Holla Forums and this board hate the exact same people. the stagnant, ultra-powerful hegemony.
Holla Forums and this board hate the exact same people. the stagnant, ultra-powerful hegemony
except their ideas of who are in charge of this hegemony is different. Not to mention their ideas of the perfect society are almost opposites.
They fight spooks, we fight the problem.
the ultra-powerful hegemony, except for the white parts of that ultrapowerful hegemony, and also, a bunch of poor people completely unrelated to the ultrapowerful hegemony
Holla Forums hates Jews, some of whom are part of the elite
Holla Forums hates the elite, some of whom are Jews - though committed marxists should hate the system that produces the conditions rather than individuals of the bourgeois class
Nazi ideology needs the great ethnic enemy to explain why their 'organic ethnic societies' 'dege.nerate'. It cannot function without the magical Jew. Pure fantasy.
This thread is so low level i would guess it's just a useful idiot or shill who did the thread. You have any sources or logical arguments?
Despite claiming to be against it Holla Forums unwittingly empowers the hegemony
These are not mutually exclusive. Any proletarian is perfectly entitled to hate capitalists.
There is an overlap between people we dislike, but we hate them for different reasons
Holla Forums also hates the powerless though.
I'm pretty sure I don't hate black people or jews, and I'm pretty sure that Holla Forums only hates Capitalism insofar as it completely tears all the hierarchies and traditions of the old world asunder, literally the only good thing Capitalism ever did, so yeah, not really all that much in common tbh
Yeah, except Holla Forums are cunts about every minutia of your life demanding you act the exact same as them and this place is filled with cucks who, while easier to deal with, leave a salty taste in the mouth.
Holla Forums only hates rulers that don't fit their master race ideal
You could, but it's pretty much useless. Do you hate them for not giving all their money away and acting in their own self-interest? Would proletarians in that same position really act any better?
Except we don't hate the bourgeoisie, aside from the exceptionally horrible ones. They are acting in their self-interest and so are we.
Holla Forums hates an imaginary omniscient boogeyman that does not exist.
Holla Forums just blame blacks and jews.
To be fair a lot of alt-righters don't blame every singe last jew, but rather their "race" bands together and works as a group to achieve power over other "races" more than "whites" do.
Say the exact same thing about blacks and crime and they just start screeching autistically about eye que.
I got in an argument with a Holla Forumsack who claimed that white business owners seek to empower their workers while they believed that Jewish business owners only seek to empower their own race. The guy unironically believed this and thought it was a brilliant counterpoint. You're all a bunch of useful idiots to porky.