Bernie Sanders is the biggest threat to socialism in the US

Remaking this thread cause last one got taken down. So here it goes.

I was confused for quite a while on whether Sanders is a total net positive or negative for the socialist cause. But current events plus commentary by Chris Hedges pushed me towards the conclusion that Sanders is not only a net negative for socialism but will eventually be its greatest threat.

So far Bernie Sanders has been a huge boon for the leftist movement in the U.S. His campaign is directly related to the immense increase of DSA membership as well as showing the deep faultlines with American "democracy" to millions of citizens. Perhaps most importantly, he has "despooked" the word socialism for the American psyche which will pave an easier path for anarchists and communists to regain legitimacy.

But who is Bernie Sanders? He is a man who advocates "reforms" such as "free healthcare", "free college", "taxing the 1%" and "environmental investment". On domestic issues he is seeking to "reform" capitalism. In other words, he is not a socialist but a soc-dem–as most of us know.
However on foriegn affairs, Sanders has proven to be nothing more than a tool of U.S imperialism. He has voted with the Democrats an astonishing 98% of the time. He has voted for 100% of military appropriations bills with the exception of Iraq, but supported it fully afterwards. In recent times, Sanders has accepted the establishment plans for WW3 by his pathetic response to the exceedingly dangerous escaltion of force in Syria and North Korea by the ruling elite. He has confirmed the false flag chemical attacks in Syria. He has been an active participant in the disgusting "red baiting" and fearmongering by the Democrats and notable Republicans on Russia and the Trump administration. Rather than giving support to politicians such as Tulsi Gabbard(perhaps an opportunist herself) who is actively pushing to prevent war, Sanders is retreating from this issue like a coward.

Analyzing both his domestic style of "reform" and foreign policy of imperialism, Sanders is a modern day FDR. And this is a very dangerous prospect for the socialist cause. There is an market crash like that of the Great Depression coming very soon and the imminent danger of WW3. Under such conditions the most popular politician in the U.S is Bernie Sanders and in addition his campaign has caused millions of otherwise reasonable people to become extremely loyal followers who Sanders has full control over.

In these tumultuous times where class anger is bound to explode we have a "reformer" who will likely be able to successfully channel class anger into "reforms". But we are at a time in human history where "reforms" will no longer cut it. With the threat of climate change and nuclear armageddon, the root cause of these illnesses–capitalism–must be destroyed. Sanders represents a force that is unwilling to confront these forces, especially its strongest link–the military-industrial complex. His record of acquiescence to the establishment proves that he will continue to be a servant to the needs of imperialism and placing faith on this man will cause the ultimate destruction of the socialist cause, and perhaps even the human race.

"I'll kneecap my own electoral chances for 30 years by lying about being a socialist when I'm not one, just so I can squash a revolutionary wave I've got no reason to believe will ever happen. Brilliant!"
t. Bernie Sanders Killed Rosa

I agree with you insofar that Sanders was cucked by Clinton and the DNC, but he didn't really support neoliberal interventionism; he just didn't really care about foreign policy during his campaign.

He's a SocDem but that's already far-left in Burgerland. He is probably also hiding his power level. In bourgeois politics, you can't just go full socialist if you want to have a chance of winning - at least, as long as the situation isn't so miserable that people start embracing radical ideologies. But otherwise, establishment and media can destroy you.

I believe that he wholeheartedly thinks he is doing the right thing, domestically of course. However, working in office changes people and he has a record of imperialism which you cannot deny. He has supported imperalism throughout his career and if history is anything to go by, he will continue to do so.

That is not just Sanders though, much of the left has moved in that direction. Away from criticism of Israel, towards demonization of Muslims and lately Russians. Not saying all fall for this, but it's a bad trend, and it most affects many newer liberal/progressive shows.

Democracy Now >>>> TYT, Secular Talk, David Pakman, Majority Report

that at least is fair I just think the whole "he's a socdem!" cries rely on him lying about his politics to leave himself actively worse off for THIRTY YEARS because ???.

He's a smart guy, he knows what a social democrat is, if he considered himself a social democrat i think he'd call himself a social democrat.

As I said in the deleted thread, I think he advocates for scandinavian welfare states to take advantage of the fact that everything left of pinochet has been decryed as socialism and go "well since you like scandinavian welfare states you like socialism and basically whether or not we should send all the kulaks to the gulag for hording grain is a matter of taste."

Bernie is a mensch. He's just trying his damnedest to make life better for people, right now. And sometimes he fucks up.

If you find yourself in 2015, and want to use the democratic process to improve people's lives, you're gonna have to go through the Democratic or Republican party. You can't reform the system, or organize a people's movement in one election cycle (him and his people tried their best though). The platform he ran on was about as radical as you could work with in the democratic party, and they still shanked him.

True enough, but that doesn't mean you just let people die and languish in misery while we wait for the revolution. You should at least try to do what you can to improve people's lives from the position in society where you find yourself. That's what Bernie's campaign amounted to.

Even if you think Sander's votes for military appropriations have a long term or significant impact on american imperialism (hint, they don't), it's simply absurd to think he's done more damage than good.

If it hadn't been for him, there would be 0 (zero) public awareness of leftwing alternatives to neoliberalism, near zero interest in socialism as a solution. In the event of a crisis, the radicals, including the DSA and other groups, will have an actual profile. Perhaps a reformer might ultimately win, but if it wasn't for Bernie, the it would almost certainly be a complete reactionary/fascist. Sanders himself will probably be too old to be put in power by the time the fallout of crisis hits.


Hey, OP, how about this: fuck you, Bernie voting with Democrats 98% of the time proves that, if anything, Democrats are for a hefty number of "socialist" policies.

Good joke comrade.



Uh huh, go fuck yourselves. Exist in your irrational world of paranoia. Just know that you're doing it so maybe one day you stop.


Tbh I think Sanders is more radical than he lets on. If he were a social democrat then surely he would have called himself one, since it doesn't have nearly as much stigma. After all it's not like somebody in American politics could come out saying they demand the expropriation of the means of production and still be taken seriously.

I have always been aware that Bernie Sanders is an insurgent democratic socialist who wants to bring down capitalism, not 'reform' it. He has repeatedly denied this idea in interviews, as a matter of fact. He says he is not a capitalist, he is a democratic socialist, and that's all there is to it.

t. TPP and TTIP supporter

Would these not be great agreements if they weren't entirely based around exploiting child labor? NAFTA is why Mexicans can get work visas so easily in the United States. Is that a bad thing?

My point is, do you even know what you are worried about when you talk about these trade agreements? Because I know what I'm worried about, and it has nothing to do with Mexicans being able to get a better paying job across the border, legally.

Yep, people are finally starting to realise.

tells you something about your ideology methinks



See, you'd be right if he was 20 years younger, but he's too old to run for the presidency and will retire from active politics within the decade. As such, he will unable to be a "Great Reformer" like FDR and his lasting legacy will instead be the re-sparking of American interest in left wing politics (both socdem and socialism) generally.

Overall I think his shifting of the Overton window has been quite useful.

That's he's not socialist is a given, but how can he possibly be a threat to something that's dead? Face it, socialism in America has the exact same chance with Bernie as without him: zero.

NAFTA is also why they NEED work visas. It killed their domestic grain and meat production and transitioned them to be reliant on American imports which are paid for with oil and agriculture exports.

leftists on:

leftist reform: revolution not reform, free healthcare more like booj propaganda, shut down all the clinics and schools until people are mad enough to be shitty tankies

right reform: dear god, if these people keep making reforms they'll soon have their desired goals. everyone knows reform is the perfect and undeniable path to rightist revolution

hmm. remember everyone all capitalist reforms are good because it means capitalism will fall apart or something. We should just let rightists do whatever they want since it will never lead to a change in policy and social direction even though that's literally what it is.

Way to characterize the argument friend.


Why can't reddittors argue for shit?

You peeps need to reconcile with the fact that the here and now is relevant. If there's anything the last 30 years have proven is that the proles will NOT revolt no matter how harsh their conditions because there's nobody exposing them to leftist ideas.

The material condtions have been here for the best part of the last century and there's been no revolution. Proles in the first world are swimming in shit and the ones in the third world are surfing in diarrhea and we still don't have communism.

I understand the idea of social democracy quelling social rage but it's bullshit. People were more in tune with anarchist/communist ideas back then than they are now.

Additionally, social democracy only is a negative if actually accomplishes something. The democrats are so porky that they won't even pay lip service to socdem ideas. What's happening is that people try and be socdems in the US, realize that it's pointless because the dems are fucking retarded, and radicalizing into DSA/other groups.

I will find you. And I will kill you.

Democratic socialism =/= Social democracy

Frankly I do not believe that FDR-style Keynesian jobs programs and reforms can possibly be enough to save capitalism this time. Bernie will fail.

Plus he's old as fuck. He shouldn't be running for president again anyway.

Bernie lost the respect I had for him when he refused to address the targeted voter suppression and election fraud that happened during the Democratic Primary. Some fucking progressive.

Thats a very good point.



He's using the right side, isn't that the gay side?


I don't know about the others but Secular Talk fucking hates Israel and is shitting on the muh Russia narrative all the time.

Sadly, OP, Sanders' reform would be as good as the US would ever get. The American government is supposed to be a convoluted, unreliable mess so conservacucks can have a consistent, uncompromising stance against any sort of social welfare. This is because opponents to this stance have two options: maintain the shitty system they have, or leave it open to be dismantled.

Jimmy Dore makes 20-minute videos attacking regime-change propaganda every day.

German SocDems that killed their own thought leaders and sold out every way possible to keep the party alive.
Its still happening but now in different countries.
USSR was created because SOCDEMS FAILED.
Lenin had to rewrite their party ideology to make sure country didn`t fall apart after Tsars family was executed.

fuck you

No, retards like you are the biggest threat, you retard.


Wait, did he really have to do anything after they were ded? I mean, the country was falling apart just fine with the royal family alive.

You kids and your autistic need for purity. Normies don't care about your theory shit. You need to get them on your side instead of singling out THE best candidate of any of you fucker's life time by saying he isn't socialist enough. Snap out of it you fucking children holy shit. Literally the most popular candidate right now. Take what you can get you fucks.

.t "rational" "liberal"

No surprise.
He isn't socialist at all.

Bernie did more for the socialist cause than anyone on this board.

read this niggas:

If you actually read the post I never said anything to the contrary.