i think i might be turning into a tankie
pls help
Read Marx.
After you finish reading those, read "Left Wing" Communism: An Infantile Disorder.
Go out more.
Because the Second International's program is super relevant to the 21st century.
This, actually reading Marx is probably one of the best ways to not become a tankie. Second to that is coming to the realization that Lenin's critique of imperialism is useless to contemporary Marxists because it was extremely specific to conditions of the era in which it was written.
Embrace it. Go full Losurdo.
Read the situationists, the frankfurters, literally anyone??? How the fuck can anybody have a brain and become a tankie?
Watch some documentaries on north korea and you will turn sober on ideology.
Which aspects of the Tankie worldview are appealing to you?
This is normal and you should embrace the transition.
You want to get the point where you can seamlessly shitpost on both Holla Forums and Holla Forums.
Fuck capitalists and decadent spoiled rich faggots and also fuck kikes, uppity women and whiny minorities.
At least you admit you're only in it for the memes.
Luxemburg is a strong anti-tankie antidote.
Embrace it, comrade.
You belong on Holla Forums not Holla Forums. ML opposes sexism and opposes.
Boy never thought i'd hear a Marxist tell me to watch bourgie propaganda on NK to "get the full story" … whew
flag checks out
Don't tell me where I belong, nigger. This board is an internationalist worker's paradise. I have freedom of movement.
Also, it's not sexist to want to fuck hot sexy submissive sluts instead of some dumpy fatass feminist cunt. I would not strike a woman or tie her up and flog her without her consent.
Fuck off, more than 80% of this board aren't even MLs.
Last time I checked, out of 153 votes in the most recent poll only 12 were ML.
Enjoy that Ancom society for a whole two seconds before imperialistic countries stomp it into the dirt and blast you with miniguns with a firepower rate of 3000 democracies per second.
You want an Ancom society.
I want an Ancom society.
First step to achieve that?
You. need. me.
Y o u n e e d m e
Well shit. I guess only 10% of the people here are MLs. That makes me feel slightly better about the state of this board tbh.
it works, get over it. 'socialism in every country' is doublespeak for ML imperialism.
you sound desperate user
pls help
nah you can help yourself, by not being a statist boot-licking faggot
Lmao give an example of where socialism in one country has led to the establishment of communism then. (protip: you can't)
Holy shit are you a self-hating tankie or? This seems like a contradictory position to take.
give an example of a successful ancom revolution :^)
Damn, that one's actually kinda dank.
Give an example of ML socialism where the means of production aren't bureaucratically owned :^]]
I leaned toward ML after seeing how ineffectual the dogmatic obsession with "horizontalism" was in the anarchist movement.
In general i don't know what i am anymore and i don't care.
All i know is leftists that choose to 'eat their own' before eating the rich can get fucked with a rake
Embrace it fam, been there done that. After you're done with it we NazBols will receive you with open arms.
Socialist countries cannot be imperialist. Read fucking Lenin.
As the creator of that horrid Nazbol GANG meme I gotta say actual Nazbol is dumb as shit
From what I understand the Duginite variety of Nazbols insist their variety of Nazbol has nothing to do with either Bolshevism or Not Socialism. What incoherent gibberish
Shhh, no tears now, only Dasein
resentment based politics is idealism and shares no ideological base with marxism
fuck off with your OC Donut Steel ideology or grow up
accidental shitposting flag, that was sincere sperging
Flag checks out
Thats where you are resentfuo, my resentment
Any good PDFs?
dont fall for it
state cap is a meme
Why the fuck is a Nazbol posting HR Giger art?
Because they are reactionaries who still put feels over reals.
This is why you have gay nazis, furry nazis, weeaboo nazis (basically 90% of Holla Forums) and all the other "nazis" who like certain things that are deemed "degenerate" by most nazis.
They engage in the weirdest mental gymnastics to prove that all the things they like are compatible with Nazi, because at the end of the day the fascist mentality is basically:
"I want the world to be my very personal utopia, I want the world to completely cater to my feels, all those things that trigger me (like non-heteros, people with different skin colors, etc…) should not exist."
the only people who aren't in on the meme are Holla Forums newfags
read Marx to cure it :^)
From a purely tactical perspective
, you are never going to convince normies of tankery, because of North Korea and China and the USSR. You have to accept that only anarchism has a real chance of getting the liberals on side
Legitimately just read Marx. You need to engage in doublethink of the highest order to seriously believe that "Marxism"-"Leninism" in any way resembles what Marx describes.
Come to the cybernetics thread, comrade. We are actively attempting to solve the very problems you describe.
Are you saying that basically every other leftist ideology doesn't oppose racism and sexism?