Academics never worked a day in their lives
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define academic
read kropotkin
No workers have glasses, prove me wrong
just like the plain majority of Holla Forums
Academics actually work, most of them are teachers and they also have to churn out papers to justify their status
I'm a worker and I have glasses.
t. Holla Forums
They're working but not prole
Not prole, sure, but the revolution is for everyone. And, as we know from history, sometimes the greatest minds in leftism are bourgeois (e.g. Kropotkin, Lenin, etc.). The proletariat is the greatest weapon of the revolution because only they can stop Capitalism from running. This doesn't mean that people from the other class/other jobs that make them not a proletariat can't intervene in mobilizing and organizing a revolution.
Pol Pot was a fucking idiot. His form of worker fetishism is exactly the sort of shit that we should discourage. I've seen posts arguing that building too much muscle is bourgeois and that "it's effort that could be used working", as if working was the goal of communist workers. No, you idiots, we want to live a life not tied to work for work's sake. Also, he qualifies a primitivist, proving that primitivism is fucking retarded.
Explain yourself.
Actually, yes they are prole. Or do you think nobody makes a red cent with the work these people do? Universities sure make a lot of money, and government workers may not generate a profit, but the fact is that their life is tied to their labor. They're just as likely to end up working for the private sector as the rest of us.
Not him, but I think that his logic is that, since they don't produce material goods for the capitalists to sell (like I said in the post he was answering to), they're somewhat not prole.
Even under that "logic", I answered him already.
Silly proletariat, you're obviously to stupid to be a bolshevik. YOU don't earn money that you pay the government through taxes. The government in it's eternal kindness, has deigned to reward you with bank notes for your work. And simply wants a portion of what it has given you back. Don't you see? You don't own shit. I know because I'm a communist and shieeeeeeet.
nod an argument
Alright, I'll try to argue:
What do you mean writing political theory doesn't have an impact on society? You could write a book yourself on your own political theory and it could be revolutionary. That's the deal: You just don't know. If you want to criticize philosophy in general, ethics has applications in AI, epistemology in Mathematics and Medicine, etc. (Google is your friend).
So, exchanging theories and thoughts with other people who have different, similar, or the same ideals is not a step towards a revolution, thus being practical?
Which exact pseudo-sciences are we talking about here? Gender studies? People here generally don't care about that shit. Give me a concrete example.
Yet again, need examples.
Examples, please.
Yet again, who are we talking about? And you said earlier that the books have zero influence, so, who would buy them anyways? Isn't this what you capitalists call, "the forces of the market"? You know, the whole "basic economics" people keep telling leftists to read?
Do I need to repeat again, and ask for examples? Also, check out philpapers. Lots of free papers there, pretty good quality too.
Jesus Christ, ran out of straw yet?
[Citation needed]
Yet again, which pseudoscientific studies are we talking about?
Mental work is also in Marx as well.
Harvard for example has billions upon billions of dollars their practically a massive bank/mutual fund in themselves and everything they (and really any other burger university) does is tax-free.
Universities are actually major sites of capital accumulation contrary to popular belief:
What Holla Forums doesn't understand (because I doubt many of them have actually gone to university and graduated) is that if you want to look at education from the perspective simply of "HOW MUCH MONEY WILL I GET!?" many degrees simply signify that you are competent enough to get a degree.
Gender Studies is just as valid as any other degree.
You can't go to Undergrad and learn the intricacies of any academic discipline or mode of inquiry. If you have an undergraduate History degree you aren't fully qualified to be a historian, but you know more about the field of inquiry than the layman. With Gender Studies you're taught a bit about how academic feminism, and other forms of inquiry into the role of Gender in society, function in the university setting. There's nothing wrong with this.
Conservatives truly are the worst.
why the fuck are you protecting academics
they are the first ones to go when the revolution comes
everyone knows this
they either join, cave or get handled
they are at best spreading the message but at worst useful idiots
yeah nigga gibmedat
Scientists should do something the market wants! Maybe if they made iphones, they'd be more worthwhile!
t. Le One Dollar Man
I love the Holla Forums shit about black people supposedly being the greedy, entitled ones who leach all of the wealth in society while they live in fucking slums and abject poverty across the United States.
Really makes you think.
Wow, you're retarded.
Aside from how dumbed down the educational system has gotten the past few decades, it's not even a quarter as rigorous as any other study. Who says they're being taught any form of inquiry when they are repeat the same talking points like sheep? For fucks sake, all you have to do to pass is write a paper how sexist any subject or event is, regardless of context.
Wow, you're retarded.
Aside from how dumbed down the educational system has gotten the past few decades, it's not even a quarter as rigorous as any other study. Who says they're being taught any form of inquiry when they are repeat the same equations like sheep? For fucks sake, all you have to do to pass is plug equations into a calculator
Le Wrong Generation Face