Veganism isn't leftist, it's idpol.
True communists eat meat to show their power. Only pansy pacifist liberals are vegan
Veganism isn't leftist, it's idpol.
True communists eat meat to show their power. Only pansy pacifist liberals are vegan
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Veganism is a bourgeois invention. Capitalist decadence sewed the material conditions for veganism to exist.
what you eat/drink/fuck/snort is not a political position, making veganism a political position is idpol, coming from a vegan or a non vegan.
Not everything stupid with a political connotation is idpol
Also, not a vegan anymore, but try working in a mega-slaughterhouse for a while. I worked with the migrantes in Iowa killing pigs and I still have nightmares. Most of my coworkers were alcoholics.
True. Its same tier with faggot rights idpol.
Then being anti-vegan/vegi is also idpol.
People who eat meat victimize themselves more than non meat eaters.
Global communism would probably greatly reduce the meat in everyone's diet because it turns out growing a bunch of crops, turning 90% of them into literal shit and 10% of them into food and then eating that is a way worse use of land than eating the crops.
kys faggot
yeah, no
Veganism is retarded but it isn't idpol.
Meat eaters help imperialism and should be curbed asap.
Veganism may be useful in the future for fighting climate change. I say this as someone who eats meat. However, I don't think we should forego meat out of an ideological necessity, or as a way to "avoid causing suffering". There are many other animal products for which we do not yet have replacements, so animal agriculture will continue until we find something more efficient.
With that being said, it is lifestylism to suggest that individuals should change their habits to "prevent global warming", when it's not only obvious that they can individually have no effect, but the one making the suggestion is wiling to go only so far as to change their diet and not choose to live in a much more simpler fashion.
I have no problem with vegans, but the vocal minority in their circles seem to be obsessed with spreading the gospel of veg.
This is like Holla Forums but less funny.
why the fuck don't you go to Holla Forums or some TYT comment section you reddit tier fucking stupid cunt
He's right that most people should eat way less meat. He's also right that we should decrease the amount of animal agriculture we do. However, he is wrong about the idea that you switching individually to a vegan diet makes any difference. If we were able to reduce industrial agriculture in all its forms, we should be able to have a sufficient amount of animal agriculture that will feed you all the meat you need without it becoming a burden on the planet. Even in communism, people will like a good piece of meat. We may even have lab-grown meat by then.
Triggered tankies assume the darnest things.. Not even a gulag meme tsk tsk
Wow, this is the photo that really shows his weight gain. Though, don't get me wrong, I'd still smash his butthole.
Not all chapters, i couldn't even find shitty scanlations.
I fap to Crush porn so yeah.
treatment of women wasn't political for a long time to.
She's YOUR wife after all, right?
how little is your exposure to good fight cinematography? past present and future there have been a lot better animated fight scenes many of which that were on TV
Do you even know how demand and supply works and how they influence each other and even depend on each other. Now apply a boycott to the equation and it will become clear when demand goes down supply will go down also.
Shut the fuck up, no one cares. If vegan activism is idpol, then you whining about veganism is idpol too, dumb fuck.
give her food/water 5 times then come back the next day
wtf is wrong with you
Okay, so put your money where your mouth is and boycott industrial agriculture altogether. Grow your own vegetables. If you think individual contributions make that much of a difference, you won't mind. Every bit counts, after all.
How would it not be? Slims aren't that much more expensive.
Hello faggot! I am your guardian angel
Don't poison yourself
I've seen it once on halfchan. Never again.
When she drops the flag
This is ridiculous, are people really going to fall for this propaganda? I wonder how long it will take to know that answer.
You need to die. Period.
More like Starcucks
fuck these niggers and their overpriced donkey shit coffee
Somehow consider themselves commies/anarchists
we're not talking about cannibalism you faggot
found the liberal
Pronunciation: /ˈsɛnʃ(ə)nt//ˈsɛntɪənt/
Able to perceive or feel things:
‘she had been instructed from birth in the equality of all sentient life forms’
I am not a liberal.
yes, alcoholism is a horrible sight indeed, gabe me nightmars 2
Sounds pretty nazbol, I guess.
Vegans BTFO
Thanks mods.
Veganism is a strictly materialist position.
You don't need all that meat to survive. The only argument left is "I prefer to eat meat' and I can't argue against that; it is only a statement of your power against harmless cute cows, pigs and chickens but please reconsider.
Not eating white meat like chicken.
being a vegan is just as spooky as being a meat-eater. Even if there was a material reason why one is preferable, why give a fuck? Someone else's diet doesn't greatly affect you.
being a vegan is just as spooky as being a meat-eater. Someone else's diet doesn't greatly affect you.
Not entirely true. Actually complete be.
For all the armchair revolutionaries ITT.
Wahhhhh, stop trying to force my plaque ridden brain to think in something other than binary opposites! Please don't take away muh bacon :(
A couple, things, bare in mind I'm not actually a vegetarian.
What's really spooky is the sanitized modern capitalist consumer conception of meat. It exists as an alienated, pre-cut, barely recognizable piece of soft protein. When the actual process of production is even given any thought it most likely invokes fairy-tale versions of old McDonald's farm. I've worked in a modern industrial scale chicken processing facility The intake area moves through so many crates of birds that at the end of a shift the entire area is literally caked in piss shit and blood - I don't eat chicken anymore and I have no doubt that situation isn't similar across the board.
Second, there are some quite convincing arguments for veganism from the perspective of health (which I won't go into as it's fairly common knowledge) and (most importantly) resource efficiency. The planet will literally be unable to support the projected rise in meat consumption from 20 years of Asia's increasing its purchasing power and further mimicking the dietary habits of the west.
Wew, do we tell him boys?
Vegans have tangible, materialist justifications for their position. Meat eaters have "Muh steaks and bacon," and "My actions magically don't effect anyone else somehow, even though they're empirically proven to." Remind me again who's spooky?
Is that….idpol I smell?
At least take off your trip and flag next time, so you don't make the vegans on this board who aren't retarded look bad.
I'm not a vegan don't worry. You have plenty of other shit to be embarrassed about besides me lol
"Being for animal rights and against animal abuse is idpol"
Err, meant for OP. I'm not a vegan but veganism isn't idpol.
Oh thank god.
tl;dr version would be:
Vegans are spooks according to omnovires because they believe a planteater turns into a ghost without animal products.
A cute conviction if the planet wouldn't be so damaged from animal agriculture to the point it's a major driver of habitat loss, climate change, water and air pollution and so on.
Yes he does. Probably doesn't support giving the ex wife all your money and full custody though.
should be reversed
looking for screenshot of the Brazilian Amry dude in the stands with the West Point graduates
that's a bro-tier buddhist u fucking dummy
Humane post
The revolution starts in Turin. It won't stop the 6th mass extinction but it's something
Cognitive dissonance and binary thinking are closely related too ye know. Carry on eat bacon all day erry day, because the food industry are such porkies, boohoo.
True communists dont' give a fuck about this
I don't understand fake meat products. Why eat a fake burger or fake sausage when you could just eat normally and just omit meat.
That's pretty much what I do because I feel industrial meat farming produces a poor quality/cost ratio. Porky tried "organic" but obviously I'm too smart to fall for that scam.
best eyes
Veganism IS bullshit. Farming and eatung meat is the way to go.