Are they, dare I say it, /ourguys/?
Completely despooked
Not really, the federation is /ourguys/
there's already a star trek thread
It's full of federation shills
Communism is supposed to nurture the development of the individual by eliminating poverty and subjugation that keeps them from pursuing self-fulfillment. Forcibly stripping people of their individuality isn't communism unless you're a tankie
I don't think this kind of thread should be bump locked.
I think it should.
It really should. We've had a tonne of these threads already. At least have them put a little more effort.
There's already a star trek thread this can go in and it's just another >/our guys/? post on top of a torrent of other useless >/our guys/? posts
The Borg are effectively slaves to the will of a technological singularity. Not our comrades.
The Borg is an analogy for capitalism. It takes people and turns them into cogs inside a giant, ductile, ever-expanding machine.
I think it's more apropos of the modern corporation and fascism, which is related to but not necessarily emblematic of capitalism - in the technical sense.
An interesting quirk of the borg is that they seems weirdly obsessed with the ongoing control of people's actual bodies; rather than say, simply the extraction and storage of their knowledge.
I can see that, but individual corporations are not endlessly adaptive the way that the Borg are. That is a fundamental trait of capitalism.
No, if it were fascism then all of the Borg would be ideologues, believers in the glorious destiny of their race. The Borg are just components in a machine. The Romulans are more fascist than the Borg.
That's capitalism alright.
This is either typical shit stain irony from leftist who can't be funny without being sarcastic or idiot who unironically thinks imperialist hive mind is what the left wants
Capitalism is adaptive, sure but I guess what I mean is that adaptivity is not it's defining trait.
Fascism is not necessarily centered around racial superiority. I would say to the extent that the borg believe in anything it is in the superiority and ascendancy of their in-group. The Romans are less a metaphor for fascism than just literally fascists with pointy ears.
If I had to choose something as a metaphor, I'd go with the Crystalline Entity. Capable of feeding on any and all life, using the energy to build itself in order to extract even more - leaving nothing in it's wake. Capitalism is extraction and destruction rather than control. Highly controlled systems are merely the most effective method to accomplish the goal, not the goal itself.
Found your problem. :^)
It really should be. /ourguy/ threads are cancer
Yeah it's repetitive, but that's just how imageboard shitposting fads are.
When will you add the Esperanto flag
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
I personally don't like the cupsole. If I was in your place I'd save up for the Margielas.
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
nothing guys? seriously?
So anything else running that needs access to any display functions implodes? kek. learn2anything before posting next time.
No. Just, no.
What's up with your route user? Wouldn't it make more sense to hit the Grand Canyon before Vegas and take the 15 home?
Otherwise it looks great. San Diego is such a sleepy town for such a big city the time of year you're going. I have a real soft spot for that place.
What do you plan on doing in Phoenix though? Just seeing it to see it?
So just hours of videos and interactive problems?
I'd prefer books and pdfs with clear explanations if that's possible because I don't have a Computer, but I do have quite a large pdf reader.
Be patient when you're on your first life cycle. It takes quite a while for the eggs to hatch and the babies to be large enough to be visible to the naked eye. When I first started doing this as a renewable food source for my geckos, I thought I have screwed up somehow. Turns out nope, just takes a while. Like a couple months plus or minus depending on the temperature in the room.
Also I'd like to debunk a myth I have read on some mealworm breeding guides. The beetles can and will breed readily at regular room temperatures (68-73). They will breed in colder temps than that even. The process is just slower. If you have too many and need to cull off some of the colony, best time to do it is at pupa stage. Just put the pupa in the freezer instead of adult beetle bin for a while.
The tip about the false bottom container is a good one. I usually transfer the beetles from the bin in to a new one every three months or so. Clean the dust from the adult worm bin with a sphaghetti strainer. The screen bottom thing would save some time.
It's been a while since I went, but from what I remember, you sign the contract there and then you get orders. Did you sign anything?
I know I'm not the only one
I'm just kinda scared that if I don't take the most critical comments from anyone to heart I will go full out /r/transpassing
I am outside when I post tho… I just like disregard all gendering as pity to avoid accepting failure while being unaware you did…
As someone who has posted /ourguy/ threads, they really should be banned or at least put on bumplock. I only posted them to see if moderation would let me get away with it. You guys are really too lax and letting the board go to shit. Please at least make a designated thread for this kind of posting. There is a legitimate discussion to be had about media portrayals of leftism or proto-leftism, but copypasta + pic of character is way too low-effort to facilitate it. It's just going to make people annoyed with the topic.
It will just be an extension of the current state.
There will still be Rhode Island and the other land will become plantations
All "Are they, dare I say it, /ourguys/?" threads should be banned
(I wrote in before you accuse me of being a shill XD)
i also could have been the pope
this desu
Holla Forums Holla Forums is the daily news feed 8 watch every morning
Everything else has been compromised
Good. Duterte dindu nuffin
Because we can.
Clay is love , clay is life.
Name one our neighbour that werent trying to get our shit at some point of the time.
Protip you cant.
He will do it no matter what Trump says.
The smart part is how they frame it, they have to make it out to be saving her from some form of evil hateful man or people will smell the bullshit.
They will make her look feeble, then try and get Trump to start hating on her "like a bully" and then he will swoop in to save the lady.
You think with their vast technology and hive mind working so fast, that they would find a more appealing image to convert.
That's also a design problem in itself in the show. How does the Borg, knowing what they do, exactly think looking like Slime Boyz going to convince anyone. ffs
If anything they should look more like this, something without body but the essence there.
Borg were dumb af villains