you guys are just kidding when you talk about gulags and purges right
you dont actually want to enslave and kill the people you have political disagreements with?
You guys are just kidding when you talk about gulags and purges right
Political disagreements? No. However if you stand against the vanguard during the revolution you will be killed. There will be no more exile communities to ruin everything like there were during the 20th century.
It's mostly only the tankies that are into that stuff.
It'll go the same way as the bourgeoisie did with the old nobility. Either they give up on their own or the get guillotined.
t. liberal
We're kidding sometimes.
Its not about political disagreements, those are fine. Political actions on the other hand are not fine.
If people act in ways which are counter-revolutionary they must simply be stopped one way or another since we cannot permit the revolution to be endangered. Ideally we could just reeducate and rehabilitate everyone but given that there's limited resources at the revolutionaries' disposal and we can't be taking chances a lot of killing and violence and enslavement is likely to take place and there's nothing at all wrong with that.
Revolutionary terror and virtue will be the order of the day during the dictatorship of the proletariat.
Why should the left be immune to wanting to kill their enemies? Killing is natural when the gloves come off. And the gloves will come off eventually.
In Anarchotown, all political disagreements are settled in the Discourse Pits.
a battle of wits
Not really. I wish someone would really shoot the Wall Street parasites, and ghouls like the Koch brothers and Soros. It doesn't solve anything on a systemic level, but I still like the idea.
I can't speak for all of Holla Forums, but it's not simple disagreements. If there's a revolution there will always be lumpenprole looking to score brownie points with porkies thinking it will fail. They will do anything they can to stop the improvement of the masses for personal gain, and if they do so in a way that puts their lives at risk then oh well. Like, I wouldn't WANT to kill some random dude, but if he's breaking into my house with a machete screaming about murdering me then I'll blow his head off, ya know?
tbh this
That's why everyone hates liberals. At least fascists and communists have the balls to put some change into the world.
You're my enemy. But I respect you enough to give you a quick death. Liberals can fuck off.
i do
No I'm not Joking and I'm not a Tankie.
I firmly believe that enemies and Traitors should be shot on sight.
it's just a waste of resources trying to educate them.
Yes, but chances are a revolution will only occur with significant support from the population and thus it won't be as taboo as you're making it out to be. Take for example the political repression after the July movement won in Cuba. Many of the individuals who were extrajudicially killed were enforcers and corrupt members of the Batista regime and were for the most part supported by the population.
The gulags are a joke. Creating a slave class runs entirely contrary to historical materialism. But a lot of people are going to die. The bourgeoisie will not go quietly, and they are going to pay lackeys their last dimes to keep the revolution at bay for as long as possible.
You know what Stalin did to anarchists right? Gulag/purges are code words for ethnic-cleansing, crackdown on leftists and totalitarianism. "Dictatorship of the proletariat" is just state capitalism. Fuck off with your "lel go to gulag" larping.
30% are ironically joking, 30% are serious, 30% are false flags and 10% just plain retarded.
The 5000 richest people are going to be killed and then we won't even need any of this gay "muh control of means of production" shit. Competition is great. A rigged game is not great.
Go be a child somewhere else
I got banned from Holla Forums for asking the same question about the Jews. And then was given the 'talk,' but instead about sex, it was about the Holocaust.
The best part of these boards is that the animosity exists offline as well, but I guess more measured. In a one-on-one convo in real life, over beers/steak/hookers/cocaine, people can have measured, thoughtful conversations. But here, I get called a CIAnigger for trying to get a pulse.
Of course i do. Political disagreement? i respect peopl«s opinion regarding politics and ideas. Apologists of capitalism aren't political disagreements…Apologists of capitalism are corrupt people which can not live in society with the rest of us decent hard working people.
I have no tolerance for corruption, this people must stay way.
I got banned from Holla Forums for asking the same question about the Jews. And then was given the 'talk,' but instead about sex, it was about the Holocaust.
The best part of these boards is that the animosity exists offline as well, but I guess more measured. In a one-on-one convo in real life, over beers/steak/hookers/cocaine, people can have measured, thoughtful conversations. But here, I get called a CIAnigger for trying to get a pulse.>>1578721
Omg but I want to stop the government from opressing me by giving the government complete control of my lyfe dewd!!!!
Socialism is only needed to get people back on their feet and provide a unbreakable net so homelessness/suicide never happen again. It is only needed at the bottom in the form of fucking food stamps, UBI, housing, etc. Everything else should be a competiton where everyone plays by the same rules and can reach their full potential. You fags have no choice but to work with libertarians. They are the only people who hate the government as much as you, and a combination of helping the powerless and limitless individualism is the only way the world will be reasonable.
t. anarkiddie who doesn't know his own history
The syndicalists had gulags and revolutionary tribunals executing anyone suspected of being a supporter of any nationalist faction as well as indiscriminate vigilante justice against priests, nuns and other such reactionaries.
Revolutionary terror is necessary and good.
This is precisely why private property and the state must be abolished.
Completely different situations. There was still ongoing civil war during the Spanish syndicalist project. In any case, it's questionable whether such actions even helped at all. It's not something we should want to mindlessly imitate.
Which has almost nothing in common with state-sanctioned political suppression.
A revolution doesn't end until its snuffed out or it takes the globe. The USSR was in no different a situation than the Spanish Republic.
The USSR was not revolutionary.
t. idealist
See OP, I really don't want to kill anyone, but then this guy exists.
And Spanish anarchists were forced to put PoWs in labor camps to keep up production and because they might revolt. Some even had to be put against a wall and shot. It was at least worth it because it was the minimum needed to preserve the freedom of the comites trabajadores and the self-management of communes.
Do you think we're a bunch of liberals who expect the enemy to get along nicely with us? Makhno either released the defeated Estonian Rifle Divisions back to Estonia or let them join his army because they were all conscripts. In Spain, many of the Nationalists were fascist ideologues.
What needs to be done to preserve freedom can and must be done. As Gandhi's critics revealed, there is no neutral, pacifist side to these things.
Not the same thing. This was during the civil war and POWs are not citizens. Of course openly hostile combatants should be shot, that's not who we're talking about though. Gulags and purges target domestic "undesirables" not hostile combatants. Besides - the Spanish revolution failed, we have every right to be skeptical of their tactics.
Do you think we're bootlickers who must subject ourselves to state tyranny? Authoritarian "communists" are just as much of a threat as the fascists.
I hope this thought comforts you when the secret police drag you off to gulag for not towing the party line enough.
Well, I do have an honest crave for blood.
But that's just me.
once i've secured power I will gulag most of ironic left twitter. they try so hard to hide their sjw nature but i'm on to them.
You and I can agree to disagree.
When you actively stand in the way of my freedom, however, thats another story.
Not everyone who dislike will be killed but your naive as fuck if you don't realize that the bourgeois won't handover the MOP without a fight and there will be police and other assorted lumenproles defending the bourgs
Holla Forums, will you ever stop being retarded?
Someone just fell of the reddit turnip truck.
t. libshit
What is meant by "counter revolutionary?" Why can't we just get along?
the government already has complete control over your life you fucking retard
Anything that endangers the revolution.
People have conflicting interests.
Yes, but we have mutual interests as well. Plus anything you want could be interpreted as "dangerous to the revolution.'
A good fifth of leftypol seems to be attracted to the Left solely to get out their frustrations through potential control over people in their community and the violence related to that tbh.
The only more annoying trend on here are the people going on about their mommy & daddy issues vis a vis communal families and how good it would be if those genuine fuckups could be in charge of said kids instead of their parents.
Even libs believe in righteous violence.
but that's private property
like that adam sandler looking cunt?
abolish all capital punishment as soon as power is consolidated. this was the consistent bolshevik position up to the 1920s.
I unironically believe that if we fail to kill the richest and most influential families, our revolution will not succeed. No gulags, just walls, rifles, and rope.
We all agreed we're going to sit and debate with the Rothschild, Soros and Bill Gates to convince them socialism is good.
But a genuine problem with every leftist sect is that they consider their respective disagreements as being "counter-revolutionary"