BO is going to force a migration by any means


Other urls found in this thread:

We stopped the board migration a day ago man. We're just preparing for shit to hit the fan if we have a repeat of april fools and get shut down for good.

Did BO told you that?

Looks like BOs half-baked autism is on hold yes.

But if she really wants to get away from 8ch then she really ought to just give the BO-ship to somebody who has their heart in it since she certainly doesn't seem to any longer.

BO literally did nothing wrong! Everything she did was in our best interest!! You guys are literally all revisionist scum and are slandering her name!

Do you like having your Ip's harvested?

Anyway, BO is just having a panic attack , just give her some tea and a kiss, she'll be fine.

nobody is making you stay my dude, all you have to do is close the tab and go to your preferred backwater instead

Why are you always such naive faggots?

Is that why some threads 404? There's no need to delete threads if you want to migrate, BO is retarded.

I'm fairly sure the intelligence services already know everything about me they could ever possibly want.

Check the log before making such claims. Afaik 8ch is just shitting itself.

I don't. Why should I?

No, the BO still wants to do this

bunkerchan still looks like shit tbh, almost unusable. what's the eta for migration?

Let him know that we're not leaving. See the poll from a few days ago.

Some people should stop being such a load of spergs. Also use a VPN.

We created a list of cosmetic changes that need to happen, once they are implemented I assume they will start the migration.

Personally I am against it, I don't see a viable model for growth on bunkerchan and I don't want to risk scattering or splitting the user base, then there's the whole issue of Space's ego. But he has supporters on the mod team as well.

Ugh, what a pain in the ass. There's really no reason to make this change other than , and Holla Forums is extremely active right now.

So what is going to happen? Will he nuke the board? Will he make this place insufferable from average users? Will he just post a bunker sticky and encourage crossposting?

He wants to use modsettings to make the board unusable after posting stuff that redirects them to bunkerchan

To be honest this is what you get when you have a BO who believes in authoritarianism
The best BO would be a bookchinite tbh
/Bookchypol/ when?

Isn't the BO a she?

Didn't they see the massive lack of support for migrating the board? Especially now that the site is pretty stable again.

I don't really care–I'm just going to go where the discussion is. But I'd rather have a presence on a site that's hostile to us (so discussion doesn't get stale) then to just retreat to our bunker and circlejerk.


Stop shilling for porky. Use Tor instead, it's free both as in libre and gratis. It has a political community strongly opposed to surveillance instead of being a business that is trying to turn privacy into a paid service.

This is not even allowed by 8ch's rules , no style is permited to be implemented that totally interferes with posting and it will result in him losing the ownership and the boardname very swiftly.

das sexis

This is kind of a shitty way of doing this tbh. I understard that our glorious BO is the owner of the memes of production and can to whatever she(?) pleases with it.
But don't you think as lefties we should at least try some democratical approach to it?
My theoretical idea actually is to make sort of a crossposting platform where you can post and view different board on different sites. I've seen thing like this done before, but I'm definetly unable to do it myself.

I'm extremely sad about this. We are the third largest board on this website and we offer something no one else does. It's very easy to attract newcomers here. No one new is going to Bunkerchan.

The straw poll was split about 40%/40% between wanting to stay and wanting to go

For whatever that's worth

It wouldn't even work. It's not allowed. BO doesn't even know 8ch's rules.

Well that settles it then.
Tell him I'll be contacting Jim to prevent him from nuking the board.

You dun goofed. (Also screenshotted and archived)

So basically BO wants to destroy leftypol.

BO being removed is going to cause more damage than his temporary anger.

Where did you see this policy?

Strawpolls don't work when you have Holla Forumsyps voting yes for migration.

How unfortunate that this board was founded by an egomaniac. Makes sense that he's on good terms with the bunkerfags tho.

Can we elect the new BO in case this BO would want to nuke the shit up?
Well maybe not us, considering Holla Forums could meddle with a strawpoll, maybe there is a good candidate amongst the volonteer apparatchiks already?
The problem is that if the shit gets nuked, the name may become free anyway, so if one of us won't get it, there is no guarantee that some spy from Holla Forums of reddit would not get it.

its not going to happen. you can`t make people leave. the other site is UNUSABLE.

They've said if the migration fails they will turn over the board to one of the mods who was against leaving.

making anonymous people do anything only works if you can actually convince them.

How so?

I fucking hate this cliquey bullshit.

Might as well have the mods start collecting membership dues lmfao

Bunkerchan has been relentlessly shilled on here for years by a small, dedicated clique while it's clear that almost nobody is interested. It's like "owning a successful board" is more important than the cause to them, and it seems like those in the mod team supporting the migration have "come around to" this way of thinking.

Probably this. Any prospective replacement is likely to be hostile to Holla Forums, grabbing power to sabotage it. Exactly what we DIDN'T see in the shutdown. They could very easily not have brought Holla Forums back at all. But they didn't go that way, and as such showed their hand. They NEED us here, whether to keep the "free speech" angle plausible or to collect market data or whatever. It almost seems like BO isn't telling us something, that there's perhaps some hidden fact only she(?) is aware of that makes migration so urgent, or some hidden animosity or personal motive.

This. We should go by the vast bulk of posts on Holla Forums by leftists with reasons for/against migration. I mean, it's user, so you really can't be punished for expressing your opinion, while Holla Forumsyps can't be arsed to be convincing, as always.

What do you suggest, allow anyone, even Holla Forums, to vote on anonymous people?

Or choose some eceleb, which worked out great last time in the discord when that cunt schnitz tried to coup.

Oh look. Literal r/socialism tier discord cliques deciding what's "best" for the community instead of listening when people said they didn't want to move.

1. No one knows fucking Bunkerchan.
2. It's ugly and unusable as fuck. The layout needs work.
3. Really obscure and can't crosspost like here which turns people off.

Basically, we will be a semi-dead board with no new people joining all because of the BO sperging out

not from around here, but wtf happened?
because "fuck 8ch"?

Color scheme, format, interface, a nonsensical and disorienting front page that PLAYS FUCKING MUSIC

Vote Xexizy/Fuckmuir for BO and vice BO tbh

How about leaving things as they are and not getting your ego involved? Too hard it seems.

Oh fucking please, you know goddamn well that 99% of the people here don't want ecelebs to run the board.

How about no

You are the one talking about wanting to have a new BO.

Can we at least vote for which mod to become the new glorious leader?

Yeah, I do. It was a joke.

We litterally dont know which mod is who.

This is some profound shit.

We are the third biggest board on this site and our numbers are growing at a fast rate. To attempt to force migrate the user-base against the wishes of the core users of this board is complete madness and an act driven simply by a combination of sense of over-importance and an over-inflated ego.

Judging from recent events the sheer egotistical nature of the current BO will make it so this will never happen.

I'm talking about leaving things as they are, nothing more, nothing less.

I could see moving in theory but A) I don't us to sequester ourselves off in a leftypol-only board where no one will ever find us and B) even if I was willing to move to a leftypol board bunkerchan is shit even from that perspective.

reee we must seize the means of post production

I'm a BO and it's strange watching other mods/vols/BOs be so hated by the userbase

how do things get like this?

Ego and a bit of paranoid conspiracy theorizing doubtless egged on by the interest of third parties.

I clicked reply and what the fuck is this shit

Its the site page? Scroll up mate.

It's kinda frustrating because, if I may humbly say so, I think I did a fine job as BO, but it's not like I can put that on a curriculum and apply for rescuing other boards

it's like you are a commie or something

everything was fine until BO was trying to force us to move.

If you plan to do shit like to try and force your posters who are like being on your board onto another site which is widely hated by those same posters you will draw their hatred.

these are truly the last days

just woke up, it's 6 am here

uh no i said I clicked reply

Yes? And? Clicking reply on Holla Forums and 4chan also redirects you to the thread page itself. What seems to be the problem?

The migration has already failed. Most who spoke up were overwhelmingly against leaving, and for the two years Bunkerchan has been shilled, nobody has wanted to use it for a multitude of reasons. But what is most important here is that:


It's against site rules. If the migration fails, which it likely will, there will be no board to come back to, and BO will have destroyed an active community all because of an autistic fit of rage.

give me a quick Bogdanoff on this
What drama went down now? Is it the css shit? because I honestly can't undestand why that is suh a big issue at all. Of course when a thousand new people get into your board, you are probably going to change the css if demanded…
but what do I know, so many people hate their userbase nothing would surprise me.

put like that it's kinda pathetic, Holla Forums splitting on actual political topics and here…. well.

Who the fuck keeps spreading this idea that bunkerchan was supposed to be anything else than a backup? Its litterally only ever existed just in case leftypol goes down or something happens to the board. It was never meant to be an alternative board.

The name is litterally bunkerchan, as in a bunker to shelter from the shitstorm and to regroup.

As the other poster pointed out things were fine. That is, until the BO decided he wanted to force a migration against the wishes of the userbase.
Creating a bunker is fine, shilling for it is too. But deliberately destroying Holla Forums isn't.

Well I mean the bunkerchan crew has been trying to get people to use it for literal years to a constant retrain of "it's a fucking eyesore" so as reasonable as it would SEEM to stop being a fucking eyesore all evidence is they don't give a shit if people hate how much of an eyesore it is.

Well Holla Forums also had some drama with all the /polk/ recently, so at least we haven't started actually splitting up yet.

It went through a phase of routinely being shilled by its users, due to it attracting a whole slew of people too autistic for the main board. There was even an image mocking the "c-come to b-bunkerchan we actually read theory here haha" of some stick figure guy going down a hole to Bunkerchan and being raped by autistic tripfags.

Any objections?

No objections from me. That seems like the way to go.

Uh yeah, that's why "clicking reply" means "viewing the thread" every time somebody says it, numbnuts.
The obtrusive crud at the bottom, which 4chan/Holla Forums don't have

cheers lad

Basically this. It was the final refuge of scummy tripfags and autistic snowflakes literally chased out because of their shitty behavior.

A lot better than a forced migration.

There were a small few autists who did that and stopped posting there and there were a few autists here who turned into massive "muh bunkerfags" purists and hating anyone or anything who ever had anything to do with the site or even talked to some people who posted.

Jesus just how autistic are you? Cant handle the fact that its got a few fields on the bottom of the page?

It's not just an eyesore. I wouldn't care if it looked /fringe/.
The whole chan is dead or barely active outside the times 8ch goes down. There's no Holla Forums or any other large hobby/political board.

I thought this was the idea all along, now BO wants to destroy leftypol.

I still think also having some sort of cross-posting metachan would be nice.

Of course. This is the solid choice, but the egotistical nature of our BO will make this alternative impossible.

Space_, the owner of bunkerchan and his autismal friends want his dead site to be more than a backup, they have never ceased shilling for Holla Forums to move over there with little success.

This. Hoochie is already posting there.

Honestly the visual aesthetics are the least of my concerns.

This. By moving, we're opening ourselves up to a whole slew of potential drama, from egofag owners seeking to establish a torture chamber to the host's capabilities being unable to handle the influx and killing both communities.

She's only posted once.

And you would know, bunkerfaggot

I see where the BO is coming from. I don't like how insecure and compromised Holla Forums is with the fact that my posts are probably logged, sold, and given to the feds if I use too radical language, and having hostile admins isn't great, but it is ridiculously delusional and paranoid to think Jim or codemonkey will nuke the board just for da lulz or because they don't like leftists. I don't know why Jim has the site, probably for datamining to sell to advertisers, but to think he'd destroy the third largest board on his site and drive away probably 1/4 of its users just to make Holla Forums giggle is retarded beyond belief, not to mention the horrible publicity it would get.

A forced migration would literally kill any semblance of Holla Forums. The majority of users would likely refuse to use bunkerchan on principle and a dozen new leftist boards would be created splintering the community. BO is literally saying "I'm going to kill Holla Forums before Jim does, by doing this I will save Holla Forums". And this line of thinking is really strange, because I've never known BO to be unreasonable or this intrusive, and for him to go this far because of a stupid prank and insult either means he's finally gone insane or he knows something we don't.

Damn this is some Holla Forums tier arguing if ive ever seen one.

plus, the new attack on Syria is really getting them off Trump's train.

And best of all
So all in all, I like where that is going

On this side of the road, migration troubles, css drama, etc. That, and all the talk against moderation, etc. It might be a healthy thing.
I'm seeing a Holla Forums more open to admit some supported Trump, and a lot of people that got tired of Holla Forums's bullshit come here to have interesting discussions, even if they don't agree.

I suddenly feel that if you leave aside the incompatible elements (eg. 8ch's ban-friendly core of bootlikers, and some nuts from here), the Holla Forums's could be merged together again, and have a fucking balanced discussion like adults, and not "this is my treehouse" children.

Am I aggrandizing this too muh? But it really looks like a pivotal point for the chanosphere, everything is in crisis, and the 8ch hack, and 4chan's April Fool's, really shook the waters.

Come on, I know that there are more things that unite us apart from laughing at Shia

Enjoy getting assraped by Jimbo watkins, lad.


Also Bunkerchan is way shit, and I hate the idea of being in a lefty only website. It gives me horrible revleft flashbacks.


5. The board owner must not implement CSS that makes it impossible to post;

6. The board owner must not squat in a board for the purpose of redirecting users from Holla Forums to a different website.

Btw, just in case we would have to move, why won't we move to some other big imageboard like 7chan or 420chan for example?
Their admins might be reasoned for giving a board in return of a nice load of traffic. And we in some way elliminate the problem of having no possibility of new arrivals in the fucking bunker.

I'm not here 24/7, can somebody explain me why the need to migrate?

If we're just going to move to other obscure chans not under our own control we might as well stay here, there wouldn't be much difference between Holla Forums and 7chan or 420 chan


Wherever the BO is coming from, killing the board to spite the admins is pure retardation.

You can easily spot the polshits ITT by their reluctance to show even the slightest respect for our BO.

Well the point behind migration was that Holla Forums owners seem to allegedly hate us and that is the main problem. Other chans may not have this problem.

if doesnt work like that, everyone wont just move over cause you had a bright idea, this is why theres crossposting for years with only the most dedicated posting on the other site

PLEASE reply to this post MODS, so I know that at least one member of the mod team is aware of this because the BO and at least one volunteer see to be ignorant about it.

there is VPN that is free, and i would use tor if it wasn't slow af

he (or she?) should just give away the owner to someone else. a lot of people are going to be gone if they do that

fuck that. just give it before leaving, don't fuck up the board

dudes who the fuck care we the board that came up last. it doesn't matter, we have prodly been the most hated board since we started getting a little big

BO had a tantrum because Holla Forums was restored alongside /fur/ a while after Holla Forums, Holla Forums and some other boards were already restored.

I've passed this on to the BO. I had a feeling they would have a policy like this, I suppose I was just looking at an outdated version of the FAQ.

I dont support forced migration but if we are going to migrate I dont see why we shouldn't migrate to a chan that is under the control of someone from leftypol.

Holla Forums has plenty of chans controlled by people who agree with them, I don't see why we shouldn't just because revleft was a load of shit, which I would attribute to its non-anomymous forum nature, instead of their left status.

I'm just saying in case we had to move, another big chan seems to be a better alternative than some containment bunker.

But space_ is from leftypol

Or endchan, or even fucking 4chan. Vols should absolutely be backchanneling with other sites' admins right now, to see who could offer us the most mutually beneficial arrangement. Bunkerchan is stagnation and decay. If a migration has to happen, we want to get the best deal.

Actually the main problem was because the admins were insecure self-important petty dictators, but I've found that a lot of lefties tend to be this way, for some reason.

I vote for 4pol

Thats what i said.

It makes little sense to move from this site because their owner likes Holla Forums to another site run by someone who likes Holla Forums. If the whole reason to leave is the political alignment of the owner, a chan owned by someone from leftypol seems much more logical.

But again, I dont think a forced migration is a good idea. I do propose we setup a good plan in case shit goes down and ensure somehow that everybody knows about it.


Worst case: BO forces migration, migration fails, ends up shitty. BO loses ownership immediately, hostile party takes over the board.

Can't see how this is bad.

You're missing the part where this doesn't actually happen.

Turned out hardly anyone knew about it because NOBODY FUCKING READ ANYTHING LIKE THE STICKY

Because it would just be a literal containment board with no influx of new users, while a big board will get it fresh and growing.
I've seen a lot of such niche imageboards die like this, or fall into an obscure echo chamber.
If we can't trade one big platform for another then there is no point in it at all, in case we would actually need to at some point.

Compelling point, actually.

That's not gonna happen, dude. A lot of people here post on other boards too, and are not comfortable with the idea of posting on an extremely obscure chan that looks like a webpage for a third world maoist sect

By this i mean that its a compelling argument to trade Holla Forums for a larger big platform, since we have grown a good bit. But I would think its still too early for this though.

It is surely a massive concern, I would hate to see Holla Forums being destroyed.

Not going to happen.

Not only that many people here just don't like bunkerchan.

Really would only be fine with moving from here to a 4/leftypol/ if it is created.

I'm making /leftypolk/ ASAP if you actually do this

Protip: regulars here have read the sticky.

4/leftypol/ for the win. Probably the only good move we could make.

Same. Going into a bigger platform is the only thing that makes sense,

would be kinda embarrassed to just be blatantly aping Holla Forums
make it /leftypolka/ instead so we're blatantly aping Holla Forums but also kind of making fun of them

No, litterally. In the previous thread a metric buttload of people did not know bunkerchan existed at all. You'd be surprised how many people dont read the instruction manual sticky.

Never mind that they couldn't even if they wanted, because it was litterally inaccessible due to the shutdown of the site.

I think 4/leftypol/ would be a terrible idea. The site owners choose the staff, and 4chan's overlap with normalfags and "lol i just decide my politics with memes and whatever isnt popular" attitude means that you're likely going to get liberalpol.

I only know that 420chan owners are kinda liberal and that's pretty much it. But the board is 45% wrestling and 45% drugs though.
I know that 7chan was the shit years ago but have no idea with how it's going now.
For 4chan I don't trust Hiroyuki that much for that matter to be honest.

We'd have to negotiate hiroyuki down from this, obviously, but it doesn't mean it's impossible.

there is no negotiation we'd be begging him for it in the first place

Why are you shilling so hard to leave constantly. This dude definitely has some kind of personal interest in us leaving, like he knows the people who run bunker chan or something.

Why the fuck is this happening? We have unprecedented opportunity to recruit on this site with Trump showing his true colours. This is literally the worst possible time to migrate, its like BO is intentionally trying to sabotage us. I love this board and community, but I will never use bunkerchan out of pure spite.

Why would Holla Forums be trying to get us to stay? Fuck off bunkerfag shill.

i thought we had dealt with this. BO if you force migration now you are a fucking cancer

Rolled 37 (1d1024)Places where central decision making and planning has succeeded:

The executive council in Rojava has a pretty hands off approach. They mostly coordinate and deal with military matters.
There's no politburo.

420/pol/ seems basically okay anyways to be perfectly honest. i mean liberal as fuck but it doesn't seem like a few Holla Forums threads would ruffle any feathers

more like 1100

Based on the 4chan moderation chat leaks ages ago, most of the moderators and janitors are liberals. You're probably right.


if BO deletes leftypol, I will just recreate the board
there would be no board competition because there would be only one leftypol

You should uncritically defer to BO in all matters, user. Where's your sense of board pride and all that

actually on closer inspection we'd probably overrun 420/pol/ entirely, they've got threads from February on the front page

The /polyps/ would beat you to it.

Yeah, one of the problems with going to another big imageboard could be their admins saying: "why won't you just use Holla Forums lol". It's the unique Holla Forums conditions that allowed for the creation of Holla Forums and it's culture. It's not like we can't save it on another Holla Forums but if we were forced to go into some regular Holla Forums and had to meddle with their natives it would be a fucking mess.

It could work if we could convince their owners to give moderation of the board to /ourguys/. Otherwise their mods may just go "what the fuck" and start purging everyone based on whatever views they have.

All I know of 420chan is (debatably truthful) tales of hair-trigger admins banning for "transphobia" and pedophillia scandals. I'd rather not.

Don't sell us short, user-sama. I think that Holla Forums has a lot to offer 4chan, honestly.

I mean I'm pretty much 80/20 in favor of stay over 4/leftypol/, but it's something worth considering, and if hiroshimoot can see things our way, so much the better.

I don't mind it that much as long as it's not on a fucking reddit level where people are banned for saying nigger outside of context and posting catgirls.


Which I highly doubt.

democratic centralism is the only way you can somewhat democratically manage the board as anything else anywhere, each coop is managed in a democratic centralist fashion

only problem is anonymity
we need pseudonymity of some sorts, maybe via pgp web of trust

Another board that takes itself very seriously?
The last thing 4chan needs is another politics board.
Ideally I'd love to see the place go back to being a hobbyist community.

if userbase wants to stay on 8ch they will use the new leftypol
vols aren't unreplaceable, you know

The specific claim be presented here is that the new Holla Forums would be owned by a /polyp/ because they'd make the snipe the name faster

then I'll flood /sudo/ with bitching to delete Holla Forums
or create /leftypol 2.0/ or some shit

How much is the CIA paying the BO to do this?

Why does an online community need democracy to begin with?

The Internet isn't like real life. If it was, we'd be dead anyway.

because of situations like this one
BO gone rough

I personally think that democracy on an open site, imageboard especially, is a meme.
But if you have a disconnect between the owners and the users you are going to have trouble so you need some means to deal with it.

But CIA are godless commies, Holla Forums told me so.


Wait so the BO is still set on nuking the board even after the majority told him not to do it?

how naive can you people be
there was a thread on pol to vote yes in the poll, for fucks sake

Yes, it seems like it.
I don't know what happened this weekend to cause the BO to lose their fucking marbles.

Wow. They're either a complete moron or FBI.

How about you tumblrfags get out?

heres ur u

seriously, after reading this thread I'm sure that we need to try it
it couldn't get worse
first mods sign each other public keys, then they add keys of posters with history to the ring and then it grows and becomes stronger to subvert like any other web of trust

On the front page, Holla Forums has 1123 active users. You have nearly tripled your userbase in 2 years.

They would be nuts not to, tbh. If BOs leave, then boards should be stripped from them even if they don't do CSS.

I doubt the Site Owners like Holla Forums, I think rather they don't like Holla Forums for some personal reason, like disliking communists.

If the site owners cared about Holla Forums, they would have stripped it from the hands of the current BO and permabanned imkampfy and therealmoonman.

The good news is that nobody will leave. 90% of the people will stay here.


authoritarianism is a meme and so is Bookchinism

honestly I think BO is either a) overreacting, b) something like , but unlikely since we're an irrelevant community of 1000.

there is no way out of surveillance

The usernames and email accounts for all board owners/volunteers were got in the hack. I hear people swear it's not true, but I've yet to see evidence the hacker didn't compromise one or more account.

The sticky had an overwhelming amount of posts expressing their resistance against a migration. And that's not hyperbole: among the hundreds of posts there were handful of users for a migration.

I would link the thread, but it's gone. Take a gander at this thread instead.

"6) The board owner must not squat in a board for the purpose of redirecting users from Holla Forums to a different website."

Post the above every time the board owner or a volunteer try to peddle their 'forced migration' bullshit.
The above also means it is a legitimate concern and valid to bring up on /sudo/ or email to Codemonkey/Ron ([email protected]/* */)
See also: Forums-administration

In absolute terms obviously not, I doubt your threat model is the same as bin Laden's though.
Scare tactics about Tor are just trying to keep people using the clearnet. Now what's worse, using Tor, which is not perfect, or using clearnet, which makes sure you're getting fucked in the ass?

They do all talk on irc to each other so even with that being the case there's clearly non-compromised mods on board with it too

The leaked passwords were encrypted. Unlikely people actually got into accounts.

This is an important point. The admins would have an excuse to take the board and turn it into something else like /r/soc that only has value to Holla Forums as a lightning rod for criticism.

Like pottery

don't you some Trump drama to discuss?
go back

Fuck you Che, I thought you were smarter than that.

I believe I am a regular, have read the sticky and still wouldn't migrate to that bunkerchan shithole

If Holla Forums goes down I'm just going to 0chan with n1x.

if leftypol is kaput I will fucking spam bunkerchan to death with gore, you faggot

I want to stay on Holla Forums because it fucks with Holla Forums. Our mere existence within chan culture gives them aneurysms, that should be reason enough to stay.

I encourage everyone to do this. There is no reason for Bunkerchan to be anything but, well, a bunker, and the attempts to force migration to it are shit.

We have to destroy bunkerchan, Space_ and BO.

Not only will the migration fail(because Space's autistic playground is terrible and nobody wants use it), but also that faggot Jim takes over Holla Forums(because the rules forbid to redirect the traffic) and feeds it to the dogs. Years of work will be flushed down because Che is a stupid retard throwing a bitch fit and trying to sink our ship over some idiotic banter and Holla Forums staff being incompetent, which are really petty and idiotic reasons to force the migration against the will of majority of people here.

Calm down, Leon.


What 0chan? The zeronet one or what?

Okay I have to admit this is kinda funny. And kinda sad at the same time.

Nah, comr8, Holla Forums needs to go in its own direction. Both Hotweels and Space are out of touch with Holla Forums and continue to try and spite us for the sole purpose of stroking their own egos. Leftychan or bust.

... when?

had to google to make sure that was real. was not dissapointed

That's really not what being in or out of touch is. They dislike us for being political opponents.

Why not just take over 4/pol/ if 4chan is the destination?

We don't have the numbers.

People also have to stop deluding themselves. We'll never get our own board on halfchan. Or at least not one called leftypol. Why not have one about economics called /econ/ that we could colonize?

why don't you people just post on /his/ and /lit/ rather than masturbating about some kind of take overs over a board which is at least ten times bigger than us and ten times as shitpostey?
Also 4/leftypol/ is both impossible and undesirable, remember the hotpockets on cuckchan are subservient to the gookjew while Jim can't fuck with Holla Forums is as long as they don't want to nuke the board

Doesn't the original Holla Forums take more from /lit/ than Holla Forums now that I think about it? They already have /biz/ - Business and Finance which would be an amazing win to colonize.

The whole idea of "colonization" is retarded on so many levels, especially of non-political boards.
After a while that bunch of autists who actually would decide to do that will just be washed out by ongoing population or mods and we would have nothing.
We can only exist on any sort of Holla Forums or Holla Forums ruled by our guys and it should be something which would actually attract people in. Otherwise only slow death awaits us.

You're seriously all faggots.

Websites are material conditions fam.

This is wrong. If you hang around long enough you will start to shift the culture as you sway some oldfags and the newfags copy you. And if you take a shitty board and inject some decent discussion to its culture, the colonists have a reason to keep going back.

Our BO is a girl???

I still thing 420chan may be a good alternative in case we would need a migration. It's big, but it's not too big for us as 4chan.
Their seemingly "SJW-ish liberal" administration may be easier to convince to tolerate us that some "Holla Forums-tier" administration.
And they already have a lot of meme boards so making one may be not a big deal.
Also we can just ask for one now just as another bunker in case of something.

Yes, BO is a girl, Rebel is fat and Muke is a Pakistani.

No this is real life.
1)In case you consider such colonization as a replacement for Holla Forums then it's not even worth discussing how useless it is. With no homeland there will be no Holla Forums.
2)In case it's just another "raid lul" then it needs a really invested and organized group to shift the ideology for it to become self-sustaining.
I don't see anyone who would care in the slightest and I don't see a point of it on non-political boards.
Add to this admins who would not be glad to see the derailments on a specialized board.

I don't unless the basic concept of the board was subverted completely into just being Holla Forums.
And you can get that with "You know it sure would be great if /board/ had more leftists because this subject has potential for us. Let's try carving out a niche for ourselves there."
OK well there are people talking about it right here. Not my problem if you don't see that. As for non-political boards, if they're relevant to leftism like 4/biz/ or 4/his/ the point would be to give people using the boards more exposure to leftist takes on the subjects. Even barring that look at how 8/pol/ has colonized shit like Holla Forums and Holla Forums. Those aren't related to nazis but they're Holla Forums colonies nonetheless. If you don't see the value in that then sorry but you have less vision than Holla Forums.
You don't have to derail to colonize. You just have to add a particular perspective to the discussion and in large enough measure to have a permanent effect.

like "muh 6 million" right?

All the Holla Forums colonization were made from a big Holla Forums homebase and basically was made so because Holla Forumsacks just mostly visited these boards by themselves and brought their ideology with them. Not only we are smaller we are also in a bit of a disorganization right now. 4chan has even bigger userbase so if you take the percentage of people here and people who would actually give a fuck about it, and all other factors, like their Holla Forums and admins, you will get nothing to work with.
For this you need enough freedom for all kinds of leftist topics, not limited by a specific topic, and our guys in administration to keep all the retards out. None of this is possible, not even in our current state, especially on 4chan, especially on an already specialized board.
It's a road to fucking nowhere and if you don't see how things work I don't know what else to say.
Get a solid Holla Forums base fist and then even think about raids and subversions.

God fucking dammit, BO. Can't we just leave this shit alone and have Holla Forums as it is? By all means make bunkerchan less shit and perhaps as a backup but throwing this entire board out the window because of a hack is just madness

You really like making a fool of yourselves for the rest of the site don't you?

This is only happening because the BO is having a catastrophic autism fit, none of the user base bar a few shills supports it

I guess all we have to do now is wait untill BO responds to all this and then see what to do about it.
I mean I can understand where she is coming from but the decision definetly needs to be the one that satisfies the majority of the board.

No one wants this, the BO is overreacting, yes we were not favored in terms of the order of restoration of the boards this past week. The removal of this board from 8ch will destroy our presence in this subculture and undo all of the progress we've made over the last year with Trump. This is a very rash, ill advised decision that will destroy this community and more importantly this space for non-liberal, non-reactionary speech. Which I will remind you all, is very rare on the internet. We're surrounded by either shitlibs or foaming at the mouth reactionaries. If we capitulate this space we will have admitted defeat. Another poster already mentioned this, but leaving this imageboard which is a bastion for Nazis, would mean that we are not comfortable debating or refuting our ideological opponents. The fact that Holla Forumsyps can just click over here and argue with us, and vice-versa (though we are much more lenient with allowing opposing opinions than Holla Forums) is something no other part of the internet has to offer. We should stay, everyone should get VPN's or Tor and we should be careful about how we organize for the future.

TLDR: this is a defeat, don't leave, don't scatter us


Hey, you leave comrade strawman out of this!

And here we have the gayest post in the whole thread.

BO is not a tranny though.

Well it would be sad seeing your retard BO nuke this excuse of a board (although I'm still thinking this is a prank gone wrong). Just remember you made the rest of us kek at your retardation in case you're killed


You'd like that, wouldn't you. Even if this board goes another will take its place. This board is phoenixkin basically.

lol there's nothing wrong with being sentimental at all, you heartless goon

Stop being so tsundere Holla Forums, we know you secretly love us and don't want us to go.

You're an embarrassment.

but like 95% of us clearly can though, and chastise the rest for acting irrationally

Nope you're just a neurotic person

To be honest I would be happy if this board died, it started back then because commies needed a safespace from evil Holla Forums . Now the BO is planning to migrate to a different website because commies can't handle soft banter and ebil fashists :^(


All 12 of you right? Maybe your board would have better traffic if you joined it with a furry board? From the board analytics most of you are furfags anyway. You already have a catgirl mascot.

It's not like you can get anymore pathetic than you already are.

it's an abstract kind of sensation.

p r o o f


the board was created because Holla Forums is a hivemind that instabans people for posting links to academic studies disproving their retardation. If you so much as breathe the wrong way you're a """"""""kike shill""""""

When your ideology is based around serious, academic discussion, yes, there is a need to be apart from those who argue exclusively in memes and artifact ridden jpegs and have autistic shit fits derailing every single thread you post. Wouldn't you agree?

get cucked by the wordfilter


Yes, a safespace from left-wing threads being anchored by cuckmods or spammed to death by autists who get triggered when they see a dissenting opinion, something wrong with that?

You're just an embarrassment.


No it's because you're ban happy and discourse on your board is impossible by definition.

please, can we reference to BO as "it"?
my inner pedant is seriously triggered

Go back to bunkerchan, hooch

If you were an actually pedant you'd want him to be referred to as "he" since that is the pronoun for the undefined or neuter individual.

Fucking poser.

sorry not a native speaker
so neutral in what sense? only gender neutral?

BO will be always a grill in my heart
and Muke will be always a paki

"They" is gender neutral, "he" is very far from gender neutral, it's just a relict from the time of "no girls on the internet" age.

Yeah, it's perhaps a little archaic, but "he" is also ued as a gender-neutral or gender-unspecified pronoun. You see it a lot more in old textbooks and the like.

It's his boyfriend fuckmuir that's the paki, muke is so pale he probably wouldn't survive a week in pakistan.

Singular they is a forced meme

This. Linguistic prescriptivism as a whole is a bizarre meme which should die, unless motivated by a sort of standardization which is clearly useful, like that relating to pronunciation and dialect

Well, it's "current year" after all.

Better than a "he" at least. The need for an actual neutral term is just a matter of time, and "he" just doesn't cut it anymore, however idpol it may seem.
We have "they" now, which I think is a good alternative, at least the best we have. All the tumblr "xse/zhe" experiments made me want to gouge my eyes out.

Honestly I wish for some "offical" standartization in it once and for all, so these pronounce discussion memes would finally stop.

But prescriptivists are the ones who whine about singular they because muh style guide says no.

FUCK English teachers, I'll "they" who I want.

I got used to "they", I think it's a good solution for now. People are just being ignorant and jumping into a semantical problem which gave birth to all the fucking "xzhe"s in the first place.


lulz, you faggots deserve what you get for following some hormonal gash.

Isn't n1x just a pos reddit infiltrator/shitstarter? That r/soc shit exposed him & I'm weary of anyone seriously mentioning him.

After Trump's buttfucking, capitulating & subsequent Syrian bombing, I think you're going to have to get rid of your smug Putin memes. Unless you admit you were all full of shit, to begin with.

It was an obvious joke that we were put last & the only one who couldn't take the joke was BO, obviously.

it's a meme ya dip

There's an idea!

ded board

Do we really trust jim?

Was the leftypol bullshit just distraction from Sunshine?

It's going to be hilarious when bunkerchan leftypol has three times as many users than the shitty leftypol2.0 thats going to get created after the migration.

I think the bullshit was BECAUSE of sunshine.

No, the last to be put back up shit.

You're implying that migration is the only option, and that now it's simply a matter of choosing the best alternative. This assumption is wrong. There's no reason for us to leave.

1. Halfchan would never make a Holla Forums board.
2. Fuck halfchan, it's shit, and I will never go there.

Please tell me you visit other 8ch boards to laugh at you for saying this.

Where the fuck did you come from? Anonymity is what prevents us from turning into a liberal shithole like r/socialism. Get the fuck out, this is an imageboard, not a forum where people jockey for reputation.

like a true autistic channer kek hope you're proud of yourself

I was not implying that posters should be pseudonymous
I was proposing parallel infrastructure for voting purposes



i think you mean (it) BO is crazy


oh boy here we go again


I feel bad for BO. Surely she's reading all of this stuff.

You can feel bad for her all you want; that's secondary to the issue at hand. I don't have any personal animosity against her. I just don't want to leave.

Why? They brought it on themselves.

She probably overreacted, which is forgivable because lapses of maturity are pretty normal when you have a bunch of people in their early twenties running image boards in the name of revolutionary activity.

She likely feels alienated from the user base that's vilifying her, and that's not good for her or for an honest discussion. I don't know whether or not she's trans, but either way all the >she stuff is mean spirited. I guess I'm white knighting, but a lot of nausea comes with strangers sharing unflattering pictures of you. It's not fun to wonder about whether you'll become a permanent fixture on /cow/.

Nobody told me that Japanese chicks could be this thiccc

trust me i will make sure HE is a permanent lolcow staple. its alreade begun


its male

Motion to replace all pronouns with "it".

Enjoy trying to ruin people's lives so you can feel effectual you cancerous faggot. Now back to editing your pet ED page.

Fuck off to reddit.

Stop whining, it's time to trim the fat.

"BO is a grill" is a meme. But I want it to be true. All this ">she" shit is a fantastic way to spot newfags.

1. No.
2. Fuck you.