*sips tea*
*sips tea*
tfw you cant tell if OP is a Holla Forumsack troll, a liberal troll, or a leftypol troll :0
wtf is this?
the truth
Poe's law
The working of parlimentary democracy under capitalism will try to bring any grassroots contestation movement back to inneficient, institutional, and paradigm approved channel of expression.
That's how the tea Party became muh abortion, that's how BLM became quickly only Blacks matter.
That's how Holla Forums got cucked by Trump.
Is there proof that Soros isn't behind InfoWars?
Astroturfing is typical realpolitik. A better example of capital subverting left politics is OWS.
you don't know what realpolik means and you should stop using it.
You fuckin' moron
You don't know what "dictatorship of the proletariat" means and should stop making them.
Soros is behind everything, we do need proof of this negative.
Soros is being everything rightwingers don't like, slight difference.
If Infowars is loved by rightwingers, then the assumption "Soros is being it" do not need to be disproved for it is nonsensical in the first place :^)
wow so THIS is the power of doublethink
Anything is possible once you've consciously rejected reason.
InfoWars is actually profitable because of male vitality pills and stuff, it's not charity.
Also I don't see why the Jews wouldn't want to brainwash people on both sides of the spectrum, they have a long history of backing both sides of military conflicts.
Going off of second-hand info here but wasn't this autism meant to be a false flag to convince people to join Holla Forums?
Because I can't make heads or tails what sort of bullshit message this is trying to get across
The whole point of Jews as a scapegoat is to be responsible of evil in the world. Everything more or less close to the Jews cannot be a positive (hence why some are rejecting Relativity theory on the Basis of Einstein being a Jew).
Jews funding both side can only apply if you have a beef with both (Communists and Wall Street, libtards and conservatives who are not conservative enough).
If something you cannot bring yourself to hate side more or less openly with the Jews, then its 46734D chess…
No, guys, I know how to sage. I just forgot to, is all. Dumbshit move, I know.
I promise I'll do it right this time…
Seriously, fuck off, Holla Forums.
you're thinking capitalism
Is this real capitalism? :^)
Yes, those people could have easily worked smarter and improved their own situation.
Thanks for making my point for me, idiot.
so THIS is the power of cultural marxism
If you accept that a system can allow people to be thrown into mysery and hunger for their own personal faults and shortcomings, don't you understand that you have literally no ethical ground to complain about deaths and starving under Communist governments since this is precisely the reasoning for it given by its architects?
I mean, Holla Forums, I know you have the right to be stupid but you can't just abuse it
weeeew lad
Oh, you mean exactly like every single communist and socialist state has done to their own people?
So your "argument" is that "TWO WRONGS MAKE A RIGHT"?
Wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww DAMN you're a fucking GENIUS
My argument is that you should be judged by the same standards you preach, dummy :^)
And you're literally posing a question that can be reverted: you mean "work and starve" (>>1597379) like every single capitalist states has done to its own people?
You're certainly making me feel like one
rly maed me tink
Meritocracy is truly the most cancerous meme of all time.
so THIS is the power of constructing a straw man to attack and still failing (just like every single attempt at marxism will always fail)
Is Occupy funded by anything?
The USSR ended hunger in the first time of Russia's history after 1947.
The Open Society Foundation, which is owned and operated by George Soros.
Now that's real socialism tbh fam
Fantastic work there Holla Forums
Fail by which criteria and how well does capitalism succeed in it? :^)
Why are you cretinns arguing with somebody with a faggot from /r/the-donald?
What do they do exactly? I haven't heard of much.
Wow, it's as if two wrongs don't make a right or something, not sure though better ask Marx.
Destabilize countries to capitalize on market disruption to make billions of dollars at the expense of the people who they claim to support.
If that's not the case how do you justify capitalism? :^)
So they're exactly like every other organization that promotes marxism?
Occupy destabilize countries? Yeah ok I'll wait for actual answers.
Why is it my job to justify y because I said that x is evil?
Are you redistributing the effort of making your argument to me? :^)
Do you have legitimate autism?
Too bad documentary evidence and census data shows a constant positive growth in the Soviet population where there should be tens of millions dead. The only drops happened in 1933 and during the war.
No, the Open Society Foundation does, dummy. Occupy is one of the many paid protest organizations that they fund.
it's the secret contest "create cognitive dissonance in a rightwinged mind until he kills himself"
The prize is a cookie.
Or more realistically board culture
Hey look, it's a socialist using historical revision to try to deny the crimes of their ideology.
People of color me surprised!
So are you saying that at least in capitalism there are some places which are not total shit? Wow very good argument m8, I advise you to take a trip to North Korea. The guides will show you that Pyongyang is actually a pretty comfy place. That doesn't mean NK is a paradise, just like how amerifats stuffing their faces junk food doesn't make the children starving in Asia and Africa less hungry.
with junk food*
Then why do you take us back to communism-is-evil when we say capitalism is evil? :^)
I'm just trying to show you that your argument is not enough to #compete on the #market and you must #innovate it before you come here thinking you'll own people and get completely BTFO instead :^)
but there's a peace village so communism just works
Hey, that's not nice. ): Cheezburger and lolcats are pretty much the primary forerunners to modern memes, you know.
Okay, sounds good. :^)
Why can't we just complain smarter to improve our situation instead of working like the pathethic wagecucks we despise?
I've finally seen the light!
Because complaints don't achieve anything, which is why critical theory doesn't work
lol owned
Didn't left fail when it stopped complaining and started collaborating?
Well that's the thing about leftism, isn't it? If you're not left…
you're right.
Complaining is collaborating, it gives the system meaning and purpose it wouldn't have otherwise.
No, historical evidence from Russian archives and the Central archive of the October Revolution, unlike your baseless claims about the USSR killing millions billions trillions.
Hey look, it's socialist atrocity denial in action. Wow, brings me back to when those tactics were used by every single socialist state in the history of humanity.
Next time try reading the whole post faggot.
Who are you responding to?
the retarded concept that marxism is good
marxism is good, as a material for nostalgic soap operas
not an argument
No really the whole site wants you to go back.
So because you are "arguing" against le ebil marxists, you don't need properly respond to them or make sense at all?
sorry, what was I supposed to be arguing against?
You were supposed to be leaving rather than shitting up every thread and board on the site, you stupid fucking poltergeist.
No, just the retards from reddit need to go back to reddit, that's all. Nothing about ideology, it's about you being thick as fuck, having nothing to say and being too much of a faggot to go outside on your days off school.
keep going
You have to go back.
back to leftypol?
Wow user you are a genius!
feels comfy
You are a fucking moron
I think all these right-wingers are just jelly they aren't cashing those sweet soroscheks.
Nothing revisionist about it, you're just retarded and don't know basic history. As much as I hate MLs, I hate ignorant fucktards more. Have some evidence.
fuckin nerd
He's also doing everything lefties don't like by being a Bourgie you penis