Tfw you didn't take rafiq seriously two years ago


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lel I still don't. Why would we?


pick one and only one

What is Rafiq doing atm? can we invite him here?


I wish he could expand on this.

in other words Marx is a magician

I only know of one Rafiq, all others are presumed to be far inferior

Rafiq is top-tier Marxist theory on a dead-end forum. The latter part always drives people away before they could know better.

Damn completely forgot about him. Been at least 4 years since I was banned. Hope revleft gets wiped from the internet alongside the awful subreddits so some better sites can start up. Wouldn't even bother discussing politics online(outside email) if it weren't for Holla Forums.


dialectical materialism is wrong, sure


Does anyone still have the screencap about his post regarding why jews were so over-represented in 1920`s communist movements?

Dialectical Naturalism, my man

Would be interested in seeing this.

Why does he look like Scaruffi

who is this guy?

Pretty brilliant.

really tickles my noggin


damn, Holla Forums btfo

I don't think the point is to attract "leftists" with memes as much as it is to provide a imageboard that isn't dominated by Holla Forums or reddit liberalism. And say what you will but the literature passed around here plus >>>/freedu/ is useful.

I don't think anyone is under any illusions that raiding 4/pol/ or facebook memes are going to have a serious impact, it's just counter-shitposting.

I definitely agree Jacobin accepts predominant trends uncritically.

I agree that at least for myself take socialism as a duty, and I constantly test my beliefs against empirical evidence as much as possible.

I don't agree that fascists hold their beliefs as a matter of taste. Nope sorry this country was fucking built on white supremacy, and there is material gain to be had in any degree of its return for white people.

Wow this is borderline satire of a myopic leftist that thinks theory and philosophy can be applied to everything.

Half of a pedophiles aren't attracted to children, they have personality disorders that make them want to hurt children and the best way to do that is molesting them.

We should help people as much as possible that know they're pedophiles but haven't done anything yet but societal replusion isn't creating a reinforcing cycle, at best maybe exasherbating it some

God communist prose is overwrought.

I like how you put "supposedly" in there, so that way when people get into debates over the theoretical grounding of ML, you can retreat so the fact you only insinuated Marx was being followed verbatim, *supposedly*.

You keep going "HOW IRONIC", ignoring that the only coherent foundation for fascist ideology was an obscure "struggle". In fact, I've had Nazi's explain to me on here that fascism is about "struggle" - that Hegel quote is much more fit for the ideology that predicates itself on victory through struggle (which necessarily entails an other to struggle against to keep relevance), that emancipatory movements like leftism.

I bet he was drunk writing this.

this one is suspicious too:

Can someone explain this. How can we ever make claims that are not pathological even if the evidence is there?

I think what Rafiq is trying to say is that even if the claims the Nazi's put forward that the "Jewish Bolsheviks" were raping babies were true, it still wouldn't justify the conclusion Nazi's draw about international Jewry and how Jews "play both sides", when the two sides are so obviously opposed to each other. The baselessness of the accusations just solidifies the Nazi's cause as sophistry.

He is right, Nick Land brought late Capitalism to its logical conclusion philosophically.

It could only lead to the annihilation of the human, and the Darwinian struggle consummated to the complete deterritorialization of society. As ridiculous and science-fictiony it sounds, the current trend of Capitalism can only lead us to that outcome.

The Dark Enlightenment doesn't need adherents from the Silicon Valley to work. The very way Silicon Valley works proves them right.

But he says far more than that. That's why I said "overwrought".

Relax fella, I just don't like bad arguments and bad prose.


How do I take the rafiq pill I like the way he thinks

This is what happens when you spend too much time in a certain corner of the internet.

The dark enlightenment is a few bloggers, nothing more.

Relax everyone, capitalism isn't the absolute eclipse of everything.


That doesn't answer my question

"my upcoming text is going to upset the cyber-hierarchy that is in place on [ifunny], as if I give a fuck about that in the first place."


This is why the left has to embrace the utopian style to contrast with the dystopian style of the right. We can't afford to be afraid the "totalitarian" potential behind utopian projections of the future: the fact is, we're already on the road "totalitarianism" and it has nothing to do with optimistic ideas about the future. Just the opposite, in fact.

Who is this guy and how can I eat his brain.

The perpetuation of humanity, environmental sustainability, the eradication of poverty, and absolute sex positivity are my main motivations. The "communist utopia" mindset has manifested itself deep within me and it keeps me going.

I'll warn you that some people don't take kindly to exaggerated utopian ideals because of the "looks too good to be true" mindset however. Doesn't mean this method shouldn't be abandoned however, just don't go all out.

What? Land presents a reductio of totalitarian futurism.

You seriously care so much about sex positivity that you'd consider it a primary drive? Why?

this guy is batshit insane

Every point on the political spectrum is occupied by lunatics. There is no hope for humanity.




I'm a transhumanist myself but we tend to go awfully close to ancap territory in our fever dreams of a communist cyborg utopia

Rafiq pls go, you're an idiot


the climate models currently promoted (typically by fossil fuel industries) is far too optimistic, the greater likelihood is that we have passed the point of no return and can only mitigate damage now

I'm more concerned about the final struggle against the bourgeoisie resulting from capitalism's inherent inability to deal with full automation resulting in the defeat of the (ex-)working class. If a semi-automated military could be established which is not dependent on mass conscription of working class people and which could be produced in automated factories, I don't see any way the common people can overthrow the ruling class.

Does Rafiq have a non-revleft presence? Like a blog or something.



Why do so many smart people have to go so completely fucking crazy?

Sorry, the last thing I want to live in is fucking a planet wide Hong Kong with no plants or animal life.

Located the problem