What's your favourite form of anarchism?
Mutualism for me
What's your favourite form of anarchism?
Mutualism for me
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Anything else than ancom is retard-tier.
are you from /brit/ la?
I'm a transhumanist, so anarcho-transhumanism I suppose.
Explain mutualism for me? Everyone owning their own MoP?
I'd like blueberry flavored anarchism
thank you very much
For memes, egoism. Otherwise anarcho-communism.
Hello Noam.
easy m8
also anarcho-pacifist and anarchofag pepes where?
Anarcho-Transhuman-Communism with little sprinkles of technocracy here and there
not too much technocracy tho
are those pancakes?
Why is """"anarcho""" capitalism there?
I'm a goth, so I'm anarcho-gothic I suppose.
Explain transhumanism to me. Why do you think that trans rights are a part of anarchism?
I want to tear that ring out of that nose
Anarcho-egoism of course
That's very statist of you.
My name is Jonathan Wong, so I'm an anarcho-jonathanwongist. Not too many people share this political ideology, but the community is slowly growing.
Post boypussy
alri x
Why do you have to be such a fucking dickhead to us snowflakes? live and let live man and shit
I built a hospital that cares for all, it's made of steel, sterile walls, and rosa luxembergs
ahhh you did it you absolute madman
I think ancap is the best path to communism tbh.
Ancom/AnSyn because they're socialists. the worst is obviously ancap.
Because the reasons behind snowflakyness are not reading theory, not being committed to anything, and using your cool ideology either as an identity or as a monomaniac outlet. You faggots are always the first to abandon the revolution and you hate serious work.
TL;DR: because cancer
love ya lads (no homo) should we revice britleftypol?
you mean you're getting fat?
Anarcho-jonathanwongists don't like the f word, because we believe that word was designed to hurt anarcho-jonathanwongists feelings on purpose.
yes lad 100% i was thinking the same
where the mutchies at
red or ted depending on how much hope I have that day
The one that is actually consistent with freedom and economic literacy. I'm cool with transhumanism too.
It's funny you mention economic literacy as a criteria when your two favorite anarchist ideologies are the most utopian and idealist ones.
Idk why you guys hate us when we want to tear down the state more than you.
Under anarcho capitalism you could even host your own commune/country where everyone shares the means of production.
We hate you because you do not understand what the state is or how it came to be. All you would do is restart capitalism and reproduce the state in corporatist form. It would be like Marxism-Leninism applied for capitalism, except worse.
Until you realize we'd out compete you for "place anyone would rather live" and you'd have to wage a war of aggression to maintain the hierarchy you want to maintain.
Except you maintain heirarchy and dependency on capitalism.
It's pretty much feudalism II: Recreational Nuclear Bogaloo
nigga you want to tear down the state to create a bunch of other states
1st that would be >implying that socialist communes would be good places to live when everyone fled communist countries and 2nd we would not engage in warfare because that would break the NAP, you'd just fail when your ideology doesn't catch up with reality, as is usual of communism.
Under anarcho capitalism everyone would be free to create such "states" (which would be radically different from our current conception of them, as they would be more akin to megacorps or communes in your case) and to move freely around them.
There were 2 communist elements to the USSR (which I must assume you're referring to): First the (failed) revolution, which was proletarian, and second the ideology, which was communist. The state itself was capitalist however, as every state must be, since communism per definition necessitates a stateless society. I'm going to bed now so I really don't want to spend another 60 minutes explaining basic communism to some libshit but maybe this copypasta will actually motivate you to read:
A selection of texts describing Russia as a capitalist state. English edition.
The Basics
- Why Russia isn't socialist sinistra.net
- An Analysis of Russian Economy marxists.org
- The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is a Capitalist Society marxists.org
- The Nature of the Russian Economy marxists.org
- Doctrine of the Body Possessed by the Devil marxists.org
- The Spirit of Horsepower libcom.org
- Lessons of the counterrevolutions libcom.org
- State Capitalism and Dictatorship marxists.org
- The myth of "socialist planning" in Russia sinistra.net
- Eight Supplementary Theses on Russia (Dialogue with Stalin 1953) sinistra.net
Longer Texts
- Capitalism and class struggle in the USSR libcom.org
- The Marxian Concept of Capital and the Soviet Experience libcom.org
- State capitalism and world revolution libcom.org
Bonus Material
- The Incoherence of “Transitional Society” as a Marxian Concept marxisthumanistinitiative.org
- The Nonsense of Planning marxists.org
- Capitalism and Planning marxists.org
- Value and Socialism marxists.org
- Review: “The Revolution Betrayed” marxists.org
- Marxism and Russia sinistra.net
- The Revolutionary Workers Movement and the Agrarian Question quinterna.org
- "Left-wing communism, an infantile disorder" - condemnation of the renegades to come quinterna.org
- China: The bourgeois Revolution has been accomplished, the proletarian Revolution remains to be made sinistra.net
- "Proletarian dictatorship" and "socialist society" in the new Chinese constitution sinistra.net
- Mao's China, certified copy of the bourgeois capitalist society quinterna.org
- Theses on the Chinese Question quinterna.org
State capitalism is not a new form of economy nor is it a transitional form between capitalism and socialism: it is pure capitalism, and appeared along with all the other forms of monopoly in the period of the victory of the bourgeoisie over the feudal powers. On the other hand, the capital-state relation lies at the basis of the bourgeois economy in all of its stages.
In short;
- Capitalists existed in Russia. Both social and actual individuals. The state took the form of a capitalist and also the collective farms and peasants with their private plots. Markets existed, even free markets, including a black market. There were even "soviet millionaires". Private property was enshrined by law in the collective farms.
- Capital ran Russia. The law of value made itself felt by the shifting changes in prices and wages and on what was produced. Profit existed, in fact, it was made into a legal requirement for state firms to make a profit. Speculation existed in the countryside with their markets.
- Labour was alienated, there was a constant drive to push down wages and make labour more productive (along capitalist lines, of course). Relative freedom was only awarded due to the need for labour in the process of industrialisation. Still, unemployment was wide spread.
- Russia was not tending towards or transitioning to socialism/communism only to be thwarted at the last minute by "revisionists" and "capitalist roaders".
Why is it dead?
also inb4 if your ideology leads to state capitalism it is shit and utopianism to which I will reply that you should read German Ideology chapter 1 at least to get an introduction to historical materialism which clearly explains the concept as an empirical understanding of the development of society, and outgoing from the observations being made concludes that just as capitalism was the next step for feudalism, capitalism too will be succeeded by the form of social organization we call communism.
meaning that you can not attempt to implement communism outgoing from the superstructure if the material conditions do not allow for it, which is precisely what happened in communist states of the past. Largely underdeveloped nations had peasant revolutions that attempted to skip essential parts of historical development and therefore failed. Furthermore communism must inevitably happen rapidly and globally (or at least in a large enough area of influence as to be self-sustaining), which also didn't happen. And now I again explained basics of communism even though I didn't want to, at least I didn't waste an hour on this shit. Good night
Riveting thread OP
The commune needs to be as big as the world. Can ancaps provide that?
I wonder what would his opinions on Holla Forums and Holla Forums be.
Anarchism has a retarded insistence on freedom instead of justice, but if I'd had to chose id would be ancom/ansyn.
Ancoms are very nice tbh
Mutualism is a gateway drug for ancaps who start to become class conscious. They get into it for a while before establishing a more viable theory.
Left-Wing market anarchism.
I think ancap economic theory about markets theory can be easily reconciled with with individualist anarchism. I think classical liberalism when taken to its logical conclusions supports anti-capitalist anti-hierarchy ends.
Post-Left Anarchy.
uh how would that work in capitalism
It literally doesn't, though. Taken to its natural conclusion it leads to feudalism. But yeah I agree both left and right market anarchism are very conducive to individualist anarchism. They go hand-in-hand, really.
Ancaps define capitalism differently than socialists. I think what user is trying to say is that in a market economy it's possible to people to own the means of production communally.
Capitalism formed a few centuries ago and Classical Liberalism came along as a result of it, a Classical Liberal supports Capitalism. However, some thinkers supported idea akin to basic income and wealth redistribution.
Thomas Jefferson also supported progressive income taxation.
Anarcho-Capitalism is literally an oxymoron. Capitalism requires private property and that can only exist with laws and a state to enforce it.
no, they define it differently than reality
that doesnt make it an oxymoron, it just makes it practically impossible.
Actually, Chomsky also believes that Anarchism is the logical conclusion of enlightenment-liberalism. Check out this video: youtube.com
Take the orange pill fgt.
I don't have time to watch this right now, but is he saying it's a logical conclusion
or just that Enlightenment values were a foundation for modern anarchist thought
because I'd totally agree with the latter, unsure about the former
The video is only 4 minutes. In it Chomsky basically says that enlightenment values were the foundation, and that social anarchism is classical liberalism taken to it's logical conclusion. Or that it would have worked out that way if capitalism hadn't "derailed" this process.
I used to be a mutualist, but now I think decentralized planning is better than markets, and production for use is better than production for profit. So I guess I'm an ancom. Anprim is fine too, since the world is being destroyed by the current system we will have to adapt to a more primal life. Sorry Antrans but we will most likely never see a "ghost in the shell" level of technology, the next ecological/political/economical catastrophes may very well leave us with no way to produce electricity.
The Nonsense of Planning and Capitalism and Planning are the same article
I laugh so fucking hard when I think about all the cops and cia agents who have died over the years. A bunch of them were caught and tortured before they were killed and thrown in a ditch too. Hahahhahahahahahahahahahahahah
the sexy kind
Hmmm tier:
Anarchists but also ____ tier:
Not really anarchists:
Of course it can. In practice there's zero difference between ancapistan and ""left wing"" market anarchism. Absolutely none. No surprise that an ancap would see it's merits. Just one side in the equation is honest about their brutal system and the other side is deluded
C4SS is a basically an ancap honeypot org for converting leftists to Galtism
The basis of anarcho-capitalism is private property. How the fuck can left-market anarchists be capitalists when they reject private property?
They don't.
Hey, an ancap is right about something!
Simple, they are are are not capitalists. Or maybe they are, at least according to marxists, but that's not the point
egoist anarchism. No spooks,
I suppose that's true in the dialectical materialist sense in that liberalism is doomed to ultimately collapse under the weight of the massive contradictions built into the capitalist mode of production upon which it is founded.
Like I said, they accept all the premises of ancaps and disagree only about what the outcomes would be
All forms of anarchism are utopian and somewhat retarded (some more than others). If I had to choose one, and if we lived in a perfect world, then mutualism.
You were doing so well.
I suspect a lot of people here are talking out their asses–seeing "markets" and reflexively freaking out
The suppressed one.
Am a Leninist, but if am gonna choose an anarchism, I'll choose the most utopian one.
Also, AnCap isn't anarchism.
Lord forgive me for my gluttonous hedonism, but I NEED that.
why is mutualism the colors of halloween? i propose swapping with anarcho-spookism
Idk, maybe because orange is between the communist red and capitalist gold?
isn't he still alive? why not write a letter and break it down for him.
AnCom is shit, the rest requires you to be mentally retarded.
How can we abolish production for exchange if the existence of these rival communities necessitates its continued existence? How can we rationally plan production for human need if we are locked out of using most resources by capitalists unless we enter into exchange relations with them (=capitalist restoration)?
Flag related
but statism is wrong, silly
Anarcho-monarchism by far
Anarcho-Nazism :DDDD
Anarcho-Anarchism is the best ideology
Why you here Rebel?
Top logic.
As if the corporations wouldn't hire mercenaries to engage in civil war on a constant basis in an AnCap territory
Anarcho-Natbolism ftw