I want to kill the cultural marxism meme.
I want to kill it dead.
How would we go about doing this?
Cutural Marxism
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Why does the term cultural marxism trigger you so much?
Why is your language game so easily violated>
what the fuck you on about?
more BSDM dog men gay parades for all the family should do the trick
Nothing It's like wanting to "kill" the jet fuel can't melt steel beams hoax.
Nobody takes it seriously who the fuck cares what these loonies think.
Hunt down every pomo crit theory SJW that calls themselves a Marxist and force them to stop calling themselves a Marxist.
The web of your ideology that makes you feel all ruffled when a string is loosened. Like when the term marxism is used with an implication that is unfortunate for a marxist.
We do have really popular retards who take it seriously though.
Then those retards lead other retards.
"cultural marxism" doesn't exist, is a paranoid conpiracy theory, and is used to defame and slander leftism. that's why it's not liked here. not hard to grasp
we all know she probably didn't read that book. The woke game dev crowd are pretty lousy marxists if at all, too invested in capitalism, no surprise they tended to vote hillary.
What determines the reality of the meaning of a word?
the reality of a meaning? you mean the actual, technical meaning, or the functional meaning?
Nigga, we don't care about the word.
It's been used plenty of times throughout history with different connotations.
It's the conspiracy theory that's become a meme.
the technical meaning isn't the actual meaning. I should have said validity instead of reality.
"conspiracy theory" is a meme itself
It exists. There are certainly objections to be made over the validity of the term (Marxism is an inherently materialist ideology, after all), but the same goes for many other dubiously legitimate forms of "Marxism" like ML.
This makes it all the more important for us to force such people to either drop the virtue-signaling pomo nonsense, or distance themselves from communism.
Liberal idpol is the closest thing to "cultural Marxism" as Holla Forums imagines it, and it is not even leftist, let alone Marxist, in any way, shape or form. It promotes and proliferates capitalism while entrenching racial identity, gender differences, and rejecting universalism.
the meaning used in the mainstream is false and works to defame marxism
not in the form believed and obsessed-over by rightist lunatics
I'm not merely saying it's a conspiracy theory for the sake of the word. I'm saying it, because that's what it is, and illegitimate at that.
the people that unironically drop ""cultural marxism"" are not interested in your anti-bigoted, non-spooked universalism either. if liberal idpolism ceased to exist, nothing would change because nazis see absolutely no distinction between the former and latter
The right is simply dumbing down their own discourse. Getting strawmanned is a good thing, PR gains are always short-term.
Yeah, but that just means they label everything they don't like marxism.
There we have it again, that claim of ownership over language.
Cultural marxism being a conspiracy theory is a conspiracy theory.
I know this meme is fucking annoying, but do we really have to have a another thread about this subject?
They've been doing this since the 1930s and it works. We need to do something.
Pic related, spam Adorno memes to make them look ridiculous. They don't even click on links, remember? They are DUMB AS ROCKS. All they respond to are memes.
That would be fine if people actually saw it as dumbing down their discourse, but people are so ill informed that it could work. Cultural Bolshevism is an example of this.
'cultural marxism' is an effective meme precisely because it is so vague. It can encompass all the things right wingers are afraid of and unite them in a single, viscerally menacing, vaguely conspiratorial blob. fascism is all about gut feelings.
how is demonstrating and reiterating a word's actual definition a "claim of ownership over language"? if someone calls a cow a chicken, and i explain how that's incorrect, is that a "claim of ownership over language"?
perhaps we should just get rid of all dictionaries too
I think we should probably keep track of it from time-to-time, till we've sufficiently countered the bullshit, but that's just me. There's also been people refining it, so I think it's worth noting when that happens.
I've been seeing people try to link Cultural Marxism to Neo-Marxism, for example.
Prove it then, faggot.
What makes a definition actual?
No, but we should get rid of word-thinking.
exactly see
the whole premise of this thread is shaky. it's really out of our hands
Except it is a conspiracy. And a dumb one at that.
It's a conspiracy theory that states that a cabal of a white man organised themselves to create a word in order to destroy the jewish people and create a 4th reich.
my nigga
The PDF begs question by assuming the marxian theory of history as an a priori.
etymology and linguistics
human language uses words to represent thought and meaning. unless we develop telepathic communication and the ability to physically transmit our emotions into the minds of others, words are all we have
They didn't create the word, number one.
We've already established that.
Two, no one states it's a cabal of white men.
It's mostly confused retards, and people who don't know how to read. No conspiracy needed.
Those are only descriptive.
Which is no reason to linguistically isolate ourselves inside a diction that only serves to confirm itself.
Word thinkers, when will they ever learn?
If you're too retarded to conspire, it's not.
do you have another method of transmitting meaning?
so we should accept false and defamatory definitions and let others define our positions and tell others what we believe?
Also, if you don't think of words, you haven't reached certain stages of development and probably have cognitive impairments from parental neglect. Seek help, you feral child.
Words don't have any meaning, at all, they're just symbols, the meaning they have are always contextual, it can be the culturally constructed meaning of popular usage (or usage particular to a group, like chan-speak) or long-term etymology, it can be prescriptive dictionary meaning, or it can be meaning defined and explained on the spot as it's actually done in academic philosophical circles.
Holla Forums and leftists in general don't have "ownership" of the world class, but we define class in a way that's useful for a materialist analysis of the world, rather than one that's been manipulated by decades of capitalist ideological tinkering.
No argument is won by either side by simply clashing the opposing definitions on the same discussion, the discussion is only legitimate if both parts agree on the meaning of terms.
You're joking right?
that's exactly the point. they believe in a demonstrably incorrect meaning of 'marxism,' so we can't have a discussion
is this the part where you tell us that "cultural marxism is totally real u libshitz"?
It doesn't exist.
Fight me.
the core problem is paranoia, concepts like 'cultural marxism' are just an expression of this all pervading fear of everything. alt right true believers live in a terrifying fantasy world where jews and gay marxist pedophiles pull the strings on everything. It's bleak, but it is also, paradoxically, a comforting fantasy. Atomised individuals tend to panic and lapse into fascist paranoia when faced with the unpredictable world modern technology and capitalism have created. We have to remember we live in a time of unprecedented and sudden social change, when everything solid melts into thin air. The true nature of that change is yet to be determined, best we can do is promote cooperation and a shared positive vision of the future against paranoid and atomising impulses.
Pierre should make more videos.
Tell me how postmodern critical theory doesn't live up to every stereotype. Tell me how its spawn in the forms of "codes of conduct" in corporate/NGO HR departments, academic women's/black/latinx(ugh)/lgtbbq/etc studies departments, quasi-extrajudicial wrongthink tribunals, and reams of "social science" journals publishing unscientific garbage like "autoethnogrophies" to create sources in outrage-mongering clickbait mass media articles, aren't a walking talking caricature.
If liberal idpol and its antipopulist protection of class oppression ceased to exist, the biggest motives lending neonazis popular support would also vanish. Cultural Marxism is killing the left and pumping fresh oxygen into the glowing embers of fascism.
tell me how this is marxism, let alone cultural marxism
I shiggyed
And so it happened when they left a computer in a care home unattended, the downies creeped out of their rooms and started talking about cultural marxism. Since they are too retarded to conspire, they all did so without knowledge that their fellow inhabitants of the care home were doing the same.
You are my other, you are telling me what to believe.
You talk in an idiom that only seeks to confirm itself. This is it's use.>>1572844
Can you conspire without knowingly conspiring?
The implication is that you have to know.
Otherwise, you're just gossiping.
I'm not saying it is. In fact, I would strongly say it isn't. But these people really think they're leftists, anarchists, and communists.
That's the whole problem.
no i'm not. you can investigate the definition without me, because it exists independently of me
yes, that is a problem. no disagreements there
All ideology reafirms itself.
There is no "natural" language.
Doesn't speak anything of the subjects that are being discussed.
Have you actually read Theodor Adorno's work? if anything he'd be critical of modern day 'identity politics' as exploitative, a bandaid on an inherently inhuman and destructive system.
Then it's not cultural marxism, so why are we entertaining the notion it is?
Linguistic descriptivism is intellectually bankrupt on a fundamental level.
If descriptivism is true, there is no reason I shouldn't arbitrarily change language to something more objectively functional for its purpose of communication, by stomping on anyone who uses language incorrectly. If proscriptivism is true, I should stomp on anyone who uses language incorrectly.
But they're not wrong, it's just not jewish people or gay people, it's extremely wealthy people instead.
And as far as I can tell not to any greater end goal than to amass wealth, or possibly kill off the majority of people with the massive abuse of the environment? But regardless, they don't seem exactly organized.
I just did, the definition that is independent of you said "jewish ideology created to subvert the aryan race".
Part of me hopes this is fake, but either way it's hilarious and sad.
The language game started during the red scare, put forward by liberals fam. We've been using Orwellian newspeak ever since.
As for the general problem with 'cultural' marxism would suppose that the likes of the SJW's are inspired by the likes of Adorno, which they don't seem to be, and want to abolish identity, rather then ingrain identity into new hierarchies. Also, Zizek is what one would call a cultural Marxist from where I see it, and he opposes idpol and political correctness all the time.
who/what provided you this definition?
The goal of "Cultural Marxism" is to eradicate western culture and replace it with fun to somehow make it easier to establish world communism, right? Let's just say western culture has been destroyed, there are almost no traces of it left. The world is now some kind of SJW liberal utopia, like reactionaries warned us about. What's next for world communism? The economic superbase is still there, capital remains in the hands of the ruling class and capitalists still dominate the proles. World communism cannot exist because capitalism still does. The hard work of the cultural marxists has been ruined because they can't challenge the power of the capitalists who own the means of production and are protected by the state. So how does cultural marxism achieve its goal if it works in a purely cosmetic way?
Well, this somehow makes sense in the minds of right wingers.
what's the sauce on the webm?
I agree, but language is currently NOT being used make communication functional, it's being used to promote ideology
If 2+2=5 because marx said so then it is, after all, then it's just what it means right, it's not like conclusions can be embedded in propositions, oh no, that's just how McCarthy wants to scare you about communists wanting a violent world revolution while they actually just want more welfare and healthcare.
They stem from an ideology that was certainly present in Adorno, but like Adorno, they're a conclusion, not an instigator. What they share with Adorno is their all-encompassing paranoia, of every aspect of society being part of a big bad that is out to get them, if this is the patriarchy, the whites or the bourgeois makes no functional difference.
Meanwhile things like the falling rate of profit and the contradiction of capitalism still haven't been thoroughly disproved, but that doesn't matter barbecue daddy Marx just wanted a state to run everything and perfect planned economic utopia everyone is just paid the same, according to guys like Mcarthy. Now words that used to have more distinct meanings have been generalized, such as private property not just being factories or something owned for the sole propose of wealth extraction, but also common things we use all the time like our toothbrushes.
Protip, Orwell was a man alive during the red scare, during with the American state did many things you would call 'totalitarian', and was himself a socialist who wrote a whole book about Catalonia, a little thing that was allot closer to what socialists wanted in the first place. Worker self direction and self sufficiency.
They stem from an ideology that was certainly present in Adorno, but like Adorno, they're a conclusion, not an instigator. What they share with Adorno is their all-encompassing paranoia, of every aspect of society being part of a big bad that is out to get them, if this is the patriarchy, the whites or the bourgeois makes no functional difference.
Adorno and SJWs both have reactionary rhetoric. You won't have any disagreements from me there, but to think we want to simply change hierarchies when we really want to abolish them entirely. Oh, and not all leadership means hierarchy. If you think it does you've just been using more doubly think. Whites are obviously not the same as porky either, and not only is there a functional difference, that being that one is a gene-pool and the other owns the means of production, but is also the perfect example of peak liberalism at it's finest, where instead of trying to remove hierarchies, they simply want to change the aesthetic of them, while being the perfect way to neuter the left. Those spoiled kids on campus wouldn't last a day in Catalonia.
The function of porky and whity are similar: a group that lays at the core of everything, of which everything else is but a holographic image. The reason Holla Forums doesn't like SJW's is not because of their logic, but because of the object of their logic. Holla Forums has an anthropomorphic pig as it's world eating demon, SJW's have a white beast, it's a question of aesthetics, not function.
Man, i wish you could see how things are here in Brasil. There's a lot of people who believe in this shit, i'm not kidding.
My method is to bring up cultural capitalism any time cultural marxism is brought up.
It looks like you are complaining about "cultural marxism". Did you mean "liberalism"?
That's actually a good idea.
I've thought about that too, but haven't tried it yet
Have you heard people talking about 'cultural marxism' irl or is it just limited to nazis and internet media?
Yes, but I work with an alt-right autist
Who looks almost identical to
Just replace Frankfurt School with Mont Pelerin Society.
That second Wikipedia screenshot is fake. There is no article about Cultural Marxism, it just redirects you to a subsection of the Frankfurt School article and labels it a conspiracy theory.
You can't. Equality of outcome + culture - economics = Cultural Marxism
It doesn't help that every single last proud "marxist" outside Holla Forums is idpol.
I've seen people in Yik Yak throwing arround the term "Cultural Marxism" to describe SJWs.
When I was asking what they were on about it turned out they weren't even alt-right, they were classic liberals and SocDems. So yeah, it has made their way into the normiesphere. And this is a problem.
Under every fucking "Feminist cringe compilation" on YouTube you'll have your typical Holla Forums shill namedropping Cultural Marxism, Frankfurt School, etc. You'll have people talking about it in the comments under a cracked.com article on fucking Facebook. It's always top rated as well. You guys cannot tell me that this isn't a problem. You're delusional if you think "just a strawman, this is actually a good thing".
Half the time the comments on those cringe videos are more embarrassing than the people in them.
Ever tried talking to a irl Marxist about IdPol? Most of them will wholeheartedly agree with you. I've had people sighing in relief when I said IdPolers can fuck off. These dogmatic SJWs create an atmosphere of fear among leftist discussion but aren't actually that many. It's just that most are afraid to be labeled right-wing or Turd Positionist once they dare speaking about IdPol.
I've made an entirely different experience with Anarchists though. Most of them seem to have IdPol hardcoded in their brain. Holla Forums Anarchists are excluded from this but they sadly do not represent their irl comrades.
It's always important to point out that the rightists are just IdPolers as well. This way you can avoid being put into that corner.
Well you have to admit that while most alt-rightist are dumb as a rock (they really are) they did indeed have crafted a pretty powerful ideological message.
It's easy to swallow and it can be perpetuated by memes. You just need to watch your average retarded Steven Crowder video to get the main points into your skull: "Free Market Capitalism, Small Government, Borders, Races are real, Conservatism is the new counter culture." You don't need to engage in literature or anything - it's good propaganda, we have to acknowledge that.
The most ironic thing is that this ideology (practically neoconservatism with libertarian values) is something which Hitler and Mussolini would have been disgusted by. If they were alive today, they'd see Trump as their main enemy. Original fascism was actually trying to transcended capitalism (yet perpetuating it in the process) and be collectivistic as fuck. Alt-rightism is really just a weird bastardizarion of conservative liberal ideology.
Maybe not irl, but I see the term being dropped in normie places like facebook a lot.
A term as meaningless and conspiratorial as cultural marxism.
Alt-right is a self descriptor coined by the very people it describes, and which many will proudly identify as. Nobody self-identifies as a cultural marxist. It's never used as anything but a pejorative by others.
that article sounds completely ridiculous
its so ridiculous perhaps its best to keep around
let it discredit itself
Alt-right is a term which defines the newly emerging right-wing liberal parties and tendencies.
On the other hand, try showing me an actual Cultural Marxist.
Holla Forums doesn't like the name, nobody who's called alt-right does really.
So it's a blanket term, like cultural marxism.
What's the matter? Does it hit too close to home?
The Holla Forums hack already proved that Holla Forums IP range is a perfect subset of the LGBT boards. You guys are daddy-less faggots, and y'all need Jesus but you're reprobate so there's no point in preaching. Y'all fukt.
Richards Spencer coined it and likes it. Both Breitbart and the Daily Stormer have proudly used the descriptor and fought over the legitimacy of their claim on the term (the other guys aren't the REAL alt-right).
By comparison, cultural marxism was coined by rightists to smear the left, and no one on the left has ever fought for their claim to the term.
But people are self-describing themselves as alt-rightists. And they all share the same ideology. We don't have to call them alt-right if that hurts your feelings or whatever. That's why also called them neoconservatives with libertarian tendencies.
What? Cultural Revolution =/= Cultural Marxism. I'd recommend you reading up on Maoism before you make such a statement. I'm not a Maoist but it's a lot different from what the actual Frankfurt School said or from what right-wingers are projecting on SJWs.
You should have spoiler warned that webm, gave me a real cringy scare.
I wish it actually did hit close to home.
Would sure be nice to actually talk about politics we believe in, instead of having to contend with an empty rhetorical device.
Richard Spencer is one dude. Breitbart no longer claims to be alt-right, dailystormer is trolls and probably feds as well (the donations go to Anglins father, who has non-white adopted children).
If the term isn't valid because it is not self-descriptive, then so is the term bourgeois or capitalist.
It's different from the frankfurt school in the sense that Mao was an illiterate idiot savant while the members of the frankfurt school were professional academics who were better writers and more thorough, in actual content, it's pretty similar.
It triggers you precisely because it is not an empty term, but one which places you in a position your ideology doesn't allow itself in.
He isn't a Cultural Marxist, he just analyzes culture and ideology in contemporary society and happens to be a Marxist.
please keep telling me what I think.
If it means nothing, you would be as triggered as if would call you a fdssdbsgnmsdg.
Australian here
Revently saw an article by Mark Latham - he was leader of the major centre left party here when they were in opposition at one point and is well regarded as a nut job now (while some may argue that he is old left the following will refute that) - in one of the major papers. He complained that the public service is full of political correctness and cultural marxism and then went on to ca our current prime minister the most radical leftist in the country's history.
Its not just a meme, people with some significance are saying it in the public sphere.
take your pills dude
An empty container can be filled with anything you want.
It's just a blank space like any other that the right can fill with their spooky boogey man of the day.
Dude, wtf. Bourgeoisie is defined by a relation to the means of production.
No. Read up on it. Mao connected his Cultural Revolution with class struggle. It was materialistic.
That is concerning as fuck. Actual Goebbels propaganda is now a mainstream talking point in 2017. Truly the darkest timeline.
I think this is because normie "anarchists" are basically all just radical liberals and don't actually understand anything about Anarchism and probably have no idea who Kropotkin or Proudhon is; Anarchism doesn't have the same wellknown history or baggage that other radical Leftist ideologies have, while it does have the rebellious and edgy culture that radlibs would be attracted to. Whereas Holla Forums Anarchists actually have read theory and aren't radlibs trying to virtue signal and get on on militant chic; smashies are probably the closest we get to normie anarchists and they're usually told to fuck off.
They don't think Cultural Marxism be like it is, but it do
Lol no, the term bourgeois was coined well before marx and described a real and acknowledged phenomena. This is like arguing that bankers don't exist because there are ideologies which focus on not liking bankers. Meanwhile, the cultural marxist boogieman is equivalent to being paranoid about reptilians, or any other thing that no one ever identifies as and doesn't exist except in far right fever dreams.
It's you who believe that an anthropomorphic pig controls the entire world in a match of game theory that spans every facet of humanity, you're that one-dimensional and simplistic in your worldview.
But no, the thought that ideologies that spread through academia can have tangible effects, that is the real spooky shit.
Irrelevant to my point.
It doesn't matter if you call it "materialistic" or not (which in this context means little more than the marxist version of halal). It was intended to destroy culture and replace it with a totalitarian, empty, blob. It's cultural marxism with chinese characteristics, but cultural marxism nonetheless. The irony is that the result of such cultural marxism is a people who only have the base impulses of greed, greasy pole climbing and lust, the most vile version of the capitalism that marxists claim to oppose.
Communism leads to capitalism, not the other way around.
It really does touch a sore spot.
no one doubts that. the issue is that the ideology you're alluding to isn't ours and doesn't represent our views
Porky, is symbol, not an actual being.
I hope this doesn't come across as condescending, but I've learned to never overestimate Holla Forums.
Who said it doesn't?
That's just one thing that cultural marxism can be. They've also attributed it to the gays, liberal identity politics, jews, and a host of other things. Not to mention it had a predecessor, cultural bolshevism, that functioned the same way. It's literally just a mirror that reflects your worse fears.
It does, you wholly support it. Your only complaint is that it doesn't bring world revolution and fully automated luxury communism (nothing ever does of course, which is the point exactly, but that's a different story)
Oh, so you admit you believe in reptilians and interdimensional beings, alex jones?
we support exterminating the "white race" through miscegenation and promotion of homosexuality in massmedia so a cabal of powerful jews can inherit the earth and become a master race?
No, that's the wrong cultural marxism.
He means a different cultural marxism :^)
if not bourgeoisie, then capitalists, they're mutually interchangeable, except the first one is a dated french term
there's more than one now? geez who's involved this time, aliens?
Bourgeoisie is an established defintion to a structure which clearly exists. Cultural Marxism doesn't exist as you can see since you are unable to name a single Cultural Marxist. Notice the difference?
No it wasn't. It was aimed at the bureaucrat class and the Confucian education system which teaches obedience to the ruling class. It has nothing to do with the establishment of different cultural values whatsoever. The Frankfurt School saw the degeneration of culture through capitalism. They both have nothing to do with each other.
Look, I told you to read up on it but you keep on spouting uninformed bullshit. Please fuck off.
Yes, they're illegal aliens from outerspace hired by George Soros, to commit W-H-I-T-E G E N O C I D E by breeding with white people and destroying the family, so we can have fully automated–gay-space-communism.
I know it probably doesn't come up a lot in the_donald, but sometimes people use symbolic imagery to represent ideas. We don't literally believe there is one hyper powerful capitalist half-human half-pig, though I could see how you could come to this conclusion if you're sufficiently mentally deficient.
A symbol that has a life of it's own. In your head there lives a pigman, which is a pigman first and foremost in it's logic and functioning, that this pigman consists of more than a billion people is irrelevant, you can't comprehend such a multitude, you can comprehend a battle between you and a pig with a top hat, a battle that you always lose.
Porky is the Holla Forums happy merchant, his functioning as a meme is the same.
It's like ideology can manifest itself it different places.
It's like your prose sucks and you're cliche's are all retarded.
One is technical and simple (and leads to the assumption that society itself is a machine) the other is meaningful and leaves room for interpretation (something marxists are incapable of, they're pretty autistic)
Laurie Penny is a cultural marxist, if you really do need a name.
What Mao said it was, wasn't actually what it was, you again show yourself to be incapable to separate the explicit message and the actual situation. It left a wasteland, as is evident in the China of today, a wretched people, obsessed with consumeris, and without any feeling or compassion for their fellow man. An example are the drownings in which hundreds of Chinese watched on in apathy or suppressed amusement, with a lone foreigner eventually jumping in and saving the drowning woman.
The Frankfurt School was a cabal of paranoiacs that saw capitalism in every nook and cranny, ever sneaky and evil, controlling and dominating through doo wop. They're similar to mao in this aspect, who banned pretty much everything for the same reason, which is everything being capitalism.
Sometimes the symbols become the real things in the subjective experience of an ideological subject. In the case of someone who views the world as a one-dimensional tug-of-war between himself and capitalism, a flat plain were all existence comes to down to a primal antagonism, it certainly does.
Where did all these reddit-tier posters come from?
Wow why did this touch such a sore spot? Is it because you're a reptilian and don't like the association?
they show up for a while each day. either they stumbled upon this board or someone linked to it on Holla Forums or some Holla Forums offshoot
Last time I checked, a pigman doesn't live in my head. Sorry.
I've never seen porky as a symbol for a specific group capitalist, but for the functions of capitalism overall. I don't know why you think I can't comprehend the ideological functions of capitalism, when that's all people here study,
Except it's not just ideology, it's completely separate goals and ideals that sometimes even conflict.
You seem upset. It's nice that someone actually thinks my crappy post on this image board are prose though, I guess.
Which is what I mean exactly, you take an abstraction and embody it into an entity, because that is how people understand multitudes, it's where gods come from.
This also relies on the assumption that "capitalism" is something that "functions", as if it were a machine, a computer operating system. An assumption that is never substantiated.
Like I said, it's ideology. There being a common ideology doesn't exclude seeming conflicts, this isn't even something you yourself believe, for it is marxists who talk constantly of the conflicts in capitalist ideology.
More like unchallenged.
you still haven't answered
Aside from the fact we're not dealing with multitudes of people, mascots for football teams function the same way. I don't actually think Lions are fighting with bears when I watch a football game. This is getting kind of silly. I hope you don't actually think that we're chasing after a pig, as funny as it would be.
I've never seen anyone say that here, or else where.
I have seen Stefan Molyneux do something like that though, but I'm not sure if it was specifically about capitalism.
Except there isn't a common ideology.
For instance, the replacing the Jews as the ruling class would be completely anti-marxist. Same thing with idpol. There's no underlying thread, and good luck finding one.
It's nice to think that someone who doesn't see me as a challenge would keep responding so often.
The article was memoryholed, the screenshot just dates from the early days of GG.
Remember when they were a comedy site? It's so strange reading one of their old articles and stumbling on its comments section, the original comments are perfectly normal, then circa 2012 there's trickle of strange complaints about how "problematic" it is, gradually swelling into a torrent of cucks.
In spite of Holla Forums's (and mainstream liberals') protestations, the alt-right phenomenon has far more influence from Randroid/Paulbot lolberts than Nazis.
What would you call the right-populist agglomeration of first pic, if not alt-right? It's a definite political strain, whatever name you choose for it. Also, if you're going to dismiss it on the basis of a comparison to "alt-left", for instance, I would argue that Holla Forums's class materialist leftism basically just IS traditional leftism compared to the spooked "leftism" we oppose, whereas the alt-right is significantly divergent from traditional rightism on many issues (social permissiveness, international isolationism, anti-government, etc).
Regarding "cultural Marxism" as purely an epithet, aside from the fact that it was coined and used by early crit theorists (though fell into disuse long ago), there is the fact that vast swathes of SJWs call themselves Marxists. Heck, remember the "intersectional materialism" meme from a leddit cringe thread a few weeks ago? If they aren't literally calling themselves cultural Marxists, they're coming very close.
Holla Forums's position from the start has been that the wealthy are not primarily a conspiracy, but instead a group with mutually shared interests, see second pic. The fact that said group are defined by their position as parasitic rentiers, is secondary to the capitalist system that allows and encourages such sociopathy.
41% ($99 trillion) of the world's personal wealth is the direct property of only 32 million millionaires & billionaires, among whom a mere 1.8 thousand billionaires own 3% ($7 trillion). There aren't that many of them, that's why they're porkies.
No. That's already a conclusion. It's just a term that describes ones relationship to the means of production. Private ownership is a real thing. What you make of it is irrelevant to the term.
If by meaningful you mean "vague and contradictory" then you're right. Marxism is a materialist philosohy, assuming that the material base shapes the superstructure. Cultural Marxism would be the exact opposite of that, leaving the base intact while imposing cultural values. No Marxist ever argued for that. What the Frankfurt School did was simply analyzing culture under capitalism and criticizing the hermeneutics of philosohy (Critical Theory).
The term stems from Goebbels (Cultural Bolshevism) and has since then been applied by the far-right to describe whatever culture they feel disgusted by. Not just that, they spiced it up with the conspiracy theory that there was somehow Marxist subversion of academia and media, while everything would imply the opposite (ever visited an economics class?). So while one term is a sharp economic distinction while the other one is unacademic mumbo-jumbo which you use to describe every modern cultural aspect caused by capitalism that you don't like.
So Cultural Marxists are just liberal feminists? But Adorno was opposed to that? She actually quoted liberal Soviet dissidents in her shitty book. Some Marxist she is.
It actually industrialized China. Did you think imperial China was a great country where everything was possible? Maos strategy was called mass line, which means continous people's warfare against capitalist and bureaucrats. There really isn't that much culture involved.
That doesn't equal causation that this was Maos fault especially since that attitude was brought to them by capitalism since Dengs reforms. You feel disgusted by the Chinese? Yeah, welcome to "capitalism with Chinese values".
Why don't you read them instead of regurgitating from what you've heard in a Paul Joseph Watson video? Fuck, reading the Wikipedia article would already be sufficient.
Well they fixed that then. Good.
They've never been that funny. It's liberal virtue signalling, what you expect? Current political situation requires most people to position themselves and Cracked went down the liberal mainstream/SJW way, because, guess what, it's more profitable.
I said exactly that.
Are you referring to that one Mao quote where he says "too many books are harmful"? Actually under Mao they eliminated illiteracy in China. Pic related.
If cultural marxism is just a meme why are there so many walking definitions of it?
The same way that when we see autistic libertarians we don't call them "cultural rothbardians" and construct an elaborate conspiracy theory behind their plan to destroy our culture, we just call them autists
libertarians don't name themselves after their philosophers like leftists do marxist leninist maoist
We need to popularize REAL Cultural Marxism (aka Gramsci, Frankfurt School, Situationist International.) That shit's dope.
Well in that guy's defense
she is regarded a philosopher by her cult
nice argument bra :)
tbh fam i didn't read the article i was just mocking this guy
just read it it doesn't counter my argument
If cultural marxism is just a meme why are there so many walking definitions of it?
mocking what? your failure?
no the shitposting
post some and we'll try to find an answer
rly maek u think
your random pictures demonstrate this, how?
I guess if we redefine "cultural marxist" to "person who uses any socialist iconography", then yeah those pics are sure an ace in the hole.
Unfortunately for you the premise you're arguing is that you can present a coordinated effort to exert marxist control over marxist control over mainstream politics, mass media and academia
Not a conspiracy but a decentralized thought process and these people inform media outlets
Last one because no one is gonna just take a list of random essay titles and assume they actually say shit that's relevant.
argue against what? your pathetic delusion that you've completely and repeatedly failed to validate?
That second link is actually a fairly long and detailed summation of the lack of relevant sources and facts to back up the assertions in the original article. Validating once again that CM is nothing but a right-wing fever dream
The difference between the two, is one is a mascot and symbol, while the other is a scapegoat. The problem is systemic, and to fix it is to change the economic system, whereas they just want to change whitey to something else. Unlike whitey, which is literally a racist scapegoat, porky is something someone can become.
The reason we despise SJW's is their complete lack of logic, being that it is an inverse of the inverse of the reactionary right, yet still using directional thinking at it's core. The other being that they are literally the feds.
Yet your entire base for this argument is they are both supposedly things that both groups don't like, even if one is a representation of roles in a complex system, and the other is an overly simplistic racism. By this logic, Jew and the Government must be the same on the right, and Nazis are cultural capitalists, who think the traditional family is one that was actually made in the 1950s. The extended family is the real tradition family, family.
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