How fucked are you?
You fall into a warp in the space-time continuum and wind up many years in the future
Better off than Holla Forums would be in a white ethnostate.
Lifting and roiding for aesthetics is bourgeouis decadence though. Endurance and strength training are communist.
Yeah, but that's right now.
This is FALC.
My point still stands.
I'm fine tbh
Arms are fit midsection is shit.
I am petty bourg.
Communism is about being able to enjoy life in luxury. Roids are luxury and therefore isn't decadent at all. Kill yourself.
I'd be fine, unlike Zyzz ;_;
Just tell Commissar Zyzz that you're from the past and you're glad that humanity made it after all.
Would you believe someone who claimed they were from the past?
Probably more believable in a futuristic utopia than it is now
I just accuse the nearest person of being part of the Trotskyite counterrevolutionary complex that sabotaged my assigned whey factory, and hope I survive the purges.
Tell them I'm in my "cultivating mass" phase
Tell them to read a book and while they debate on what a book is I'll be long gone.
totally fine because i lift regularly and maintain a healthy bf%
kindly inform them that lifting would require me to get out of my armchair
How fucked are you?
I'm fine tbh.
No worries, they'll all be staggered by my boundless confidence.
rip me. Skin and bones
Women have smacked my ass before, that probably means I'm fine, right?
Depends. Were they hambeasts or regular women? Because when I was a teen, hambeasts would try to date me because they thought I was a loser. Then I got fit and kept my brains, now I still don't get any pussy but that's because I'm married.
Regular women, mostly. One hambeast back in high school. Gay men.
Say no more, you're golden
I'm not gay, though.
Completely unbelievable. Try again.
How fucked are you?
I own 13 copies of Ego and His Own - two of which are in Czech, and five in the original German.
then why did Russian athletes take roids? checkmate
couldn't you just explain to the commissar that you fell into a time warp and you come from a capitalist time?
i'm sure if you actually lived in this FALC era you would be swole but you didn't grow up in it so he would understand.
pic related, mine
The sandals are a nice touch.
why would you have so many, soudruhu?
That's even worse, you're a unwitting agent of capitalist propaganda. To the wall you go
You look nice though