What is it with leftism and ugliness?

What is it with leftism and ugliness?

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Does anyone here have the pic that disproves the notion that liberalism=leftism?

Are there ugly nazi's? Sure.

This isn't the point however, nazi's don't hold it as a tenet, it's the lack of this tenet that creeps out leftists so much, which I why they find that movie scene of the boy singing der morgen tag ist mein so especially creepy.

It's a very base thing, an undefinable discomfort that arises in them when they see idyllic art, places or people, they prefer the graffiti covered slum filled with degenerate drug addicts to the quaint suburb.




whats it with Holla Forums and not being white?



The go-to term for people who are unable to comprehend a perspective of their thought that isn't their own.

Leftism is good. That's what I say it is, so if you say it isn't, you're strawmanning it.

Insular word-thinking is a means of keeping yourself retarded in splendid isolation.

If you support the continued existence of capitalism then you aren't a leftist. Liberals don't oppose capitalism, nor do they support enlightenment ideals such as universalism. They are shills for the status quo, which is the unquestioned dominance of capital.


Lad, just stop. You're going to keep on embarassing yourself.

Do you think you are superior to these people?

Also strawmanning isn't just a response to something we don't like. Saying shit like "leftists hate beauty" is fucking retarded and has no basis in any reality other than your spooked mind.

yes because I actually am white.

Well, time to crack open my stache of hot communist pictures.

Absolutely. Right wingers are mentally diseased and dumb.




We all hate white males user.

allow me to join you

Just get over the fact that we're hotter than you, Holla Forumstard. Obese furries with below average Autism Levels will never be able to rival the sexiness of Kozarčanka, Young Stalin or Rosa Luxemburg.

Go right ahead.

shit forgot to change my flag

So we believe in I,Q now? I guess white nationalists win.

Liberal rag, You fag

Could you please talk to me without demanding that I step into your insular world that exists merely of you and the others as a one-dimensional axiom, and instead use the general version of the english language instead of your own idiom that has your correctness as it's a-priori?

It has it's basis in my observation of leftist critique, fiction, art and sentiment. I could give you countless examples.

I don't say that leftists are themselves ugly, I say that they have disdain for beauty.


The deep hatred for the quaint, picturesque, orderly suburb. It triggers leftists like nothing else.

Why though?

Inferiority complex

That's not an example. It's an assumption of yours backed with zero evidence.

I don't hate suburbs I just think they're boring af

White men aren't really any better or worse than anyone else though, they're just people.


And also they're basically a bandaid on the cancer of capitalism that makes people think everything fine

I like this one better


Yes, but the point of suburbs aren't to be cultural centers or places of innovation, they're meant to be stable environments in which to raise children.
There's nothing wrong with boring, if you're choosing boring because it means a stable place for children to mature.

He started to transform into Mario around that age

Even for a Jew, she's pretty fucking ugly

Confirmed for having no balls

A comrade's a comrade, m8.

chose your BF.


It's not a matter of evidence (what would constitute evidence here?), since that's a standard that doesn't apply to ideological analysis.

If you really want to play this game, give me evidence that I need to give you evidence.

I like this answer. The suburbians are cucks, they should be miserable and angry, yet they're not. They therefor commit the greatest of crimes, the sort of crime that upsets the order, the crime of the willing victim.


This guy had the best looking hair ever

fascism and insecurity are inseparable


Why should they be miserable and angry?
What is so shit about their lives?

People can be assesed qualitiatively and quantitavely. White men happen to be the standard to measure against.

Women and minoroties want to prove they can perform at the same level and when they come short they make up excuses and conspiracies.

Because capitalism. Duh.

You are objectively wrong.

When two parties are in a discussion and one makes a claim that the other disputes, the one who makes the claim typically has a burden of proof to justify or substantiate that claim especially when it challenges a perceived status quo.

You made the utterly indefensible claim that "leftists have disdain for beauty" now you have to defend it or smarten up and admit that you are being retarded.

Fucking elite squad you got. Fascist lookout

They don't have the state recommended amount of diversity to enrich their lives


You're spooked AF m8.

Define the standards of evidence.

You making assumptions that "leftists hate beauty" has to be backed by research and not strawman attacks.

Also, you then have to describe what you think is beautiful. You're a retard if you think every left winger thinks alike and consist of liberal SJWs.

Give me the research that backs your assumption that my observation that leftists hate beauty needs research.

Give me research that states that leftists hate """"beauty""" as for your statement on ""leftists hate beauty"""


Funnily enough, Mussolini was killed by Communists.

Why is knowledge dependent upon research, did such a thing only become possible when research papers started appearing on the scene?

Stupid, dumb, stupid amazonian indians, they can't know anything!


Why do you retards talk like you're out of some fucking D and D game. Don't shift the goal post faggot, provide evidence to your claim that """leftists hate beauty"""" or leave.

not an argument.

Look, you fucked up, you didn't mean people that dislike capitalism hate beauty, you meant people that believe that identity politics are legitimate hate beauty.
Just fess up and move on m80.

According to what standard of evidence, and where is the evidence that this standard of evidence needs to be adhered to?

It doesn't matter how hard you are, 4 years on the Russian front slaughtering commies wholesale to near exhaustion you are probably going to be lose when a 100 fresh ones roll in.

Most German deaths were in the last year.

Again, you not launching strawman attacks and mistaking us for SJWs would be one. Actually have empircal evidence and philosophy and theory as to what counts as """leftist""" wether this same standard applies to an-coms, an-syns, socialists, marxist leninists, Stalinists, Posadists, Trotskyists, Orthodox Marxists, Market Socialists, Titoists, Illegalists, Left-coms, Mutualists etc.

Then proceed to find an objective form as to what counts as """beauty""" and why people consider it to be """beautiful"""". You then have to take into consideration as to wether this is the western standard of beauty, asian standard of beauty etc.

Shouldn't be hard. :^)

Why would a pleb be given an argument? I would give you some propoganda to sway you but I just don't keep that shit around like you do

Furthermore, see if this definition and """objective form of beauty""" is held by all the subscribers of said ideology. Proceed to interview them and test them as to what they consider to be beautiful, as it may vary.

And the best you people can do is post 1940 propaganda and other assorted people that have been dead for decades. So is that the basis of this board? Playing pretend?

This isn't exactly a rare occurence m8.




Again, now you're just shifting the goal posts. Stick to the topic or not at all.

This is called scientism, the application of the scientific methodology in place where it does not apply.

It's like asking me for the algebraic formula of my position.

I don't need this methodology to observe, if it were necessary, we wouldn't have ever been able to live before the ideology (and trolling method) of scientism appeared.

So then what's the point of you arguing as to what you consider to be leftist or what you consider to be beautiful, or the reason of you having this shit thread up in the first place.

You're a pseudo-int, lad.


Still shifts the goal posts

sure lad.


I was hoping for a discussion, instead of pedantic trolling by people who don't know shit about the empiricism they demand I adhere to.

Sadly, the people who were well-spoken seem to have left this board, leaving behind only redditors who have only read babbies first guide to internet arguments.

O.k. Plebman the first article sited claims racist are dumb because they have lower than average I.Q.s

Most backs have lower than average I.Q.s

Are they dumb too?

Why hasn't this Holla Forumsack troll been banned?

They're not.




Black Americans Reduce The Racial Autism Level Gap jstor.org/stable/40064475?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents

Now back to the matter at hand, yes right wingers and conservatives are dumb.

So back to the matter at hand, and not shifting away from the goal posts which you have done,

yes, racists are as a matter of fact, dumb.


To add

What is Justin Trudeau doing with Che?

So again, what is the evidence of """leftists"""" hating """beauty""""?

And if so, which leftists, and what standard of beauty?

Or are you too much of a dumb ass to answer that too?

I'm not reading all of your plebshit. But I' read the first one, in the conclusion parafraph 4 clearly states the test scores from the Bell Curve were accurate confirming that blacks are a standard deviation below the average.

So your pleb conclusion is that even though racist and blacks both have lower i.q.s, only racist are dumb because if it. This is not an argument

This is why it's pointless to give plebs like you actuallarguments. I easily could have changed your mind though if I had som pleb propaganda on hand but I don't

Many of you have tried and failed. Being an ex- Holla Forumsack, you've got nothing.

No my conclusion is that AS A RACE blacks are not dumb, but individuals who hold racist views are.

Now again, quit shifting the arguments and get back to the original.

What is the objective standard of beauty and what type of leftists are you talking about?

Not even understanding your own not an argument

I didn't partake in this discussion, but I find it amusing you accuse me of moving the goalposts but you get so BTFO you try to change the game. Leftist standards of beauty are shit though.

That's some commitment you have being a delusional of a pleb, maybe it would help if you read this thread out loud but it looks like your done. I'm out

What the hell are you talking about.

ok, pleb.

Different survival strategies and thus different phenotypes. George Soros isn't a Leftist he's an Idpol Liberal which is just a higher version of a regular Koch brothers/Bill Gates liberal.

The genetic populations of the Sub-Saharan African nations have consistently for the last 100 years had lower autism levels on average within their populations than most of the rest of the world. But, then again they are the only part of the world that was as thoroughly fucked by imperialism and colonialism as they were and they were the only part of the world that was then divided up into random squares ruled by psychopaths and ethnic groups that absolutely despise each other. MENA to a degree but they have seen vague periods of stability and economic growth like in Libya under Qadaffi and Iran and Jordan/Qatar and even Pakistan and Syria before the chaos. Africa's the only place where famine still wipes out a huge amount of the infant populations. Totally dismissing that these groups are less intelligent is unwise and deliberately ignoring empirical data. The reasons why they are that way are complex but a huge number of them have to do with Europeans raping their continent for 300 years. There's no need to be an unscientific retarded Idpol liberal about these subjects, race isn't real and isn't a scientific concept but things that could be associated with it are patterns which should be studied and understood by all of academia. There's a difference between scientific racism and understanding that the economics of 85 autism levels populations are going to be fucked. There's a theory that international warfare between African nation-states is the only solution because it will promote tax revenue and the rapid development of an techno-industrial base and high level transportation systems and systems of communication for the sake of facilitating long-term conflict like the USSR, Nazis and US did during the 30's and 40's. I think maybe there's merit to that idea.