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How is porky not the same as the jew?

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porky is just a face for the system, individual actors are symptomatic, not the cause

Porky can be of any ethnicity.

why my cum white tho

Because being a porky (a capitalist) describes a concrete, real and measurable economic relation.

Being a Jew is a nebulus identity and/or religion, and does not describe an economic position in society.

We are interested in changing the structures of society, not just re-casting the roles.

But all the stereotypes of a porky can bee seen in all the stereotypes of the jew

Sure, but the reality is that there are rich Jews and poor Jews, Jews that back Israel and Jews that don't, atheist Jews and orthodox Jews, socialist Jews and capitalist Jews.

There are only capitalist capitalists.

The Koch brothers aren't jewish. Neither is this dipshit

stalin's socialism took all the greatest achievements of human societies. from primitive times, it took barbarism. From feudalism, it took domination. from capitalism, it took exploitation. and from socialism, it took the name.

Hitlers jew took the dirty grossness of the poor, the arrogance of the rich, the corruption of capitalist governments, the power of the banks, the exploitation of the capitalists, and from jews, the name.

Because all people including whites are universally evil and exploit each other. Nazis and commies create bogeymen to deny this. Porkies are not the reason people are shit, porkies exist because people are shit. Kill 'em all.