What's the best leftist ideology to follow if I'm a huge queer and want to abolish the gender binary?
What's the best leftist ideology to follow if I'm a huge queer and want to abolish the gender binary?
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Queer anarchism
How about instead of denying others the ability to identify as male or female you just create a society where everyone can be what they want?
Protip:99.99% of humans identify as either male or female
Queer anarchism.
Maoism Third-Worldism
Meh. Try liberalism instead.
"Identifying" makes no sense.
Your sex is a defined characteristic, the social roles you inhabit should have nothing to do with that. I sympathize with trans people because they make the best they can in a society with binary gender norms, but nothing they do challenges those norms.
Anything communist.
cultural marxism
this tbh.
gender binary is the natural default for the vast majority of humans. it is, if I may use such a term, MUH HUMAN NATURE.
abolishing the gender binary because you're an outlier of human sex psychology is like abolishing shoes because you were born without feet. not to imply being an outlier to sex pscyhology is a deficiency or a disablity like thatd be.
How about you stop caring? Once capitalism is ended and exploitation isn't incentivized then the """gender binary""" will naturally collapse, or at least be 10000 times easier to abolish. If you care that much about identifying as a queer, kill yourself
Anarcho-transhumanism. We will create superior humans, free of the weaknesses of flesh (except when it suits our fetishes).
You shouldn't care that much.
This only further proves that feminism is a meaningless word/prefix/suffix.
Communization. It's actually sound as an ideology; combining currents from the ultra left and anarchism, has both theory and praxis and puts a relatively big emphasis on post-gender.
that being said the addition of post-gender theory to communization is relatively recent liesjournal.net
What you should NOT choose
That sounds like a really scary ghost story. It would be good for camping trips.
is this Holla Forumss mythical 'cultural marxism'?
It's actually an offshoot of Nick Land accelerationism via the darkest corners of tumblr
Yes, I know, theory is scary. Quick, hurry back to your memes into your safe space.
post-left, post-spook
t. Stirner, "Stirner's Critics" 1845
that sort of idea would have made sense in the 19th and 20th centuries. in the 21st century, in the west, though, its completely obvious capitalism can function just fine regardless of gender roles. it doesnt care.
this is the right answer
t. painfully unaware of gender relations in present day society
You want a proper rebuttal?
Capitalism doesn't give a shit about gender except as a means to divide and further exploit the working class. It is at best a footnote to the fundamental and systematic division between the working class and the capitalist class. Classes are defined by their relationship to the means of production and by how they acquire their income, while genders are totally arbitrary distinctions based on fuzzy biological criteria. One of those is obviously more relevant to economic analysis than the other.
If you think that drivel you posted passes for theory, you have no right to try and lecture me.
the correct answer is that capitalism determines gender roles, even by its transgressions of them. Read Deleuze.
I think you're underestimating the huge impact a truly post-capitalist social system would have on gender and family relations. You should start by reading Origin of the Family.
Either engage the subject intellectually, or fuck off.
don't overwhelm yourself with those complex thought processes going on right now
yes capitalism could exist in a society of hermaphrodite snail humans, but it turns out that is not the reality we live in and capitalism both takes already present gender roles of society, shapes and reproduces them to its liking. This is called historical materialism and the domination of the family through man was described as one of the very first oppressive relationships outgoing from material reality by Marx already. With how large of a factor sex is in our lives it surely plays a big fucking role and communization theory does good to acknowledge and implement it. The theory is by the way not the the first three sentences of introduction, but the referenced work in the body of the article.
no u
Liberalism and pls go back to tumblr
ITT: people who don't understand what "abolish the gender binary" means
Totalitarian anarchism (basically every variety of anarchism that isn't ancom.)
FYI it makes makeing everybody into a trap
No one understands what it really means cause it's just more idpol buzzwords designed to deflect people from questioning Capitalism.
That is a really poor understanding my dude
There's no such thing as a good understanding when it comes to these things. Thanks for proving my point.
Have you tried the noose?
Anarcho Transhumanism
You can have a robotic vagina
Hi Contra
I'll admit it. I have no fucking clue what it's is supposed to mean. So I don't really know if I'm for or against it.
How would a non gender binary society compare to a gender binary one?
I feel comments like this can only come from people who hate their parents.
based contrapoints has honored us with his presence, let us radicalize her in the most expedient fashion
Look no further
the gender binary is the cultural conception of gender as a rigidly partitioned binary between male and female, which are then treated as fundamentally distinct and "opposing". abolishing the gender binary doesn't mean making it so that nobody can be male or female; it means making it so that gender expression is not culturally demanded to fit into the a rigid, disjoint male/female dichotomy.
So how do you dismantle that without coercion? Protip: You can't.
as hard to imagine as a society without capitalism. Family structure would be incredibly different, the current ideal family of father/mother/2 children would be replaced by a more communal or rather more open approach where the child has more access to learning from different individuals and therefore a more healthy understanding of both social roles and authority. Sex would play out differently in that the pressure on individuals would not be as perversely high as it is right now to find a partner, while simultaneously alienating the individual from society and therefore just increasing the stress it experiences. Standards for beauty and attractiveness in general would change from the superficial to the personal, conscious. Everything we associate with "classic male or female" occupations, such as female nurses, male garbage men et cetera would be broken up and non-existent and you would do whatever profession was most to your liking based upon your individual personality that was free to develop away from gender stereotypes. The same goes for every product and commodity, clothing you wear, foot you eat, technology you use. The social life would be completely transformed in that humans would no longer feel the need to meet expectations of gender roles (men being aggressive and dominating, women being shy and submissive, men taking charge at home and work, women being followers, men being stoic and silent, women being open and expressive, men being rational and mathematic, women being empathic and artsy, men being bad with children and lonesome, women being good with children and social… it goes on and on).
Honestly the differences would be so fundamental and ground breaking, it is hard to imagine.
You don't have to force it, you have to attack what forms these gender relations in the first place, which is our relation to our production forces; material reality, i.e. you abolish capitalism. The very first hierarchy in human society was the domination of man over the family and the very first classes were developed based on the capabilities of the human body, which differed of course depending on your gender.
Except nobody wants this crap, outside a few demented ideologues. Most people do not hate their families. Social pressures to procreate are minor compared to the influence of biology on libido. You're also trying to imply that differences in sex hormone levels have no influence on psychology.
Much as I am for a more equitable division of resources in society, I am unsurprised the idea is unpopular when fools are attempting to paperclip this nonsense to the concept.
That would be queer anarchism.
However that's fucking dumb.
The gender binary is the most natural and proper of all binaries in nature. Men are better at some things than women and visa versa. Men are stronger. Women are better at razing children. Men are better at protecting women than visa versa. Men are better at manual labor than women.
Good luck finding any system that isn't a complete mess that will be rid of this.
As 4/pol/ diaspora this makes me feel right at home. Thanks.
Isn't it obvious? Why Left communism of course femrade!
Nobody wants to get rid of capitalism either, people do not know about their oppression and the stress that is put on them until it reaches unbearable levels. It doesn't really matter what they want anyways, once communism takes place we will return to more healthy gender relations, inevitably so.
More healthy aye… So father governs the household and the woman raises the children and works on menial tasks?
I'm all for it.
I'm assuming that's what you mean when you say "return", anyway. A feminist utopia never existed among out pagan ancestors, I can assure you.
I'm not the guy you replied to, btw. I wish you guys had IDs.
Traditionally a child was not just raised by its father and mother, it was actually raised by the community. Even still during capitalist times pre-WW1 this organization was found in Western societies, and is still found in underdeveloped societies today. Families were large and neighbors and friends were part of the immediate social circle. It was appropriate, expected even, for you to take a part in the raising of a child that is not your own, since you were all in it together, in the community.
What role father and mother play in the household, who knows, it might return to the traditional way, it might evolve beyond it. Women being involved in the workspace is not necessarily a sign of modern relations, as under capitalism it serves to extract surplus value from as many laborers as possible and the "socialist" societies of the past such as the USSR were state capitalist societies with worker fetishism.
Satanism i guess
You might think this preferable, but how does this follow from ending capitalism? Gender roles have always been around - not as they are today, but still existent, from way before capitalism.
Seems like you are smuggling something in that is unrelated.
This is literally why I left the left-wing
Children were a more open sources thing. I've got a heavily Eurocentric lens on, but they were none the less governed by their fathers. In the tribes, there was a stronger sense of community and the child would be influenced by many individuals, however father was still governor.
Women were also workers for more menial tasks. The men would hunt and do much of the heavy duty farming, while women would forage and weave and other such tasks.
The tribes were, however, patriarchal. The May King while accompanied by a May queen, would still be the true leader.
Was this unfair? Unjust? No. In a situation in which your decisions could result in life or death, you figure out the best way to do things.
My one fault, in my opinion, in my previous post, was to mention household. You are right in pointing out that a household wasn't much of a thing.
And on your last point, I couldn't agree more, if I understand you correctly. Women's suffrage and their thrust into the work place was as much a step forward for disgruntled single women as it was for the fat life sucking dogs that had DRASTICALLY increased the supply of labor, eliminating the capitalist system by which it is competed for, and as a result, had been required to charge less.
Which of course results in stupid policies like minimum wage correcting this injustice by making the system inefficient.
Everything is shit :(
The question I responded to was one asking how a society without gender binary would look like. Communism would likely abolish the (domination of the) gender binary over time, that being said that doesn't mean gender roles would disappear.
Minimum wage would have happened either way. Women entering the workforce was actually a twofold story from the research I did on it, it didn't so much hurt the proletariat as it simply changed it (the most valuable data point we have for this analysis was women entering the workforce during war time in the US, looking at individual states and comparing what sort of occupations they entered into and the results of that). The most affected group are uneducated young males whose wages have fallen dramatically as a result, everyone else is better off though, but the biggest share of the economic prize goes to porky, as usual of course.
And yes, society was absolutely patriarchal. Personally I believe that this relation will soften more and more over time and might eventually disappear altogether, as I see this relation going out from, as you described, the material reality in the first place.
primary school textbook on biology from the late 90s
now get down and suck my dick cuteboy
I'm going to start from the bottom and head from the top because that's how my mind is working right now.
Yes. Everyone benefited from more labor. HOWEVEVEEVEER, notice how the average household now requires TWO workers? My parents only remember the days in which one man in a factory could allow a household to survive while the mother raises the children and prevents them from growing up as damaged individuals.
This is due to a number of factors, not the least of which is us consuming more SHIT. We've all got fridges, air conditioners, gaming addictions to buy into forever and all time (halp) and so on and so fourth. However it is pretty basic shit that with the increase in supply to outweigh demand , the price of the supplied item is bound to go down. Labor is a commodity. The most important commodity. I'm skeptical that when people do studies into increasing wages, they consider it in terms of GDP PPP but hey, you probably know more than I do about that than I. So I suppose I pose to you the question, did women entering the work force adversely effect wages IN TERMS OF GDP PPP.
Digging this porky meme btw. Kikes isn't quite as wide reaching, so this in convenient for me.
I'd also like to mention that sending kids to daycare is a blight on society. Which is really a blight itself but that's another topic altogether. If we are now REQUIRED to have two working parents, I think it's the kid that suffers, especially at a young age. When he is little, he does give a shit that you can afford to give him a gameboy AND a GameCube (or whatever my generation normally gets), he just wants his mum.
The worst memory I have in all of my life (my family had some SERIOUS issues, and some fucked up shit happens where I live, but this still stood out the most) was watching my mother drive away from the "preschool" (when I was I think early 3 to start) from the playground of that dumb fucking place. Then the careers proceeded to be scum in my eyes. I remember nothing from that period of my life other than those stupid cunts, and my mother driving away.
Anyway, this isn't an uncommon experience. Children that age don't have a concept of time. When their mother leaves them, it has an effect, because it's like abandonment.
Not only that but daycares are just plain old not good for kids.
I think molymeme did a video on this. I watched like five minutes of it, but I'm pretty sure he'll be arguing what I'm arguing.
But where was I… Alright, so this two working parent thing is a problem in my opinion.
If I'm typing too much bullshit just read the first part. That's the most important.
Oh, and I don't believe we are heading towards socialism. I believe we will regress into tribes (or at least SHOULD) when we run out of food and the Red Chinese decide they want to try out their new radioactive fireworks.
I don't believe the patriarchy is strictly from materialism, as our pagan ancestors were also very spiritual. I personally just feel like it's a healthy dynamic, and I'm not sure why you would want to do away with it, what with women, so I've heard, being more miserable with this new """((liberty))""" than before.
disgusting thb
Why can't you accept that these "gender roles" aren't engineered but actually have a biological foundation and a evolutionary significance? Male and female traits have developed in a kind of symbiosis. And no matter how much you try and "smash" there "oppressive norms", you will not disconnect it from the biological-sexual foundation, except if you start creating children, necessary for social reproduction, artificially.
And if what I'm saying is false, please explain it to me, because as of now I would hate to live in such a society as you describe it.
You're permanently going to have to forces children to abandon their natural behavior. You can say "Oh, we just want every gende to be accepted", but from my experience these people always treat cis/hetero as abnormal, forced or as if this person hasn't been enlightened yet. It's just the symetric reaction to thr conservative stance.
muh cisphobia
And your point is?
hes not making some point about non-trans being oppressed and discriminated against, hes being critical of the attitudes of the people hes talking about.
This wouldnt do away with binary gender being normal though. Because it really isn't a product of capitalism or anything else, its a result of sex psychology. I can cite how there arent many "genderfluid" hunter gatherers. They're generally cissexual, and when not, its a rare few trans people.
Hell, it wouldnt even immediately make everyone accept people with abnormal gender. Like, this line in particular stands out to me-
Tying that to an idea of 'abolishing gender binary'- it suggests a stupid idea of gender, that concludes because it isn't fundementally biological, its basically just a matter of personality. The vast, vast majority of people would still conceive of themselves as either a 'man' or a 'woman' if they weren't subjected to cultural pressures to be 'masculine' or 'feminine'. The specific idea of what a 'man' is and what a 'woman' is varies a pretty good amount across all human societies, but they all have some idea of 'man' and 'woman.'
please try to read
imo the only consistent way to push this would be through some sort of transhumanist philosophy, which could be bad or good, but transhumanism is pretty much inevitable this point, something we have to deal with unless we want the right to monopolise it
Ok, but as soon as reached transhumanism, we've already undermined the whole concept of "humans", and "being human" - what gender is becomes an entirely irrelevant question by that point.
Look, let me make an analogy.
In modern American culture (and probably most "Western" culture, but I can't claim to speak for society outside of America), we have a concept of "sexual orientation" which the mainstream conceives of as a rigid dichotomy between "gay" and "straight" (and possibly also "bi" or even "ace"). So, culturally, the attraction you experience has to be classified according to this dichotomy. You are not free to simply experience whatever attraction you experience and just let it be what it is; you have to contextualize it as altogether "gay" or "straight" (or, again, possibly "bi").
Note that I am ``not`` talking about the simple existence of, e.g., people who pretty much only experience attraction to other people of the same gender; I'm talking about the fact that there is a ``cultural notion`` of "being gay" ``as part of a dichotomy``.
So you can see examples of what I'm talking about in shit like the "traps aren't gay" meme. The fact that "traps aren't gay" is a statement that even makes sense as a statement (regardless of whether people are being serious when they say it) reflects the fact that the overall experiences you have need to be shoehorned into one of these cultural categories. Liking traps can't just be what it is; if you like traps, that needs to be further contextualized as part of being straight or part of being gay. You need to find a way to fit your actual experiences into one of the pre-existing options.
The gender binary is just this phenomenon as it applies to gender. Even in a context where it's "okay for a man to be feminine", you're still fundamentally sticking to this idea of a rigid dichotomy, where femininity on a man's part needs to be contextualized within maleness, instead of simply being what it is.
So to abolish the gender binary would mean letting all gender-related expression or feelings simply ``be what they are``.
Hmm, italics didn't work. Guess that formatting guide lied to me…
It's apostrophes ('), not `. Find it above your right shift key.
Ah, I missed the official guide and found pic related somewhere with Google
nice meme
doesn't sound bad if you put it that way
Coercion is what keeps it in place. Remove the state coercion from a traditionalist state and the gender binaries collapse. Why not just remove the state all together though? Goodbye gender binaries, hello fully automated gay space anarcho-communism
found the redditor
We just don't give a fuck. It's all about socioeconomics. Join leninism and get a free State Capitalism.. oh wait…
Leninism is good, but we do need revision in order not to get Stalin
if you remove capitalism, the gay industrial complex will fall appart. Free from indoctrination, the masses will be free to embrace their natural heterosexuality
There you've been included
Homosexuality has existed before capitalism.
Actually, we are born bisexuals and gender is a spook.
glad you think so
Except huge numbers of people comment about how they hate their jobs and that the economic system is shit, generally.
Again, no-one wants your crap. Go and be COINTELPRO somewhere else.
Contrapoints has a lot of SJW opinions and he just handwaves legitimate criticism with word salad. I get it, he's a faggot, but that doesn't make it special. Everyone is a faggot nowadays.
Nick Lands accelerationism