Tfw hate idpol


Try reddit.

you're just a dumb run of the mill liberal fam

your area of discourse is with middle of the road suburban moms, not with us or Holla Forums

Try the water cooler dork.


Try the wall.

He's already on reddit's official Holla Forums board :^)


Top kek, saving that pic.

You're golden


"because that would lead to EVIL COMMUNISM 100 GORILLIONTH CHIDREN GENOCIDE, beg for scraps or starve!

Did they not teach you that stealing is wrong in elementary school?

Were you never taught that pedophilia is wrong?

i feel you bro

you don't fit on Holla Forums because it is too right wing
you don't fit on Holla Forums because is too left wing
and you don't fit on reddit because it is too liberal

where are all the /centrist/?

Not an argument



Pedophilia is voluntary and does not violate the NAP

Why argue against a non-argument in the first place?


killing themselves probably
try it out user


In what possible way is social democracy economically viable lmao, no one thinks this

Yeah. The same school taught me that taxes are the fair share of an individual's participation in society, and that the state should take care of matters the >free market cannot.

Sick non-argument there, lad.



Dunno what you mean mate, we have the perfect place for you already: >>>/gulag/


That's not what I was implying. What I was implying was that an appeal to school or education at large is pointless because what it teaches is not immutably factual or true. It is subject to interpretation just like anything else. The same school that taught me stealing is wrong taught me that taxes are the fair share of a citizen's participation in society and that the state needs to provide for things capitalism cannot, or even that the state ought to intervene in capitalism.

social democracies are the most successful countries right now user

its a fact

Being poor builds character

Everybody should be poor!

How is property not theft? It's maintained through force. Why is it okay to use coercion to maintain property but not okay to use it to take somebody else's, even if you need it more?


Have fun licking your bosses boots. You just might own your own boot someday!

Socdem parties are being trounced in every election they compete in and welfare states and regulation are being shredded worldwide.


so? they are still the best countries

the fact that they lost an election means shit

its like saying that because the anarchist lost in cataluna it means that anarchism is impossible or bad

Force is the only way to obtain and maintain anything. The war of All against All never ends and pervades every aspect of civilization.

There are no social democratic countries though, who are you talking about?

The worm has turned. Socdem policies are in jeopardy around the world.

If only there was a way to improve the lives of the working class whilst capitalism decays without relying on mass welfare.

Unfortunately such ideas are impossible to solve because of human nature.

I am truly enlightened

Scandinavian countries are social democracies i.e. capitalism with a strong welfare state

Just hang around >>>/liberty/, fam, they'll make you an ideological extremist with all those core qualities in no time. see ( )

If you just want to be a snowflake you can hang around >>>/politics/ with the Monarchists, Traditionalists, etc…


so? because people are attacking them doesn't mean they are bad




I hope that means market socialism

There's no excuse for this

I'm not saying they're bad policies. They generally alleviate some of the pressures of capitalism. But the problem with reforms is that they can be rolled back given enough time. The class that has every incentive to see this happen are left with the power to do so. It's a temporary solution to a permanent problem.

Okay, the 1st and 4th ones are clever.

Why aren't you AnCap though? How do you justify taking people's property like that? We justify it with the labour theory of value and historical materialism. You have nothing other than feels.

this has happened every time when poeple tried to implement socialism/anarchism/communism

i don't get what you mean


If taxes are theft then why isn't it theft when the capitalist keeps the profits created by the laborer?

The more I think about this post the more I wonder… Why would a person like you even need a "pol?" The political system basically does everything you want to a T. Just go jack off and play video games while politicians rockabye baby moderate to sleep.

Billy Bigbrains gets BTFO


It's the economic equivalent of "why isn't there a white history month?".

Reactionaries gonna react.

He doesn't. I seriously hope that you don't take Marxist exploitation theory seriously


do you are forgetting about countries that doesn't live in moderate/centrist government

like trump usa for example



Capitalism is theft.

"free market" capitalism is anti-liberty

this video raises a good point

no, it does not

what's wrong with it? just because other people consent to use of force on me, it doesn't make that use of force legitimate

what was the good point I must have missed it.

would you feel it jutsified if you were in George's position and people have a vote that demands that you hand over your money to him?

I would not like this, and I can't see how you could be OK with that other than by invoking some spooky ad-hoc defined social contract concept

Well, the fact that you need force to enforce property rights to begin with

Private property is mantained by force

How did george acquired money? What mechanisms did he used? Are those mechanisms to blame for poverty?

A brain like that and you still vote for others to control your life instead of leading it yourself?

Your brain tumor looks like it may be terminal, fam.

what if i want them to control me?

i will be leading my life because i want them to lead my life duh

yes, there's no point in disregarding violence as an ancap or libertarian when private property is enforced by violence too, what if George didn't pay his debts to the bank? it's the same shit, and I'd honestly prefer if the majority of people (the proletariat) were the ones with the power of coercion instead of just the 1%

also what an annoying video, too much uncomfortable pauses

if I were in George's position I'd defend myself with violence, I wouldn't try to convince anyone with moralistic garbage (or if anything I'd try to convince them that I have reasons to not pay and that forcing me to comply would lead to a bad precedent and problems in the future social order, ie that it would actually be against their interests, seriously read Stirner if you haven't already)

Talk shit, get hit

everything in this post is wrong

You still OP?
You must be retarded.

no im not op

no im not retarded

you don't know that there is something called bdsm? where people willingly decide to be punished and treated badly?

so what if a want the elite to control how i should live? what is wrong with that?