Imagine a world were media treated capitalism like they treat socialism?
Imagine a world were media treated capitalism like they treat socialism?
Any death in capitalism is just natural and inevitable
Any death in socialism was absolutely deliberate for the leader's fap material
An aut-righter will just dismiss this logic with race.
While the intention might be good, these pictures just seem too edgy to be taken seriously by someone opposing you.
The one with Castro is pretty on point tbh.
The only thing you'll cultivate with that is LARPing nostalgists and tankie-minded idiots who actually and uncritically think socialism has ever been tried without actually reading Marx, Lenin, etc.
You can ease people into the socialism=innovation logic by first convincing them to read the Terry Pratchett book "Pyramids" and then showing them links about how pyramids weren't actually built by slaves but as part of a job creation scheme.
Terry Pratchett isn't for everyone, especially not for idiots, but i believe much of his fanbase is lolbertarian like himself so those might enjoy it.
Bump, ths is fun
A billion bureaucrats are plotting death & some of them even know it.
Go back to reading bitter right-liberal historians cry about "muh millions" the 20th century provided far more liberty and equality to the people of the world then any other century and that's why capitalists loathe its example.
The 21st century has been nothing but the 19th century era of robber barons with computers and sophisticated idpol. During the 20th century not only did formal colonialism fall but there were movements against neocolonialism and inequality between the top 1% and the rest of society fell all over the world because they were spooked about "muh communist thread"
I swear the make-it-new neo-modernists who trash the 20th century need to actually accomplish something worth imitating before looking down on a bygone era with nothing but hate and disgust.
*muh communist threat
To which they would say "niggers, duh"
Holocaust denier tier
lol, that image on the left is from the APL - American Party of Labor. Fun fact, I was one of the first members of the APL when I was like 16. It was founded by a handful of people who played an online game called CyberNations, who were heavy into roleplaying as communist leaders. These same people also posted on the RevLeft forums and used it as a recruiting ground for the "party". They unironically referred to themselved as Marxist-Leninist-Anti-Revisionists (Hoxhaists). I am not joking. I don't know how they have progressed from that starting point, but yeah. APL was founded by literal roleplayers.
Of course people resist having their shit taken, tankies know this and use it as a justification for authoritarian measures yet they act surprised when when it actually happens.
is that a problem? some people need to have their shit taken from them by force, including their lives
That first picture is incredibly stupid; how the hell can socialism take credit for the washing machine or crop production?
Of course it's stupid, it's to counter argument the "YOU ARE AGAINST CAPITALISM BUT YOU ARE USING A PC XDDDD CHEG MATE COMMIE"
Of course things will be seized, that's not the issue. It's not as simple as asking "is violence justified?" but if violence will actually be effective at all. We know that if you try to reduce drug use by banning drugs, black markets will then form around the banned drug and gang violence will increase. The application of authority through violence has made the problem worse.
I posted Kropotkin's mug for a reason, he writes about this very issue.
"Let us now return to our city in revolt, and consider how its citizens can provide foodstuffs for themselves. How are the necessary provisions to be obtained if the nation as a whole has not accepted Communism? This is the question to be solved. Take, for example, one of the large French towns — take the capital itself, for that matter. Paris consumes every year thousands of tons of grain, 350,000 head of oxen, 200,000 calves, 300,000 swine, and more than two millions of sheep, besides great quantities of game. This huge city devours, besides, 18 million pounds of butter, 172 million eggs, and other produce in like proportion.
It imports flour and grain from the United States and from Russia, Hungary, Italy, Egypt, and the Indies; live stock from Germany, Italy, Spain — even Roumania and Russia; and as for groceries, there is not a country in the world that it does not lay under contribution. Now, let us see how Paris or any other great town could be revictualled by home-grown produce, supplies of which could be readily and willingly sent in from the provinces.
To those who put their trust in “authority” the question will appear quite simple. They would begin by establishing a strongly centralized Government, furnished with all the machinery of coercion — the police, the army, the guillotine. This Government would draw up a statement of all the produce contained in France. It would divide the country into districts of supply, and then command that a prescribed quantity of some particular foodstuff be sent to such a place on such a day, and delivered at such a station, to be there received on a given day by a specified official and stored in particular warehouses.
Now, we declare with the fullest conviction, not merely that such a solution is undesirable, but that it never could by any possibility be put into practice. It is wildly Utopian!
Pen in hand, one may dream such a dream in the study, but in contact with reality it comes to nothing; for, like all such theories, it leaves out of account the spirit of independence that is in man. The attempt would lead to a universal uprising, to three or four Vendées, to the villages rising against the towns, all the country up in arms defying the city for its arrogance in attempting to impose such a system upon the country.
We have already had too much of Jacobin Utopias! Let us see if some other form of organization will meet the case.
In 1793 the provinces starved the large towns, and killed the Revolution. And yet it is a known fact that the production of grain in France during 1792–93 had not diminished; indeed the evidence goes to show that it had increased. But after having taken possession of the manorial lands, after having reaped a harvest from them, the peasants would not part with their grain for paper-money. They withheld their produce, waiting for a rise in the price, or the introduction of gold. The most rigorous measures of the National Convention were without avail, and even the fear of death failed to break up the ring, or force its members to sell their corn. For it is matter of history that the commissaries of the Convention did not scruple to guillotine those who withheld their grain from the market, and pitilessly executed those who speculated in foodstuffs. All the same, the corn was not forthcoming, and the townsfolk suffered from famine."