Is it true you guys are invading 4/pol/? Seems like everytime I disagree with someone these days I get told to go "back" here.
Is it true you guys are invading 4/pol/...
4/pol/ mad because they can't blame CTR for their own retardation anymore
CTR is called ShareBlue now. And btw, 4/pol/ers who say go back to Holla Forums are shills from /r/the_donald. Holla Forums does not raid, but we do browse Holla Forums and engage in debate there. I've even gotten Holla Forumsacks redpilled on fiat currency, fractional-reserve banking, and what Socialism and Communism actually are and how it works along with pointing out problems with Capitalism.
We can't take on 4pol with our numbers so no, but it's a general strategy to advertise the board at any opportunity if you happen to be shitposting elsewhere
No we're not.
There might be users who cross post but there hasn't been any kind of orchestrated raid by us for months.
But you're welcome here.
They subconsciously know we are their betters, so every time someone makes an even marginally intelligent point, they think him a leftie.
We don't invade 4/pol/.
You have a situation now similar to the russian civil war, where you must be a white guardsman if you're not following the party line (see Kronstadt)
We did go on two conversion expeditions to /r9k/ just this week though.
When people go to do missonary work it's not the same as an armed land invasion.
Of course. We are only bringing the word of our lord Karl Marx to the unbelievers.
Yes I saw that. But I go on Holla Forums. Here's a going thread where they BTFO retards who think deflation is
Why though? That's like recruiting from /a/
/r9k/ hates wageslavery yet supports capitalism, they have some potential
I'm an ex-robot, so it made sense.
Yeah, they do have retail feels threads that are bretty gud. On Holla Forums I like to point out how they constantly whine about rich Jews like George Soros and how they use their money to subvert western civilization yet support the very system that allows them to exists.
Do you think we have enough numbers to invade a huge board like Holla Forums? If you disagree with them you're either a kike, reddit or Holla Forums. Passive censorship of dissent through boogiemen has always been the nature of that board.
Don't compare /a/ to /r9k/. There are many /a/nons among our ranks.
Nobody on leftypol is brigading pol. Leftypol has not even 1/10th of the size of pol.
It's just Holla Forums's pathetic attempt to colonise other boards are met with resistance.
Of course we are behind this and not that their shitty worldviews have nothing to do with the topic of the board at all.
Halo comrades, vee ar incredibly stupid no? I'd rather suck of Ofaggot than listen to more leftist dumbshits talk. Hell the 4th Reich.
user what you have to understand about Holla Forums is that they're, by nature, edgy contrarians. It doesn't matter what move you make, they'll bitch about it. They're entire world view pivots on "heads I win, tails you lose".
I think we should again try establishing more of a presence on the board some time soon. With daddy betraying them it should be more fun.
Or don't. The communist generals on Holla Forums are cancer. Let them tear eachother apart, those who have potential will come seek us out.
uh, I still had fiat currency selected it
That makes sense, although I can't help but feel that the eventual "wouldn't socialism make it impossible for me to get laid?" threads are the collateral damage of those efforts
Or we could? I think I will spend a little time there again. Good way to keep up our image as a Holla Forums bogeyman.
They don't make those threads. They do make threads asking how communism might help them get laid.
Little do they know the only ones stopping them from getting laid are themselves.
Invading? It's already been subverted. Operatives are already in place on the mod team and have begun the process of pruning away the most prolific and knowledgeable posters in anticipation of Holla Forums terror cells. They merely await the signal from our shitposting vanguard.
babby's first turner diary
Profits be upon him
Yes, we're everywhere :^)
Crossie here, how did you guys form?
Holla Forums only really seems to pick up traffic from people who have sworn off of 4chan but you guys seem to be everywhere.
its fun to talk about george orwell with them
Holla Forums's Holla Forums used to be a fairly open place, where any political discussion could happen. Eventually, after the second exodus (when 4chan's Holla Forums was kicked out from drama and cancerous Reddit boards like /r/coontown were banned and came here), the BO started to hotpocket out and ban anyone who wasn't a full blown Nazi. Holla Forums was formed shortly before this. Pics related, even Hotwheels grew to hate them.
We got the brunt of our users from other websites due to the problem of identity politics disputes and the fact that a great deal of socialist forums have been taken over by "WHAT ABOUT DA WOMYN???" retards who will ban you for saying idiot or catgirl.
As for the topic of the thread, polacks are one third paranoid retards, one third people who actively colonize other boards and use "S-SHILLS!" as a smokescreen (pics related), and one third idiots who believe the other two. Raid threads get bumplocked or deleted, threads that encourage discussion within board rules stay. What you're seeing on 4/pol/ is torture chambering faggots who can't handle other opinions.
accidental sage
How do we eradicate the stormfag menace?
Holla Forums is a bunch of reactionary retards who think that every time someone strays from their groupthink they're being invaded.
Cuckchan is full of morons, their a bunch of racists, bigots, and xenophobes
Holla Forums is one in a long line of imagined Holla Forums invaders
Some others you may recall:
We'd be doing you a favor since 4/pol/ is pretty much reddit.