Someone, somewhere, unironically created this
What the fuck is with the maple leaf?
probably made by some Holla Forumstard
Who knew Canada was a anarcho-communist paradise?
this is an edited version of this meme, I have seen versions without the maple leaf and the equal sign
That makes it barely any "better".
it is possible to feel phisical pain by listening to this commotion?
I actually burst out laughing at the sheer absurdity of singing about freedom whilst depicting monarchists and fascists as being on your side.
This has to be the work of Holla Forums. I'm not sure what Canadian nationalism has to do with the left
they believe that the whole Canada is leftists because welfare and free medcare.
Is unironically the new literally?
did someone figuratively create this?
That fucking snake needs to be throttled
I know it falls into "Gmil was great until it mocked something I believed in!" territory (even though I agree with the comic fundamentally, I want to monologue anyway.) there's something fundamentally attractive about Scottish nationalism in particular. Not just that it's the "civic" brand, but also how it pushes things towards more local control, and while I know fundamentally capitalism fucks everyone, Scotland still has a very tempting case democratically and otherwise. "The only country to have struck oil and gotten poorer", while not entirely true, is a fundamentally tempting case, and the idea of hitting oil that would've made you the "Kuwait of the west" and instead getting Thatcher and watching it pissed away is fucking painful.* That the country has a general inferiority complex only helps the case (and I think is the underlying reason it's "sympathetic" nationalism - you'll never see a Germany-and-France situation instigated by Scotland, because they know the best result of a Scottish-English war is "Well… we lived?")
Combine it with a general preference for small countries and whatever, I dunno. I want it.
*I know, I know, it's a natural resource and arbitrarily cutting it up is a naughty thing to do. Still, given the direction the UK as a whole took even if Scotland had just turned into an Oil-Oligarchy upon independence-circa-1974, it would still only be the equal-evil to the present situation in the UK - while even if it was just a shitty succdem state, it would yield improvement for some number, while not significantly worsening the lot of the rUK poor.
Also extrapolating from this let's have an independent Catalonia, Quebec, Taiwan, Balkanize the US too for whatever reason. Sure, that will probably lead to the war I said Scottish nationalism is okay for avoiding, but whatever.
(At the same time I should perhaps be cautious, as capitalism could perhaps more easily wither small states than large ones - in the inverse of the preference for communists to do the same.)
Why are rightists so cringe worthy?
They're just salty that they don't have Bakto.
Is this right-wing nasheed?
Comrade Trudeau is the one man vanguard of the revolution.
Because on Holla Forums the vast majority of cucked/leftist shit is made by fucking leafs
further proof that righties cannot into music
that shit sounds like cringeworthy overproduced garbo