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Activism #11
The only way to defeat naziphobia in the left is to be intimate with nazis...
What does user think of Karl Popper? Specifically, his critique of "utopian" social engineering (AKA socialism...
All the Bordiga shitposting here actually got me to give reading him a shot. Pretty smart guy, all things considered...
Can we start a real life version of cultural Marxism?
I present to you: the communist's worst nightmare
How to argue with race realists?
What do you think about normalization of pedophilia?
There is literally nothing wrong with the EU
How do we make leftism normie?
Holla Forums Census
Jimmy dore progression
There are people on here who unironically believe Islamic Terrorism is a leftist political movement
Common arguments against socialism
Why does Bernie keep tweeting stuff like this? He's really making us look bad
Deutsch/leftypol/ general
Is there any pornograthy involving labour voucher blackmail?
Is Uber vs taxi companies a good example of the superiority of when workers have control to the means of production?
Anarchism is the only way forward
I need that stateists vs anaerchist achievement meme picture
Why aren't Socialist economics as wise and realistic as Nazi economics?
What's your most controversial Holla Forums opinion?
Alright, you fuckers are getting to me...
What's the worst anti-socialist argument you know?
Now that trump has proven himself a traitor to Holla Forumsacks
Why is there no love for Rosa tho?
What do you think of Bernie Sanders?
The Queen is Dying
/r/SandersForPresident returns, Aidan King suggests joining the DSA
What the fuck is wrong with liberals
"muh job creators"
Can someone explain all the ways Trump isn't a fascist/nazi? Im not a liberal or a concern troll...
Holla Forums in chaos
Are liberals waking up?
Daily reminder that America would have undergone communization and not Trump by now if the proletariat knew about...
Nazbols, tankies, turdpositionists, and trotskyists will all go up against the wall during the revolution
How to build a leftist revolution without getting invaded by pic related? Start with a cadre of combat veterans?
Are Maoists just… dumb?
Hello my friends
When we convert all the American Southerners to Communism...
Expressions your debate opponent says that makes you completely lose respect for him
Can he still win this?
Is fashion a bourgeois spook?
Since countries...
Mass immigration is the very essence of capitalism
Anarchism Flowchart
Was he a precursor to Deng or a good theorist?
What chan boards (Both fullchan and halfchan) do you browse other than Holla Forums?
Authoritarians must be purged with nuclear fire. So long as the spook of authority exists, we will never have communism...
When you're stuck working a dead-end job in some capitalist's factory but it's okay because you're friends with the...
Ask a moderate who voted for Hillary anything
Is Canada Socialist?
Why was there never anyone added to the "pantheon" after Mao? Wouldn't Castro be a suitable person shown after him?
I drank too much and revealed my power level at a work party last night
So I'm currently watching through TNG and it's probably one of the few things in Sci-fi that truly shows a society well...
Why don't you give up?
Just a friendly reminder to you all that "islamaphobia" is not a real thing, but a liberal talking point...
Why are some on the left so obsessed with violent upheaval...
Does Thomas Hobbes literally debunk every anarchist faction out there
Cult of ronald reagan
How do we deal with the "Holla Forumsl larping as tankies" problem?
Leftypol Literature Thread
Dialectics for Dummies
Sex should be freely available to everyone. Having sex is a right. If you disagree...
How do we fix the STEMturd problem, Holla Forums?
What does leftypol think of saddam hussien?
Drunk 4ch Holla Forums here
I Hate New Year’s Day, by Antonio Gramsci
At dinner with my aunt and cousins
Nazbols complain about muslims in europe and the west
Say something to criticise disney as a company
Thoughts on this? Do you think it's a good insight into how liberal idpol has corrupted feminism and the US left?
What will happen in 2017?
Slab City?
Has anyone else seen this here? Did anyone else die of despair after watching this...
4pol stumped by commie on tinder
Stirner was wrong
White Pan african
What's preventing it from happening…
At what age did you grow out of your atheist phase?
Hoppean Snek Memes
What are your resolutions for 2017?
California legalises child prostitution
Debunk THIS
Tfw you will never lead the revolution together with him
How do I refute the libertarian argument that Hongkong, having the most free market in the world...
Any alternative leftists here?
This is what Holla Forums actually believes
This man's psycho-analytic writings are good, but his philosophy is a joke. Cartesians get out!
Has Marxist-Leninism finally been put to rest?
Happy new year comrades~
Where did we go wrong in Spain?
Tell me why you think your version of communism/anarchism would end up like all other historical failures?
Tfw you didn't take rafiq seriously two years ago
How do you guys feel about Rawls?
Why is this board so hostile to r/socialism...
READY FOR 2017???
Anarchists destroyed in less than five minutes
Cuba appreciation thread
Is a theistic worldview compatible with leftist politics and praxis?
Peter Singer
Finnish neo-Nazi jailed after death of man he attacked
Good leftist slogans for posters?
Created one of the most successful far-left media franchises of all time
"Jews; make laws against this race, which poisons everything...
Revolutionary Fiction
De-bunking Holla Forums
Why is Trump such a fucking Jew?
Theory Thread
Lol anarchy is so epic!1! NO RULEZZ xD
Holla Forums's thoughts on Cultural Appropriation?
Refugees set homeless man on fire in Berlin: Police
Why do so many of my friends have to be liberal retards?
What is the relationship between happy merchant and porky? Are they friends or enemies?
Whats the worst communist idelogy
Hilo latinoamericano
How does Holla Forums feel about South Park?
Do we think wikipedia is a good source or a bad source?
Itt: Lefty videogames
Propaganda Poster Thread
Capitalism kills
User, why don't you have a gf?
Obama evicting 35 Russian diplomats
What was this facial expression trying to convey?
Julian Assange vs Slavoj Zizek
How do we amplify our means of communication?
Tfw no submissive muslim gf
Aleksandr Dugin
/Rojava/ general
Crush daesh
How do I stop getting really angry at random retards on the internet?
Under communism, how is babby formed?
USA memes
Personal reasons for revolution
Sick screencaps thread
What will happen to manlets under socialism?
Mfw I voted for Trump, because I am an accelerationist
Hi, Holla Forums. I visit your board every now and then...
Keeping a balanced gender ratio
How do we convert 8/pol/ into a leftist haven?
Holla Forums
So let's go over Obama's presidency
How do we spread class consciousness among tech workers...
What does leftypol think of The Philippine Drug War?
Leftist qt thread
Can this be the official Holla Forums flag...
Sargon BTFO
Do black lives matter for you crackas?
Libertarian/ancap hate thread
Who's coming to DC on the 20th to join the protests?
Former right winger, need news sites from a leftist/Marxist perspective
/econ/ general
>tfw white supremacist believe voluntary miscegenation is white genocide
Mfw most communist flags are repetitive and boring
Remind me what's wrong with Humanism, again?
What do you guys think of Marx's concept of the lumpenproletariat?
Tfw bulimic internet friend whose family hates her now because she got an abortion and she's in an abusive relationship...
North Korea Support thread
Tfw finding it more and more difficult to not disdain the working class every day
/brocialism/ thread
Uniting under a common enemy
To Those Blaming Capitalism for Our Problems: We Haven't Had Capitalism in a Century
Who is it
Why do commiecucks vote against their economic interests?
Explain your ideology in one paragraph
Neoliberals trying to rebrand themselves as part of the left
Sam Harris hate thread
Raul Castro: "Cuba will not go towards capitalism..."
Tfw to dumb to read Marx's philosophical texts
Late Marx, Leftist Praxis, and Tumblr
Classism within the so-called "left"
Great Purge
Why do you hate Liberals?
One of the very few punk musicians who didn't become a lifestylist liberal
On labour vouchers
[Class Consciousness Intensifies]
What the fuck is happening? Are we being targeted?
US gov. going full 1984 over "foreign influence"
Afghanistan had a socialist revolution in 1978
Alt-Right infighting
I'm thinking of running for mayor in my town. Could I seize the means of production as a mayor?
Find a flaw
Idpol vs. Idpol: Vidya edition
Why is eastern europe so poor?
New OC Thread
Give me a good reason why I should denounce Not Socialism and let my own people die out
Liberalism will crash and burn in the coming 4 years
How do we stop Dick Spencer?
Capitalism is Great
Haha reddit got you guys good
Freedom Fascism?
Why aren't you a vegan yet Holla Forums?
Will relationships under Communism be better or worse than those under Capitalism?
Were they proto-socialists? Also general LOTR thread
Noam Chomsky: Leftist Scum
The surplus value of shit
How to debate right wingers?
How tru is this
Centre-left comrades here?
On Titoism
Webm thread
International Solidarity (Formerly the Holla Forums Popular Front)
Why supporting the israeli imperialist pigs who oppress the palestinian people?
/lit/ thread
I've lurked this board for quite a while and I notice something weird
Human nature
Idpol Everywhere
Is anime reactionary?
I want to ask you lefties something:
Holla Forumsyps and alt-right autists are getting triggered by a white communist's calling for anuddah shoah...
Right-wingers keep telling you that everyone who experienced "real communism" would never support it and that you're an...
Weren't we going to do a Holla Forums tier shitposting operation against Samantha Bee?
Talib Kweli on Holla Forums's weaboos
Anyone have thoughts on what radical muslims and their relationship with capitalism/communism...
Zizek meets Pisspiggranddad
New Existential Comics
Holla Forums wants to conquer an Indian island
Socialism is toxic to a healthy society because it punishes the success and rewards failure
Why do you fags hate the frankfurters?
Animal Liberation Discussion
Member when we used to read a book together weekly and discuss it...
What does Holla Forums think of Palestine?
Should child services take Holla Forumsyps kids away?
What is to be done after Revolution?
What's the leftist perspective on the Mejii Restoration?
Blacks are not capable of achieving class consciousness, what is to be done with them when the revolution happens?
Was she /ourgirl/?
Jacobin Magazine
Kim Kardashian wearing a $700 commie hoodie
How can we dissociate socialism in its raw conceptual from all its history
Vegpilled or not?
Why don't leftists lift?
Political compass thread
Who /NEET/ here?
Where would I find the most authentically Marxist or anti-bourgeois University/college program in North America?
Who were the good guys (ie: most compatible to leftism) in World War I? Were there any at all?
TFW we will have a combined anarchist revolution against the state in the near future
Not being /comcap/
When racism like this will die in the ranks of left? "Actual communist", more like capitalist plant
Liberals are worried about le fascist nazi Trump
Is this meme supposed to be making fun of the argument? How would a Bakunin fan respond to the argument?
National Bolshevism
If "capitalism" is so great then how come all the greatest achievements happened either despite it or at a time when...
Marx, in CotGP: Labour vouchers! Labour vouchers! Labour vouchers!
Pic related
Socialism and the new genders
Interests: Harry Potter, Disney
Red Army Choir Perishes in Place Crash
Hammers & sickles
Stefan Molyneux
Why aren't you / Are you a feminist, Leftypol? thread no.234234
I email aroumd this comic when I try to explain to bourgeois porky liberals in my hometown of LA that they played a...
Whats the best argument against
Nazis are planning a march in whitefish
What does Holla Forums think of Israel?
What are your thoughts on ironic racism or "hipster racism"?
What do you think of Iron March?
If rape is worse than death, how come we don't have a rape penalty, but we do have a death penalty?
In 2015, McDonalds recorded an annual profit of $1.21 billion
Does anyone else think the Left should start to own up and adhere to some of the most retarded...
Is taxation theft?
When you realise that Bernie was always a Judas goat
Are the right this braindead?
Oh shit, comrades…he's on to us!
Communism barley lasted few decades
Where were you when trump was actually the slickest Marxist Entryist of all time?
What is Holla Forums view about "Uncle Tom" or "House Negros"?
Should I listen to random soldiers?
Women are being more picky when it comes to men
Late Capitalism™: The SPECTACULAR Thread for Hyperreal Entertainment
Post your political compass history
Tfw boss is really nice to me and has given me multiple raises through the years
Let's face it: the Republican party has working class whites in step for the next decade at the very least...
Why are liberals so pathologically adversed to the idea of their own self-actualization?
Look who came out of his cave! It's christmas user, come down here and put that communism stuff to rest...
What do you think of Martin Shrekli aka the meme capitalist?
Roasting Piglets
Thoughts on Ben Shapiro?
I'm a National Populist. I think that Adolph Hitler was on the Reich track...
Help Me Trust Leftists Again: My Family Was Tortured and Imprisoned for Being Bourgeois
Specific Leftist ideas
Hegel, theory, and reading
Do you have friends leftypol?
Thoughts on Stalin's granddaughter? She loves America!
Bring up Venezuela with you commiecucks
Talking with parents about communism and socialism
Instead of fighting against Porky, why don't you become him? The majority of the population are dumb proles...
Can ethnic nationalism work with Communism? I'm a believer in Communism but I don't really like brown folks...
What happens if I don't want my land to be collectivized? Is non-violent revolution even possible?
Is there any beloved, classic story where the hero isn't a communist?
How to argue against reactionaries when they say something like 'Socialism has been tried and failed'?
Left communism
Holla Forums BTFO by ex-soviet citizens
Bunkerchan suggestions thread
Saddam Appreciation Thread
Any other tranarchists here?
/cap/ - Capitalism General - The Real Worker's Movement Edition
Has he, dare I say, been BTFO?
Is there any anime with socialist or communist themes or overt ideas?
Israel BTFO
What is Holla Forums's MBTI type?
NoFap new years resolution
Why are the petty bourgeoisie so pathetic?
The ego is the essence of my ontology
Progress under Communist rule
Left-wing flags/emblems designs thread
Are you a brocialist, Holla Forums?
Is Buddhism a Holla Forums meme that I don't get?
ITT right-wing stupidity you stumble upon online that don't deserve their own thread
Hello darkness my old friend
Should I rid myself of my transcendental illusions?
In a communist state, what would be the age of consent...
Is drinking tea bourgeois?
How much would ice cream cost in a communist society?
Communism on Mars?
How do you feel about both Corbyn and Sanders acknowledging gender wage inequity and making it a point to battle it...
Never read zizek
The right acts racist, imperialist and generally fucks up both society and the environment for centuries...
Anarcho Communism
Market Socialism
Can anyone show me a single example of Donald Trump explicitly endorsing racism...
At what age did you grow up out of statism?
Nasty question: ostracism
Murray Bookchin
Automation Not Going to Kill Jobs
What's so great about multiculturalism?
/r/socialism pwns the Roo
How many dimensions of chess are we on now?
Is he right?
Prepare your vomit bags seriously lets fucking kill this hack
How is it that all Holla Forums does is shitpost, shill and meme and they still have better threads than this board...
The CIA Is Not Your Friend
How do i get a gf without confirming to capitalist norms of manhood?
What would be the consequences of temporarily establishing the death penalty for historical negationism...
6 to 7 thousand people control 100 Trillion in assets, half the world's wealth
What's Holla Forums's opinion on Ceaușescu?
>yfw you don't write original theory >yfw you don't do anything
Post lesser known ourguys
I know you guys are a bunch of middle class edgy Stalinists who think HRC and Trump were both equal...
If he was alive today would he be volcel?
Americans will defend Capitalism
Economic Calculation Problem
What are some good short Socialist leaning slogans I can put on some posters and go put up around the place?
What hope is there for the modern left...
Reminder that you can't be racist if you are a leftist. Racism is exclusively right wing
Holla Forums BR
Liberal hubris thread
Lads I'm working on a Best Of Alex Jones: 2016 compilation video
How do you overcome sadness Holla Forums? Is it even worth overcoming?
Psychoanalysis vs Cognitive Behavioral therapy
Eerst de staat of eerst het koningshuis? Overigens commiedraad
I need to fill up my Jimmy "Beating Stalin's High Score" Dore folder
Im sad, give me your alunyas, Holla Forums
Happy birthday thomas sankara
Tfw no qt jewish antizionist socialist gf
2016: Abject Despair
Is boxing an once good sport that degenerate into a human cockfighting match viewed primary by lumpentroletariat?
What is more bourgeois than veganism?
Gingrich: Trump dropping 'Draining the Swamp'
What did he mean by this?
The UK spends more money on its military budget than Russia
What's the difference between class politics and identity politics?
Thought on this /leftypol ?
Friendly reminder that Mao had amazing theory and that...
How do you deal with knowing how horrible everything is?
So things aren't going like Zizek expected and instead of liberals rethinking their worldview and strategies theire...
Dank new OC fresh from le reddit
Terms for bourgeois "lefties"
ITT we associate flag posters with music genres...
What games are the most socialistic in practice?
I'm very capitalist, but I have come to realise that tax cuts for the rich are more or less a meme...
Be honest, do you really think that revolution is really still possible in the first world?
Oh dear
The english translations of "Der Einzige und sein Eigentum" are awful...
Putin is our guy!
Alex Jones on Putin TV
Why isn't there a strong terrorist organization on the left...
E-Celeb Containment thread
This is a picture of the catgirl drawfag
Net neutrality is screwed with a Trump presidency
So marxists have written a lot about politics economy and society but are there marxist ethics, metaphysics or theology?
What's it called when people present something completely in line with the status quo but present it in a contrarian way
Dumb things liberals say thread
Explain to me what role religion will play in a socialist society
Automation is the same thing as the industrial revolution, this has always been happening to us xD
How come Marxist thought never sprouted in the Middle East or Muslim-majority countries?
Theresa May accuses striking unions of having 'contempt' for ordinary people
Brit/leftypol/ - Christmas Strikes edition
ITT: things that trigger Holla Forums
How many COINTELPRO people do you think browse this board?
Ex-Communist countries
I finished The Ego and It's Own
Tfw union guys make $35+ more dollars per hour than I do for the same work
ALLEGED rigging of stock market
Do you think this was our Franz Ferdinand moment, Holla Forums?
PRESIDENT TRUMP GENERAL /ptg/ Trump Bought Holla Forums Edition
Leftist retards want a society based on equality
White liberal feminist samatha bee and fox news reject/conspiracy nut Glenn Beck are forming a united front to stop...
Why should I support socialism? My only passion in life is weebshit...
So the entire world is being destroyed and turned into a combination of every dystopian trope and nobody's going to do...
How /fash/ are you Holla Forums?
Jeremy Corbyn LITERALLY funding communist terrorists
Advertisement and capitalism are killing the whole Internet
Muke Explains Why Blaming Islam Is Retarded
America has a dumbass nationalist president who flames people over twitter because some guys watched a feminist cringe...
You can only post ITT if you are a worker
Is this the soul of man under capitalism?
The French Revolution
C a n c e r
If you were around during the Spanish Civil War would you have joined the International Brigades?
Are you
So what does Holla Forums think of private property? Am I allowed to own a plot of land...
Article about homosexuality and borgouise decadence
Post yfw waiting for the state to wither away
Make this comic redpilled
What are some books I should read to learn about anarcho-mutualism?
You wake up to find wide-spread riots are being reported on every news station...
Truck attack Berlin
Which left-wing ideology has the smartest followers, Holla Forums?
Why does this board collectively shit themselves when you point out that feminism has has a role in socialism since...
Reminder we'll be namedropped in January
Inbred hick and white trash hate general
Thoughts on Post-Keynesian economics?
How does Holla Forums respond?
What is the most leftist country on earth?
The Holocaust
Someone ought to make a dedicated leftypol imageboard tbh
US deaths from synthetic opioids surge by 72 percent
I'm middle class, live at home...
Why haven't you accepted Alunya as your waifu yet?
Do Holla Forums regulars deny neurochemistry too?
Did you ever notice how every time we beat a form of capitalism it goes "Ha ha ha, this isn't even my final form!"?
Post a better flag
Is this one of the proletarian shows that was ever broadcast on TV?
Well gentlemen, I do believe leftypol has been thoroughly been BTFO with this one…
Samantha Bee School Zoning Controversy
You have some explaining to do
Hello Holla Forums
Friends, comrades
Holla Forums's opinion on the CPUSA
Is it time to give up?
Why do SJW's claim that rape is the worst thing that can happen to a person...
What's wrong with Not Socialism?
Let's make a fun thread for shits and giggles. I'm curious as to which majority is on Holla Forums
Ask a guy who voted for Hillary to try and stop Trump from winning, anything
While socialists are busy planning strikes and protests on inauguration day in order to build a movement against...
All hegelian marxists are anti-idpol
If there is a horse nature…
Marxism-Hegelianism aka Zizekian theory is the only rational leftist ideology that can work
youtubers flee to minds.com DEATH OF YOUTUBE
How important is the internet in all of this?
Sitting at an Olive Garden with my sister
Was he the most socialist president in history...
Help me make Richard Stallman read Marx!
Trans-Humanist Thread
During the Medieval times, which system was better Merchant Republic, Nomadism or Feudalism?
Do you have a job?
Are they our guys?
How is anime now woke af again?
What would drug laws in a full communist society look like? Limited legalization? No more drugs at all?
Why haven't you stopped taking your meds yet?
Is this our guy?
Wage slave
Ben Garrison Goes Full Retard
On a scale of Greek myths to Nibiru, how believable is 'Russia interfered with the elections'?
Sunday morning
How do we fight nationalism without being pansy ass pascifists like we've been doing
Leftypol btfo
That Guy T defends White Nationalist EdgySphinx and the Alt Right
What are your thoughts on feminism?
Who /mean to porkys on the internet/ here?
What's your gender?
The mods here abuse their power. It's most likely the same mod doing it
How would art be funded work under your chosen economic system
Were they, dare I say it, "our guys"?
A new, popular subreddit
So once evolved plant babies become a thing, and you start having people with genetic makeups optimized for things like:
Zizek is 67 years old
Average alt-Right
Request to mods: can you anchor all the tfw no gf type threads now and in the future? This is getting way out of hand
It's a "normies are reciting propaganda verbatim around you but you don't want to deconstruct their narrative because...
What would the world look like if class had never existed?
How exactly would you define "idpol", Holla Forums?
Michio Kaku tries to explain Trump and recites the history of capitalism in the process
I want you faggots to prove to me your not anti-science/evolutionary theory pseudo-intellectuals
Welp. Looks like white nationalism is here to stay
The beta white men have risen up and the brown chads have been murdered
Reminder that idpol is the one thing we need to fight as leftists...
Middle Eastern Politics General
>this is obama's brother
5 dollars I'm banned in a hour
ITALIAN ANTIFA GANG RAPE one of their female militant with a smoke grenade
Obama news conference
Has there ever been a point in this nation's history where they actually did something positive for once?
Tfw voted for Trump here in PA just to piss liberals off as punishment for letting Hillary win the primary
Is er een Nederlandse partij die niet een kankerzooi is...
Nazbols aren't leftist and they need to take their right wing neofascist ideology back to Holla Forums
Be honest - how many of you feel for this shit?
For us, as Syrians, let me be frank: ISIS is the lesser evil. They have killed maybe 10,000 people...
Thoughts on Saddam Hussein
Who else here is a KV?
Wtf is venezuela doing
When will you all realize it's too unrealistic to expect every worker to be able to read marx...
Was Carl Sagan a communist or a cuckitalist?
Reddit leftists create new website
Alright, which one of you cringeworthy r/socialism rejects is this?
I'm an uneducated NEET and I hate myself. I feel like I have a very poor understanding of politics...
Femanost begon!
Post tfw someone calls you a liberal
What do you think about unions?
Holy shit Tuck might actually be our guy
"I wish someone would invade us and bring a little democracy to the United States"
Novorossia People's Republic
Chapo Trap House
Revolution, Nothing Less
What does "oppression" even mean?
Infosec thread
A five point political compass quiz
There are people on this board who defend reactionary rednecks and hicks
Zamenhofa Tago
Is there a good critique of socialism from a social democrat perspective?
Attempted murder in 2nd degree
/lit/ thread
This image has been making the rounds. Where to begin?
Capitalism has created artificial gf's
Saving Reddit
Its almost time for the revolution, comrades…
Why do liberals support muslim immigration?
What are yall's opinions on Asserism?
If communism works then why don't you just make a collective
I'm employed, what about you?
New Global Capitalism
How would you describe his ideology? What is he trying to achieve? No memes please
/r/socialism mods get BTFO
Exactly how lonely does he feel in congress?
Hello. I am a civic nationalist republican. I have several questions about leftist theory
Calls capitalism "the dung of the devil"
Moneyless economics
Jimmy Dore claims Medicare, roads, etc. are socialism
Dailystormer now calling itself republican
Muslim shoots up/blows up a bunch of innocents
Why are ancaps so pathetic?
Leftypol unpopular opinion
Biden beats Sanders by 7 points in first 2020 democratic primary poll
Post autistic political charts
Tfw hate idpol
BOOM! Ex-British Ambassador, A WikiLeaks Operative, Leaked the Clinton Campaign Emails
What is the state of leftism in Britain?
ITT. Responses to liberal questions
Russian pizza man is bummed the USSR fell
On wolffism
This is how incompetent the people who ran hillary's campaign were
Bourgeois women fight to emancipate women
"We are number one."
The next revolution
Imagine such a world /leftycucks/
So, Germans are teaching refugees how to have sex with German women
Do you have a "job" Holla Forums?
I feel very alienated in this capitalist society. I've got nothing here, i can't fit in this society...
How to deal with the rise of the far right
Reminder that gamergate is communist and that bourgeois female normies should stay away from my vidya and stop trying...
Hi Leftypol im drunk
How democratic was the USSR before Stalin, under Stalin, and after Stalin?
Hey, comrades!
Are we just more empathetic?
Trudeau looks like hes going down in flames, guys
Can we have an alt-right cringe thread?
"No work. No school. No fascist U.S.A."
LeftyPol Youtubers?
Why do you like communism?
My fucking mom and xmas
Are his ideas compatible with leftism?
Holla Forums christmas list
Varg vs Zizek
4pol declared war on an island nation
My friend refuses to support Rojava because the leadership is trained by the CIA
What do you think of hamas, Holla Forums?
Global Bros
People say the American Revolution was a bourgeois revolution, but wasn't slavery basically feudalism...
Stefan vs zizek
The Minimum Wage increases unemployment
ITT: We make fun of Holla Forums
Should raping right-wingers (Including men) be allowed under Communism?
It was easy for Putin to get Donald Trump in the White House – his real challenge will be shunting Corbyn into No 10
Consent is literally the stupidest ideological meme around today
RIP Rosa
Is this faggot and his big idea even relevant in the 21st century first world? Honestly...
Feeling discontent
Where were you when liberals lost their motherfucking minds and tried to start a civil war?
What's your fitness like Anons?
The reason trump won is pic related
People all over Twitter and Facebook are claiming that assad will kill everyone once he captures the city. Will he?
Converting non commies
Why was he such a hypocrite
How do you interpret this data?
United States of Oiligarch Russia
Jason Unroo exposes himself as transphobic PoS
What the fuck is wrong with Venezuela?
Do lumpenproles who make life hell for the working class (pickpockets, burglars, ect) deserve empathy?
Corporate user thread
I got North Korea
What do you think of Milo Yiannopoulos?
How do you feel about Jacobin Magazine? Why do I never see it discussed or referenced here?
So, Aleppo has finally fallen. I guess it's Assad vs ISIS now...
Would violent crime rate and drug abuse in USA lower if male circumcision was made illegal in most US states?
Pol Pot did nothing wrong
True capitalist radio
Is Argentina socialist?
Why do liberation/militant groups never take the form we western leftists want them to...
Is family a spook? Think about it
Irish Republican thread
Would there still be islam under communism?
Marxist Vegan Restaurant Closes After Customers No Longer Willing to Wait 40 Minutes for a Sandwich
What exactly is wrong with him again?
Hey bois, /liberty/arian here...
Fitness thread
Future ethics question to Holla Forums
(Anarchist) Communism can't work with nuclear and extended families because they inevitably become groups with a...
New CTH episode is up. It's an interview with Adam Curtis. It's very good...
Why is that crapitalists always point at flaws of Soviet Union...
Both of these are considered leftisms. How?
Is this something Holla Forums supports? Why? Why not?
Do you have any rightie friends?
Race and Class
What happens when more Americans adopt white nationalism...
What did /r/socialism mean by this?
Eat me
Im very hopeful about our future because of the advances in automation and robotics...
Holla Forums waifu thread: Muke Boipussy When Edition
Were they, dare I say it, /ourguys/?
I get triggered by anfem posts
What are your thoughts on this man?
How would you deal with mass murders and serial killers in a communist country?
Race Realism in the left
Trump doesnt trust US Intelligence
Bombing innocent civilians is feminist
Anfem flamewar thread
Tfw too dumb for theory
How do we solve the religion problem?
Why are so many male leftists so hostile to feminism and (CIS) women's rights?
Thoughts on Anarchist Social Democracy?
Building the Popular Front! Discuss and organize!
Everything is in the title
Reactionary core
/conflict/ nasheed edition
I started browsing here about two years ago, helped me transition from a bleeding heart liberal into a proper lefty...
What the fuck is fascism Holla Forums?
Give me one reason why fascist is my enemy and not just retarded comrade in struggle against porkies
Full circle
How does one debate the "Incentive" argument against communism typically used by ancraps and lolbertards
Can someone give me the picture that shows how National Socialism, isn't socialism? I need...
What are the REAL differences between Trots and MLs?
So I found this guy on YouTube just now, and for his videos being just him talking into a potatoe phone, he's not bad
OC/Draw Thread
I dont want to sell out my people
"""co-ops are socialism"""
Why aren't you Anarcho Capitalist Holla Forums?
The United States will fall to facism in your life time
What kind of pets do communists have?
Tfw trying to browse Holla Forums with thee bot is a representation of late stage capitalist...
Based president Maudro!
A temporary solution to the spam
Tfw all the nonsensical non-sequitur spam means people have to actually use reading comprehension when having a debate...
Need some material
The Holla Forums Popular Front
Hey Stirnerfags, explain this-
Hey. You do understand that competition between members of the upper classes shapes human evolution right?
Serious question: Why do you all hate SocDems...
Reminder that Holla Forums were the ones who signed up for Labour membership and voted Corbyn for leader to spite...
Is Ron our guy?!
Users of Holla Forums
So how far did you make it?
What the fuck is going on?
Do we have a leftypol discord server? I'd be glad if you'd post the invite, comrades
Challenge :^)
Zizek is best dad
How do you think communism would work if it were to happen?
/Self Improvment/
Bukharin's last message to Stalin: 'Koba, why do you need me to die...
What am I?
A question
When the Workers Were Communists
Ah yes
Why aren't you a post-leftist yet, Holla Forums?
Isn't juche ideology just korean nationalism?
Founder of StackOverflow says that wage slaves private projects should be property of their employer
ITT: Logical conclusions to the growing popularity of communism on Holla Forums
Artists will soon be replaced by machines
Potential memes / reaction pics
Why is this fascist asshole Black Pigeon Speaks cancer? He thinks women destroy civilizations. After some digging...
Was he /our guy/
PissPigGrandDad is NOT /ourguy/
Why do all the 'leftist' professors, lawyers, caseworkers, activists I know all want us fully employed...
Defence of ancaps
Is "she" right?
Shit libs say
/r/socialism and /r/latestagecapitalism are hitting /r/all on reddit
Socialism, Communism, Your ideal society
Why dont you guys just set up you own commune where you can operate society how you please instead of trying to tear...
What's wrong with being a Social Democrat...
Can we have a /chill/ thread?
Comrades, we did it!
Brother Nathanial has some harsh criticism for Trump's new Secretary of Defense
Should physical education be required in schools?
Why haven't you joined a Credit Union yet Holla Forums?
Holla Forums feelings on jews
Famous Alt-right Youtuber "Ramzpaul" denounced by his own supporters for supporting leftist economics
Should we abolish inheritance, or at least tax most of it away?
Is class a spook?
Bui is spamming Holla Forums
Automation and material conditions
I know im not the only one extremely bitter for communist losses is recent history...
Why would an egoist not embrace capitalism?
Veganism isn't leftist, it's idpol
Were you ever a libertarian?
Why do so many leftists love this disgusting neoliberal experiment?
Hi Leftypol
Daily " Make fun of tankiddies" thread
How does leftypol solve the illegal immigration problem?
How did the bourgeois come into existence?
And The Ages Would Know Him As... Gobber Munt
How do I get a qt revolutionary gf?
Daily reminder that Anarcho-capitalism is the best ideology
Life in the cracks
Stefan Molyneux: Why Human Rights Are Wrong
So, if class basically means whether you're an employer or an employee...
These people are fucking insane
Naxal qts
Homo so-called Phobia is very often simply a reaction to the visibility of the stereotypical camp homosexual effete...
Where to guys
Antifa end hatespeech thread
Completely despooked
Is he one of us
Last threads
According to aithis is what the ideal woman looks like
Video Games
/chug/ - Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #11122
We're better than this
Video Games
AI DEGENerated Art and Porn
Video Games
This is a seven eleven in poland
Why did she do it?
/uhg/ - Ukraine Happening General #9445
Social sluts
/chug/ - Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #11121
Good night sweet prince
Television and Film
>American: Japan deserved the nu-ACK
Hey user you're under arrest for posting hateful material online, posting harmful material online...
Kinda seems like the Nazis did it. Anyone got the original German?
Is it true?Is this the peak of storytelling?
Video Games
/nzg/ New Zealand General
Twitch/Youtube/streamer thread
Why do Japanese love iPhones so much, and why don't more Europeans have iPhones? Are they too poor to afford them?
Why is every zoomer obsessed with being a "content creator"...