What are you reading leftypol? I've decided that this summer I will use my free time to concentrate on a mix of theory, history, and classic fiction. I've been loving "Labor's Untold Story", it should be required reading imo, it would turn any decent person into a leftist. Other than that I recently raided my dad's collection (he's a history prof) and came back with pic related.
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Reading is bourgeois, best way to understand the class struggle is through gruelling manual labour
Nice try Muke but we all know you don't physical labour that either.
I actually have a fucked up spine from construction work in my 20s and now I collect a disability check. Porky pays for my toilet paper.
Then you should be getting as much theory as possible since porky will pay for your Amazon shipments.
Why not both?
Why would I need to read theory? I can't lead any sort of revolution with my fucked up back.
You can lead the armchair revolution
Lenin didn't fight in the Civil War.
I do fam, see my first reply to OP
Where is Lenin now? :)
I'm reading Endnotes my dude. Communization is for handsome large boys only.
Triple K then
There's no reason to read anything Lenin wrote because Stalin perfected it. Do chemistry students read alchemical texts from the Middle Ages or modern textbooks? Think before you post, peace be with you.
Stalinist's out
Have not fucked up versions of pics.
Good luck with your Voynich manuscript, I'll be here with my modern tried and tested communism.
All of Western thought is based on the Greeks anyway. If you think you're too smart for Aristotle or Plato then you are too stupid to continue existing. Wouldn't expect anything less from a tankie tbh.
I am too smart for Aristotle and Plato, I know that there are more than 4 elements and that "planes" are unrefined and crude ways of interpreting your surroundings.
Luther Blissett, inexplicably named after a jamaican soccer player, was a collective pen name for a bunch of leftist authors, also some sort of hyperreal folk hero to which several situationist pranks where attributed to. The novel Q was published under the Blisset monicker, it's about Thomas Mutzer and the proto communist revolutionaries active in Germany during the protestant reformation.
Brothers Karamazov by Dostoyevsky and Manifesto for a Democratic Civilization by Ă–calan. Also lots of assorted anarchist essays that I happen across. :P
gud taste, Dostoyevsky's prose is unparallelled
If you like fiction try reading pic related. It's an excellent read great prose, characters, and class conscious as fuck. It takes place in grimy 70s new york and Italy during the years of lead. Seriously the best book I've read and ages and I read a lot of fiction.
If you are looking for classics try Notes from the Underground by Dostoyevsky. I saw someone else recommend The Brothers Karamazov which is also great but the former is better imo (its also shorter and an easier read.) Les Mis is also a work of classical fiction all leftist should read.
As for theory try the 20 Contradictions and the end of Capitalism by David Harvey. Its quite a good overview of all the different crises we are heading towards if we maintain the Capitalist mode of production.
I tried reading Les Mis once but I found it went into so many unnecessary details, I don't need a description of what the priest liked to eat for breakfast.
I've already got a big list for fiction anyway. After I finish the Bagavad Gita I'll read the Illiad, Frankenstein, the Island of Dr. Moreau, Tom Sawyer and Moby Dick. And that's on top of all the theory and history I have planned.
I'm most of the way through Candide right now though, it's pretty hilarious. First sex joke is two pages in, three until the first joke making fun of Germans, Shakespeare was a prude compared to Voltaire.
Reading the Chomsky book as a general intro to what neo-liberalism is, some general background and arguments against it, etc.
Was introduced to Sartre though a philosophy class I just took and find it really thought provoking and interesting. I'm hoping once I get through all my other books that I can dive into his "Critique of Dialectical Reason" which I think talks a lot about his view on Marxism.
Other books I've read a bit over the last few months:
The Ethics of Ambiguity by De Beauvoir
ABC's of Socialism by Jacobin (bought it for my parents and got one for myself to see their arguments)
The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins
Childhoods End by Arthur C. Clarke
The Conquest of Happiness by Bertrand Russell.
At work, reading Capital during breaks.
Boring night but at least the machines are running fine.
What job btw? Seems like a pretty chill night shift (Though I guess I would be personally be suited for it seeing as my sleep schedule is backwards)
Just a factory job dealing with plastics and paper. Stand at the end of a machine, stack/pack, repeat.
Sound's pretty dull outside of quality reading time. I hope you have a good night user.
That's what headphones are for.
Thanks, I got another 2 hours then I'm out of here.
I'm reading the Conquest of Bread. I suck at reading and taking a shit ton of time. I listened to Why Nations Fail (forgot author), On Anarchism by Noam Chomsky, Two Cheers for Anarchism (forgot author), this year so far. Audiobooks are the bees knees.
I'm also currently reading this article:
absolutely shit taste OP, don't forget to include the Fault in Our Stats in your pile.
I'm reading Basic egonomigs NY Sowell, that shit lolberts keeps shouting about, and thus far it's pulling me further to the left.
Reading currently Louis Althusser's Politics and History: Montesquieu, Rousseau, Hegel and Marx.
Bump for books you illiterate cunts.
I'm trying to read Capital, and for fun I'm slogging through The Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan.
I was thinking of reading Brothers Karamozov as well
I bought this on a whim while traveling. Somewhat surprisingly, this is my first time reading Edward Said.
Does anyone know of any other leftist/sort of leftist Arab or Persian writers, particularly those that write about their region?
Rereading Capital and going through random articles on marxists.org.
Pic is my current reading list. Going through Capital now with David Harvey's youtube Lectures. I'll probably do Kropotkin after.
Currently I'm Profit Over People by Noam Chomsky and I have to say that I'm only 43 pages into it, but it's already quite a good book. I think one thing I should note is how devastatingly the book kills the idea of the free market in the first few pages and points out how a lot of developed countries in the world such as the US are developed because of things like state intervention and protectionism not because of the free market while countries who have more free market principles such as Mexico end it up being hell holes that are bad for those living there who are not rich. It also makes me wonder how much Venezuela is getting fucked with because the book also provides some quotes about Chile from those that supported the coup there and these quotes made it obvious that those in power felt threatened by Chile becoming economically independent. I know that Allende and Maduro are not perfect and that the crash in Venezuela was mostly because of oil, but looking at history I really wonder if something else is going on down there that's going to get revealed by wikileaks or declassified documents that will get released in a few decades?