Peru anymore but during the last elections the only somewhat lefty party in the race was slandered by having ties with sendero and the meme stuck (because social media is cancer). For the ruling class not killing Indians with polution is the equivalent of a Cultural Revolution I guess