Bunkerchan suggestions thread

List the reasons you don't use bunkerchan, so that it can be improved enough that people will start using it

Other urls found in this thread:


Layout hurts my eyes

Design is abysmal

Too slow

The Css on the board itself is hard on the eyes and I have no idea who runs it so I just think it'll have the same level of moderation (shit) as here

I know personally the guy who runs it, I can refer him to this thread

There's a light theme.

Layout is ugly and painful to look at

Trip and namefag stomping ground

Dead as fuck


No reason to sit on a place where no opposing ideologues will go to except to raid; better to be on a place like this or le reddit and be exposed to other ideologies and groups to grow or develop as a community. If Bunkerchan were big it would be a torture chamber, and a particularly cancerous one at that all things above considered

If it was easy on the eyes and had more users I would browse

post then,

Only the new fags tripfag/namefag.

I use bunker chan every one in a while is not that bad, we just need dedicated postrs

Drop lynx chan
Rename boards to less memeful stuff
Take off the music from the front page and add latests posts and latest images

illegal content spam.




Well there is the overboard for posts. But latest images is a good idea, I'll add it to the planned features list.

Removed a while ago


This. There are too many wannabe e-celebrities. At least here everyone shits on the tripfags.

What the fuck are you talking about?

You can. You just have to drag multiple images over

Didn't know this existed tbh

nah. Black and red is fine :^)

use It then

I do

why so antifun :^)

nah there is enough. A shitposting board, Left theory board, meta board, tech board and entertainment board.

The UX is subpar, its wonky to use

Eat cock

There is an overboard?

Lynxchan isn't the frontend. endchan.xyz is far different then bunkerchan in UI but run the same engine

Not an argument


whoah, am i talking to the moderator of bunkerchan?

add cubanflag and count with me in your project!

There's no Holla Forumsacs there for me to btfo of them.


I'll post there more but I don't see the point in spreading our presence so thinly

Then change the implementation

Saying "No" is also not an argument

I don't like the dark coloring
it doesn't have any reg users
should have a left-themed porn board

Light theme needs fixing but it exists.

It gets posts daily and Posting will generate content

Possible, host allows porn :^)

I'll go to bunkerchan only if you post fuckmuir's boipussi


It's fun for a few minutes, if you are insistant on keeping it then maybe make it optional? Perhaps remove the autoplay.

Tbh its not like 4chan and having the music in the threads. Its only on the front page. I might do. Going to remove it after christmas anyway :^)

hey you should post on reddit (socialism and communism subreddits), advertising there. Even if it attracts SJW types I think they'd fuck off

The problem isn't that it's dark, the problem is that it's buttfuck ugly, fucking unreadable and hurts my fucking eyes.
Just give us the tomorrow theme as an option please. It's so easy on the eyes. I don't wanna fuck around with the element inspector and the Stylishs shitty text editor for an hour just to be able to use the site for extended periods of time.

Again, he doesn't mean that he doesn't like the dark coloring, it's that he doesn't like the dark theme's coloring. Why is this non-obvious? Do you have mutant eyes?

M8 he just said it was.

Change the CSS and I'll add it as theme.

Just steal it out whichever part of the Holla Forums source the themes are in. If I get the time and feel like it I might do it for you, but won't spend extended periods of time in front of the computer the next couple of days due to obvious reasons, so next week maybe.

- Dead board, which will never grow. Seen many boards like this appear before and they all slowly die especially when a bigger board exists which covers the same ground it does. The reason that Holla Forums is thriving and bunkerchan is a dead board is simply that it covering this niche topic and is from a vastly more populated imageboard, the only way that bunkerchan will ever get a substantial community is if 8ch dies and the population migrates to that place or if 4chan creates a Holla Forums

- Terrible themes, 2edgy4u theme is just plain obnoxious.

- Run by and for the attention whores of Holla Forums whom are already hated by many in this community. This raises many questions about the quality of moderation and sets of numerous warning bells in the heads of possible users.

t. a long time resident of imageboards.

All the theme options are just as retina burning.

Its alive gets posts daily

create one then

You clearly haven't browsed bunkerchan. It's higher quality then Holla Forums, hell /left/ has ID's enabled.

Pretty much this.

It's a coordination problem. If everyone else bolted to bunkerchan I'd go, but right now Holla Forums's Holla Forums is where the discussion is, so I stay here.

yeah. there used to be some two good userstyles for it, but then they changed layout a bunch, and there are no userstyles anymore. dude needs to write better CSS, or hire someone to do it.

namefag den
has nothing to offer over leftypol

how about changing the goddamn font? Can't you use arial or some standard shit.


1-5 posts a day site wide hardly makes it alive for an imageboard.

Oh I have and you clearly are not realizing that looking in from outside the e-celeb, dramafag cancer clique it is seen as nothing more than the stomping ground of those who are despised by many who post here.

I don't really have any problem with it it's just not needed when we have leftypol, it's like DOTA and HON, even if both are good there is not reason to use both.

bunkerchan sucks because bunkerfags suck

that's a bad thing

Wouldn't be surprised if those redditors eventually end up adding upboating and started bragging about it.

Seriously, no one in this video is liked here.

space_ runs the channel, he is the hobo-looking guy in this video:


Hes very nice

board, sorry.

Chan is short for channel, so technically still correct.

i don't even browse bunkerchan, leave me out of this!!!!

The CSS is unreadable, just leave the default Burichan or something, don't try to make new styles at the moment

Space_, stop being so resistant to criticism, you're single-handedly killing your own project

You want people to use your board, and people are telling you why they don't use it - listen to them! Telling them they're wrong for not liking it, as if they will magically make them enjoy using it, doesn't work as a sales pitch.

You can't just insult people into liking your board.

Personally I think it is too late, Space_ has already killed is project and it is already too late for him to fix it.

Suggest a viable alternative to LynxChan

just add Tomorrow tbh

Make it the default.

then fuck you

Someone with talent ought to create a new website

Can't wait for them to either make some short-lived vichan shitfest or more than or equally as bad as bunkerchan

It's really not. If anything it cuts down on the flagfagging and namefagging.

no bunkertard, its shit. Its shit because its super easy to change one's ip these days. We live in an era of IPv6, meaning there are so many adresses that most ISPs give no fucks about users wanking their routers to get new adresses. Hell, the router config often even contains a change ip option these days.

If anything, ids make it much easier to samefag and falseflag by adding credibility.


This Attention whore, came back to this board with his ego crushed, cuz his redditor friends couldn't lift that dead board.

its full of pretentious assholes

this is the main reason, yeah.

Would not be surprised if he eventually adds upvotes and shills his shit board on reddit in desperation.

You're just upset I kicked you :^)

Shit board software
"""ironical""" pandering to tankies
/edu/ is kill

No we don't pander to tankies. we just have a soviet aesthetics
/edu/ is /e/.

Soviet aesthetics suck.
/e/ is Holla Forums, nobody posts educational stuff there.

Well post educational stuff then.

Not enough traffic.

I know its a self-fulfilling prophecy