How is sexual value distributed in a communit society?
There will always be people who are more attractive, women with bigger boobs, men with bigger dicks.
How do you effectively deal with the inequality of sexual value?
How is sexual value distributed in a communit society?
There will always be people who are more attractive, women with bigger boobs, men with bigger dicks.
How do you effectively deal with the inequality of sexual value?
Other urls found in this thread:
Kill yourself.
double trips speak
What about women with bigger dicks and men with bigger boobs? I hope you're ready to accept all forms of sexuality.
Those are valid too.
a thread died for this
Sexual value is the one time subjective theory of value applies. Good sex is very different for different people. Maybe lolbertarians should be assigned to developing theories of sexuality in a communist society. :^)
Sex is just as required as food or water for a healthy and fulfilling life. It's perfectly expected to question how it will be dealt with in a communist society.
In a communist society, masturbation will be the formally accepted mode of free sexual pleasure. You will still have to work to get your gf, bucko.
It's only subjective up to a point.
There will always be ugly people.
Nobody should dictate what people do in their intimacy. Sorry buddy.
Would you let someone unable to work starve?
You are still pushing this distribution meme. It's not a thing.
You don't know much about ancom do you
Getting someone fed doesn't imply getting someone else to do something against their will, and not having sex won't kill you either, retarded robot.
one word: brothels.
No it's not.
If they care that much, they can jack off. No one's entitled to anyone else's intimacy, time, energy, sexual/emotional labor, etc..
The percentage of people that willingly work on brothels must be under 1%
They're a cause of this system and poverty for fuck's sake
They must be run by the sex workers themselves then, unless they feel like electing a leader to handle their dealings, perhaps form a sex workers union to make sure their work doesn't come under some slimy cryptocapitalist's scheming.
sex is just as important to quality of life as living conditions, food, water, etc
Repeating it won't make it true.
Then have sex with your hand. If you don't want to work for your shit, you will be guaranteed a basic minimum. There's your minimum. There is no scarcity of orgasms for you, wank to your heart's content.
How bourgeois of you.
Isaac Newton was virgin. Sex can be part but is absolutely not a prequisite for a fullfilling life.
Go back to whatever shit board you came from, thanks in advance.
Bourgeois do not mean "anything i don't like" my dude
Typical of anyone holding the sexual capital to tread on those without capital.
Source: I fucked him.
No it's not.
And living conditions, food, water, medicine, etc. aren't about happiness, they're about survival.
That's what communists seem to care about, not just letting people fucking die.
Maybe it's best if people die though.
Isn't that the idea behind abortion? That quality of life is more important then life itself, so we should kill people so that some people can be happy?
To put it simply, you are not entitled to have the state or the community entitle you to someone else's body for your sexual desire. You are acting bourgeois actually, by expecting something that would usually take a lot of work, for less work.
OP never said that was what he wanted to happen.
Why are you entitled to someone else's labor then?
Oh you're not, it's just about being a sharing community right and dividing the produce.
So when will we address the problem of sexual capital?
fetuses aren't people
I'm asking how to solve the issue. I haven't any of that.
yeah and so is reproduction. doesn't everyone have the right to reproduce?
By invoking succubi from another dimension.
This is what Karl Marx talked about, but you'd know that if you had read a fucking book.
So what does he want?
Help people with social retardation learn not to be retarded and help people with poor physical fitness to be fit?
And then help people be someone that other people WANT to have sex with?
Reproduction is survival of the species, not of the individual.
That would be ideal imo, but I don't think OP really knows what he wants.
All I want is a discussion on how you address the problems of sexual value in a communist society.
to be retarded and help
people with poor physical fitness to be fit?
And what of the people with no sexual value who are unable to change through simply exercizing or talking to people? People who are ugly or deformed, disabled etc.
And how do you solve the obvious issues of sexual favourtism and cliques that will form between those with the higher sexual capital. This will create division, jealousy, resentment in the commune. How do we solve this?
Motherfucker I'm virginal as fuck and also quite gay.
He's talking about distribution of sex, but that is not a thing that will occur, because peoples' sexuality is definitely one of the things that is absolutely their own and must not be, pardon the pun, fucked with.
The issue does not exist.
Sexual capital is very manipulative language, it's more like something a psychopath would use. Sexuality and intimacy are not topics for economics to dominate or even be present in. That's just silly.
That sounds like a good idea. Definitely would have helped Chris-Chan. In fact, that's LITERALLY one of the things Chris-Chan wanted.
In here you're only allowed to fight for 🍀🍀🍀equality🍀🍀🍀TM when it also happens to undermine european civilization. In the case of the sexual value, since a patriarchal society is the obvious solution to regulating this problem in the most balanced way, you're not allowed to raise the question.
TL,DR the leftist answer is: just accept you are inferior sexually, don't fight it, after all, you can't, it goes against women's desires.
This, OP wouldn't have wasted a thread if he had bothered reading what Marx had to say about "sexual inequality" and succubi
OP, are you talking about distribution of sex?
Find people of equal sexual value and push them together and then say "now kiss"
No one is, hence why capitalism have to be abolished.
Going with the Brazilian route and widespread aesthetic surgery.
You are just avoiding the issue.
No I'm asking how to solve the issue of the obvious inequality of sexual value and how it will create division in the commune. I'm open to any suggestions, but outright ignoring the issue won't make it go away.
this is a more important issue:
will communism make monster girls real??
Holla Forumsyps ladies and gentlemen.
Hiding from the issue won't solve it. When the basic human emotions of jealousy and anger boil through and the commune collapses they'll think back to this day.
We fucking neuter you for making so many god damn shit threads little boy
Oh, okay, well, again, the community will not entitle you to a gf. The state is not withholding the girl's body from you. She is, and she is entitled to your labor. That is how love works. Right now you are treating sex like the primary commodity traded in a love relationship. If you want the commodity, that's what brothels are for.
I already said you double nigger.
1.have people whose job it is to teach people to not be socially retarded
2.have people that teach people to understand the value of physical fitness and keep it up on their own
3.Cosmetic surgery for the deformed services so that people of similar ugliness(both physical and spiritual) can find each other, and then we push them together and tell them to kiss. Didn't they make a tv show about this where they get 2 autistic people together and then they have them fuck each other?
Will penis enlargement surgery be a thing in this future?
Why don't you just kys then if even hypothetical Communism won't get you laid
Why don't you just kys? I don't understand.
Yeah, but I think people care more about actually having the love/approval of a real human being than the purely physical/visual thing, which is why I disregarded the thought early on.
Nobody can fix that.
Nobody gives a shit
Unless after all this time, when you say "sexual capital", you mean "good looks" and "sex appeal", in which case, you still have to work to make your body fit and not have an autismal personality.
I'm not saying anyone's entitled to anything. Just that there is obvious inequality that will cause issues and these problems need to be addressed.
It fucking better or I'm just going to go space, or maybe alternate dimension.
You can't workout to make your face attractive unfortunately.
You're right kys
You can practice smiling in ways that fit your unsightly face and make it look nice.
ITT people refuse to offer a solution and use doublethink to say that certain needs to be fulfilled but others shouldn't (because that's icky)
To answer OP, I think the best answer is that when everything isn't commodified and people don't constantly believe in an artificial scarcity of everything, people won't feel like they're losing power by giving away sex, so to speak. In modern society sex is a very powerful and expensive commodity, and like anything else in a Capitalist society, simply giving it away is bad for your self-interests. In a communist society people won't have to play games or feel like affection or sex is scarce, they'd like feel more willing to "give" sex, to use current terms. Additionally, in a monogamist society people can't just be with whoever they feel like, they have to make sure they get the best person they can get.
People would be more willing to fuck people they like without having to be sure that this is the best product to buy, and they'd also likely be people who think fucking an ugly dude or chick is just a nice thing to do and wouldn't feel weird about it.
If people felt free and didn't perceive everything in terms of scarcity, they'd be more willing to give and show love and approval. Under Capitalism everything is a huge game that you have to win at, and being too giving makes you lose.
Communism isn't about equality like this hahahaha
I mean, probably?
50 years at least though.
But if you're 5 or 6 inches you're fine, most womens vaginas are only that deep anyway.
Shut the fuck up
triggered feminist detected. go back to tumblr you dumb cunt
I'm not sure it is an actual issue. The notion of "sexual value" is a very /r9k/ thing. I can understand that you believe it, if you spent a long time there, but you will find it doesn't conform well to real life.
In reality, it is less an issue of value and having an awesome body, but of having the correct atitude for the correct situation. Basically: getting laid is a skill that anyone can learn, but some people have more difficulty with it than others. You'll still have to learn how to do it under communism, in much the same way as you learned how to socialise with people when you were younger. The good things will be that there will be much less alienation under communism, and so young men and young women will interact with each other much more often and in casual situations, which will decrease the chances of dudes turning full incel.
The first step is dropping /r9k/ completely. The second step is to start interacting with women without any second intentions. Just talking to them as you would to a guy. The rest comes as natural consequences of that.
Trust me, I'm an ex-robot.
tiny dick detected
I like these thoughts, some good insight.
Man, robots are exactly like SJWs.
I already answered all the fucking problems.
Just teach autists how to be normal
conversation over, go back to talking about monster girls now.
roastie gettin toastie
Nobody will ever love you
Pretty much. It is also based on identity politics. They create the robot identity for themselves, and then say they that they are oppressed due to unchangeable characteristics of their identity, by people of differeny identities. Just as with idpol, this results in them developing anger towards people who are not responsible for their shitty situation, instead of actually analysing the problem and finding the real solution.
tell it to your tumblr followers you worthless hole
There's absolutely nothing wrong with the world becoming Brave New World.
Everyone for everyone tbh.
and of the people who don't have physical attractiveness?
I think for children they need parents that are monogamous, but the monogamy should be supported by other people.
Also, most times people have sex in modern times aren't about finding the best partner, it's in order to have fun and fuck people they want to, not to have the best possible children with.
If I'm worthless, why is it that people can love me more than you? Also it would be twitter
fucking the right people increases social capital
There is more to life than sex.
Plastic surgery.
This is autistic.
Except the part in where they genetically engineer certain people to be retarded, and drug the population to no question the exploitation of their labour.
Many people fail to realize idpol is more than sex/gender/race. The whole "us gamers" attitude also reeks of idpol, for example.
Then we find people that can look past the physical, or people of equal physical attractiveness and set them up together.
Communism is an economic theory and system that aims to end labour exploitation.
It's isn't and never was about "equality", if you are a no gf loser that can't get women under capitalism you'll probably still be a loser under communism and pretty much under any system
Deal with it.
Honestly discourage people from having sex in general.
Put it in their own best interests not to fuck and reproduce, and encourage mass birth control, give generous benefits to sterilization, generous benefits to abortion, and make the human race's population controllable.
Nobody should ever give a fuck about you
Do people actually give a fuck about that sort of thing?
What is social capital? People liking you more so that you have more influence over them?
What is the purpose of getting social capital?
How do we solve the social circle problem wherein attractive people hoard their sexual capital among themselves? What of situations where one person has multiple sexual partners and other members of the commune have none?
reread your post
I am autistic.
But please explain why I'm wrong.
t. ancap
Unwarranted self importance.
Yeah pretty much.
says the narcissistic attention-whoring tripfag cunt
Sorry I didn't word that right.
What are the benefits of having influence over people?
To get money from them or something?
This is why inviting /r9k/ over was a mistake.
Bro, what are you doing and why did you come into this threat to cyberbully an autistic guy.
That's awful short sighted since your economic theory will collapse without solving the issues of sexual capital.
Sex, like everything else, has been commodified in capitalism.
There are two components to this - historically of course there was a much greater level of market transaction involved: If we have kids, we might not starve in old age, because if they survive they'll help pay for us to live once we're to old to work. This was weakened with the establishment of pensions.
Furthermore there's the general cultural commodification of sex under capitalism (the reason it worms it's way into music videos, songs, vidya, TV, advertising for non-sexual products, etc.) which is half the reason most people are so insecure about being virgins in the first place.
tastes and desires differ greatly (If you're not a 15ft wolf-dinosaur-toyota starion and I'm not magically transformed into a Lynx, don't even fucking bother broaching the topic. No. Not interested.) as any imageboard user should be able to know, "boobs too small" becomes "delicious flat chest" and vice-versa.
Fundamentally the problem is the insecurity created by capitalist culture, both material and "ideological" (i.e. in the sphere of ideas, i don't have a better term.) as opposed to the actual distribution of sex under a communist society. Regardless of the distribution of sex, anxiety about that distribution under a communist society would be much lower because people would realize two people hugging each other and making a silly motion until you exclaim "Whoopsie Woo here comes the goo!" really isn't that big a deal.
Gain favor with them. Access to their resources, contacts. Create closer bonding and tighter social circle with them. Have them help you with your problems, etc.
Look I just solved the problem
I give you value to be an incel.
Do you think that the point of accruing capital for a lot of people is to make up for their other shortcomings and failings and still have a chance to reproduce? So that those people will try to subvert the system?
The solution could also be to just jail or kill those people.
Being ugly or weird or lacking skills or traits that make you successful in Capitalism is pretty unchangeable. That doesn't mean you can't fix or improve your personality to become likable, but with the way the present monogamist, Capitalist society works, you're likely just not going to succeed with women if you aren't successful or handsome. When you aren't either of those things and the result is being denied a fundamental need and desire, then that does a big number on your psyche.
Children need parents in a stable environment, monogamy is assumed to give that, but that needn't be the case.
I never mentioned children. Sure it's to have fun, but it's also significantly about social capital and it works differently with the two sexes. For guys to increase social capital they need to fuck a lot of hot girls, while a girl needs to attract a lot of hot guys and be picky who she sleeps with. A guy who fucks ugly chicks or a girl who sleeps around with anyone is going to lose social capital. Ultimately when someone decides to get a semi-permanent significant other, they have to choose who the best option is based upon certain factors: for men it's usually hot women, for women it's usually wealthy/successful men; this turns people into products, where you need to shop around and always been on the lookout for something better and to constantly compare. This game is a reflection of Capitalism in general, and the ideas of commodification and false-scarcity. There's actually a really good screencap of a person here talking about this commodification and people being treated like products.
That's incredibly shortsighted and just insensitive. Communism is about equality, people being equally free and happy; sex is an important part of that and disregarding sounds like it's because you don't have a current issue with the way things are in that area.
Then capitalism will collapse.
Should we kill all autists?
Sex bureaucrats.
a lot of the time yes. and if people are not able to reproduce in a communist society, become jealous, angry, etc, there will be conflict.
Incels made me hate incels. Why can't you act like normal human beings? You'd have a gf then probably too. Kill yourselves please before you shoot up some school.
Please leave the thread and stop shitting it up. Just because you don't like the subject doesn't mean you should ruin the thread for everyone else.
Not in a Brave New World kind of scenario where everyone is just incubated in a factory.
The Internet made me hate a lot of groups of people.
Sexual capital is part of the reason capitalism works.
wew ur a clever one, lets make u leader
Fuck incels
State issued robo-waifus. To each according to his need.
I'm remembering back to a time when shame existed and people wouldn't do shit like you see on /r9k/ or most of 4chan. Now everybody on the internet has to be accepted and are encouraged to take pride in whatever stupid, fucked up shit they believe.
So then that would be solved because people wouldn't need to do so because everyone would already be helping everyone with those sorts of things?
So people wouldn't be restricted in their thinking about having sex with the "right" people in order to attain influence, and therefore resources, but will have sex with people based on much looser things, like whims or so forth?
they don't care. feminists are sexual ancaps/liberals; as the ancap believes "if you're poor it's your fault and you're just a loser who who can't compete and deserves to suffer," the feminist believes "if you're alone it's your fault you're just a loser who can't compete and deserves to suffer." it's "muh boostraps" but for sex and relationships. it's typical doublethink
aka fuck the poor
Flat boobs are not a good analogy for an ugly person.
we need to put Hoochie down NOW!
Nope. There is nothing stopping people in poverty from fucking.
You're probably an upper middle class suburbanite shit spawn born after 1993.
Autism and Other mental illnesses.
I'm not joking, these people need psychological help.
Pathetic tbh.
And if the bread maker gives you two loaves instead of one because you fuck him?
In fact, poor people fuck quite a lot.
This is actually quite eye opening, I've never seen it put like this before but it makes a load of sense now.
This is a good post talking about how all this shit is commodified.
Well what's the alternative then?
Nobody is saying you deserve to suffer, you're acting like a victim and that's not appealing to anybody. Shape up and lose the moodiness.
This frankly. Communism will remove or reduce the alienation that cripples you, but you got to do the leg work yourself.
That reads like a post written by someone with sexual capital.
Nobody will tell you you're special
Pipe down
I honestly hope you get permabanned. Holla Forumstards are less cancerous and toxic than you.
it's the same fucking shit, why can't you see?
one won't make you die
I honestly hope you have sex one day
A fundamental need for what? Happiness? No it's not.
Oh, you're just saying that people are fucking retarded, okay.
I'd say anyone not completely sociopathic actually just wants to have sex with one man or woman that they love, and don't view other people as objects to be used to gain social capital, and therefore physical resources.
I'm not even sure that you need the removal of capitalism in order for this problem to be solved.
Yeah you're an isolated well off loner, nobody poor believes this
poverty won't make you die either, if it did india, china and africa wouldn't be full of billions of people.
Actually being poor increses your chances of dying a lot, but you probably know that already.
Social skills are not connected to financial well being. Who could have guessed…
Also, what is your deal, dude? Why don't you try to make a productive contribution instead of whatever it is you are doing now?
it's all about sex with you freaks
pointing out society's double standards and inequities is not 'acting like a victim.' any time a male tries to discuss his being alone or unwanted by the opposite sex, he gets berated and told to shut up and called a loser/failure. it's like this everywhere, including here where it should be different
That's what the thread is about isn't it?
Dude, I fucking read. I'm trying to show the people saying otherwise that there is no other way.
Sometimes nerds must be brutalized.
These threads always get 500 replies because everyone keeps responding to the disingenuous /r9k/ retards.
I really hate you and I hope the 90% of you that's awful gets fucking obliterated and all that's left is this little baby person that we can raise collectively and make sure you don't become so awful again.
Kill yourselves, all of you
Maybe if you're a Stoic, but for most people a fulfilling sexual life (exclusive masturbation isn't fulfilling) is pretty important for mental wellbeing.
No, people are product of the environment they were born in. In Capitalism relationships are ultimated reduced to commodities and become a game; people don't consciously think that, but it's still true.
Obviously not deliberately, but social pressure a lot with how they were raised plays a huge part of the decisions they make.
It's honestly fun to hurt their feelings.
This, I feel like reddit has gained way too much control here.
But nobody is saying you deserve to suffer. You tacked that on there as a pity play. You shouldn't have done it and I wouldn't have mentioned it. Talking about how much you are suffering because you can't get laid is not the way to get laid or to get people to talk to you about how you could get laid.
That's fine I hope one day you stop being pathetic.
It was like this before 2011 everywhere before /r9k/ infested image boards.
It's not going to change here.
And also, the people who say it is not a real fundamental need are denying the pressures society puts on people to get laid. It is logical that people who get pressured to doing something, but then can't do it, will be mad about it.
if you actually listened to lonely men like those on /r9k/ you'd here how their main desire is for meaningful relationships with women, not just meaningless sex acts. men are just not allowed to discuss their intimate feelings without receiving abuse and humiliation, as evidenced by the sociopathic statement in
Sage you bloody tripfag. You are responsible for growth of this cancer.
Sex won't make you happy, people won't make you happy, buck the fuck up and learn to be with yourself, you'll be with that person for a while.
Nobody will make you complete and happy.
it's not even just a social pressure it's a god damn human instinct and people get emotionally disgruntled when they can't fulfil it
it's not about "getting laid." that's your strawman
: 3
I understand this, and I am for the idea of an education in this subject for socially disabled people, and yes, that's what this kind of thing should be referred to as. A social disability. Because unlike in capitalism where we only care about your physical ability and whether or not you can work, in communism, we care about your ability to communicate and relate to your community.
Couldn't have put it better myself. One thing that makes it even more difficult for dudes on /r9k/ to recover is that people constantly discriminate against them instead of trying to help them out.
A lot of them have serious issues and legit need help. Shaming them for their problems doesn't help.
Kill /r9k/.
Yes. Bootstraps.
This is not an ideal world. You cannot bitch your way out of your fate.
Learn to be with yourself.
If all they want is a meaningful relationship with a woman then why do they give a shit about all the Stacys and call all women bitches and whores
Literally feeding /r9k/ notions.
frustration, disappointment and hurt
Also they're always calling most girls ugly when they're fucking ugly themselves. 🤔
It's like they want more than they "deserve".
It truly is just willful ignorance ignoring the growing problem of emotionally and sexually frustrated men. And all they ever get in response is "maybe if you werent so creepy and weird you'd have a gf lol". Like what the fuck are you supposed to do with that. Without social capital you are universally despised by the rest of society.
*Lack of real responsibilities and not understanding how responsibility works
They become frustrated that they cannot get relationships, and then they are told that the reason why they can't do it is because all women are actually bad and don't give a fuck about them. Kind of the same reason why Holla Forums doesn't like people of other races.
I should have said sexual capital as well.
They are right they're doomed.
Or it's that they've been told to value things(like physical appearance), that don't actually matter.
Seriously, r9k are a bunch of seriously fucked up individuals, straining against the chains of the society they were born into, and then being mocked when they admit to their weaknesses.
I bet if communism actually had assigned girlfriends they'd complain they got some bitch as ugly as them
You would have responsibilities under socialism as well don't worry.
In fact, it would REQUIRE you to be more social, so break out of your skin
This can also be blamed on the desire for social capital. Fucking a lose is bad, being romantically involved with one is worse. This also combined with the fact that men are raised not to express their feelings (except through anger) and believe the only way they'll be able to do that is with a significant other; I wonder what material conditions cause that to be the case.
Bitterness, fox-and-grapes shit, protecting their ego by saying that women are the problem and not them, but of course they know they're also the problem; depressed people tend to cycle between internalized and externalizing blame.
Literally sound like a neoliberal.
Is that a fetish picture?
Indeed. Nobody is interested in giving help to these dudes. I know it, I used to be like that too. Nobody helped me. They only made things more difficult for me, by insulting me and further ostracising me. I had to learn everything myself. And the worst is a lot of the things I had to learn were things that could have easily been explained to me by people who already knew. But instead of doing that, they acted like selfish bullies.
There is an accomplishment from breaking out and learning everything yourself, it's more rewarding than it is exhausting.
Sexually frustrated men is the last taboo topic to discuss in modern society imo.
Nobody will fucking touch it.
Yeah, r9k are being fucked over, and their suffering is genuine, but they're complete fucking retards and you can't expect them to accurately understand why their situation is the way that it is, and you can't expect them even understand what it is that would actually make them happy.
What even is it that they want? A harem of women?
No, it is not. It made me waste literally YEARS of my life.
Really nigga
You think thats taboo?
This is a theory thread.
It's all the fault of those darned animes, I tell you what.
You should practice gratitude more often. Ten minutes twice a day of sitting with your eyes closed contemplating the things in your life for which you are grateful or thankful will make you feel a lot better.
I come here just to shoot the shit and bully nerds
Love me some coping strategies instead of actually solving problems.
Stories of people who used to be robots recovering and starting to have a healthy view of women are common.
Why are people responding to it like it is taboo then?
Thanks, dude. Will give it a try.
Yes, and I got that shit too. I'm fucking gay as shit, you think growing up 1992 to now was that easy? Nope. Your suffering is not special.
Clearly, since everyone is getting so fucked mad about it.
They're not, they're irritated. It's not a taboo.
Getting mad isn't making a taboo out of something.
Sometimes the problem is not really as much a problem as it is an insurmountable fact of living as a homo sapiens sapiens on planet earth. Sometimes the problem can be solved in yourself with coping more healthily.
They can be the same.
There it is, you're mad at straight men for expressing their pain, when no one gave you compassion for yours.
What those fucking sons of bitches did to you wasn't alright, and I hope they suffer for what they did to you.
You're alright now.
because it would force women to openly admit their superficial and selfish values. women want to be portrayed as nice, generous and caring, but that illusion would fall apart were they to openly admit that they consider short, poor, unemployed, shy, or ugly men worthless and undeserving of love
So maybe try having some fucking sympathy and stop acting like the smug booj who escaped from poverty.
Yeah, I'm not sure what that dude is doing. He's being unreasonably rude. Don't let him be the representation of gays for you. Let me be that.
Nice digits
Congratulations, you've found one of the reasones why this Communist stain is bullshit. There will NEVER be a classless society.
Hoochie is the resident historic lesbian attentionwhore. If she was a guy she'd probably have more sympathy for sexually frustrated men.
I don't think all women are like that.
You know, I think that dude that was talking about how in a capitalist society people are treated as objects was right.
They want men that can provide for their potential children, so they need someone who has the qualities that will gain her social influence or actual resources.
you already have trannies m8
epic meem LMAFO
Marxist Leninist Transhumanism.
You sure seem to be putting in a lot of effort for someone who doesn't care too much.
A taboo: Getting off on meat hooks and Hellraiser shit
"shut the fuck up"
yes i agree they're not all like that, but those women are exceptionally rare
pretty much. generally women are attracted to what a man has, rather than what a man is
Yeah but your genes are still expressed physically, and also don't people give off pheromones that other people can subconsciously detect?
I'd say polygamy is more taboo than general weird extreme fetishism.
Just because friendship between men isn't often shown in media, does not make this magically true.
Men don't give a shit about you just as much lol
Are you retarded or just pretending?
Also, I love how not a single post adresses the original subject of this thread.
t. never read a book
The subject is retarded
It's like that comic I saw posted here once.
Only once everyone is mutilated to a bloody pulp will we be equal. Classless society cannot exist.
Ultimately the same is true for men, they're just attracted to what she was born with. That's the problem with Capitalism and how it commodifies everything. There's the biological side in trying to find a good mate to have good offspring, but this also wouldn't be a problem if artificial resources scarcity was eliminated.
The level of discourse in here is scary stupid. Not sure if you are all trolling or what.
That's not a bug, it's a feature.
Pink Flamingos will show you what is and is not taboo still to this day, /r9k/ is just pushing the boundaries of what's always been acceptable
Lonely men screaming about being lonely
Pipe down
The thing with other idpol is that any problems relating to identity would be easily fixed if Capitalism is related; it's hard to say the same for incel identity and show how Socialism/communism would fix it.
How delusional are you?
This has nothing to do with identity and everything to do with the natural classes based on social and sexual capital.
It's not acceptable for lonely men to be sad over being lonely. That's a sign of weakness in this society, which is a cause of alienation over something they can't help.
It's completely acceptable.
Boy I wish
The funniest part is how vehemently against it he is in this thread alone.
It's not. You are cyberbullying them for it right now. You're like the far end of the jerk spectrum.
Okay, but will someone explain what happens if:
Soon, new "clasess" of people have arisen, the cool and beautiful and motivated and the sore fat pimpled losers
What then?
It's not an analogy, it's a response to a specific example in the OP. While the numbers are all over the place, everything is attractive to someone, even frostbitten feet, DMV workers and harlequin babies.
Appearance is broadly subjective, and even the ugly can already get sex under capitalism by various means. (Hence why you often see fat, ugly fucks with surprisingly "objectively*" attractive gfs, or at the very least awkwardly sticking their hairy arms into fetish videos.)
*read: "capitalist determined"
Those classes don't just arise, they already exist. Taller and attractive people are statistically more successful.
Attractive men get more women, attractive women get more men.
men don't reject women for not having a certain job or car, or not having money. the list of criteria of what makes a man like a woman is pretty much 1. do i find her attractive, and 2. can i stand to be around her. men like women independent of what they own or have accomplished. can't say the same for women
Yes, economic capital. And once that is gone how will they do it?
You've spent a long time thinking about this but still don't know shit
It's almost like they were conditioned to do that.
Men are just as cruel, nobody gives a fuck lol
Who are you quoting?
Classless society can't exist then. Humans will always find ways to differentiate from each other.
I'm quoting you
That isn't what class is reread Marx
how are men are just as cruel when they're less rejecting and have fairer standards?
I feel so sorry for you. Unfortunately you can't wave your insecurities away through a political system.
people are still going to want to be fucked by a stranger in a gimp mask under communism. they can't see your ugly face underneath no-longer-overpriced latex.
furthermore, you've ignored the large point that you only think sex is a big deal because capital keeps repeating the message. Do you really want to piss away an hour fucking some woman when you could be doing literally anything else, and approximate the experience with your hand?
There were answers about the subject of the thread, not the ones that were hoped for so they are ignored.
People can't get sex because autistic? More socializaion
People pressurized into having sex? Less alienation
People too ugly to have sex? Plastic surgery.
The problem is lots of Incels are acting like their material conditions is part of their "being".
People should accept my behavior unconditionally because that's who i am. And people telling me to change are attacking my very essence, it's a personal attack.
The identity reasoning is invading every topic and it makes the discourse very cancerous.
This how eating too much is becoming an identity and problems related to it are oppression against fat people.
The shortsightedness of only focusing on economic capital will be the end of socialism.
people don't prodive constructive criticism on how to change, they just say stop being a weird fuck, which helps no one.
also, I think a big problem is the learned message kids are told about "just be yourself". which is absolutely false, dont be yourself, be the you other people want.
Make reproduction against the best interests of humanity then
Fuck em
That's nice dear
Nobody has answered the real question here.
Sure, communism can provide an ethical sexual market - but what about ME? What about MY desires?
If communism cannot provide ethical, stable, kind-capitalism then what's the point guys? I mean sure, all the communists will be happy - but then we'll just have a new political class of people who were communists versus people who actually just want kinder capitalism. What's the point of abolishing economic classes if we just re-establish them as economics-classes?
State issued social democracy when?
You'll be against the wall too.
Sterilize mankind at birth.
Ironic socdem posts always make my day.
The answer is that communism makes no sense whatsoever in the real world. The universe doesn't cater to a bunch of pussy ass cunts that feel violated by nature itself.
See what I'm talking about?
It wouldn't be against nature to change the environment so that reproduction decreases.
What on Earth are you talking about
That happens more in nature than it does to us.
Stop playing biologist you're not even in college.
a man will reject a woman if he finds her physically unappealing
a woman will reject a man she finds physically and emotionally appealing because he's poor, doesn't have a job, or doesn't have "the right job"
which is worse?
I'm genuinely worried about you since you seem to be having a brain stroke right now. Are we even reading the same posts?
Not an argument.
that would be no. 2 then
under capitalism at least you can use capital to get girls who wouldnt otherwise look at you
under communism you're shit out of luck
maybe capitalism isn't so bad
wear the fucking gimp mask already porker.
I think you responded to the wrong post then.
this board has the lamest memes
better than working every day at the commune to have chad fuck the harem of women every night and have a right to a portion of my labor produce
Robots are porky sympathizers out of desperation to have sex, who knew?
ahhahahahahaha the only thing you worry about in life is fucking women, not finances, not your future, not if you'll ever retire, not anything, just how lost are you
What happens to girls with small dicks? :x
sex is a basic human need that communism would deny me
Thoses memes are complete bullshit.
Holla Forums is a hop skip away, it'll match the high school sensibilities of the thread, since that it's primary demographic. You'll fit in there just fine.
You can have great fads and jokes, like the frog that died in 2011 being beaten like a dead horse.
You're really fucking stupid.
Why do you want to "get" women that want nothing to do with you anyway?
What exactly is it that you want from women? Sex? Why? How is sex with someone you have no emotional connection to any different from masturbation?
Love? you wouldn't have had found love with those sort of women anyway.
Yeah we get it, you're angry that people are straight and men, how dare they have feelings, they're all evil. I feel bad for you too, you're just as pathetic as they are. Please shut up already.
imagine being so pathetic that you put women at the centre of your life
like nigga ignore them, you can get the good cock feelings from pretty pictures on the internet without any of the smelly holes.
tbqh the idea of a thirsty beta getting an STD first time is hilarious, especially something awful like AIDS circa 1985. karma chameleon!
[in Hoochie's voice] Hahahaha.
denial of sex is an inherent quality of life itself that will not be solved through communism or capitalism.
Denial is as part of sex as the act itself.
In a non monogamous communist society what happens when the guy with the uh, more "masculine" penis, pleases the women better than any of the other men. and they begin to seek only to lay with him.
won't the other men become upset and cease their work til the women will sleep with them?
bullshit. women do not pick the good man with nothing over the bad man with everything
Generalizing is for retards who can't argue in good faith.
Not what I said fam
Yes, but everything that you've said is because of this fact.
it's human instinct to want to have sex with women
Fucking owned.
It's my human instict to want to fuck boypussy actualyl.
Most of my friends are straight dudes…lol
Then your argument falls apart.
you don't actually believe this right?
You haven't asked the important question: Why do the men care?
Why have men now not gone on strike because some people got yodelling pickles and others didn't?
Well, you'd hope the reason that people are working is to ensure the that their community will survive, not just for sex.
If you want sex as a purely biological function you have no reason to bitch about being denied
because you can share out pickles since the pickles have no agency, the women have agency and can choose, but their decision may not be liked by many of the men who do a lot of the work
Not what he said at all, learn to read.
This is why I hate greentexters.
Society is the reason people are so deeply insecure about having sex, and build identities around having/not having it.
Really I wish it was around being interested in it versus not giving a fuck, then I could avoid all the people who want to talk about the second most boring human act after accounting.
women are not open to men deemed "losers" and "rejects." is this incorrect?
tranny logic all over this thread
m8, poor people would have long dissapeared if that was the case.
a lot of poor people in my experience basically only stick together because they were too moralistic to abort their drunk-sex baby.
Neither are men.
I dunno, thirsty betas still crowd around the fat spotty chick at the anime society.
Men are not into women who are deemed losers either
Women are not into women who are deemed losers
Men are not into men who are deemed losers
Welcome to reality.
Yeah, and they're such a minority. Same with women that want loser men. Wowzers!
We also have to address the issue that men desire sex for longer than women, and can reproduce for longer. It's be a pool of 15 - 50 yr old men sharing a pool of 15 - 30 yr old women.
How will this work?
You have autism.
Do I have autism too
Welcome to the Internet.
They're not a minority though (at least within the specific community), the anime society is 95% thirsty beta men, 4% that really fat girl, and 1% me making a beeline for the door when I realize what's going on here.
Now sure, the number of men in the Tumblr userbase or something is lower, but the ratios aren't perfectly reversed. The dynamics are distinctly different.
(For reference, I'd have the betas gassed. The entire thirstiness social dynamic ruins everything. Jesus Christ I just wanted to talk about cartoons.)
how the fuck do we stop this? purging of anyone with a penis over the 5inch average?
i should clarify that i'm talking about middle class people
bullshit. middle class women have no trouble finding partners. men do not reject women on economic grounds
the problem is, why is a man without a job deemed a loser? why does what kind of person he is not count for anything?
First it was "loser rejects" and now it's about money? You're honestly very stupid and can't make up your mind.
The original question rest on false premises.
Might as well ask how do we fix the wage gap in the US.
Elaborate if you will.
women aren't deemed losers in this society. women are not valued according to their job, income, house or car
You destroy the need for the public to have sex, incentivize lack of reproduction more than actual reproduction.
Make people happy by giving them material things they can buy to survive and entertain themselves on a sliding scale, so everyone can rush to sterilize themselves. Abortion is given credit, birth control is given credit, sexual repression is praised and the state rewards it
Incentivizing population control is an effective means, even if reproduction were to take place, a one child policy should be put into effect.
Controlling human behavior through their own selfishness would reduce medical costs as well as reduce the economic impact of too many people and humanity's impact on the planet.
Should have happened a long time ago.
Make humanity Volcel. Fuck em.
men without money are deemed losers
Even the Japanese equivalent of /r9k/ read Marx and realized the problem is capitalism and not women.
Why can't you fucking imbeciles do the same and save us all the time?
so where is the female equivalent of /r9k/ or a dungeons and dragons tournament?
To be fair, there's a sliding scale sort of thing going on.
You simply could not have a female Chris Chan. At the same time, however, women are also less likely to reach the very top. There's a great moderation ongoing.
(The cause, as ever, is probably capitalism.)
This nigger just keeps moving the goalpost lmao
socialism is less likely to get you women than capitalism lmfao
Is there a single example of a man turning a woman down because she didn't have much money?
Social mobility in capitalism is more of a myth than social mobility under feudalism.
Even if theoretically capital could directly buy you a gf, you're not going to get capital, you might as well just fantasise about the socialist girls digging your Lenin hairstyle. (something you could actually obtain.)
Statistically? Yes.
wow that's convenient
provide examples of typical female losers
never said that
Provide it
You just know a fat chick walking around with a sign asking for a boyfriend free man to build into a sweetheart from the ground up would be taken advantage of by some fucker, even if only for a dare.
(There are other social dynamics at play, but that seems the easiest example.)
Go back to /r9k/ you dumb fuck.
Stop moving the goalposts
There are quite a number of people on this Earth and under enough time in different conditions that will happen yes.
Probably happened in some upper class New York suburb sometime some when December 1999 as it did November 2007.
You're asking something ridiculously easy to spot.
Even tho it's still morning I'll preemptively award this thread as the shittiest thread of the day.
So provide 1 example.
Imagine being this socially isolated lmao
Wow it's almost like the system conditions people to think certain ways that are beneficial to the system itself!
Anecdotal evidence, isn't.
answer the question you fucking fraud
answer the question you fucking fraud
You see this in fucking high school holy shit
Where have you been
You have to go back
Says the manchild who keeps moving the goalpost whenever his retarded fucking questions get answered.
you are fucking trash
depends – is the gender thread still around?
well lets call it equal
kind of wish hoochie would beat me with a baseball bat while laughing at me for being a friendless autistic retard if you know what i'm saying
Well that's the explanation you would have fucking guilted me about anyways
That would be Twitter
Reddit is more up your ally, you're the incel
lmfao robots are fucking brainded
That's thinking of people in terms of commodities and property, which they are not, if you think otherwise, might as well stick to
And even if you suppose people are nothing but capital, Value is not distributed in society as ownership over MoPs is common,
That's considering physical appeareance as the alpha and omega factor of sexual and romantic relationships, when other factors account. And also as something which cannot be changed, when we have the technology available to widely and irreversibly alter people appearance, it is no affordable to everyone under the current system, because medical acts, like everything in capitalism, is not something made for use but for profit, something that would no longer be a problem in a socialist society.(not this also apply to psychological support)
This is assuming communism is about making all people the same when it's about ending exploitation.
you're fucked in the head
yes we already know how much you despise the isolated
where is the female /r9k/?
Yeah I'm fucked in the head not the man bitching to communists about not having sex.
Ok buddy lol
i am a communist you dumb cunt. and the issue is not sex – which has been stated over and over – which you're obsessed with because it's the only thing you value in a human
It will be no better. What need of a man does a woman need in communist society, comrade?
you're just a disgusting asian human being
lol wut, its the opposite sex dummy
Vice versa. Sex bores me.
who never read a fucking book
All these arguments about the imbalance as being results of the commodification in capitalism are bullshit because you observe the same shit in propertyless communal tribal societies.
Cultures are incredibly diverse around the world from small to large, you can't generalize them. If you try it'll just show how little you've read about the topic you're discussing.
then why do you keep bringing it up when people try to discuss the issue of young men without partners? all you do is insult men as "incels" and "virgins" and drone on about "getting laid"
Not really but you see divorce rates spike significantly when women move up the career ladder and end up earning more than their husbands haha.
good question?
Sure but they same pattern applies to our nearest ancestors, the chimpanzees. How do you explain that away with culture?
Fuck family court > : (
What behavior? Denial?
Denial is a universal constant in all life that sexually reproduces.
Also Chimpanzees and Simians can't be generalized because they too, have unique cultures depending on the region.
For example in other Simian cultures, often times females will murder the population of males who get too feisty, and keep the number of males "easy" at a lower population that's more easily controllable to secure survival of the integrity of the population without it ripping itself apart socially.
There is extreme difference between regions even in our relatives.
When you do this 19th century bullshit it just shows how little you've read on what you're so heated about /r9k/
Chimps and humans have a relatively close common ancestor, chimps are not mankinds ancestors.
Beside bonobos are closer to us and they live like hippy free love utopia.
because you're obsessed with sex. it's the only thing you value in a man, so you hate men you deem to have no sexual value or appeal. they're worthless to you. you're like the capitalist who only values those who can make him money
isn't she a dyke
t. pot
Sorry OP, but no matter what the tabula rasa zealots ITT try to tell you, true monogamy only occurs in species where both sexes are indistinguishable from each other.
Species that show strong sexual dimorphism like humans always end up in an imbalanced situation with this degree of male competition.
Literally all my friends are men. Turns out it isn't all about sex.
lesbians also despise lonely men. a lot of them hate men period
You don't have any friends of the gender you are attracted to, only people that you can't be attracted to? Sounds more like it's all about sex if you are unable to form friendships with girls.
Most lesbians are friends with men. Do you get your knowledge of the world from reading fucking Stephen King? How are you this sheltered?
what if they only hang around you for sex?
since i've seen people who do hang around with women only in the hope of getting a gf, i can invert it to assume a woman also knows that people do that, and therefore will assume i'm doing that even if i'm not, because it's a reasonable assumption to make with the information available. or maybe it's just the autism.
Survival of the fittest will always destroy your socialism/communist imaginary bullshit.
Kill yourself degenerate
No I do. I just gravitate towards people I'm not so there's no conflict of interest.
Not all people are friendly, but many are.
I'm friends with straight women, the problem comes in the subset of people in my type.
I could go on but. You don't understand nuance.
if you really are a lesbian, the situation is different. straight women don't have male friends; only the men they're fucking and the men they won't fuck but keep around to exploit economically and emotionally
weren't you harping about denial earlier?
Like I said you don't understand nuance. The type of people you're thinking about only exist in badly written fiction, they're a rarity in life.
It isn't an issue, you're a fucking creep
Get laid nerd
Lol the truth comes out - the trip faggot is actually a literal faggot. Sad!
just fuck off
I've been saying this for months
I never said that, I just said a majority of human beings aren't out to destroy your house and home and hurt your feelings, it's a pathetically Randian view to have that isn't reflective of reality. It's paranoid.
You will never garner the sympathy of people that live in a state of abundance for people that live in deprivation. They will never get the big deal and downplay its importance. This applies to sex like any other thing, sorry mate.
i didn't say that either. i don't know if women do what they do deliberately or if it's just involuntary genetic programming. but my point still stands; most straight women do not have genuine male friends, only males they want something from
This assumes it's objective deprivation, though.
You can be at peace with being a virgin and live a full and healthy life. Being at peace with starvation is (a) more difficult and (b) not going to stave off the inevitable death.
My advice is to masturbate 2-3x a day to things that could never exist in real life anyway.
next you'll be saying every "capitalist" is out to exploit you and fuck you over
which is it, do people fuck each other over, or is everyone a free loving hippie?
Don't knock it until you've jacked it until you're firing blanks.
Exorcise those demons boy.
Yes you did.
People behave based on their environment and material circumstance.
Capitalists are a material issue, not a social one in the context you're bringing up.
This is pretty hilarious, you were adverising forming friendships repeatedly as a 'prior' stages to girlfriends, yet you yourself are unable to form friendships with the gender you are attracted to.
I hope you realize your grade A hypocrisy.
It is literally your fault you can't just accept being Volcel
Reread my post.
human beings are social creatures and need love to survive, at least in good health. loneliness causes health problems and drives people mad. people commit suicide over being rejected or unwanted for christ's sake
You can have love and friendships without having sex.
Indeed I would go so far as to argue sex is an impediment to friendship.
People commit suicide over being fired too, doesn't mean we should respect exploitation.
Y'all need Buddhism
i didn't mention sex. i'm talking about romantic relations with the opposite sex; a partner
You are a fucking hypocritical cunt. It's not different for whatever reasons you try to tell yourself or rationalize. You made posts repeatedly along the lines of 'lol you just make female friends, have female friends first' yet you have know friends of the gender you are attracted yourself!
the ironic thing is that you'll be much better equipped to make money if you stop throwing it at whores.
instead of accepting you'll never have a gf because of material conditions you whine and whine but make no effort to change those conditions or work around them.
Poverty and being vocel are not the same thing, actually.
Nah. I would say, you are.
intimate and romantic relationships are very different from basic friendships. a friend is not a girlfriend
I said in the post I responded to you with that of course I have friends who are the same sex, just not often people I'm attracted to.
It's this magical thing called nuance that's lost on people who's social experience extends to poorly written fiction and replaying Persona 4 over and over.
you don't need a romantic relationship.
indeed most idealizations of romance are pure capitalist fiction, meaning you'll never actually obtain them under any social system because they don't exist, you might as well whine about communism not letting you save Hyrule from Ganon.
Hoochie, that's an arbitrary category your making there. Nomanalism is shit.
is what you're suggesting lol
You are not Buddhist at all. My left toe has more dharma than you have ever experienced - your sexual dysfunction is holding you back.
Feel free to point out my hypocrisy then like I did with yours.
I hope all your guys are seeing this right now. This is why you never ask this kind of person for advice on this topic. They will either tell you blatantly wrong things because they are completely remved and unable to emphasize or actively misleading stuff like this hypocritical bitch because they lack basic introspection.
Worker ownership of the means of producing strawmen has been achieved.
So this is what socialism looks like.
it's the same psychology
the vast majority of psychologists and sociologists would disagree. human beings desire love and intimate relationships and that desire is natural, not some sort of conditioning
Capitalism is actually really well defined.
It is what I'm suggesting.
hello where are the proofs? :DDD
You're accusing me of what you yourself experience.
Oh lord
Then your understanding of it should be demonstrated in your answer, which it clearly isn't. The way you define the means of production and class (aka telos) is fucking bizarre and reflective of reality or producing weltanschuang - there's good reason communists get cucked by tankies lol
*and isn't reflective of our reality
don't know but it should be easier to find than social scientists who believe human beings don't need close relationships
oh lord what?
Lmfao what do you want or expect out of the /r9k/ thread autist
Really? Then your understanding of it should be demonstrated in your answer, which it clearly isn't
You need Buddhism
Why is this not hypocritical?
How do you stop wanting what you can't have?
How do you stop wanting?
So you are pseudo-communist; willing to espouse it's virtues but unwilling to understand the source material. Hmmmm colour me suprised yerrow monkey!
You're the last person should who should be advocating for Buddhism. You're dysfunctional - not that telling you that helps you lol
you need empathy for people other than transsexuals
I'm not even saying that. I'm saying get fucking nuance in life.
What nuance is there to be had? Genuinely curious here
What on Earth is a pseudo-communist, please explain this to me, I want to laugh more this morning
Oh there's worse, like the people I'm advocating it too.
What on Earth is a pseudo-communist, please explain this to me, I want to laugh more this morning
Oh there's worse, like the people I'm advocating it too.
I'm not reloading tor again to fix that post
The very definition of the word, nuance. Being cut and dry is why nobody is willing to love any of you
What nuance, lol? You are rationalizing pretty hard here. What is valid for you is not valid for other people. We get it.
I genuinely fear for every person that you will give life advice.
kill yourself you arrogant cunt
Not having any kind of nuance towards others is the only way to exist, if you can't accept it, you will fall flat on your face.
You are incapable of adaptation.
If you want someone to love you, then change. Until then, be stuck cursing the sky nobody is begging to hop on your dick when more interesting and pleasant people exist in the world who aren't as arrogant as you actually are.
Everything you're accusing me of, ironically, you are.
Explain yourself. Where is the nuance here? This pretty krass and bold-faced hypocrisy. You'd make a great politician, btw.
good advice stef
You are a pseudo-communist, there's no formal definition, but someone with a passing understanding of the English language should be able to deduce it's meaning. You're a life-stylist at best.
In viewing them as lesser beings explains why you are unsuited to advocating Buddhism. If your life is so lacking that you need to lash out at them then you probably need to spend some serious time meditating. Again you're probably a life stylist.
I'm not a robot, I merely have an inordinate amount of affection for them. You still didn't explain what nuance there is, I think you are lying to us here.
dumb liberal cunt. get banned already
It's the fastest when I dropped in. Only read through half the thread. Out of 200 posts I only saw one that took a stab at the issue instead of dancing around it, while a tripfag unable to properly articulate itself in any capacity makes passive-aggressive swipes at robots. g8 thred i rate 8/8
I'm not going to explain to you how nuance is needed in social interaction. If you don't understand what it means, you're too far gone.
I'm not going to explain to you how nuance is needed in social interaction. If you don't understand what it means, you're too far gone.
This isn't a market and the value exchanged is emotion.
This is less "the market" then telling you that you are an emotionally stunted person from development that has to abstract why he failed so catastrophically he can no longer be appealing to others
True, you just made the term up.
Explain to me how.
Where did I do that
How is it lacking
Where am I lashing out
If you spend some time reflecting on how dumb you actually are, sure.
Explain how
Fuck one of them out of lonliness.
You are the one afflicted by liberalism thinking communism means free gfs for everybody
To be fair user, you do have agency
don't get upset at the ephemeral nature of image boards fam, this is how they are supposed to work. If you want the issue to be discussed state a position.
I'm not asking about a general definition nuance and it's importance. I'm asking you who you justify you hypocrtical behavior and giving people contradictory and misleading advice.
you don't know anything about me or my situation you presumptuous cunt
nice strawman stef
no, what i have to the option to conform to a sick system and play by warped rules
It's scientifically true. We evolved to have sex. It fucks with people mentally if they can't.
Everyone's talking, but they're all missing the only thing that matters here. Me and what I want, how to best provide for my desires, to enable me to consume as I please.
Silly people.
None of my advice is contradictory or misleading, indeed, you are asking questions and I am answering them to the best of my ability on why human beings are complicated and not simplistic renderings that the remaining detritus of a dying chan can describe.
If you don't want advice, don't ask for advice.
We didn't "evolve to have sex", holy shit. Denial is part of sex in all of biology as much as the very act is. If you don't like that, shoot yourself because you would deny someone the moment they came up to you just as much as anyone else.
You're right, I'm assuming based on circumstantial evidence of you being a complete fucking dunder.
I'm going to accuse people of logical fallacies in an argument about how I can't fuck, this will show her that I am different than the other men here, unique.
To far gone for what? How are you not hypocritical, attacking the person instead of the thrust of the argument prove to everyone reading this farcical discussion that you are deflecting.
I did explain how you are a life stylist - you're willing to espouse the virtues yet unwilling to understand the source material - or argue in good faith for that manner.
As for you anti-social behavior, one merely needs to peruse through this thread to see you espousing the just world fallacy - you came to this thread to argue in bad faith and mock untersmensch.
I'm not going to fuck a robot, not only would that not fix the issues in their lives, but I'm also not gay. They need help, hazing them isn't going to fix them.
there's that sex-obsession again
dumb cunt
does feeling powerless and miserable feel like a life worth living?
of course not. that's why places like /r9k/ exist
Personal relationships. Social growth and development occurs alongside the brain's adult development during puberty, failure to meet the standards of this period leads to developmental problems for an adult.
There is such a thing as "too far gone"
Nothing you said made any sense, stop using a thesaurus.
I'm like most Christians, I pick and choose which parts of my religion I like.
hahahaha you kill me, I'm going to end this post on a good note.
It's the topic.
but it's not my argument or my point, which you're incapable of appreciating because you despise "beta males"
Give him some other advice.
It's part of it regardless of if you like it or not.
and so is mine, whether you like it or not
Good luck in life.
That would make sense if you were coherent not screaming about cunts and hypocrisy and shouting against the system and how nobody understands you because you're incel, all the while doing this and not understanding why people don't want to be around you.
What a retard. Replication and passing on genes is the sole reason for existence. Sex is necessary to achieve that. So, yeah, biologically we evolved to have sex. Because organisms that didn't have sex didn't pass on their genes.
Scientifically illiterate people should kill themselves.
Does living like a robot feel fulfilling?
That's an interesting notion, have you applied it to yourself lol? Maybe you can't form friendships with members of your own sex (who you are attracted to) because you're developmentally challenged. Maybe you're too far gone? ;))
It's okay to admit that English isn't your first language. That being said you need to go and be with your own kind yerrow monkey!
If you keep on picking and choosing which parts of Buddhism to practice you'll always be miserable fam. Also do not compare Christianity, Buddhism and Communism, that's a disgusting analogy.
Evolution doesn't have a purpose, there is no "reason" for existence. Sex is reproduction but it is one of many parts of neurological life.
Nobody exists just to fuck.
That's like saying 1+1=2, of course reproduction is involved but that's stating an obvious so fucking apparent that nothing can be gained from it outside of it. Nobody in Biology would scrape anything off a statement so terribly general
It's an explanation, it's not a justification or a goal.
So passing on one's own genes isn't one of the most fundamental axioms of living things? This is literally why lefties cannot meme kek
Maybe you can't read my posts because you're illiterate lol
It is my first language.
No I won't.
A disgusting analogy for a fittingly disgusting sweaty slobby man nobody loves.
the only cunt i've screamed about is you, since you present yourself as one and have done nothing in this thread but espouse hatred for those you deem inferior and worthless
not everyone. just hateful feminists like you
lol you smarmy fuck. i well understand and have given numerous explanations throughout the thread; you've just ignored and disregarded them because they don't conform with your ancap-esque ideology (which even others have pointed out). you're just a cunt and you hate beta males
haha gottem
Everyone ten years ago until two or three years ago would tell you to get the fuck out for acting like this, it's that everyone who did grew up and left elsewhere.
You are the children who took up these places the older population would mock.
in some ways but not others; mainly emotional ones
What do you feel that you are missing?
Where did I espouse hatred?
Pot kettle etc.
Nothing you can say can make what I'm saying any less true. You are upset, because you know I'm right about most of this, you even agree with me, I'm just telling you what you tell others.
Why don't you like what you believe being spoken back at you?
How does it feel to be my poochie hoochie? Luckily for you dog isn't on the menu x–DD
t. tolerant, loving, positive, accepting feminist
fucking fraud
It isn't idpol at all. It's demographic shift.
acceptance and love
It's just an observation.
You can't get what you don't provide.
You're such a double thinker, you're like a lame fascist lol
It's amusing that you project your inadequacies though
gee i dunno. maybe because i don't like it? hence why i rail against it
you have no idea what i provide to others. cunt
What the fuck are you talking about
I'm saying people moved on but what you're acting like, making your jokes as popular as possible and attention woring about them, jokes we killed at around 2011
Is just behavior everyone hated you for, it's the first sign you're fresh off the boat when you gloat about the bloat Holla Forums has.
Nothing you created is yours, a population left, you heard about this place, you came.
In all likelihood you were born after 1993.
And where do you imagine it will come from? It seems to me that you have specific expectations that prevent you from both accepting and giving love here. You could easily dig a single mum out of the junkyard lol - women are so malleable.
The real issue is that all men(including wymyn) live in state of decay nowadays, not that women are are out to get you.
If you don't like it, but you expect it, maybe realize that you are the one being cold and forcing people to insult you because you're being loathsome.
You're screaming about demons in others when you're surrounded by angels, and torn apart when they shun you for shunning them.
You're inside a self imposed prison only you have the keys to unlock, but you are unwilling to do so.
I don't get why you hate /r9k/, sounds like you're chasing your own tail here.
It's amusing that you presume your own experience is the same for everyone else - typical of stunted development usually.
Are you sure you're not the one expecting others experience is the same as your own?
from a woman whose values aren't warped
i don't expect anything, not after being exposed to the reality of women. i hope for some things, even though i doubt they'll ever happen
is that really where we're at? being forced to raise someone else's child?
only if you have what they want
I never made claims about the general state of image board culture fam. Probably because I'm not a developmentally challenged yerrow monkey though.
I doubt you're actually anything more than a newfag. The people who browsed before 2007 don't give a fuck about such egocentric retardation.
Nothing you're gloating about was even yours
which you've been nothing but since post one, because you hate the topic of this thread. fuck off
pathetic flowery language. yawn
you're pathetic. you present yourself as some kind of intellectual but spew nothing but empty drivel
What values an how are they warped? You have innate standards user, for example you're unwilling to raise another mans child (and deal with the car crash of women). If you truly only cared about being loved and accepted you could probably go and out get it. Face it though, you care about more than that.
Women being malleable is a separate subject - people wanting things from other people contrary to what you're suggesting is not a bad thing - it is the basis for all relations.
So pepe and wojack weren't used by /r9k/ circa 2011 and kek by Holla Forums in 2016? Are you anally frustrated that lefties can't meme? Does it bother you that much that people you perceive as losers can express themselves? Typical crabs in a bucket mentality, you probably got brain damage from being on /r9k/ for so long.
I've never seen an Asian wewuz before, fascinating phenomena, I thought people who have an average Autism Level of 110 were above that sort of autism.
But seriously why do I want people to beat me up I seriously wanna know.
It's adjacent to a fetish, but not a fetish in and of itself. It's more like concentrated self loathing with the knowledge that after crying my way home the only way I'll be able to distract myself is with a wank.
money. material things, and a person's job or lack thereof are not important. a person's essence is what matters. love matters, not things
i'm not totally unwilling, i just don't think that should be expected of me. i personally have no children and don't want any. is it so unreasonable to want someone comparable to me and my own circumstances?
if that woman genuinely loved me and i loved her, then yes i would
but the 'things' they want in this case are money, material possessions, and social standing/power; things i consider garbage and destructive, that i cannot give. and since i can't provide those things, i am worthless in their eyes and disqualified from bonding with them
Materialism isn't a weltanschuang - you will will need to flesh out what values are specifically warped here. You seem to be missing the point - you're trying to argue that women are hedonists but without saying it.
Why do you care about raising other peoples children if you don't want to have your own? You do know what the purpose of relationships between men and women are for right?
Define material possession - you mean consumer culture paraphernalia right? This has only been a modern phenomena and does not bar you from even most women tbqhwyf
middle class women will not go near a man if he has no job or, if he has a job, his job isn't "good enough;" the same goes for cars and houses. women want a man who possesses material signifiers of economic success. a man's personality, his being, are ultimately worthless. to me, this is a warped value system. i don't know how to put that more clearly
they can be and often are, but i don't think that's what i'm saying
i don't want children in my life at all. mine or adopted
that's a very biology-centric and ironically sterile way of looking at human relations. were passing my genes my goal i could just donate sperm
Why is getting a bourgeois women so important you - sounds like a lot of expectations that you would have to work through. Womankind's predilection with their partners occupations is only common sense; how else are the supposed to ensure that their children are nurtured?
You are arguing that women have liberal values that lead them to prioritize material goods and the means of possessing such. It's a shallow analysis that doesn't get to the meat of the matter; why do they value these things?
I got that you didn't want children in your life. It's merely common sense, what's going to happen when you get old? I don't want to pay for old people who were too lazy to have kids. It's part and parcel in participating in society.
i don't think i suggested anything like that. i am not part of the bourgeoisie, nor are my values. i explicitly mentioned that i consider property and money to be garbage
a nice woman who likes me for me and won't reject me for not having property = a lot of expectations? sorry, but i don't think so. i would not reject a woman on those grounds
women have their own work and sources of income these days. they wanted to get rid of the expectation that women should be housewives, and succeeded, but then didn't want to abolish the idea that men should be expected to work and support a family. it is not economically reasonable today to reject a man because he doesn't have a job
i can't say for sure. perhaps most women don't actually like men, but merely the things men can provide them
this is unrelated to the discussion at hand
I was asking a rhetorical question there user, why would you work yourself up over women who holds antithetical values? Would it work out and mesh at all?
The property is a means to an end, and there are a lot of women out there who have lower standards in regards to this, do you know how many dead beat dads there are? As for women becoming more wealthy, that only merely increases their expectations - probably shouldn't have given them the same rights, as it turns out women and men use different reproductive strategies due to facing different challenges - oooops!
It's part of the discussion because you don't want kids lol
because they seem to be the majority of women out there, which decreases my chances of finding a partner
doesn't seem that way. these values seem pretty constant and consistent throughout the west
the discussion is about women and their values and how they value men. what i'm going to do when i'm old isn't relevant
I am one of a minority of people in the worldwide population; I am a Shy, Straight Caucasian Male who still struggles as an Adult Virgin. And I have dreams of sharing a family life with my Female Sweetheart, and to have and share between me and her our daughter named, Crystal Weston Chandler.
My shyness has belabored my dream from seeing birth. But mine is a mutual dream shared with every shy male in the world. Mine and their dreams could have been made individual realities sooner with a simple, great idea, DATING EDUCATION CLASSES.
We currently enforce, and have made required, Sexual Education classes in High Schools most everywhere. That is good for AFTER Date #3 or so, but the question remains, “How do we find, attract and talk to a single member of our individually respective Opposite Gender to even have a First Date Ever With?”
I would like to see Dating Education Classes required along with, before or shortly after, Sexual Education. I envision the teacher starting with the social basics, such as the simple greeting of “Hey, there. It’s a good day.” :) Even quoting the Alec Grevin and his little red book, “How to Talk to Girls”. Also, later in the semester, teaching empathetic social skills that can benefit both of the straight partners in each couple. I also envision classroom distribution/loaning of female Barbie Dolls for MEN to practice socializing on, and 8” GI-Joe Figures for WOMEN to practice socializing on as well. The Classmates could also be paired up, Male-for-Female/Female-for-Male, in Class Workshop(s). If there were any unpaired people of one gender in the class, volunteers of the opposite gender from within the school’s student roster can be brought in for them. There would be NO SAME-GENDER PAIRINGS, PERIOD.
It is a fact that individuals who were unable to find their opposite-gender Sweetheart or crushes and get lucky before adulthood are likely tempted to turn homo… A dismal future NO God-Loving Individual, including myself; I swear on my Holy Bible as I type this essay with every keystroke I make with my keyboard resting on my Bible, would ever want to see occur. :( The Dating Education Classes can best enforce the Natural Man-and-Woman Pairings/Couples; the homosexual count would be reduced.
If my essay is selected, I would give the money to our local High Schools to begin the Long-Necessary and Required Dating Education Class Trend within these United States, and then Worldwide, for a Better, Bright Future for All.
Thank You.
I now adscribe to Marxism-Chandlerism
I just meant help people that have social retardation learn how to act around other people to have success, not whatever the fuck this is.
everyone has a right to reproduce