How do we fix the STEMturd problem, Holla Forums?
Also why are Maths students so much better than the rest of them?
How do we fix the STEMturd problem, Holla Forums?
Also why are Maths students so much better than the rest of them?
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Unenlightened comrade here: What's a "positivist"?
Math is psychedelic in the true sense of that term.
I also want to know the answer to this, help me out, OP.
Mandatory emotional lessons.
Yeah, let's further alienate groups of people that demonstrate a overproportional working class background.
Everyone on this board should have this. Anyone with a chronic internet addiction should have this.
All of 8/4chan as it currently is, should have this.
Fuck off nerd
oh no not you
go back to 2016
I wrote up a post but it just turned into a rambling mess.
This is a decent critique, its from a theologian but he is familiar with Kant and provides a basic overview of the differences between a-priori - a-posteriori, phenomenal - noumenal, etc.
Is a better resource if you want to read into more deeply.
Kill anyone with a degree not in Maths, Physics, Engineering, Chemistry, Biology, Medicine, or one of their sub-fields. All intellectuals that do not contribute to society must die.
Dont bother past 3:30 btw he goes into the christfag shit
Mixing hard science with soft science in the general science bubble, this is why popsci was a mistake
We need doctors you retard. Actually fuck it just have doctors and engineers taught by apprenticship and kill the people with degrees.
God you tankies are boring fucks
Medical science you mean?
Are you as drunk as I'm trying to get rn
Are you implying something?
This is why you dont let autistic kids play with computers
People have the right to learn about and participate in these things, you smarmy cunt.
Mao was right you know.
Mao was an utter failure
Stop living with mom and go to college son
Yes, they can read books, they can use the internet, they can learn about whatever they want.
Any form of economical trade for information should be worthy of execution, kill the merchants and intellectuals.
hahahahaha weren't you just saying we should "Kill anyone with a degree not in Maths, Physics, Engineering, Chemistry, Biology, Medicine, or one of their sub-fields."
I agree, he didn't kill nearly enough people. If he had trimmed China down to the 60 million smartest and most able it would be the greatest country on Earth.
Go out and get your "degree in Maths" my son
Holla Forums just stop this nonsense and go be with the family you're ignoring tonight this is ridiculous
Nice spook
nice spook
Positivism is a philosophical theory stating that positive knowledge is based on natural phenomena and their properties and relations. Thus, information derived from sensory experience, interpreted through reason and logic, forms the exclusive source of all authoritative knowledge.
Come on, don't embarrass yourself
STEM fags are the worst
they think they are the fucking chosen ones destined to lord over the subterranean mole people because they can into maths
Fuck I wish STEM fags could be average labor power proles in my lifetime
You have to have a weird brain to be good at the kind of math that's difficult any more. Even if you're fairly normal for a mathematician, you will definitely have come across people who are borderline nonfunctional as humans but for some reason excellent at math. Being around people who deviate that far from "normal" makes it hard to take cultural norms (which is basically just autism that's permeated to normie culture) seriously. That and doing math to explore reality is like a religious experience. Drugs help too.
Pretty difficult stuff.
OMG please fucking stop. Most of what people consider social skills is really accepting current trends and cultural assumptions.
Math is a skill, like any other, you have skills too, but probably don't realize how much prerequisite knowledge you had to gather before those skills got to a useful level.
There's nothing "hard" about math, I speak as a STEM lord, but as a non socially inept one. I've taught networking and encryption to housewives with high school levels of education.
t. compsci sjw goon bragging about social skills being equivalent to conformism
fuck I can't wait till stem fags are replaceable (average labor power) and live in tents getting paid just enough to eat.
I am STEM btw faggot
because capitalism rules
That's… actually really sad.
I want Holla Forumsintelpro to leave.
Holla Forums is not an anti-science board
Come on bro it mostly is. For me I mostly don't get along with people because so many of their beliefs are inherently violent and dehumanizing.
Can't tell you how many times I've heard the Middle East has been killing each other for centuries
Uh huh
Nigga you are way off what I'm talking about with difficult math.
Imma stop you there before you get into some needlessly insulting shit. Yeah, math is a skill like any other but not everyone has the foundation upon which to build that skill. Being a linebacker is also a skill, but not everybody, not even most American football players, have what it takes to be professionals at it.
As someone who's done tutoring, yes there is. Some people are not wired for math. Hell, most people are not wired for math. The human brain did not evolve to be good at the kind of cognitive tasks that serious math involves, and even for basic high school math people often have trouble.
What happened to "I'm not socially inept guys"?
Looks like you just deal with a lot of complete retards, which isn't surprising for someone doing tech support (going by your posts).
My girlfriend is a math tutor and she holds the same view as myself.
Not everyone has that base so you build that base up.
It's not insulting, I'm trying to point out that people have probably already learned and applied math especially algebra.
Most people hate math and learning in general because of our compulsory factory line style of educating them
We're not talking about algebra motherfucker, we're talking about mathematicians. I'll stop here because you obviously think I'm talking about the kind of math that you do in compsci.
Not him, but I have a modest background in this. Have read Rudin, Shilov's LA and Kolmogorov-Formin. I'm a chemist though, and not a mathematics student.
CS undergrads are still the worst
I like how the graph implies that everything was great before 1947.
Maths is hyperautism, it's so powerful that it literally makes individuals do a full loop and become normal.
Kautsky was right.
all these graphs are not even necessary, all that should be necessary is explaining what capitalism is. I dont understand how it is not self explanatory that private property is exploitive
Please remove that flag. You don't deserve the pirate flag if you make a thread like this.
yeah they fucking do. Being a pirate is having vast technical knowledge and thus the knowledge that only idiots need degrees. The real tech wizs get certs
That doesn't work for many people.
Graphs seem (and are, if they're properly done), a lot more factual, something which people put a lot of faith in.
They just work for normies, and that's proven in studies.
why do we have to kill them either way
I'll never understand why some people think dialectical materialism is unscientific.
Can a comrade explain DiaMat for me, and if it necessitates an entirely materialistic worldview? And how it can be considered "scientific" (i.e empirically tested) rather than assuming everything is "material".
I am not closed to the idea of non-material phenomena (I'm interested in Buddhism).
I'm a first year EE student, am I fucked?
Here you go sportsfan.
i'm not even in college and i just think this is pathetic. sad!
what the utter fuck
What did he mean by this?
They can relate to their stemlord backgrounds.
Great idea, thank you. He really is worthless isn't he?
STEM here.
While not of the leftcom tradition, Kropotkin also does well to speak to a more "scientifically oriented" mind.
A scientific worldview is not necessarily one supported in every respect by some piece of evidence, but one that upholds the validity of the method in general.
When you do science, you invariably have to make assumptions. You have to assume the universe exists, is observable, is governed by laws, that these laws are consistent over space and time, and that these laws can be approximated by models with predictive capability. That is, you cannot be truly "free of assumptions" in a scientific worldview, just as there is no direct evidence that God does not exist or that consciousness doesn't have an immaterial origin. But from a purely utilitarian standpoint, these can be considered "more true" premises because they lead to the development of society and its material factors of production, rather than dead-end debates about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.
The point about predictive models is especially salient. Just as no part of science a priori claims God does not exist (because, indeed, this cannot be supported by evidence) but instead merely fails to generate effective models asserting he does, thus "bracketing" the question, so too does historical materialism "bracket" what is identifiably irrelevant to the course of history and the structure of society, through use of a self-sufficient theoretical framework. The actual divinity of Jesus, say, is an irrelevant question in understanding the Catholic church through history as an entity and historical force, i.e. as an observable phenomenon, while the idea, its propagation, support/defense, opposition, and consequences can be explained in terms of and resolved into more fundamental opposing forces.
tl;dr you don't have to dogmatically oppose things like Buddhism, but your theory will always be weaker if you build in and rely upon its implicit assumptions
Holy shit, this is some masterful schizophrenic nonsense
What are you talking about, it's the culmination of the absolute idea.
"Time is a cube" -Hegel.
This can't even describe the space of real polynomials lmao
"A rank 3 tensor is a 3D array" -Credit: Arian Kriesch
In any case you don't need to reproduce abstract algebra to have sufficient formalism to describe the meta-fractal ontology.
Yeah, i've seen this guy before. He also had a thread on revleft where he spammed this nonsense constantly until he got banned.
I just gis "fractal dialectics" on a whim for another trippy pic to post to add gravitas to my posts. Was not disappointed.
As I've said, it doesn't even describe the real polynomials. This is just inductive, impressionistic nonsense that looks profound by virtue of its obscurantism, much like Hegel's work itself. It doesn't do anything in generality
Google Image Search
Further proof stemlords are inherently autistic
Can confirm: Go to a tech school; have run into many autists (as well as guys who actually have Autism.)
It's gotten to the point where I literally have to initiate every movement in the conversation just to keep it going. You couldn't even imagine how happy I'd be just to find someone who can string together more than three words in a sentence.
Normies get out reee
The inferiority complex on here is intense
Marx was a euphoric STEMlord who had no room for feels in his SCIENTIFIC Socialism
I know you're fucking with me, but I still can't believe there are people who actually think that.
The was obvious sarcasm
Who said I didn't like you? Just because I set linguistic traps designed specifically to ridicule you doesn't mean I don't like you.
"It's SCIENCE, bitch" -Marx
Neurotypicals will get the gulag.
hurr i can do it too
why should we care about STEM peeps?
Look, I'm sorry I infuriated you with witty banter. There, feel better now?
No. My sperg rage can never be quenched.
Pick one and only one. Yes, that tankie is right, fake porky-approved "artists" with degrees in those fields should be wiped out. Artistic pursuits should have nothing to do with university and should be handled within their own groups, nor should anybody's life solely be dedicated to these things.
Pure autism
Hi pol, follow your leader