do i get extra cabbage soup? gulag with a human face? vacation to other gulag?
do i get extra cabbage soup? gulag with a human face? vacation to other gulag?
original image if anyone's interested
Is that just a photoshop filter? They look way better than they did years ago.; paid software is bourgeois filth
also the other OC i made from the zizek vid where he does that specific hand thing
Wow, thats really good. Whats the learning curve like? I need some good software to experiment with meme making and photo-edits and such is the easiest photo manipulation tool I have ever used.
the gif is super easy to make; it's just selecting two timestamps in a youtube video (i used gifs dot communism xdxd)
the image was also pretty easy. note that isn't a site, but rather a software; it comes with some nice filters by default and is super easy to use
also, i dont recommend gifs dot com; it makes u sign up for an account and shit
just yt2mp4, then mp4 to webm would make for better memes but i'm lazy
Can you get more filters for it? I'm pretty good with photoshop, it's not a fucking travesty of confusing bullshit like GIMP is it?
yes, you can get more filters though i havent come across the need for more, and no, it's not like gimp in terms of layout
just download it fam we need xd propaganda xd
You don't need the sharpness but pretty gud tbh
it was actually an "ink sketch" filter, not sharpening; i only used it because otherwise the hair merging with Luke's hair would be a trainwreck, so i chose to distort it with the ink filter instead
Fancy showing off some filters? Are there any good comic/cartoon like ones?
the oil painting one can work wonders but if there is any kind of hair involved it will look like shit nine times out of ten; the ink sketch filter can look good if the image is already sharp-ish and the color is unsaturated and cold (which can be mitigated with a soften portrait filter); the frosted glass, crystallize, and other "distort" ones work for minimalist shit sometimes
just start playing around with it, it's super easy once you get the hang of it
when using blurs always use gaussian unless you specifically want a zoom or motion blur; unfocus can look nice sometimes but you can't overdo it
pencil sketch is useless 9 times out of 10 and nice the other 1/10 times
adding noise then adding blur is a cheap and easy way to make two merged pictures look more homogenous, but it will look grainier and lower quality
i don't typically use reduce noise but it can be a nice tool when you want to smoothen things out without a blur
glow, soften portrait, and vignette all have their uses as well
clouds is generally useless unless you don't have a background, in which case it can make for a nice backdrop if you don't want to use a single color and would prefer variance
i have never used either fractal
the entire stylize section is useless imo, unless you have a specific goal in mind (such as making something look like a fossil for whatever reason)
these are all under effects btw
let's be honest
that OC looks amateur
Eternal critic detected.
they're kinda right tho; the head is a bit fucked up (partly intentional to exaggerate zizek's chin but i think i overdid it)
that said, it's better than the mspaint tier stuff i've shit out recently- not setting a high bar or anything but it at least has some quality
also, the left hand is bigger than the right hand and i wish i could say this was symbolism for something or whatever but it's not, i'm just terrible with proportions
How did that have anything to do with Holla Forums or leftism?
Fresh OC!
bretty gud
delet this