Nationalism does not work

Okay most of us know nationalism is just a farce to keep people weak and afraid. Nationalists are submissive and effeminate. They have lost every war they have fought (to communists mostly). Now they are dying out.

Nationalism is in its last days in Europe. Thats why they are polling so hard, because they know this it there last chance - and it looks like they have lost for good.

So I ask you, what will the inevitable demise of nationalism in the first world will look like?

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Antifa will bash some fash, nats will cry then they will die.

Don't jinx it, user.

Just because some right wing nut job lost in the Netherlands doesn't mean they're going to loose in France.

Capitalist globalization will kill nationalism no matter what.

Le Pen is the Hillary of France.

French here.
Macron is the french Hillary, Le Pen is the french Trump.

you realize that pretty much any successful communist movement in history have had some form of nationalism in it?

Pick one.

If the destruction caused by and eventual destruction of Naziism didn't root out nationalism I don't this will kill it either. But really this is due more to the weakness of organized leftism than the strength of nationalism.

In the short term I predict a resurgence of nationalism that will hinge on their economic success or failure. They might experience some short term success as they seize the property and jobs of politically convenient undesirables and redistribute them as the Nazis did, but just the same they offer no solutions to the contradictions which produced them to begin with.

The ultimate goal of Marxist class politics is the obliteration of class politics. Any organization formed in this basis is created to seek it's own destruction. This is a material necessity, because one of the contradictions of bourgeois society is that the conditions that produce the desire for change also produce the necessity of preventing change. In bourgeois democracy for example, an anti poverty party that requires the support of poor voters will lose support over time in relation to how successful they are, say, as poor workers move up into the ranks of skilled workers and professionals and petite bourgeois, and subsequently their class interests shift. This disinclines the party to actually solve the root problem, because the more successful they are, the less effective they will progressively be.

This is why nationalism is antithetical to proletarian ends, because they have no real interest in the elimination of the circumstances that necessitate them. If they actually undid those conditions, there would no longer be a need for nationalist control. It's the same paradox with all bourgeois parties and politics really.

Ultimately the only answer is to establish radically new conditions of social and material relations which make the old contradictions impossible.

We are not talking about Maoism or Communism, eat my ass.

I'm sure things will be just peachy once the only real resistance to neo-liberalism is out of the way.

I'll fuck your ass raw

Check your flag, if you don't want Nationalism and I don't think you want liberalism neither, you obviously support communism, but Maoism like any Third-Worldist ideology was nationalist to some point.

More capitalist globalization. More Libs and Con fighting, but Europe and the first world will be less radical. But nationalism in the third world will still be a thing.

Nationhood is where its at.

In the neolib future, there won't be any stricly delimited first and third world for every country will be a few first world propsperous islands within an ocean of thirld world townships.

t h i c c

Nationalism is here to stay. National consciousness is a naturally-occurring phenomenon that no nation is just going to give up.

what's wrong with being submissive and effeminate

I would say Tribalism is our natural state.
Like in Libya. They have no government so they reverted to Tribalism.

I think nationalism is just about the right balance.
Because each country can try out different ways of running their country and then learn from each other what works and what doesnt. Something you wouldn't have with globalism.

tfw when you know only an alien invasion of some kind can stop nationalism.

Nationalism is pretty much dead in the west.

lol no

France is no longer France.

France is no longer France.

It works for Jews. Why don't you go bother them.

Nationalism is in its dying cry in Europe. It's a "last hurra!" for them.

Most Jews hold very Far-Right views. I don't think I know any Leftist that like Israel.

Theres plenty of lefty Jews who dont like Israel.

WTF I love nationalists now

How do people unironically believe this? Almost every country in Europe is a nation state.


All the rhetoric and theory in the world will not overcome peoples' natural desire to be among others like themselves, and to be able to defend that greater structure against outside influence. It's one of the basic elements of feeling safe. Each culture has different value-based demands, and so each people must be able to govern themselves semi-independently, even if they contribute to a larger whole.

Most importantly, you can't build a society on the ideal. It has to work for everyone. So you have to be able to assume and allow people to be actively racist or otherwise dislike their neighbors vocally. The idea is to not let those people do the talking directly. The nuances of not offending a totally different culture are complicated enough that we have entire fields of specialists dedicated to it. They're called diplomats.


They didn't 'revert' to tribalism. There was already tribalism being eroded by the efforts of the state, industrialization, and market liberalization, but all that got wiped out when the US attacked.

Why did this 'naturally occurring phenomenon' not express itself until the 19th century

Daily reminder that Scottish Nationalists are doing nothing wrong and thus grouping all forms of nationalism is silly.
(Well, they're fundamentally just slightly kinder neoliberals, but it's still the best policy program that'll get you elected outside Brighton.)

Children can distinguish between races, and understand preferring their own, as early as 6 months. This behavior is deeper-rooted than language itself. Multiple links to journals in the below article.

"Birds of a feather" isn't exactly novel science.

Babies also shit themselves uncontrollably, should we take that as a policy recommendation too?

But what about people from different cultures? (not counting race). Babies probably do that because they live familiar things

It seems dubious to suggest it's racial.
"Babies like familiarity" is relatively intuitive, to extrapolate it into race seems a bit dodgy. Race is a bit more than appearance.

(Idea: Offer a white baby a choice between a Japanese person and a Chinese person. Bet you they'll pick the Japanese person, even though both are racially asian, because generally speaking Japanese have lighter skin.)

Only when they are a baby

That's bullshit.

If the different cultures behave or look different (different traditional clothing for example) then babies will notice that and show preference for people who dress and behave closer to how their parents dress.


Rutte, the guy who won, was a right centrist and a nationalist as well. Dumb fucks.

Break down of capitalism will revive it.

We have been trying that for years.
But capitalist globalization will most likely kill nationalism.

i just want the 1970s back ;-;

top kek, nationalism is reappearing precisely to save global capitalism. there is no real opposition between neoliberalism and nationalism, sometimes it's good-cop-bad-cop kind of deal, other times they are both part of one single ideology. in the part of europe where I live it's always the latter.

Yeah. Far from it.


Even my previously very pro nationalist friend (who does browse Holla Forums etc) has been talking about this lately. Apparently a lot of white supremacists feel nationalism has not helped the white race, but has consistently failed and so regardless of any moral attraction to nationalism it doesn't seem actually useful as a tool.

Dunno if that anecdote means much, but there you go.

Pan-Continentalism will rise.
Nationalism was a necessary evil in creation of modern nation-state. Now that nation states are becoming obsolete we must look forwards to creating political federations and unions to replacing them.

your picture seems to be a little different than how it will be if that happens
first of all he is white and second of all is wearing european clothes.
you seems to think the european union will be european.

Leftists in a nutshell.

drink petrol tbh

Damn leftist bullys!!!

Very cringy

It will be, now that we are kicking new londonistan out of our union and southern memberstates who are just a burden for the rest of us.

No it is the future that EU pays social programmes for.

are you guys really?

Shoot yourself like you did to Rosa :DDDD

Nats are scared like Rats


Maybe that explains why communism always fails.

Right wing cuckolds BTFO

Nice booty dude, but I'm going to go a little further than this.

This is now the people's ass.

I would eat that ass

That's pretty l8, m8, the cultural conditionment start the moment you are born.
You even have a small bit of it which is prenatal.


hot anime asses


At least they have asses lmfao

So much of this board thinks like this.


The far right just watch blacked and cuckold porn all day

It annoys me that he compares Trump with Bush, when Trump is continuing Obamas policies of destabilizing Syria. It's like he's trying to revive the feeling of resistance against Bush or something to that effect. It's probably easier to paint a white president (accurately) as an imperialist than a black president. Especially when you're the kind of white guy who LARPs as a Palestinian every now and then

Yeah but there wasn't all this talk about planted evidence and FAKE NEWS during the bulk of the Obama years.

Latuff is still funny

Current nationalists are funny as fuck, they hate their country and government but they still say it's the greatest with their dumb nationalist ideals.