'tankie' is now a racist slur you ultraleft fucks. i hope you feel appropriately chastised

'tankie' is now a racist slur you ultraleft fucks. i hope you feel appropriately chastised.


Most of those people aren't even tankies, they're just random non-white leftists.

Not to mention Che and Fidel were white.

Considering it was a slur invented to be used against the CPGB, I think it is meant to be used against white people.

Wait, since when was Mandela a hard-core Tankie?

I don't think anyone has ever accused Malcolm X or most the people on the picture as being tankies.

"Tankie" slur is actually irrelevant. Notice how most of these revolutionaries are W H I T E C I S H E T M A L E S. "Tankie" is usualy targeting W H I T E C I S H E T M A L E S

Tankie twitter needs to be purged.

Anti-imperialism is very important to me though

He wasn't but he was a member of the South African communist party for a time and considered the Soviet Union to be a friend of South Africa/the anti-apartheid struggle.

Does Twitter make people retarded?

ML's deserve the gulag more than anyone else.

he wasn't. Early on in his life as a political activist he saw socialism as a helpful tool to connect with the black proletariat. He saw the failure of the early ANC, which was led by missionary school and english university educated liberals that failed to connect to anyone but other, relatively well-off black liberals, thus never creating mass-appeal. All while black and coloured unions actually did have mass appeal for a while.

Ultimately he never became a full blown socialists and went with softer economic populism instead, because the ANC needed the support of the tribal chiefs, which weren't exactly pro-communism. However, the ANC did ally with the South African Communist Party, which to this day is part of the ANCs electoral block.

Bit of a tankie myself, but this is retarded. Idpol needs to die.

I like how the actual ideas that individuals hold is in no way as important to these people as the color of your skin and what is between your legs.

Well you already say spook a lot which is a racial slur against black people.

This is retarded but yeah "tankie" is a completely meaningless term now, the closest thing it amounts to these days is any leftist that doesn't eat up whatever the MSM or State Department shits out concerning geopolitics. If you're skeptical of the claim that Assad gassed kids you'll have a horde of retards screeching "tankie" and "anti imp" at you regardless of what your views on authority or centralization actually are.

Idpol seriously needs to die.

"tankie" is an emasculated white faggot term to slander actual people who got shit done and regurgitate Capitalist propganda talking points

Are these people serious?

Tankie spook spotted.

And I guess she's just going to ignore Sankara, Marcos, Apo, Kim Chwa-Chin, and Allende.

After the revolution we will have ethics classes in high school and university and you anarcho-degenerates will bite the bullet as usual

She was associated with the Panthers which was Maoist and therefore "tankie" and so on etc.


She was likely more associated with the FBI.



Yes. It reduces any possible discourse to 140 characters at most. Who the fuck thought twitter was a good idea as a form of social interaction?

what color?

Femenists will always choose men of action over first world white emasculated faggots who think they know shit

What's funny is "tankies" aren't the people you're calling tankies. Those guys actually are the most class oriented leftists I think I've ever seen.

Also the whole "anti-imperialism" v. "class struggle" meme is really stupid too, as if they are separate competing forces…. these people have never read a book

This is why I have libsocs


fucking this tbh

The only tankies on here are Castro, Che and Ho Chi Minh, the rest are just left eing activists.

Mandela is a tankie now

Fucking twitter retards the word Tankie was developed for the Russians who betrayed the revolution. Half the people in that photo aren't even tankies.

Remember 95% of anarcha-fem posters are cointelpro d&c. Unless it is a post from that cool escort chick its probably b8.


You're in the club and those guys slap your girlfriend's ass and call her a trotskyite revisionist. What do?



I think the guy in the left is actually from Syria.




The fact that a faggot says "Milk is a white pride simbol" or "Pepe the frog is not alt right" doesn't make it so.

Stop fucking everything up with your historical revisionism.

Macolm X is an Islamic tankie. Kek.

Fuck tankies tho.

If you konw what imprrialism us for you know she's right

Tell them to get the fuck back in their tanks and prepare for the armchair war.

Come at me Holla Forums I am now a Tankie.


Mandela was a member of the Central Committee of the CPSA until his death.

fuck me in the fucking as and call me shanaynay

Am telling ya all the time, people!
Race is a spook and in the US it's whatever they want it to be!

Argentina is white dammit!

"the irish aren't white"

t.1890s anglo-american

pol pot was a clown, im glad vietnam intervened before he could more in his retarded genocial jerk off shesh



She loved and actively defended the DDR

Actually that's wrong Jews are ayy lmaos coming to destroy the "hwite" "race"

Everyone looks so cute and happy in this photo

Everyone liked the DDR. Isn't that right, Genosse..?

