True story of a 90% white, 85% Christian country governed by far-right conservatives that happens to be my home.
42% of under 7 children live below the poverty line.
30,000 children are in systematic poverty in a nation of 9 million.
150,000 children live in a home without a toilet of its own
200,000 live in one without electricity
50,000 experienced hunger in their lives
Extreme poverty is on a steady rise ever since Socialism collapsed in 1989, it actually accelerated since the takevoer of extreme conservative Fidesz.
45% of all voters supported the ruling party almost 7 yrs after its rise to power, and 4 yrs after it started completely dismantling the corrupted liberal democracy we had.
Once a society hits rock bottom, and middle class evaporates, ther is no one to stand up and fight.
Even though there is no special assistance to the country's large Roma minority let alone anything like affirmative action, and in fact they experience housing segregation on the level of Missisippi, white Hungarians continue to become poorer by every year. Adn in fact they are more likely to accept the ruling nativist ideology as they cannot access public education anymore, and keep the corrupt and increasingly wealthy and powerful nationalist oligarchy.
Hungary is good for one thing: Redpilling Holla Forumsacks and trumpeters as well as Brexiters. Feel free to use it as a nationalist "muh Venezuela.