Being communists, we all know and are jealous of capitalism's incredible ability to create wealth and prosperity. We should take a moment to appreciate this amazing economic system by posting pictures of the accomplishments of capitalism.
Being communists, we all know and are jealous of capitalism's incredible ability to create wealth and prosperity...
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Holy shit does that not include welfare or something? Do children actually starve in the USA?
Can't strictly speaking rule out additional non-food stamp welfare but uh yeah the teal line includes welfare.
Here is what I found after a quick search
no. disinfo aside, children do not actually starve in the US
Not to death, maybe.
That is insane. When American proles begin waking up they are going to want blood.
It actually looks like the infograph is out of date by a few years. I imagine it's worse now that the government has been slashing assistance left and right.
Not to death, but children do go without meals in the US. A lot of children only get their meals from free lunch and breakfast from public schools. During the summer sometimes they'll go days without eating. NYC recently started a program that feeds children free meals during the summer too
The USA is most accurately regarded as first-world enclaves surrounded by swaths of third-world deprivation.
no , but they eat the worst food for growing bodies imaginable, pumped full of sugar, fat, and corn starch
i remember back in high school my church did a mission trip to the far south side of chicago. this neighborhood was roughly a third white, a third black and a third mexican. all pretty much poor or lower working class. there was a kid in one of the urban trailer parks who ate his frosted flakes with coca cola every day and was fed pre made tv meals or mcdonalds for every meal by his aunt. makes me ache to know poor kids and their parents are stuck in a culture of eating things that are basically cheap low cost garbage
That's the going route for almost every country in the world tbh.
Two words: Agent Orange
I'm in education. A lot of our students would go without food for the day if not for free breakfasts and lunches.
And people would take that away too, to teach a lesson that there's "no free lunch"
Wasn't Newt Gingrich trying to make kids work in their schools to get things like lunches and things like that, just a couple years ago?
This Thread made me remember Van bro from /o/
There's a fucking homeless camp at the I-395/D-St interchange in Washington DC.
Congresspeople have to look right at them when they drive to work. It's seriously a tent City, comparable to (albeit much smaller than) the shit I saw in Haiti after the 2010 earthquake.
And they just keep right on peddling that bootstrap bullshit.
And before anyone gets pedantic, yes I'm talking about the portion of it that's outside the tunnel.
okay, I give, capitalism wins
time to burn my engels daki
Speaking of the minion's casket, r/ing that pic of the JUST porky with the yodeling pickle, casket, and graph about tfw late-stage capitalism.
Sage, many thanks in advance.
Science has gone too far.
The US is more pronounced because "muh states rights"-fags only support welfare programs that favor particular regions. The military, for example. Norfolk, Portsmouth, and Little Creek suck up federal tax dollars from all over the South and funnel it into a jobs program that only benefits a tiny chunk of Virginia coast.
Sorry mate, I don't remember. I think it came from a Sailor Moon doujin where sailor Uranus is turned into a futanari and fucks a futa sailor Neptune
he also suggested some time ago to turn 13 year olds into school janitors