Just wondering, why is Maoism hated in Holla Forums?
Just wondering, why is Maoism hated in Holla Forums?
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Most Maoist are insane fucks and there is very little maoist presence in this board. There used to be one who was pretty helpful and knowledgeable, but it didn't have meme potencial and it was just one person, so the person probably went to greener pastures.
Gee, I dunno.
Because Maoism is the most autistic form of Communism then had its death kneel with Jason.
But y'know, other than that, it's fine.
Fuck you for posting that picture.
Mao regressed the population of China into such a fanatical and uneducated state, that people were tortured, forced to sign false confessions, and executed over mangoes.
I don't understand how anyone can support Mao. Maoist theory is barely applicable to the modern world, due to the ending of serf economies and the switch from agrarianism to industrialism, too.
I don't know what it is but Maoism just seems to attract people that glorify violence and and of itself really with no revolutionary potential behind it
No, scraping the bottom of the barrel COSTS political power.
Do you have a source for that image?
Truly the worst taste.
Hey, I know what we should do. Let's take marxist materialism, and rebuild it around our confucianist nationalist identity! We should also keep the peasants and bosses around and just make them collaboarte with the proletariat.
This seems like cherry picking. I know it's historically true, but didn't every Macro subjective measure like infant morality and life expectancy improve under Mao?
If you say that's just a correlation and it was just improved medicine that's fine but then you cant just pick what you want to to call a correlation and what you want to claim is a causality.
Just a few years ago there was footage of a truck driver intentionally backing up over a toddler he had just hit so he wouldn't get cleaned out in a lawsuit.
How come things like that are never blamed on capitalism by Westerners. The Chinese themselves certainly did.
I'd like a non porky propaganda crtitque of Mao. I get the impression it was his authoritarianism is what really fucked up his people
So if he'd exterminated sparrows in a libertarian way that would have been a solid move? What kind of an inane comment is this?
From what I gather a lot of his fuck ups were do to his ability to make the gov do it anyway.
Don't know what's so hard to understand, if Mao didn't have so much authority some of his biggest fuck ups would never have happened
Authoritarianism isn't that abstract of a concept. You guys rag on anarchists for not being able to define a state, but when someone can draw a direct line from authoritarianism and large scale human tragedies it becomes abstract haha
Still looking for an intellectual honest critique of Mao.
Pretty much all Maoism is completely insane, like Sendero Lumioso, Khmer Rouge or those Japanese groups who go up into the mountains and eventually all killed each other in self crit sessions.
Its theory is also complete shit.
Maoism (or at least modern Maoists) is the negative synthesis of ML and Anarkiddies. You get to screech all about "the immortal science of Marxism-Lenninism", and "bash the fash", while requiring next to no theory to understand anything. Just participate in denunciation trails in the name of "self criticism".
Other than that, the little red book can be used as an excuse for everything one may choose to do.
Ironic maoism is p good at triggering libertarians tho
Meet some Chinese people born during Mao's rule and that'll be the end of any flirtations you'll have with Maotism.
It's like he set out with the expressed goal to Build a Worse Kind of Porky.
It's the main reason i'm convinced that any theory, no matter which, that thinks prole culture should be eliminated is fundamentally a Very Bad Idea.
It's not that I hate them I just don't really know anything about the ideology at all
I cant speak for gommies in other parts of the world, but here in latin america maoists have been ideological fanatics (the kind of stuff Trots were derided for) whose attempts at socialism have been laughable failures that did more to drive proles away than to attract them. Sendero luminoso and PCdoB come to mind.
Because niggas don't know about Mao-Spontex.
I encourage everyone to read this
He makes some great points on what can be learned from Mao while rejecting his authoritarianism.
everybody here is an immobile netflix american without wanting to admit it
Because Maoist theory literally says that the 1st world proletariat has no revolutionary potential which is so retarded that it defies expression. He divides the proletariat worse than idpol which is probably why the retards over at r/socialism love him. Also, he is the ugliest person to ever be involved in socialism.
Read a book
Mao never said that. He did however start that whole peasant supremacy thing that inspired a lot of non-marxist third worldist drivel however.
1st is the cause of all our problems
1st world did it guise
He accuses the workers in the first and second worlds of being bought up by imperialism and, thus, incapable of socialist revolution.
Way to swallow bourgeoisie propaganda.Typical anarkiddy.
Actually, I think that award goes to Pol Pot.
Typical Mao cucksucker.
The only thing I can think of, off the top of my head, is a quote about yanks that amounts to "I'd be happy for you to even be just a centrist. How can you be a leftist if you have never suffered once in your life?"
It's not whataboutism. The idea that nature was a hostile force that mankind had to tame and then mold to his will was the prevailing attitude at that time. Ecology was still in its infancy and not many people even knew or cared about muh ecosystems. Whining about the four pests campaign is like whining about Marx's (a man who was born and raised in the 19th century) casual use of ethnic slurs in personal correspondence with friends.
PCdoB dindu nuffin wrong. If anything they were the only ones to actually offer any meaningful resistance to the military dictatorship. Besides after Araguaia they became Hoxhaists. Actually, no one even knew what the fuck was Araguaia until the nineties or so.
wtf i love mao now
Seriously, don't underestimate how much of a total fucking scourge mangoes are until you've lived in the tropics. We have streets lined with mango trees, and the smell of rotting mango is intense. You can't set foot on these streets without squelching in a disgusting pile of rotten fucking mangoes. Mangoes. Mangoes.
So yeah, I don't know anything about the story you're referring to, but if Mao sent people to cut down all the mango trees and slaughter the mango sympathisers I wouldn't be opposed.
Polite sage for off-topic posting
Lmao what the fuck is this?
This is straight up racism.
I hope the answer your question, OP: For really terrible reasons
Don't forget the Lysenkism, the defilement of 4000 years of Chinese history, and the Cultural Revolution over a slight criticism
There are two different things called maoism. Marxism-leninism-maoism and maoist third worldism. We don't really have any multi level marketers here so it doesn't really get an advocate in discussion, but at the same time it isn't what's REALLY hated, which is third worldism. Basically takes the "lol just sit there and take it no use doing anything to try and resist capitalism" of Leftcoms but also adds in "cause the REAL proletariat is in the third world, you stinking labor aristocrat sucking blood from the global south!"
where does the guy mention any ecological motives for his disagreement with mao regarding sparrows????
he's criticizing him because his retardedness contributed to locusts killing all the crops, not because of some "save the whales" shit
That is nonsense though, all you can do is minimize your personal consumption, while making a fuss out of it.
What fight? The shitty robberies and kidnappings? There was no fight in the cities, they actually fought the army and won the first few battles, only lost the whole thing because they didn't have enough people and resources(remember they were at very early stages of recruiting the local peasants before the betrayal).
Holla Forums would have voted for Mao if there was an election in their country.