How can you be against this Holla Forums?
"I want liberty, freedom, and prosperity for everyone" - Ron Paul
What libertarianism can do for the poor
Opposed to all the politicians who campaign for poverty and enslavement for everyone?
Libertarians do nothing but virtue signal cliche american talking points
His definition of prosperity differs significantly from ours
His idea of prosperity is one that is forfeited by those who do not have a financial base upon which to begin
Is all I hear.
can you explain why you believe this if many libertarians have been on welfare?
I like Ron Paul, don't give a fuck about his policies for the US people, because i'm not an american citizen, but…i like his policies concerning the shut down of all military bases abroad and reduce the army budget in order to simply keep a self defense army.
just take a loan out user :)
I actually really like a lot of what Ron Paul says pertaining to civil liberties, I just wish he wasn't such a fuckin cappie.
amerilards have been voting against their own interests for decades now, I don't think being on welfare is going to change what they vote for
All things that capitalism only gives to capitalists. try to go somewhere without money
so the general increase in living standard in the entire western world has been the work of magical spirits?
fuck off commie
I find his wants haram and offensive.
Be very skeptical of any group that claims everything the government hands out is welfare while simultaneously claiming many of them have claimed welfare. Luckily you won't have many groups to watch out for since it's mainly libertarians.
You don't seem to realize that that wealth and prosperity does leak out to others but is usually concentrated into capitalist hands.
Where do you think you are?
Found the liberal.
way to show your true colours adolf
Friedman says he has at 3:47
Ayn Rand was also on welfare, I believe
This. USA has a monstrous (and I mean monstrous) army budget that only leads to giant cumbersome monstrosities being built. I'm not that sure it even contributes to the overall development of technology like it's usually the argument. Also, the amount of strategically placement of military bases make them have a shit ton of bases abroad, many of them in countries which already are well-protected by their own military. I'm not condemning all military spending, but they are certainly leaking money in this department.
It depends on what you mean by "living standard", but I can tell you firsthand that a lot of good was done in my country only for the sake of not looking bad before socialist countries or social democracies during their high point. That mixture of profit-seeking and protectionism for the workers has proven to be the best for a population in the long run. In fact, last time I checked a HDI ranking, all of the top countries were social democracies. Just compare Bolivia to the rest of South America.
and how do they reconcile that with their own beliefs?
they're not psychopathic porkies, they just don't believe in leftism
'Liberty' and 'Freedom' are intangible, abstract, romanticist concepts that are far removed from the hard reality of organized, efficient, scientific governance.
The fact that they are almost often used as 'Trojan Horses' in an attempt to argue for something as inherently harmful as a form of price-system further pollutes such already horrid terms.
'Prosperity' is not an inherently objectionable word.
Unfortunately when used by proponents of a price-system it is always short for 'prosperity for the few'.
I kinda like Friedman too bad he's a crapitalist advocate
lol i iunno
he is the reason modern leftism exists
I think they'd say that social welfare services should be provided by the Church, or humanitarian groups, not the State.
Marx already proved the conditions that are most prosperous for the workers are the ones that create the biggest wealth gap.
that's capitalism at work, you should actually read Marx
Bro, don't you realize that a market economy incentives productive labor and capital investment, growing the pie for EVERYONE?
Under capitalism, even the poor live in abundance! Haven't you noticed how many poor people have big screen TVS and smartphones? They can even afford their own car!
America, what a country!
this, see: wage labour and capital
Too bad he's a spineless hypocrite on that issue and actively supported anti-left regime changes in Latin America when it suited him.
he basically created neoliberalism. thatcher followed his teachings somewhat
Do you really consider Friedman's supply-side economics to be "modern leftism"?
no, modern leftism is a response to him
My last boss sure was a prosperous individual who enjoyed liberty and freedom, even with all the misery he caused me and my co-workers.
Not so sure a libertarian would see a businessman as someone capable of doing wrong though.
Wasn't Thatcher more influenced by Hayek? I thought Friedman was more or less his American counterpart.
Any economic system looks good when it's based on raping most of the world. Even regulated capitalism can only sustain a decent standard of living for first world workers by driving the rest of the world into unimaginable poverty.
TFW your anti-poverty plan is to eliminate building codes, make more uber, and transitioning to American health and education policies
Why fuckin live?
Of course we are in favour. We just think that's the exact opposite thing to do if you want those things
under ron paul's idea of government kentucky could be the 5th reich and it would be 'freedom and liberty'.
this is the guy who thinks he can make the federal reserve accountable by giving it to competing, smaller federal reserves. wow good plan, market crises over the stability of money.
Because I'm against capitalism.
This is the power of edgy, uncritical contrarianism.
Ignore him. A proper communist knows the creative wizardries of capitalism to all be very capable of raising the standard of life.
t. Margs.
then how do you propose we increase the standards of living under communism?
modern leftism is shit though
modern leftism is submissive to him , which is why it sucks.
Lolberg Econ fit in quite nicely with the hippie anarchists and the anti-war movement. Remember it was the GenXrs who elected Reagan.
yes an no, Thatcher got her rhetoric and "morals" from hayek but austrianism isn't really applicable to real life so she ran with Monetarism, and was criticised for it.
By achieving fully automated luxury communism.
I want liberty, freedom, and prosperity for everyone too. I like to think that most people do.
The difference between Ron Paul and myself is that Ron Paul's ideology is dependent on the majority laboring as an exploited underclass, and therefore can't possibly bring about his supposed goals.
Because his methods for achieving liberty, freedom and prosperity do the exact opposite
Thatcher was influenced by Enoch Powell, who I believe was a fan of Hayek.
I truly think Ron Paul is well meaning and does actually care about those things. He just believes the same myths of Capitalism as many other people.
I honestly don't know how you can say a doctor working a 24 hours shift with heavy taxes is freedom.
Why wouldn't they quit?
They have got to rationalize to themselves why the rich are 'the best' and they are scumfare 'parasites'. It does not compute because to a sober mind they both do exactly the same thing and are of exactly the same worth as human beings, which is to say none at all.
I dunno Thatcher was a long time fan of Hayek, read 'Road To Serfdom' whilst she was an undergraduate at Oxford in 1944. Probably people like Enoch Powell and Keith Joseph were more supportive towards her then influential. Still if that was case Keith Joseph would've been far more important to her then Enoch Powell.
pick one
Because we want all of that - he doesn't really.
We aren't. Which is precisely why we're for the abolition of private property.
He nominated Jill Stein, based
I thought you both favored the gold standard
It's why trots end up becoming neocons.