Why is the concept of social justice inherently bad?
Why shouldn't we be locked in arms with our black brothers and sisters against structural oppression and police brutality? Why shouldn't we support women's rights?
Why are these things mutually exclusive to ending cap?
It's not inherently bad, it just turns out bad seemingly every single time
Owen Murphy
Social justice is good. Socjus is a motte-and-bailey fallacy.
John Peterson
It isn't. No one on here besides the Holla Forumsyps who lurk and shitpost unders flase flags think so. What this board is against is identity politics, particularly the way it's been co-opted by Liberals. The board is against standpoint epistemology, callout culture, the idea that all white people and all men are inherently racist or inherently sexist no matter how much you educate yourself, and against the abandonment of class based politics. That being said, Socialism has always been, and should always be, anti-racist and anti-sexist.
Cameron Morris
Social justice has historically referred to turd positionist economic policies supported by some very unsavory characters. The way things are going now, soon it will have the same meaning once again.
Michael Garcia
Social justice is good. SJWs are bad. Idpol is bad. Comprende?
Easton Morris
Pretty much this. Idpol is complete garbage and a complete waste of time compared to the worker's struggle. Idpol just distracts from what is really important. πππtheyπππ love it for this reason.
John Jackson
Micronationalism (i.e. "idpol") is bad and reactionary. Social justice is a totally different thing though.
Dominic Adams
no leftist is actually against social justice. the problem is that idpol liberals equate social justice with having a proportionately diverse ruling class
Hudson Flores
My problem is their obsession with intersectionality, other than that I think we should focus in de-spooking SJW instead of neckbeards.
Isaiah Cooper
The problem with SJWs is that they ignore the important issues and mainly focus on promoting fun. They are worthless.
I don't hate fun on principle. I hate SJWs for wasting their time on it.
Grayson Morris
I have no idea if you're a Nazbol, but I agree with you completely. Contemporary identity politics all have their origins in Leftists making the foolish decision to export the politics of National Liberation to ethnic, racial, and gender subcultures and minorities, i.e. the National Liberation Struggles and anti-colonial struggles of Cuba, Vietnam, and Algeria are translated into Black Liberation, Women's Liberation, Chicano Liberation, and LGBT Liberation. While I wouldn't go so far to claim this is inherently reactionary as many anarchists and some leftcoms would, I have to say the idea of "revolutionary nationalism" is a very tricky one, and when used in a manner completely seperate from the broader project of Communism, as it was in Algeria, as well as many corners of the Black Nationalist and Radical Feminist movements, the only outcome is a reactionary politics of separatism that make solidarity and organizing impossible. And, seeing as how the modern idpol Left has completely abandoned Communism, but still holds on to these old 60's-70's radicals as a model for the future, that's a pretty bad sign.
Isaiah Sanchez
You mean "superstructural."
William Carter
A lot of the SJW isn't that pro fun, in fact they horseshoe with the Far Right a lot on those issues some of the time.
Caleb Carter
ayy lmao
Hunter Jenkins
Fucking hell, as if we needed more proof that socjus is pure Porky COINTELPRO.
Carson Roberts
What are you talking about? Have you ever encountered an SJW in person? Or even online? It's the hight of asceticism and moralism for atheists. It's like what you get when someone doesn't give a shit about religion but still feels the intense urge to judge and chastise other people for completely arbitrary reasons and autistically start screeching at people in the middle of casual conversations to force them to apologize to them for using a word or phrase they don't like. And speaking from personal experience, the majority of SJWs I've met in person literally don't even consider themselves Leftists, they're usually either centrist Liberals who are decidedly anti-communist, I mean, I could kind of understand SJWs if they honestly believed constantly policing other people's language and thoughts would one day inevitably lead to a Communist utopia, but across the board it's all just about shaming and humiliating other people, feeling powerful for a second, and gaining a minuscule amount of social capital and moral highground.
Chase Anderson
It's a wordfilter for dgeneracy. Wasn't going to tell you but I liked your post.
Ayden Torres
What's the difference between social justice and regular justice?
Luke Cruz
One cares about idpol above all else and the other is actually reasonable.
Andrew Howard
KEK I had no idea, I was so confused. Thank you for telling me though
Connor Harris
I see someone clued you in on the word filter. But I have met many SJWs online. I keep some on FB just to get a little window into their world. They love nothing more than bitching and discussing idpol. I'll admit that they sometimes discuss issues with real merit, but this is rare. But it's usually just non-stop bitching about white cis het men.
They are delusional as fuck. They utterly buy into a victim mentality in all aspects of life. They completely believe that those who are repressed can never be racist or sexist. They mostly ignore the class struggle entirely.
Michael Edwards
Leo Foster
I mean, this is the whole problem in a nutshell. I'm not going to lie, I used to fall for a lot of idpol, it's nearly impossible to navigate in Leftist circles irl without accepting a lot of idpol, you'll get almost instantaneously purged if you go against idpol orthodoxy. But even when I did believe it, I at least believed it consistently, and this is why I saw through their bullshit eventually. Here's the thing, if we're to truly believe that racism and sexism are structural, that the ideology of white supremacy and patriarchy completely permeate the whole of society and control the logic of all people, then by the simple extension of this theory all people should be subsumed by this logic. Regardless of whether you're a man or a woman, white or black, if the structure and cultural logic of our society is one of white supremacy and patriarchy then ALL PEOPLE should be subject to this structure as ALL PEOPLE were raised in this same society, women don't exist in a protective bubble that shields them from assuming patriarchal logic, people of color can't step outside of society and act like they exist separately from it due to their skin color, this was what always bothered me about idpol, it doesn't even make sense by it's own logic, it's just all about creating an in-group and an out-group based on white guilt and bad faith arguments. There's no political praxis for just really, really hating white guys, it's just a way for emotionally damaged people to sit around complaining about how great everything would be if one specific type of person didn't fuck everything up, in this sense it's literally identical to the alt-right's obsession with non-whites.
Austin Anderson
wew just like video games
Owen Green
They're idiots. It's really that simple.
They also have tremendous amounts of in-fighting and drama between their various bubbles. Outside of some protesting and pride parades, they have almost no cohesion at all. Like I said earlier, they are completely useless. The only thing they are really good at is bitching.
Mason Gonzalez
Because for them our point of view is reductionist, SJW believe that every single form of oppression should be addressed individually and that promotes sectarianism. If point out that racism and sexism are a subproduct of classism some of them are redpilled but some others simply hate white men like nazis hate jews.
Robert Rodriguez
Ex-Air Force guy here. You have no idea. A theater of war is a fucking video game. The CINC controlles that shit like a game of Command and Conquer. You wouldn't believe it unless you were stationed at NATO.
James Peterson
you're hacking at a strawman. evidently you didn't spend much time around idpolers, because a huge part of feminism and critical race theory is how those particular groups have internalized the logic of their oppression
Daniel Baker
Social Justice is more than idpol and has a longer history than that.
Historically in the US affirmative action has been linked with social justice, which it is to an extent. Hence, the reason why it's so frequently used interchangeably with idpol.
The rightwing has appropriated the term social justice and begun using it pejoratively to refer to very narrow cases. This seems to be the way mainstream views social justice now.
Social justice as a concept refers to the way justice is structured in a socialist society. This has implications over many things, not just idpol.
I'm quite disappointed that on a lefty board, no one seems to know this.
Jack Murphy
Daily reminder phrase SJW means nothing. Go ahead express that white westerners are disproportionately killed or imprisoned by the "justice" system. Whoever is called self hating SJW first wins full communism.
Jace Reed
Fuck! I meant non white westerners are disproportionately killed or imprisoned by the "justice" system.
Hunter King
Social justice is good and I'm for it
What I'm not for is the liberals who refuse to talk about economics and deflect everything back to identity
Andrew Bell
No fam what he's saying is he understood that and most SJWs dont. Really thats the difference between a good leftist who also concerns themselves with what Holla Forums calls identity politics (I strongly believe they can exist) and SJW fucking idiots that have a weird bastardized christian dogma where they need to yell about muh privileged original sinners and other puritanical nonsense
James Perry
bretty much. get talking about the root cause of the problem and you just might do something. till then i don't need to hear that shit.
Jordan Stewart
we should. but we should acknowledge that these things don't affect negroes only we should. but we should acknowledge that women in the west already have rights
Mason Long
That's what I'm saying though, idpolers don't even practice what they preach. If critical race theory were true, then having animosity towards white people and men would be pointless, as white supremecy and patriarchy are socially constructed hegemonies, not something genetic or inherent, so by that logic all people are equally effected by said cultural hegemony and all people are equally possible allies and have an equal claim to deconstruct and overcome said cultural hegemony. But that's not what 90% of SJWs believe or practice, they act like racism is inherent to whites, and that sexism is inherent to cishet men, in theory they're all "intersectional feminists", in practice even the most "enlightened" of them operate on essentialist and deterministic conceptions of race and gender. Most feminists I know hate TERFs for instance, but if you talk to them long enough they almost always have the same opinions, that transwomen aren't real women, that a man can never truly be a feminist, that "allyship" is a joke, it's all just politics of resentment, that's all idpol can ever be, whether it's rightwing or leftwing.
Wyatt Butler
Yuri on Ice was a bad anime tbh, they didn't develop Yuri and Victor's relationship and instead when full homo for the sake of making fujos wet, at the expense of their character development.
Jacob Hill
seriously if everyone went around saying 'ackshually i am slightly more oppressed than u *tips gender' nothing would get done and everyone would fucking starve
Hudson Perez
I was just reading a blurb on the wikipedia page that said the exact opposite funny enough.
Cameron Robinson
I disagree with certain kinds of idpol and "political correctness" and so on, we should really invent a word that refers to the whole package by definition so there'll be no room for misunderstanding. I will not use a word like SJW because it plays in the pocket of the right-wingers and social justice alone just doesn't mean that.
And political correctness is not really either good or bad in itself, but we should still criticize and develop language - some people just really make it too much of a primary goal, bringing it to the level where one should not call things or people stupid or dumb because that is ableist against people of lower cognitive ability. I've met "anarchists" who'll hate a socialist who uses a nasty word but love a literal pro-capitalist millionaire as long as they instead use nifty words, that is absolutely ridiculous. I've seen feminists who'll have ridiculous feuds over whether a non-sex worker can use the word "whore" to empower herself.
Many of the more basic points of political correct people are still fine, though - I have absolutely nothing against aiming for gender-neutral speech, not using names of mental health issues or sexualities or anything as insults, etc. My cause is for the oppressed, but not for this "who is morally superior" game.
Also one pretty big problem with, well, THAT group of people: they tend to expand the notion of "basic human rights" far too much because it sounds like such a strong argument. But they even muddle up their own cause with that: yes, providing care for trans folks is about such rights, and so is stopping the police from murdering innocents, but many other things really aren't. They lack distinction between issues and their level of severity.
Xavier Collins
The concept of "social justice" has a longer history, but that history originates in Catholic social teaching (NOT in socialism) and includes use as a slogan by fascists.
We have no reason to embrace it - it's a thoroughly reactionary concept. The problems it claims to address are addressed far more effectively by actual socialism.
Ian Gutierrez
The question would be:
The usual way seems to be that gender = purely about identity, no need to either look or act like anything. The other usual view seems to be that sexual orientation = being attracted to either a particular gender or many of them.
How does this work? Surely sexual orientation has more to do with how the person perceives the one they are attracted to. If someone looks and acts in a way that is perceived to be feminine, surely lesbians are attracted to them. But if that "someone" identifies as a male, the lesbians either cease to be lesbians at that point or something needs to be changed about these notions to allow for sexual orientation to be based on something else than a hidden identity.
Jackson Perez
Of course we should be in solidarity with workers all over the world. Black workers, white workers, brown and yellow and red workers, female workers and male workers and workers in between, young workers and old workers - all of us.
We have to address their current demands in a transitional fashion; we can show support to their existing struggle but also provide positive criticism of the weaknesses of their tactics and theory. We have to explain how tackling these issues as sections of the class doesn't work. We want working class solidarity, and to get it we must give it. Its about a subtle and nuanced critical support.
We must connect the struggles of individual sections of the working class to the struggle of the working class as a whole; the struggle for socialism.
Camden Ross
You've hit on the core problem with social justice as it exists: it's a religion. A religion made up of the debris of western liberalism pulled through the shredder of postmodernism, which appeals to all the puritan instincts that still stalk the halls of elite US society.
That they support worthy causes becomes incidental to the nature of the beast.