Like the music or not, these people are in the mainstream now. People are listening to Killer Mike and ol' what's his name. What do you think of their commentary?
Run the Jewels
Other urls found in this thread:
I love both of them since R.A.P. Music and nothing made me happier than seeing Killer Mike support Sanders throughout his campaign.
RAP music was his belt album IMO. Run the Jewels 3 is probably my favourite.
This nigger needs to google Mao
[Sample: Ronald Reagan]
[Verse 1]
[Sample: Ronald Reagan]
[Verse 2]
Ronald Reagan was an actor, not at all a factor
Killer Mike is Holla Forums as fuck.
Dropped, pure idpol cancer.
Much ignant. Killer Mike is crazy neutral. Listen to the rest before you shut it out like a fucking idiot. He talks about black people because he's black, but he's really not biased.
That's not idpol, user. That's Afrocentric socialism. BPP shit.
I don't think he's quite there yet. I've seen him say in an interview that he loves capitalism because it allows him to own barbershops.
Do I listen to run the jewels? Wachu think I've been doin since day one? Also check out immortal technique. Socialist as fuck.
But that's the very definition of idpol, instead of talking to everyone as equals, he insists on dividing people up based on "race".
Recent Holla Forums convert huh
Because she fucking asked him about what black people should do, you retard.
About 8 minutes in, he goes into a very internationalist type sentiment when he says that the proletariat of all nations should reject nationalism and tribalism.
Lurk more. Idpol is the presumption that identity-related inequalities are mostly caused by cultural programming and can be solved through the machineries of capitalism. The Socialist position is a rejection of this, not the refusal to address the question. Marx, Engels and Lenin all wrote on feminism, african-americans, ethnic minorities, religious minorities, etc.
If you're a recent Holla Forums convert I'm sorry to disappoint you, but that Nazbol favorably linking anti-capitalism to anti-semitism you've met is not really representative of the rest of us.
Of course
But like Zizek, Mike doesn't talk in absolute terms like Holla Forums
We probably could learn from this. Society needs radical change, but that doesn't mean following prior thinkers as set in stone. We need to forge our own way forward.
Which absolute terms are you refering to?
In reality, Killer Mike and El-P are probably just socdems. But the music is fucking fantastic and they push proto-class consious ideas to the mainstream instead of going on about chains and shit.
I pray for the day when this board will be able to address politics like adults instead of just going "uuhh he's just socdem" at everything.
It's true, watch the Killer Mike interview with Vlad if you don't believe me.
maybe he change his mind? "kill your masters" and "hey kids" is pretty woke though
Meaningless kike garbage. I'm sure negroid music would be okay to, say, negroid people, and I support them doing it for their own culture. But not for it to be forced down our throats at the expense of traditional Aryan music.
Alright, what does he say that make him "socdem"?
What aryan music?
Of fuck off you pleb
aryan music fucking sucks dude
more americans becoming socdem is good because it means they are moving left you mong
Basically just how we interprer Marx or other 19th century socialists - not their critiques, but their suggested alternatives. People like Lenin have their uses, but we need a 22st century approach that takes the material conditions of today into account.
Personally I see automation, robotics and the impeding job losses as a huge opportunity for something knew.
Class struggle will have to take new forms, but discovering those new forms comes from actual political practice.
You clearly dont know your own heritage then
My ancestors are anglo-saxon, gaelic, and scandinavian, not aryan.
Those are Aryan heritages. Your ancestry can be traced back to the kingdom of Atlantis.
If you wish to know more, read Alfred Rosenberg's "The Myth"
And yours can be traced to Africa.
Look, we get it, you're racist and can't move beyond that. Simple, one might call you.
Anyway, Killer Mike is far from where I want him to be, but he's most certainly headed towards a good direction. The fact that his music is popular means a lot of people will be exposed to these ideas, if only superficially. I think it's a win that he's putting his ideology out there, especially with his amazing speaking abilities and sound reasoning.
I agree completely
This really might be one of the most based tracks ever made
Bahahahaha. Iranians are of Aryan descent primarily, if the Aryans even existed.
Where's that "this is what Nazis actually believe" webm?
Maybe. Either way he puts out good shit and is better than most so he's good in my book.
Starts around 4:20.
I didn't say it wasn't good you imbecile, but it is worth pointing out there's a difference between socdems who want reform and radicals who want revolution.
I'm actually 100% aryan, thank you very much. If I was a mix breed, I would have killed myself already.
There's heavily documented evidence of "pale skinned people" all over the world starting up civilization. Hell, it's even recorded among the poo skins in Native America. Of course, those fuckers genocided the white population living there and then went on to savagely attack each other in roaming bands.
You make hoteps look good cunt.
Except unlike poo skins, we really WERE "kangz". There's actual blatant historical evidence, despite what the kikes might tell you
Actually there's heavily documented evidence of "cumskins" eating their own shit in the woods while "black people" invented nuclear energy and space travel.
You can't provide a source that isn't JoyofSatan.
So basically, he's not a socialist.
Which, again, leads me to the question: what makes him a social democrat?
99% of Holla Forums drops this term without even knowing what it means, because you dipshits think it's an euphemism for someone who cares about poor people but isn't a revolutionary. It's stupid and stretches the term to the point where it means nothing and include 50% of people out there, which is not what it is.
He's making a very trite, banal point about inequality and poverty that even mainstream politicians everywhere make, and you're attributing to him a specific school of though within the Socialist tradition.
Just look at any depiction of a Roman, Egyptian, Sumerian, or ancient Indian. Notice how they're not brown?
Tanning from being outdoors =/= Jamal being Roman, sorry. Plus, kikified statue reconstruction, yawn.
I don't have an anime girl smug enough.
Nice understanding of socialist history
Quite apt for your level of political discourse
Shouldn't you be killing Rosa?
It's been completely divorced from socialist goals so I'm not sure how it's socialism.
If you listen to what he said, it was basically "Unless it's anarchy, it's shit and you have to make compromises to make it work." For fuck's sake, he even said that the only ideologically consistent position is to kill your masters and live in a stateless society.
That said, I think he's well versed in history and is probably an ancom at heart, but doesn't have the background in theory to come up with a consistent, structural position.
So he's left looking at concrete examples and offering one-off patches to make it work. Which is exactly what it sounds like he did here.
Dude isn't perfect - he said that the USSR was pure Communism when it was really state capitalism - but whatever. He's based as fuck, and that's as good as you're going to get for a popular musician.
I'll leave you with four words:
I'm not a social-democrat, I'm just not stupid and illiterate enough to drop the term in the same way conservatives drop "socialism", i.e. to abrange everything they don't like
Also you probably haven't even read Rosa and you probably don't even know what her ideas were so shut up you meme-parroting faggot
Both the revolutionist and the reformist schools went out to completely degenerate and fail to attain Socialism in their own way, so this logic doesn't hold water unless you want to dismiss virtually everything that came out of the Second International as non-Socialism
Haha oh wow that is one big other.
Killer Mike is, for sure, a comrade.
Failure to achieve socialism isn't the problem. Social democrats completely abandoned socialism. They don't even pay lip service to it anymore. They've become a wing of capital that is nominally in favor of some worker concessions that never go beyond the boundaries of capital.