Holla Forums.net is not safe

Hello comrades,

I don't know if anyone remembers me but I used to post here under a pirate flag just before "the hack"; I frequently posted about Althusser and Zizek and would try to reconcile structuralism with ultraleftist politics and would frequently post Stirner memes.

I have got a post from a thread started by bat'ko and highlighted my post since I never tripfagged and have no other way of identifying my self.

Hotwheels is a fascist collaborator and has allowed Holla Forums to flourish as a honeypot to track leftwing activists; he is directly on the payroll of Paul Manafort and is likely handled by Peter Thiel or one of his political subsidiary orgs.

Moot and Hiroshimoot are also fascist collaborators and 4chan is also compromised.

After Holla Forums got "hacked" I was too and had to destroy all of my digital equipment and nuke my online presence; I also had my bank accounts hacked which was luckily caught by the bank and shut down before they did major damage.

I am now being tailed by ASIO when I go into the city; they are deliberately getting Ex-Mil agents to follow me in semi-combat attire in an attempt to intimidate me. They are the most obvious and aggressive when I try to go to the trades halls.


We are on the precipice of WWIII and global revolution which will be launched with a nuclear first strike against an American carrier group by the North Koreans.

Paul Manafort,
Elon Musk,
Peter Theil are the main "non political" players

Nick Land and Mencius Moldbug are the brain of the new fascism.

Trump is a court jester with Pence being the actual fascist strongman too be.

My initials are HFLU; if ASIO attempt to disappear me or assassinate me I have comrades that will scream my name from the rooftops. This is necessary insurance against the Fascist collaborators in ASIS and ASIO, I don't want to imply that I'm any bigshot within left wing circles; with that said the intel agencies actions in the past month has lead me to believe I don't have much time left on this earth. I have also opened an encrypted seedbox and rigged it as a spambot aimed at Holla Forums on Holla Forums.net and .pl aswell as the Holla Forums subreddit on reddit. This is a dead-man's hand canary system that is set to fire unless I deactivate it every 12 hours.

Keep your selves safe comrades; pitch black clouds are on the horizon.

The Invisible Committee Sees All:


The Invisible Committee Knows All:


Your move fucking pigs, you cant kill us all.

Other urls found in this thread:


Hey man, you might be onto something but I gotta ask: are you ok? You seem a bit paranoid comrade, I hope you're feeling alright.

10/10 ravings.

hotwheels hasn't been involved with the site for about a year you raving schizo tard, it has been owned by jim for slightly longer, too.

Proofs, billy.

I am also carrying a cyanide capsule with another unspecified toxin; if they get me, my friends or family I will kill myself to ensure the spambot fires.

This covers all points of weakness I can perceive unless my seedbox has been compromised

I am fine comrade; I know I seem like a complete and utter-nut bag but watch the NK situation like a hawk.

I need to go radio silent and move into hiding now.

See you in heaven or hell comrades.









It seems either spam bots are getting smarter or Holla Forumsyp trolls are actually reading.

yeahhh this is the type of dank shit I come here for


Considering Jim is archiving all our posts and ips I really wouldn't doubt that leftypol is some kind of honeypot

To be honest, I believe it and I usually don't believe anyone who seems like he is suffering from paranoid schizophrenia. In any case, post more details, OP.

Why would "they" take an interest in you, OP?

Nice LARP faggot


what have you done to get followed?

I honestly don't doubt OP, this shit seems realistic.

Lets not go down the Holla Forums train of occultism however, conspiracy theories are bad for everyone.

Also, i'd like to know what got ASIO after you, afterall i'm Australian and i'm worried about this happening to me too.

Added to my pasta collection tbh

Honestly these sort of schizophrenic conspiracy laden posts are what we need to convert Holla Forumsyps. This is how their minds work. All we need to do is just change the players from "Devil worshiping Illuminati" to "fascist capitalists."

Well done OP.

This will be my actual last post before I go completely non digital (which I suggest all of you do unless you know how to install gentoo and have a Chinese brand computer from a TRUSTED Realtor - NSA install back-doors directly into hardware which you can easily verify yourselves).

First of all I was already known to intelligence agencies for my previous idiotic anti-fascist activities; they used to stalk us (antifa black bloc) in the city with whats known in Aus as CIRT teams (think SWAT).

As far as I can tell it was my posts about Artificial Intelligence; which Google and Microsoft already have. I figured it out by reconciling Lacan's theses on the Mirror Stage (the first? thing in the Ecrits) with a particular passage from a book by Aristotle called posterior analytics

I found it stumbling through Wikipedia looking up quantum topology; the passage is included here:


At the time I was re-reading Hegel's preface to Phenomenology which I also consider important to figuring out how AI can be made and figuring out which companies already have access to this tech.

The question you must ask your self whilst reading all this comes from a movie:

Do androids dream of electric sheep?

After I posted a thread about that; Holla Forums came under a spam attack by fascists before coming under a second spam attack that seemed to be orechestrated by a tripfag called "President Armstrong"; "President Armstrong" happens to be the head of an American university called Cal Tech Poly.

The instant I replied too a president Armstrong thread the entretiy of Holla Forums froze before Holla Forums succumbed to a DDoS attack.

The next day I posted a thread About a quantum physicist named David Bohm (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Bohm)(also a communist) and the importance of his theory on the "Implicate and explicate order" (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Implicate_and_explicate_order) and the importance of reconciling Bohm with Kant, particularly the a-prior and the a-posterior.

The thread instantly got ~20 replies of "quantum physics students" denouncing him as a fraud and a hack; it got deleted after who I believe to be Freudfag replied (with this: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two_truths_doctrine which is very similar to the shit I was posting but from an angle of Buddhist theology) and I got banned for a month (a first for me on Holla Forums since I only posted theory threads and never shitpost about e-celebs).

A day latter the Holla Forums "hack" occurred and I was also hacked at the same time.

Thats when the cops started getting aggressive.

First they started circling my house with police helicopters for periods of Half an Hour (I could find no evidence of any other crimes in my area during these occurrences) and then I started noticing aggressive tails when I would go into the city (primarily to the Trades Halls)

I know I'm a dead man walking so to speak so I immediately set about a personal safety redundancy policy which I derived from my experience in the IT industry and my, lets say, cryptology experience which I outline here

And in the OP


I'm out for realsies now; I don't have time to explain everything but:


check out the podcast called the 'Theory of Everything'.

holy fuck OP the revolution is coming

Trying to throw us off the trail? Not today Holla Forumsintelpro :^)

You just described over 50% of all posters on this board.

This is what happens when anarkiddie LARPers take it one step too far. Archiving this schizo shit for posterity: archive.fo/H6YkG

I fucking wish lmao


read this shit gomrades

op is actually not a schizo after all

Is this performance art?

Am I too stupid to understand this post or is it non-coherent schizophrenic rambling? Help me out, if someone is able to understand what OP is trying to say.

I guess it's not safe to post here? I had already taken a break over a week before the hack but even then I couldn't be sure. Guess I should never post or browse here again?

It's not "safe" to post anywhere, you just need to decide whether or not the community you're communicating with is worth the risk.

didnt you know everyone on this board is mentally ill, including your board owner?

safety is a spook

I hope OP will be fed to Jim's pigs tbh

doesn't sound like you are getting vanned quite yet fam

It's not like I do anything or LARP. I just come here for the news.

As long as you don't post anything that would ruin your life it was traced back to you, you don't have much to worry about

Hey OP, do you have a carbon monoxide monitor? headaches? Check it out just in case.

Are you in Melbourne OP?

Not even sure what that would be. Just argued with some polyps on cultural marcz mostly.

Think of the typical anarkiddie/tankie/nazbol post, and you'd be in the neighborhood.

I don't even remember if I posted anything like that. Mostly shilled for co-ops though.

Calm down on the Adderall OP, or you will end up like Nick Land.

Besides, I just like subtly shitposting how the current system a shit. I guess I should take a Zizekian approach? Worse case scenario I'll just use another site.

Holla Forums psyops are becoming more elaborate and schizoid.

I'd give OP the benefit of the doubt since I've run into some "curious" incidents with authority in the past months.

Much as commies are mentally ill, transgenderism is part of Gentile identity, and should not be mocked.

In the last couple of weeks my phones started acting a little weird, my phone now crashes and becomes unusable when I try and use satnav.

Parolu do ni povas vidi kiel ŝi aĝos

*Parolu Esperanto

I don't think this is too far fetched, and while OP certainly gives off some schizo ramblings vibe, you can check on declassified docs, that alphabet agencies infiltrated small and irrelevant groups, so I do believe they're in here.

Still, people shouldn't fall on conspiracies. Proky is not super genius, and falls for the same illusion of control as everyone else.

le reddit army has arrived

He clearly knows some shit but It looks like hes mind has been lost to the dialectics.

I guess if freudfag is still around he can confirm it or deny it.

I've never seen any tripfag called president Armstrong here though so I'm pretty sure hes gone loony


[citation needed]

go clean and give them literature, report the hacking to the cops

so we'll be alright then

what number am I thinking of right now?

why the fuck is it ALWAYS quantum

don't click his link they are the real ip trackers

oh shit

No (you) on your post
fuck off and die

Related to this, there was a thread on Holla Forums after the hack deitcated to doxing leftypol mods, and tracking our users. They've also been collecting pictures of us using our webcams/ front facing cameras on our phone. It's also strange how paranoid Holla Forums is about secret organizations spying, and data mining them, yet they turn around and do the exact same thing to people they don't like.

Did you save the thread? Screencaps?

Why don't ya kill yourself

For fucks sake, stop being an idiot.

Using a phone to browse sites like these is a stupid thing anyways, paranoid or not.

that was a great reading

t. Holla Forums



also, before you irresponsible cucks end up killing people consider that we will find and report every single one of you

even if you're leftist, consider reporting this campaign because shit is getting serious


OP you have got to be kidding me with all this spacing.

So, you do work with CIA pol.


this is getting ridiculus

yes, yes, go- i mean comrade, unload an AR-15 on a crowd of natzees

Is this real life?

The time has not yet come to unload me granfather's 2barrel shotgun on the nazi police knocking on my door.

You should upgrade, preferably to some sort of carbine in 5.56.

do it. sacrifice must happen. there is no way it could backfire.

My legacy is enough for the future dystopia.

There are no nazi cops outside. We still have Syriza.

It's not. Trust me. Shotguns are not combat weapons.

I dunno bout you guys, but OP's IP is still posting except under a different flag. So nothing to worry about probably.


Whatever, Satan. We know your tricks.

I am fine with taking 1 enemy of the revolution with me.