How is "left wing nationalism" different than fascism? Be specific. How can you tell if a movement/regime is one or the other?
How is "left wing nationalism" different than fascism? Be specific...
I think you mean socialist patriotism.
Is turd positionist/is not turd positionist
The map is not the territory.
Well you could have civic or even ethnonationalism against a colonizing or oppressive power that isn't necessarily fash or actively hostile to other groups. I mean you could potentially have the white nationalist "everybody gets their own country" racial self-determination meme that they claim to support but obviously are bullshitting about. It would still be spooky cancer but it wouldn't necessarily be fash.
It's the only nationalism that works. It's an insane paradox because I legitimately enjoy liberal live at let live society but I also realize that this opens up opportunity for people to come and destroy this comfy liberal welfare state
Ideally, I'd like a society where everything is provided for and there's a huge government that keeps everyone out but it has to be morally justified somehow. Like Arab culture is cool and shit when it's there, when it's here than we have problems. I actually do like the illusion of diversity
A sad time we live in, when even nazi's have the morality of apologetic cowards.
Sorry I'm an idiot at trying to explain. All I'm saying is this: that I would prefer chauvinism to not exist, because progressive and intelligent people are almost never chauvinists. But it is neccesary because there hordes of people who are just waiting to exploit any peoples who believe in freedom and equality for all.
Then why contain the horde, instead of taming it?
Left wing nationalism is unity for the class struggle. See: North Vietnamese army, Cultural revolution
Right wing nationalism is unity for the struggle against X ethnic group. See: Nazi Germany, Rwandan Civil War
Cause fascism is a way for the the elites to make money in the guise of class collaboration
Left wing nationalism is class struggle on a patriotic scale
I dunno, man, you tell me.
economics you fucking dingus, facism is an inherently financial beast, its a parasite that eventually has to pillage in more ways than one. Hitler was a madman but he didnt want to go to war yet when he did, he didnt have a fucking choice, Schacht told him it was either massive austerity or war, they were basically fucked economically thanks to the myriad of financial machinations they had embroiled themselves in, Hitler couldnt impose austerity it would have ruined his credibility and probably ended him, so he started early
All the shit you associate with nazism is basically very ugly window dressing, the reality is that it is a means of wealth extraction draining not only the host state but everyone it inevitably comes into contact with. Its a way to impose a kind of neo-feudalism and harness a nation-state, another tool of the usual criminals, definitely the most spectacular one in terms of "blowback"
facism is good for business and it is quite easy to see when you know what to look for, which is a bunch of fucking derivative type scams from filthy bankers, endless propaganda/exceptionalism, and endless war. in other words, the US over the last 50+ years, albeit some kind of diet variety
a country could very much be uncomfortably chauvinistic while still being socialist/communist at its core, thats basically what the USSR was for most of its lifespan, the Yugos as well. Stop being such a cocksipping partisan, nigger, we should be talking about real things not your fucking team
read preparatas "conjuring hitler" its a seminal book and you will see how obvious the answer to your question is afterwards
because its anti imperialism
Social stances not founded on conservatism plus economy being at least succdemite. For example Basques and Rojavan Kurds are left-wing nationalists and despite that mostly ultras. get anal about them
That would be Judaism actually, the nazi's didn't need a host country.
Fucking kill the horde
It depends what side of the anti-imperialist line you are on
Left-wing nationalism has a proletarian class character. It advances the national cause, while still being socialist and revolutionary.
Fascism divorces the national struggle from socialist economics, and despite all its rhetoric remains essentially a capitalist, counter-revolutionary movement.
There is no difference. They're both barbaric ideologies that seek to pillage the productive members of society.
Communism and fascism may be a bit different and have their own unique qualities but the results are both distinctly similar to one another.
I agree, under communism everyone is dirt poor except for the communist government which has seized all means of production from the working class. When communists rise to power, they simply become their own form of government which becomes just as corrupt and power hungry, if not more so, than the one they previously toppled in their revolution.
Under fascism, 99% of the population is dirt poor except for a crony elite that hoard all the wealth for themselves. Fascists will often use exploitation of human misery (such as wars, cancer/disease, prisons, etc.) to increase maximum profits at the expense of human life. They do not care who lives or dies, as long as they stay in power.
Either way, you are giving excessive amounts of power to one small group, equally dangerous ideas.
wew lad
Capitalism has its flaws as well. Capitalism is ripe with corruption and there are many ways and opportunities for criminals to monopolize, as well as profit off the expense of others (as fascists often do). Sure, there may be a middle class and prosperity, but if corruption goes unpunished, then you will start to see the whole system fail and devolve into total fascism (much as what has happened in the US) …. or you could see a communist 'revolution' takeover and usurp control… both ending miserably for the common people.
What I'm trying to convey here is no system is perfect, corruption and greed is the evil of all systems. Until we have a system that can properly punish malintent while protecting and giving incentives to decent human beings, nothing will ever really change… we will keep going from one bad system to the other.
Capitalism is dead. You have to study the evolution of it and the period. It really was born from the pagan, druidic culture in opposition to feudalism. It was meant to be cottage industry and small businesses, not a privatized network of banks and corporations. The same thing happened to communism. Imperialism and oligarchy are the true enemy and pervert populist movements to serve power.
Also, the word is "rife", not ripe.
So Marx wrote Das Kapital as a eulogy for a dead system, not as a description of a system starting to reach full, horrendous maturity?
You're fucking retarded.
Apparently you haven't read Marx. His whole premise is the previous revolution failed.
What does Marx have to do with that anyway? I'm talking about a different era.