Today, we'll be educating and recruiting from /r9k/
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On it
Telling them
This is actually pretty easy, We should do this more often.
I'm afraid that my post was too long. You know which one it is.
I don't know whether the bourgeois in the thread is trolling or not
That was pretty long, but it was a nice post, dude.
Could be serious, but who knows
Fuck off my board commiecuck faggots. Don't act as if we have anything to gain from your shitty theoretical government. I'll still be a mid 20s khv wagecuck except this time I'll be working for commissar Chad instead of Chad the capitalist
It doesn't have a government (stateless), and it doesn't have wages (moneyless). Jeez dude, at least read the original post.
Don't listen to these fools. Anarchism is the only answer. Statuses are all the same, kill all statists.
You will never be able to reach out to /r9k/. You reduce EVERYTHING down to class. People care about more than just class. Issues related to Race, gender, sexual orientation, disability, etc. can make one's material conditions even worse than they really are. A one-size fits all vanilla white cis socially/mentally adjusted male world view does not apply to everyone.
somehow this doesn't sound like r9k (or leftypol)
You do realise that we also have ideas about everything else, right? Not just class. We can even connect the phenomenon of the robots with capitalism.
Why are robots such brainlets?
What I said applies to /r9k/. These are men who are socially and mentally maladjusted. Many of them have autism. Social anxiety disorder. Some may even have agoraphobia and panic disorder. And then society mocks them for being virgins. Mocks them for being unemployed. And then you tell them that class is all that matters. Their social isolation, their social issues, mental issues, etc. don't matter.
Try selling them on libertarian socialist traditions first. Communism sounds too utopian for people not educated in leftist theory.
be anarchist faggot
you're right. but the same approach applies. attacking the base that leads to these structures in order to expand personal autonomy.
Oh well, half of leftypol is suicidal and the other half is on SSRIs, hardly like we're all ubermenchen either but identitarian bullshit won't solve anything. It's only communal society that can solve any of this.
The discrimination that robots feel is indeed an unfortunate thing. I myself am an ex-robot, and I know how bad it feels to have people ridicule you for something you feel you cannot change. There are also people here who like to make fun of robots. I don't understand them. It is literally making fun of someone because they have problems socialising.
Here's an image connecting capitalism to the robot phenomenon. I can post more, if you like.
that pic literally described feminist theory and patriarchy
why is /r9k/ not a feminist board?
I didn't see it say men are all rapists anywhere. But seriously, the parts of feminism that are okay in theory are drowned out by everything else attached to it, the whole idea is cancerous. Nobody can agree what patriarchy even means.
because anti-fems vehemently focus on those aspects despite them being not very widespread.
its pretty straight forward. a system where men have a societal dominance over women, disadvantaging both men and women by restricting their actions in order to keep the rigid power dynamic in place.
lmao. bullshit. In practice feminism is all about demonising men and giving women a leg up (well rich women anyway).
yes giving women a leg up, no demonising men.
giving women a leg up helps to get men and women on the same level, generating empathy, whereas before hand the role of women being nothing but baby makers completely destroyed any sort of empathy between men and women. after seeing this empathy, gender roles that created this lack of empathy are more easily destroyed, as men and women see more value in each other that aren't tied to their previous gender roles. and with this goes the entire concept of gender itself.
we should try to get to disaffected people before capitalism does
I knew it was fucking commies that were doing that shit
Just lol they put guys like you in concentration camps.
You're all homo's and I'm looking forward to burning you and everyone you love.
edgy. but why do you have this odd urge to burn me and my family members?
The gun is the great equalizer between Chads and robots fam.
Why do female students still get 99% of gender specific grant money at universities when there are more women than men getting college degrees and young women earn more? Really makes you think. How the fuck does that generate empathy? Men are being disenfranchised and given nothing else to show for it. If i didn't know better i would say it was some kind of plot to divide the working class…..
Then they get no jobs and are stuck living with their parents or asshole roomates, screeching about how men are the problem to everything. About 60% of min wage workers are chicks. Capitalism spares noone, but "noooooo" it's wage equality, it's women CEOs, it's muh genders. What the fuck happened to feminism folks.
I always lol at the fact that feminists talk about the wage gap as if things would be fine if both genders were paid equally and there aren't massive problems with the wage system in the first place
Anarchists are your worst option. Imagine getting talked over in committee meetings for two hours a day by social butterflies who talk about "making a difference". It will be as alienating as things can possibly get.
This is true. /r9k/ is full of lonely people, so it's also prone to being reactionary on social issues. They'll probably go right. Holla Forums will get progressive university kids with social science degrees, opinionated redditors, and a handful of philosophy nerds.
I dunno we also have a lot of burn out proles
I mean you aren't wrong. Social undesirables won't fair any better under Communism as far as their social lives are concerned. However you will get free healthcare, food, and housing. Also you won't have to work nearly as long.
23 and unemployed, i beg for death daily. But i guess because I'm a university grad (fully funded by debt) that makes me bourgeois to some people on here
Most of those are social science majors who are enslaved by student debt. Bernie did bring in a significant number of conventional working class, though.
No you would be working for your own enjoyment.
Really helping with our PR there m8
Man I went through that one year of unemployment and all I got out of the experience was a shitty retail job even though I have college degree.
Godspeed, user.
Historically and still sometimes today commies also get poor people when they dont get diverted by nuleft retards.
you're fucking lying to yourself. complete, scincere dedication to the very most retarded of such ideas isn't widespread, but the idiotic cancerous poison is extremely widespread in general.
and working wont be wageslavery. youll actually receive the value of your labor.
Right on, we need more women in boardrooms, making the big decisions. Did you hear that a woman was the one who ordered tomahawk missiles to be fired at Syria? PROGRESS!
As long as the board doesn't get filled with more dumb frogposters.
Depending on social organization, they may do considerably worse. To the porky, you're labor, to the commune full of people who think you're a weirdo who never talks, you're an eyesore.
/r9k/ is a little bit better than 4/b/ right now, advertising there would do tremendous damage to this board.
because they historically didn't have that opportunity, leading to a societal perception of women not holding important roles in society and being seen as less valuable.
thats as an aggregate, not comparing women and men in the same job. that's important since im talking about societal views of women here, meaning that when compared to men, they're seen as less valuable. and you said it yourself, thats only when they're young.
and wages aren't the only issues women face. this is obviously true in the third world, but there are still rape cultures littered throughout the first world, especially on college campuses and in small towns, many times they don't at least get investigated into.
trivialization of this also persists in the media, and this in turn disadvantages male victims by downplaying male cases of rape, except its even worse because men aren't expected to have this happen to them in the first place. sexual assault is also more likely in authoritarian, patriarch households where male dominance is valued, with rape many times taking place in order to preserve this. this primarily happens to women, but when there aren't women around, such as in prison, it happens to men as well.
sexism still existed in catalonia. do not try and downplay the struggle of other people. you can still identify with class struggle and honestly discuss other things that might affect you. thats the entire point of intersectionality.
class struggle is fundamentally different from social issues like sexism.
Women are not seen as less valuable than men. They're assumed to be less competent, but they're considered far, far more valuable. A killer of men is nowhere near as morally irredeemable as a killer of women.
this is true
so its better to have someone else make my decisions for me? and the primary focus should be on yourself, not some committee. organizing should only be done when immediately necessary.
i was specifically referencing the "kill all men" thing
Punished Althusser, a Hero denied by the Left
it is, but that doesn't mean social issues are automatically unimportant.
and you fail to look at the cause of this perception. its not seen that way because women are seen as weak, which may not be a problem in this specific case, but is disadvantageous in many other cases.
not to mention this is another case where underlying patriarchal values end up reversing themselves on men.
How long can feminists ride this horse? its starting to get pretty old
Thanks for telling it like it is unlike these retards. There's no hope for us tbh. I'll never even be worth enough to marry some roastie and have kids
You people don't understand that I really don't give that much of a fuck about wagecucking. It's tolerable and keeps me occupied. What really stings is my social situation. You know what I'm talking about specifically. It makes me unable to do anything with my life, I have no motivation to give a shit about anything
Of course, all you normie shitheads won't understand so why even waste my time idk
No, but it does mean they're lower priority.
Second recruiting thread, this one about alienation.
Give it a bump or two until someone bites.
If you don't like normalfags I've got bad news for you when you get a job.
Yep, that's better than having to play politics against well adjusted people who are all far better at making friends and influencing group decisions. Anarchism is hell on Earth for the social misfit. Your whole life would be getting talked over by student government weasels who designate you for the stuff nobody wants to do.
Society being patronizing towards you has distinct advantages. Being able to flirt with a shy engineering student and never work a day in your life is a significant muh privilege, whether or not you think it's a side effect of a social order which considers you less important.
Read this post, user.
What you're feeling isn't your fault - it's the way the system is designed.
For capitalists, by capitalists. Not for you.
I'm a wagecuck for a couple years now dude
So how do you tolerate all the fucking normies you work around Mr.I'm-So-Misunderstood-And-Neurotypical-You-Chads-Just-Wouldn't-Understand? Cause seriously I want to blow my brains out just being around normalfags, their all big capcucks with nothing going on inside their minds except advancing their career or pursuing a future one that will fulfill all the consumerist dreams they were sold as kids.
am i wrong?
lower priority, but still important
he doesn't realize that people need to get used to actually talking to people in order to be comfortable socializing.
he doesn't realize he's promoting alienation just as capitalism does.
i know this but that doesn't mean there aren't distinct disadvantages to it. there are better options, like people appreciating all parts of you instead of trying to fit yourself into a commodified, filed down form.
I'm >>36177777.
stop looking at your flaws. look at whats good about you and use that. or fix your flaws.
7 billion people on this planet. theres someone out there. you just have to keep looking. hell, thats something to keep you occupied.
Idk man in my experience most people don't think they'll be rich ever. I don't talk much. A lot of times they talk to me and I just nod along. What really burns me up is when they talk about thier wives and gfs
There's one ugly fucker who married some qtpi right out of highschool and I want to murder him every days. The girl is really fucking cute too and apparently she works out like 4 days a week
Literally the most normie answer you could possible give man
Apparently it works for them.
Nobody anywhere does this for anybody.
This is true, but there are people who will never be happy or socially successful without currently illegal drugs or neurosurgery. If there are social misfits you should have some vertical integration so you can put them together or rehabilitate them with mental health facilities. Social structures are competitive (people want attention and they want to pay attention to the most entertaining people they can), and giving everybody a sliver of decision making clout will just give them more opportunities to treat communal punching bags like shit.
normie but true.
and its probably best if you drop the "us vs. them i hate normies" mentality. there are "normies" out there that might be really interesting people if you get to know them.
again, there's other people.
best advice i could give is to remember that a) theres billions of other people and b) if they're not interested then they're not interested, and forcing them to like you takes away what makes a decent relationship, and thats the exciting feeling you get when you find out something about someone you didn't know.
when you control someone, you know every answer they're gonna give you because you set it up so if they didn't you'd hurt them. but that's not interesting. you know what's gonna happen.
if you want some console, try talking to the girl, not as a romantic way but as friends. you can still tell her your feelings and she'd understand, just as long as youre both clear of you intentions.
Most people don't think their gonna be billionaires but they most likely believe their going to be le middle class within a reasonable period of time. Wages stay stagnant and even fall in real terms, prices keep going up, hours and benefits get cut, but normies are like "hey this is fine, once I get my STEM degree or my master's that I'm driving myself into the poorhouse and working myself to the bone trying to get it'll be all okay"
Literally the most gutless people on the earth they'd rather suffer hoping for a better life when their middle aged or old then fight for a better conditions in the here and now.
They can't even be made to understand that capitalism is shit because they've read Big Bang Theory tier history books on why America was the Good Guy in the Cold War and muh millions.
you are mistaken sir.
then use them, but in the meantime that doesn't mean you can't try your best to find a way to alleviate someones suffering. where theres a will, theres a way. stop obeying fixed concepts.
non-normies aren't interesting/entertaining? thats the exact opposite for me.
Fuck. The quints on your shilling almost made it super effective.
… and pull yourself up by the bootstraps!
Stupid anarkiddie.
No, user. You are the lumpen.
But that's not a bad thing. Marx hated the lumpen, but Marx was wrong about who the revolutionaries are. He thought it would be the proles who rise up, but it has almost never been.
It was the peasants in Russia. It was the peasants in China. It was the peasants in Vietnam. It was the peasants in Burkina Faso. And in the US…
The FBI murdered Fred Hampton because the lumpen were about to rise up
Love the lumpen. Love yourself.
Maybe then its most beneficial for you to continue LARPing as a member of the Schutzstaffel, among your fellow retards.
In some cases, yes