The Cultural Marxist Agenda Explained
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Nazi Propaganda on Nazi Propaganda.
Cultural Marxism is a conspiracy invented by the cappies so they can continue to fuck the working class over. If you actually read any of the work that folks from the Frankfurt school wrote you'd find out that Cultural Marxism isn't what you think it is fam. kys classcuck
btw I know this is going to blow your mind but most of the community providing patronage to the classical art and music communities are leftists
it's almost like we love culture and want to perserve it or something, funny how that works
Explain modern art compared to the classical art of antiquity.
marxists are such flat people
Cultural Marxism is REAL guize.
Yeah, you don't know shit about art, do you?
Do you think degener#cy is a real thing or no?
is getting laid the cure for fascism?
It's a Holla Forums code word for "things I dislike"
absolutely not
The cure for autism is the cure for fascism :^)
just look at you people, look at what you want
for once, actually look, in the eyes preferably
which is why these marxist degenerates always complain about how horrible their lives are, how depressed they, how they are plagued by mental illness..
what you people throw away just to get your dick wet, oh well, your imaginary phallus might be imagination where someone else has done the imagination for you, but is imagination none the less
You forgot to respond to me cuck. I'm
Cultural Marxism doesn't exist m8
the more the merrier
Idk about you but Guernica is fucking great and if you think otherwise you are a scrub.
The means of production in the hands of the workers and a token, heavily decentral government system?
no, i said look, you have eyes goddammit
What is it you think we want?
I can see my bed, the tablet I'm holding and a magnolia wall.
I could see that.
Please explain.
You have a small tablet computer, a pair of glasses and some painkillers.
you must be from Holla Forums you stupid piece of shit. Can you subhumans do anything besides drop youtube links and whine without merit?
Post dank infographs?
holy shit i finally see how western culture is using cars and fun is riding bycicles because they're weak like the leftists are
Further proof Germanics can't into art.
Anyway, see Constructivism and Suprematism. Don't see "feminist" "art".
Yes. fun is real and it's really fun. I suggest you read Reich in order to see the reason why Nazism is so based on sexual repression.
I'm not sure the relevance of cars, that's not tied to an economic system.
What is being "thrown away"? You are defending ideals that don't exist and aren't even being defined.
nothing in particular, nothing tangible. the principle of pornography is incremental, there must always be more, more participants, more contortions, the same applies to leftism, it's never enough, there must always be more intricate ways of capitalism penetrating you, there must always be more -isms, more genders, more theories, more ways to fill the lack that can never be filled
what you want, is to want, to want something you can never truly have, to revel in that lack. this is why term cuck is apt, though i prefer the term degenerate because it illustrates the point without the the fetishistic spite that cuck has.
now look at your people, those who are fixated on The Man preventing them from realization. they don't look pretty, they look horrid and vile, barren and arid, like a flat plain on which the only markers are piles of garbage. this is degeneration, the moment of climax that is called revolution is their plain stretched beyond it's event horizon, which is why revolution can never be explained other than an end leading to the infinite
Thanks for the book recommendation.
Not everything is a fucking postmodernist abstract notion. There is a real material world and unlike you, we are concerned with it.
actually it's about denial in the oedipian phase instead of repressing it… the lack of a father figure for example prevents the fascist from having to repress loving his mother and enter the social state of being. instead by denying such a conflict exists he constructs his ego as a certainty
basically read Dolar
Oh I see, maybe if you spew enough pseudo-intellectual garbage some of it will finally make sense. Let me be blunt: you are talking utter crap, and your words are incomprehensible purple prose.
settled personhood, the small world that exists within the moment yet encompasses the fullness of life by not defining it as a lack.
of rocks and trees and mountains and things. none of which you have any appreciation, they are merely materials, the stuff you throw into machines to make other stuffs from it, dildo's preferably.
You've got it all wrong. Leftists are generally materialists, meaning they're concerned with things that exist in the material world. Marxists want to get rid of capitalism because it's a system that distributes the products of labor to a tiny number of elite capitalists instead of to everyone equally.
Most of the people here are anti identitarian, meaning that they dismiss the kinds of thought that you claim to hate.
i'm illustrating, that's why i told you to look. language is awfully limited already, no need to limit it even more by confining it to the pre-digested statements from the ideological machine.
Either describe your point in plain English, or don't bother. I don't have the patience to decipher this metaphysical diarrhoea
That's the thing though, life is enjoyable precisely because it isn't full. Without a lack you're incapable of experiencing desire, which would be utterly miserable.
What's the point of living if you don't have a lack to drive you forward and give you purpose? What do you mean by "settled personhood"?
supported and promoted by the cia because they viewed as uniquely american and that it could be used to instill national futuristic pride
Lmao, Cultural Marxist believers BTFO
you desire a completion, yet there can never be a completion. this leads to an endless spiral of theory, debate, positions, ways The Man prevents you from completion.. there will never be real communism because it's impossibility is fundamental to it
it's difficult to explain. an example would be a hermit for whom there no longer is a world to interact with in the sense of a separation, no longer a something that prevents. to be settled for me is to have taken place.
If you're so fucking triggered by modern art why don't you just make your own, SJW bitch?
By classical art of antiquity they meant the art of classical antiquity.
I assume you mean this in the Buddhist sense, right? Buddhism doesn't advocate for purging yourself of desire. The desire to rid yourself of desire, is paradoxically, a desire. Enlightenment can only be achieved through acknowledgment of your desires and attaining mastery over them. A large part of enlightenment is a recognition that life is not full because you are only an incomplete part of the world.
But doesn't capitalism largely prevent most people from being "settled" then? Why are you against leftism?
sort of, but not particular. enlightenment can not be achieved by courses in mastery, but by letting go, letting fade, letting your thoughts be thought until you no longer notice them, with your senses and sense of self following. i'm not really looking for that though, nor very interested in it's guides and scripture, not now
i don't believe there is such a thing as capitalism, capitalism being a stage that comes after feudalism, an operating system on computer earth that needs to be replaced with it's final version that lacks the bugs of the previous systems. it is this mechanical view that puts me of leftism, it alienates us from spirit, makes people descend into sexual machines, always producing, the fun i mentioned earlier.
this isn't particular to leftism, and it isn't so much that i am against leftism as that i'm against the defining from which it stems.
AKA Greco-Roman art, AKA not Germanic AKA not white.
You're describing meditation here, not enlightenment. Meditation can give you a taste of enlightenment, but actual enlightenment as a state of being requires a great deal of self-mastery. Anyways, this is getting a bit off topic so I'll stop this tangent here.
So you've got a misunderstanding about Marx's account of history. Marx views history as a progression of stages that will eventually lead to a final point, the "end of history". At each stage the contradictions of the previous stage are resolved. Capitalism resolved the contradictions of feudalism, feudalism resolved the contradictions of triablism and so on.
So when Marx describes the shortcomings of capitalism he's not making a statement about how society should work or how people should act. And similarly when he describes communism he's just trying to understand how a system which resolves the contradictions of capitalism would work.
Your concept of settled personhood sounds a lot like Marx's end of history. Honestly I think you have a lot more in common with leftist thinkers than you're aware of.
Gee I wonder…
The statue of Hermaphroditus was certainly interesting but somehow I doubt Holla Forums would want such a thing marking "their" "history".
Good job, asshole.
maybe the anti-vaxxers were right
Speculative bubble feed by tax deductions and money laundering schemes.
what is a good book to read to get a n idea about the real frankfurt school, adorno and shit like that? Not only I want to end the IRL spreading of this meme as fast as possible, I find that this seems interesting too
I don't have a book overviewing the whole of Frankfurt school (what would be the point? They don't even form an homogenous ideology afaik). But i have a few pdfs of Adorno if that interests you.
it would be interesting indeed
smh fam
if you actually read anything they written you would know they criticize a lot of the stuff Holla Forums claims to be against
I would love to watch a big dicked stallion fucking that ass.
fuck off back to the rice field gook
communism is a white ideology, by whites for whites
So what is it then?
Alright lad, careful with his writing style that can be quite repellent.
Also i have minima Moralia but seems like it's too big to post. Which surpises me because i recall getting it from here a few months ago.
why do retards never lurk
You misspelled Jew.